These Days

November 18, 2007

Lifes Rich Pageant marks the beginning of R.E.M.’s blatantly political period. Admirably, R.E.M. didn’t leap into the deep end of facile sloganeering, but instead crafted lyrics that mixed social/political critiques with an expression of optimistic idealism and self-aware humility. “These Days” in particular comes off like a rock n’ roll stump speech, with Michael Stipe semi-coherently hitting all of his talking points and selling us on his vision without letting us know exactly what that might entail. Applying the aesthetics of a political speech to a rock song is a brilliant move, especially when you consider that there’s quite a lot in common between hitting the campaign trail and touring in support of an album. The most important effect of “These Days” is that without saying all that much, it makes the listener believe that the band is extremely passionate about something, and that mysterious something involves imagining a better future. Throughout the song, the emphasis is placed on inclusiveness, to the point of mocking its own starry-eyed sincerity when Michael claims “we have many things in common, name three,” and the rest of the band sing “three, three, three!” in reply. The humor is absolutely necessary — without an acknowledgment of its irony, the song would actually seem a bit disingenuous.

3,148 Responses to “These Days”

  1. Andy Says:

    Is that Mike Mills that sings “three! three! three!”?? When listening on headphones, I’ve always heard it as Mike, then Bill, and then Michael each singing one of the threes…

    A great song.

  2. xman Says:

    you, me, you, if i can, and i can…

    greatness, slamming, urgent, nice guitar licks…like little america on low grade speed.

    there’s a certain level of bizarreness in these old skool political songs missing from ignoreland, revolution, ats-stuff..happy throngs take this joy? ok, if you say so!

  3. milesy Says:

    Great song, classic REM- I agree that the mix of self-aware humour and seriousness really makes it. (this mix works nicely on Tourfilm as Mike holds up his fingers to emphasise that this song has THREE main points, on which you will be tested).

    ‘We are young despite the years, we are concerned, we are hope despite the times.’ It’s a heady mix of gritty realism (about something, whatever it is…) and optimism. Fine work indeed.

    Is it really ‘I wish to eat each one you’? (as lyrics archive says). I’ve always sung (shouted, bellowed, keened…) ‘I wish to MEET each one of you…’- which is a striking thought when Michael sings it in the large venues of the Green Tour during his World Leader Pretend coming-to-terms-with-and-learning-to enjoy/manipulate-being-a-star period. He may wish to meet each one- but, alternatively, he could turn you inside out if he chooses to. Maybe it is ‘eat each one’ after all…

  4. ScottMalobisky Says:

    roll the bones
    he can meet and eat whoever he damn well pleases

  5. Figgy Says:

    Brilliant song. One of my all-time favourites. Never fails to satisfy. Great to sing and shout along to, great to jump about to.

    I’d never thought about it before but as MP says in his review, this song manages to be positive, passionate and somehow meaningful even though the lyrics are quite vague. I always feel some swell of emotion when singing along with ‘These Days’ – “we are hope despite the times” gives me a feeling of empowerment when belted out at the top of my voice.

    And in response to milesy, I always thought it was “meet” and not “eat”. But I’ll listen to the track carefully soon just to see if “eat” is the word used later in the song.

  6. Kirsten Says:

    My first reaction as I read Milesy’s comments was – Of course it’s meet! Then after a little thought I suppose it could be eat, this is REM after all. I think I’ll stick with singing Meet though.

    I don’t have much to add that hasn’t already been said. I absolutely LOVE the music, but i’m not sure what it is about it that I love. I suppose it’s just all good! And I was going to write a favourite line, but I couldn’t pick one – there’s too many highlights! Great song. Great REM. Hope for more like this on the new album.

  7. 2d Says:

    i think it’s alternating between “meet” and “eat”, and i love mike’s closing line “take away the scattered bones of my meal”, which clearly makes reference to the “eat” line. very tongue-in-cheek in a sly, smart, twist of phrase kind of way (only surpassed by the clever play on “pilgrimage” with “your luck…” *lyrical pause, cymbal hit instead, taking you off-guard*). not to mention, this song is vibrant, punky, funny and fun to sing along to!

  8. Kirsten Says:

    2d, That makes perfect sense that they would switch between the two. Especially as it does fit in with that last line and the first line – “Now I’m not feeding off you”. I’m happy with that answer and will sing meet the first time and eat the second.

  9. Mr Cup Says:

    …I will re-arrange your scales…

    I always really liked:
    I had a hat and it sunk, reached down,
    yanked it up, slapped it on my head

    I think it was this songa dn Stipes performance of it on the Green tour that earned him some comparisons to John Lydon at the time.
    He did have a ‘tasmanian devil’ thing happening on this one. You know, from the cartoon?

    And I always heard an eat in there as well.

  10. Paul Alferink Says:

    Love this album. The energy and vitality. How fantastic are these first three songs? Begin the Begin, These Days and Fall on Me (my favorite song by anyone, anywhere)? Really, the rest of the album could be Sophie B Hawkins mewling into a microphone and it would still be a great album. Perhaps it is largely on the strength of the first three that make this my favorite album. I think my second fav is Green and that, (Pop Song 89, Get up, Your are the Everything) is probably the only album that comes close to kick your ass with three straight great songs to start an album. Fables is nice (Feeling Gravitys Pull, Maps and Legends, Driver 8) but it lacks the song that just kicks your ass out of bed in the morning, (Like Get up or These Days or Begin the Begin.

    Best Lyrics:
    We are young despite the years we are concern
    We are hope despite the times
    All of the sudden, these days
    Happy throngs, take this joy wherever, wherever you go.

  11. Paul Alferink Says:

    Ok so Driver 8 can’t end a parenthetical without getting an emoticon . . .

  12. Mr Cup Says:


  13. Kirsten Says:


  14. Mr Cup Says:

    I didn’t know it at the time but it was brought to my attention in the post of ‘unseen power of the picket fence’. The ‘march into the ocean, march into the sea’ line was a reference to Sherman’s march.

    The things you learn!

    So who is the character being played in the song? He wants your vote but he doesn’t have your best interests at heart. The shakers in the instrumental section imply a rattlesnake. Is it re-arranging or being re-arranged? Or shedding it’s skin?

  15. maclure Says:

    Gone out for the day, come in, and find that everyone has said everything already about one of your favourite songs already. Why I… Still mustn’t grumble, I am young despite the years…

    Just, what a gobsmackingly great song. LRP is my favourite album and this follow-up punch after Begin the Begin is awesome. You’ve all said what I wanted to say. Agree with Paul Alferink about best lyrics. I like the ambiguity – I am young, despite the years – has two meanings to me. I am young (at heart), despite living many years AND I am young (and optimistic, full of ideas), despite these years I live in (which are negative and devoid of ideas).

    Also, this song is an example of the break-it-down middle 8 of song writing. Instead of a solo or another part or a key change, the instruments peal away and then build up together for the third verse. And for me, it works very well and pre-empts Orange Crush which also does this with Michael shouting through a megaphone over the break-it-down middle 8. I think These Days could have been on Green for a number of reasons, but I’m not one to question the wisdom of the gods and I am very happy with where it is, thank you very much.

  16. maclure Says:

    Er, and while agreeing with Paul’s point that LRP is the best for first 3 songs… I will second Kirsten’s ahem.

  17. protimoi86 Says:

    Fantastic song, and it seems like they’ve revisited this state of mind. The new material has an urgency not heard on an R.E.M. album since this era, but of course it’s all about moving forward, not looking back.

    I can barely wait for the new album, but in the meantime I’ll just put on this song and sing along. Does it to me every time.

  18. I think I might get into it in “Begin the Begin,” but I think one of the really awesome things about Lifes Rich Pageant is that the first four songs are like these perfect archetypes of a first, second, third, and fourth song on a rock album.

  19. maclure Says:

    Oh, while admitting we should let sleeping dogs lie and not wanting to flog dead horses, remember the discussion following MP’s “Leaving New York” post where many pointed out that “Leaving was never my proud” was grammatically incorrect. “We are concern” is surely also incorrect… It should be we are concerned or is he saying that they embody the definition of “concern”? My point is that the proud lyric from LNY never jumped out at me as being a real problem, because lyrics are slippery things, especially in the hands of Mr.Stipe, and I don`t think they need to stand up to exact grammatical scrutiny. Or am I missing the point?

    And with this little rant as an aside I feel like I could be Scott “Bisky the Doormat” Malobisky……. (no offence to either Scott or Binky intended).

    It’s tired and I’m late.

  20. Mr Cup Says:

    I’m glad you put the 4th in there Matthew. It is quite an imposing start isn’t? It’s making me rethink my long held devotion to Document. I fluctuate between the two but usually settle on Document if pushed for an all time fave. Fall On Me trumps anything on it though.

  21. Maclure, the problem with “leaving was never my proud” is not necessarily that it is grammatically terrible, but that it sounds clunky and weird in context. “We are concern” — or “we are concerned,” as I hear it, but nevermind — flows really well with the song, it doesn’t really stick out. I can think of loads of examples of great songs where words are used incorrectly, or grammar is thrown out the window, so that’s not really my bias.

  22. Kirsten Says:

    I think that in this context “concern” could be taken as a noun…

  23. Beethoven Was Deaf Says:

    I love LRP and this song for me has always been solid, bit I don’t love it. Not sure why, its thunderous RAWK and has a cool lyric, just doesn’t move me emotionally, only musically. That likely does not make any sense.

  24. Tim Says:

    Absolutely fantastic song from an absolutely fantastic album.

    These Days is in my R.E.M. top 5 for sure.

  25. Kirsten Says:

    Kicks ass live!

  26. jft Says:

    ’bout the “first four” thing (which works for me as well, definitely, even if I’m not really that big a fan of “Fall On Me”, it just works in context of the album) – to me it’s more a “first five” thing, that studio of Hyena is great and really recalls the opening two. those five first songs being continued in a good way would easily make it my favourite album, but I suppose (to me) LRP would have worked better as an EP…

  27. Mr Cup Says:

    A stoney silence has come over me…

  28. Dark Bob Says:

    A great song from a great album. One of REM’s “Finest Hours”. LRP at the time was a real departure from their previous albums. Much heavier, more political. Can’t say enough good things about it.

  29. ScottMalobisky Says:

    maclure , I like your insightful comments about the middle 8 as opposed to a more typical key change or bridge sorta approach…”where’s that confounded bridge?” .That song ‘Badge’ by CREAM got it’s name cuz’ one of the band members saw “bridge” on the music sheet , thought it said “badge”…….This is my favorite REM song , well it was at that specific moment but now it’s a couple of moments later , a white line to the end of time it’s what you are or are you just another line in the field of time???????

  30. adam Says:

    perhaps the greatest REM tune of all.. glad to see it still surfaces live. perhaps the greatest musical moment of my life.. the first song of ’86 Pageantry tour 1st song THESE DAYS.. such rock and roll punch – very stipe dance moves .. the best.

  31. lenny Says:

    “…very stipe dance moves”
    — Wow, first there’s the grammatical comments on “we are concern” and now we see “stipe” as an adjective. Very trendy use of our language.

    I wish I could have seen this band in 1986 to see most of this album performed live. The raw energy and urgency of songs like this one make it my clear favorite REM album. It’s also makes it in my top 5 albums of all time.

    About “These days” — I love the music and the way the lines about “the hat” just flow, but can anyone translate that into anything meaningful? (I’m talking about — “I had a hat and it sunk, reached down, yanked it up, slapped it on my head”).

  32. adam Says:

    I know he had a hat on live when performing.. that black hat – with the messy hair pouring out.. there was a great huge photo in the LA TIMES for the review of the show at the then Irvine Meadows amphitheatre.. rainy night.. they opened with Have you Ever seen the Rain.. followed by These Days.

  33. Andy\ Says:

    You changed the posting–unless I imagined the reference to Mike Mills singing “three!three!three!” But no one’s answered my question: who actually sings the “three!three!three!”?

    And as for the “first four” and “first five” posts, it seems to me we’re just a bunker away from just saying that Side One of LRP is perfect!

    Love all the postings!

  34. LITTLE WILLY Says:


    when in this song he sings about “beat you off” with masturbation, is that political mastuerbation (I suck you you vote for me) or normal sensual masterubation with the hand?

    I always wondered with this song I have many questions.

    Exclude my English please, I do not liv ine America and bush is an idiot so I never will unless he dies

    From FINLAND

  35. Eclipse Says:

    This song always reminds me “Begin the Begin”; something about the drive of it and the guitar line and the feelings it invokes are very reminiscent of BtB.

    I love the ending of this song: “…whereever, whereEVER – YOU! – GOOO-OOO-OOO!” It’s like he just couldn’t let go of or ground the energy in it. Great to shout along to!

  36. ScottMalobisky Says:

    stipe as an adverb
    this is the new stuff
    I come dancing in

  37. jim jos Says:

    one of my favorites from one of my favorite cds.

    Does anyone have a take on what the whole

    “I had a hat I put it down and it sunk, reached down,
    Yanked it up, slapped it on my head”

    I know not every lyric means something, but I have never really known what that line represented.

  38. jim jos Says:

    sorry, Lenny, I see you asked the same thing. I will second your question!

  39. Kirsten Says:

    Keep your hat on your head……..

  40. Kirsten Says:

    Eclipse: I was thinking the exact same thing yesterday. If I start singing one in my head, I often end up singing the other. There is something very similar about the two songs. Luckily, they’re both really good, so it doesn’t matter.
    Second your thought on the great ending, too.

  41. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I don’t really think it means anything….but my such energy and animation in a couple of lines about a hat , eh ?…Ain’t seen such excitement in a freaking hat since the leopard skin pill-box variety… I like in Tourfilm , the way Stipe fails the Sobriety Test at the edge of the stage then starts spinning like a whirling dervish while flailing like an antelope that jumped from a building.

  42. Bruno Says:

    Yup, the 1-2 punch and then Fall On Me saw them just firing on all cylinders. Top of their game stuff (one of their peaks if no the highest). ‘Begin’ had them doing Rock! for perhaps the first time but not bad Rock! but still with mystery and mantra. ‘These Days’ sounded like a rally cry to me. A statement for some kind of revolution (‘We are young. We are concern. We are hope’). I thought Stipe was singing ‘take this choice wherever, wherever you go’ Empowerment. Individualism, change, well..hope.

    Damn fine sounds indeed. I agree, that 1-2-3 (4-5-etc) punch stands as one of the finest ever.

  43. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Adam,I saw a few shows at Irvine Ampitheater .Iron Maiden with WASP and T&A as the opening acts for one…….I remember slam dancing and rolling down the hill in the mud slop. I was a crazy animal…it was ’86 and I hadnt a whiff of REM

  44. Mr Cup Says:

    Change…is what I believe in…

    For me the hat thing is change. Maybe it’s too obvious but it ties in with the rattlesnake stuff as well, shedding skin. Or it’s based on this one time at band camp when Stipes hat fell off and he picked it up, put it back on. Crazy times.

  45. Kirsten Says:

    I thought the “Hat” line was along the lines of “I’ll trip, fall, pick myself up and walk unafraid”.

  46. Kirsten Says:

    But where’s the change? He picks it up & puts it back on and keeps on going, same as before.

  47. Kirsten Says:

    And what’s with all the youth references on LRP?

    We are young, despite the years.

    I’m so young, I’m so God Damn Young!

    When I was young and fever fell, my spirit I will not tell.

    And I think there’s one more, but I can’t think of it…

  48. ScottMalobisky Says:

    AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH we are the youth gone wild AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    leaving was never my Miles Standish proud

  49. Bruno Says:

    Clearly the hat is a reference to Sir William Edgar, the inventor of the top hat and celebrated in his time as a damn fine fellow. It is also a sly play on the french word Chapeau, as the french are well known for their love of all things headware. And remember there might be acid rain.’ Course you have to keep your ‘hat’ up on top when home is a long way awaaaaayyyyyy.

  50. ScottMalobisky Says:

    clearly 🙂

  51. Mr Cup Says:

    Yes, fair point Kirsten. The opportunity to change was there to try a new hat on. But he didn’t. Put the same one back on. Like a rattlesnake. Keeps the same skin. Don’t look for me reason, it’s not fair I can’t even type!

    Youth references….it’s about 22 years since it came out remember

    As an aside, I was going to let it go but I didn’t sleep very well last night with this injustice hanging over me:

    Life’s Rich Pageant. An Ep. AN EP??????!!!!!
    Have you no decency Sir?

  52. Kirsten Says:

    “We are concern” is what I was up all night thinking about. Luckily it was probably too hot to sleep anyway. It’s still giving me a headache, but I’m relatively sure I’m right. I think. I’ve got LRP to listen to tonight on my way home from work, so I’ll think about it whilst listening to it. That might help.

  53. Kirsten Says:

    On the topic of the LRP EP, I’m curious as to which songs you would cut JFT.

  54. Mr Cup Says:

    Happy Thongs
    Take this Joy
    Wherever you go

  55. maclure Says:

    Life imitates art. This post and this thread are like a long, youthful, at times non-sensical, raucous, joyful expression of something… it’s what These Days would look like if it were a blog.

  56. lenny Says:

    I’m laughing hysterically at Mr Cup’s comment… “Have you no decency sir?” I had the same reaction — an EP??? WTF?? JFT would be absolutely mobbed over at the swings for that blasphemy. Also, Mr Cup, I think it’s happy throngs, not happy thongs (despite how happy thongs would be).

    BTW – Thanks for all the “hat” comments, everyone. I like the acid rain bit. Well, rain could be a factor, because the line said the hat “sunk”, which implies that water was somehow involved. But it’s probably more of an abstract concept instead — I think it means he had an idea (since the hat was on his head), he faced some resistance, and it got shot down, but he is staying true to what he believes by putting the hat back on. “…yanked it up, slapped it on my head” implies that this act was done with some defiance, as if to say, no one is ever going to make me stop believing what I believe. OK, that’s enough… my throat hurts, and my shirt is wearing thin.

  57. Paul Alferink Says:

    About Monsters three:
    Okay, firstly, King of Comedy is a weak song. So it gets eliminated. And while WTF,K easily equals Begin the Begin as a fantastic first song that sets the records tone, that leave Crush w/ Eyeliner in a steel cage grudge match with FALL ON ME, for godssakes! Listens, I can cite evidence that Fall on me is REM’s greatest song. Firstly, I wrote it up there in an earlier post (Alferink 10). Secondly, Michael Stipe said it (Stipe 91), and I pretty sure he was high when he called any other REM song his favorite song.

    Works Cited:
    Alferink, Paul “Why Fall on Me Kicks so Much Ass, and your song isn’t as good” Pops Songs ’89 ED: Matthew Perpetua 2007.
    Stipe, Michael “MTV Unplugged” New York 1991

    See! I cited everything, that means you can’t argue!

    And for Document, I never like Finest Worksong as much as everyone else, but I’ll grant you that most people would put it at least on par with Begin the Begin. But Welcome to the Occupation is a little weak. And Exhuming McCarthy runs into Fall on Me (see above).

  58. lenny Says:

    Well said, Paul. LRP gets my vote for the best 3 songs to open an album (and the best 12 for that matter).

    I think the toughest competition (for tracks 1-2-3) actually comes from Automatic for the People, not Monster or Document. I love the opening three of AFTP, but #2 is where Try Not to Breathe still falls quite a bit short of These Days.

  59. narcizo Says:

    Feeling Gravity’s Pull, Maps And Legends, Driver 8.
    The pulled that stunt just a year before LRP, and guess what: it f***in’ works, at least for me!

  60. milesy Says:

    It seems so obvious and unoriginal… but, Radio Free Europe, Pilgramage, Laughing, anyone?

  61. milesy Says:

    That, of course, would be PilgrImage…

  62. milesy Says:

    BTW, I’m starting to enjoy this kind of tag-team approach where we put songs in a ring, and let them fight it out. I find myself wondering what would happen if Wendell Gee took on Old Man Kensey…

  63. ScottMalobisky Says:

    ….well , it depends , which one of them thar roosters got a sharper pecker ?………..(lenny , Mr. Cup was joking me thinks…..about the happy thongs …happy tongs …a happy Chinese Association Society or the kitchenware of shiny happy people?)

  64. lenny Says:

    speaking of roosters…

    Swan Swan Hummingbird vs. Heron House (or King of Birds)

  65. maclure Says:

    I used to play the computer game Worms into the wee hours of the night in my teens… (does anyone know what I’m talking about?). Anyway, you could name the characters in your team of worms what you wanted and they would fight it out against other teams. I had a team of REM characters. Wendall Gee and Old Man Kensey were prominant members along with Lenny Bruce, Andy Kaufman and Miles Standish. So, that’s not exactly what you’re talking about, I know, Milesy, but I can confirm these worms carried a mean punch and more or less held their own against other teams. Against each other? My money’s on Old Man Kensey…

    I still say Monster has a great opening 3 (actually, a perfect first 6 in my opinion). Its true I can’t compete with Alferinks citations and Fall in Me is sort of unbeatable, but King of Comedy is such an underrated song. One of my 3 faves from Monster.

  66. ScottMalobisky Says:

    can’t kill the rooster, this from the man in the box, down in a hole

  67. jft Says:

    can anyone tell me what the great thing about “fall on me” is? i mean, it’s not a bad song, but… i just feel no difference, i even think it to be one of the not-so-good songs of the i.r.s. years, but it seems almost everyone else thinks different.

    well, maybe we’ll come back to this when “Fall On Me” is discussed…

  68. Beethoven Was Deaf Says:

    I think the best opening trifecta has to be (…drum roll please …) Fables of the Reconstuction! Although if I was doing my ultimate REM 3-song album opener it would be:

    1. Drive
    2. Losing My Religion
    3. Orange Crush

    For some reason those three songs have always fit together for me and I always start out REM mix CD’s with that holy trilogy of songs.

  69. Beethoven Was Deaf Says:

    jft, I don’t know man, for me Fall On Me, Driver 8, and So. Central Rain are the apex of the IRS years and the archetypal songs of the REM sound.

  70. jft Says:


    Driver 8 is just great. So. Central Rain is really, really good. Fall On Me is… okay

    just my opinion, will stop about that for now

    best opening 2: LRP; best opening 4: close one between FOTR and AFTP =)

  71. milesy Says:

    jft, as you say, no doubt we’ll come back to Fall On Me. But for the time being, great things about it would be (in no particular order):
    backing vocals
    opening guitar notes

    For me, it’s close to perfect, I have to admit. Yep, ‘Here’s another song… this is my favourite song…’

    PS I think the accoustic versions from around 1991 serve to emphasize what a great song this is.

  72. 2d Says:

    best opener: “the lifting”
    best 1-2: “what’s the frequency, kenneth?” / “crush with eyeliner”
    best 1-2-3: “radio free europe” / “pilgrimage” / “laughing”
    best 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8: “begin the begin” / “these days” / “fall on me” / “cuyahoga” / “hyena” / “underneath the bunker” / “the flowers of guatemala” / “i believe” (this song combo is just perfect)

  73. Figgy Says:

    Ha ha. Really enjoying some of the irrelevant comments ever since Kirsten asked jft which songs he’d cut to make an EP out of LRP. Interestingly, jft has come back but HASN’T given us his EP line-up.

    I’m spending far too long at the moment (or dare I say “these days”?) painting walls in my apartment, but it does give me the excuse to listen to a lot of CDs while I do it. So purely for research purposes (with no intentions of enjoying the music, of course) I gave LRP a spin last night. It was even the special version featuring a handful of bonus tracks such as “All I Have to Do is Dream” and “Toys in the Attic”. A thoroughly enjoyable listen – even after hearing all EIGHTEEN tracks I wanted more!

    I’ll agree with jft that the album gets weaker as it goes along. I think REM themselves would admit that. After all, as many books on the subject have reported, the band were actually short of original material going into the recording sessions. Hence, we get several old songs and a cover version. But what the hey? The whole album works, in my opinion. Fresh, bright, catchy, serious moments, throwaway moments… I love it the way it is and it sounds like most of the other bloggers do too. I wouldn’t change anything about it.

  74. Figgy Says:

    And on the subject of REM and computer games, maclure – and who would have thought this could ever be a subject for discussion? – you have reminded me of my younger brother (who is also crazy about REM).

    Years and years ago he had a soccer video game and I remember his team was always called Chronic Town.

    And, yes… I do remember Worms, so you’re not alone there.

  75. jft Says:

    oh, i didn’t actually read Kirsten’s comment about my “LRP EP” – so here it is:

    1. Begin The Begin
    2. These Days
    3. Hyena
    4. Underneath The Bunker
    5. Cuyahoga
    6. The Flowers Of Guatemala

    well… and then release “I Believe” as a standalone single with “Swan Swan H” as a b-side… and maybe a live version of “Fall On Me” 😉

    and not that I dislike the album, but I think it’s the least constant of r.e.m.s outputs…

  76. Kirsten Says:

    JFT, that sounds like a hell of a lot of back-peddelling to me! It seems like there’s only 3 songs you don’t like, and that’s not too bad for an album of 12. Can’t believe you’d kick off “Just A Touch”! One of their best rockers! On reflection, I’ve decided to agree with narcizo. Even though Murmur would be my favourite album, and the first 3 of Monster rock, the first 3 songs on Fables is probably the best. (But I may change my mind tomorrow with my mood!)

    I also named computer game characters after the band in my younger years (and I probably still would). I’ve also named 2 budgies Bill (may he rest in peace)and Kenneth.

    And for the record, Kenzie would kick Wendell Gee’s ass! I think he’d be an angry drunk and probably wouldn’t fight fair. I always pictured Wendle Gee as a skinny, weak old man – he’d have no chance!

  77. ScottMalobisky Says:

    jft , I agree with you about Fall On Me , think it’s great but NOT THAT GREAT, (the potent chord change part is very affecting I will say that).

    I always thought that These Days was , “we have many things in common, they increase” , which wouldv’e been very appropriately empathetic with no need for humor.

  78. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Wendell Gee would have a chance with Mr. Cup watching his blindside.

  79. jft Says:

    perhaps I should just shut up unless I get in trouble with what I’ve said and what I’ve not said 😉

    Kirsten, well (somehow you’re right, I must admit)… I just tried to make a (to me) convincing EP, which actually works as a mini-album (which LRP as an album doesn’t do for me). Fall On Me would just become an extra track for all of those who admire it that much – Swan Swan H is really great, just doesn’t fit there – I Believe, at its place in LRP, is not really a part of the album, so I would exclude it. But WIWGIA?, JAT an Superman are placed so significant in the second half, that one gets the impression that side B is made out of fillers, even if it isn’t.

    so, I should go back to my maths… 😀

  80. Mr Cup Says:

    Damn Straight!

  81. maclure Says:

    Another REM match-up I’d like to see – Airportman vs. Lightnin Hopkins. Airportman would be too doped up and half asleep to get past the first round…

  82. Figgy Says:

    What about tag teams?
    Orange Crush With Eyeliner v Fall On Me In Honey

  83. Kirsten Says:

    Two rocking songs like Orange Crush With Eyeliner would easily beat the wimpy, slow Fall On Me In Honey. Where’s the contest?

    Airportman has security to protect him, but Lingtnin Hopkins can shoot lighnin from the palm of his hand, so he’d win.

    I’ve spent WAY too much time and effort into this…..

  84. Kirsten Says:

    Do we have enough room down at those swings Mr Cup, or do we need to relocate to the MCG?? 🙂

  85. Mr Cup Says:

    There has to be a film in this somewhere.

    Help, my favourite songs aren’t getting on. they are fighting one another. I really love Wendell Gee but I don’t think he stands a chance against the rather ambitious Ol’ Man Kinsey!

    The soundtrack a mash up like Figgy says:
    ‘I’ve got my spine I’ve got my orange crush with eyeliner’

  86. Figgy Says:

    “…there’s a lot of honey in this world …but what is it up in the air for?”

    Yeah, this soundtrack could be great.

  87. Mr Cup Says:

    Hmm Kirsten I was going to say I have had a few thoughts morning:

    1) these blogs often bloom at night

    2) I’m gonna feel like the 300 vs the persian army as after I’ve dealt with the ‘Dissappear’ fanciers it’ll be game on with the admires of ‘WTF, Kenneth’. That is if Begin the Begin or Finest Worksong don’t stomp it’s sorry arse beforehand. Hang on – Radio Free Europe’s coming over the top and looks positively rabid! Go Boy!

    I’ll be putting on extra lemonade either way.

    There was more…but if I don’t get down to the beach soon, I won’t be my usual calm tolerant self.

  88. Kirsten Says:

    Great mental image.

  89. Mr Cup Says:

    Oh just quickly, to give figgy something to do instead of his renovations…

    Had an idea for a song where you sample all the ‘yeah, yeahs’ in REM songs and creat a new song which consiste exclusively of..yeahs.

    Ignoreland. Man on the Moon. Sweetness Follows. The Ascent of Man.
    Whos’e got cut and paste skills?

  90. Mr Cup Says:

    The fantasy tan and the abs?

  91. Mr Cup Says:

    The other thing…I was wondering, just quietly, how Matthew is going to write up Fall On Me. He does make a special effort when it comes to these jewels in the crown type songs.

    Not that there’s any pressure from us for him to do so.


    (Mrs Cup at this point drags Mr Cup by the ear away from whatever this internet thingy is. Good riddance to. The antagoising little bugger.)

  92. 2d Says:

    don’t forget the yeah’s of “revolution”, “let me in” and “departure”! 🙂

  93. Kirsten Says:

    No Mr Cup, that was in reply to Figgy with the Honey in the air. You just posted something at the same time as me. But isn’t that one of the beautful things about the internet? There’s no reason for anyone to know that you’re not tanned and toned….

  94. ScottMalobisky Says:

    listened to revolution today with those incendiary lyrics , “black men can’t get acquitted”. this gun control showdown in DC is shaping up to be quite the landmark battle , going to have some serious far-reaching implications …And how about that stem cell breakthrogh today—WOW !!!!!–that’s quite a remarkable development !

  95. Kirsten Says:

    Imagine, all those mini-biskys…

  96. Mr Cup Says:

    Shiny happy people gather, collide to carry each his burden, we are young and full of grace and spirites with something reptile…

    You may not be able to see them Kirsten…but they’re there.
    Abs that is. Beach nice, thanks for asking.

  97. Kirsten Says:

    It’s pooring here. 12 deg…..
    Glad it’s nice there, though. My sister’s in Perth for her honeymoon.

  98. Mr Cup Says:

    Did you tell her to go to the Cottesloe Civic Centre? Where rockstars wed.

  99. milesy Says:

    Mr Cup, I like this idea of a song of ‘yeahs’ (but lack both the time and the editing skills). Could we also include ‘hey’ (Low Desert, Lotus), and ‘oh’ (We Walk)?

    This thread is going to hit 100 posts soon. Whoever posts the 100th had better make it a good one.
    No pressure, then…

  100. Mr Cup Says:

    There are a few ‘Heys’ in drive….maybe the ‘heys’ can be the infamous bridge?

    The ‘oh’ bits…hmmm, maybe the b-side?

    i just listened to THIS song again just now out in the warm evening air. Jeez it’s good. Hit the mood beautifully. Thank you REM. Thank you so much.

    …no pressure…tee hee…

  101. Mr Cup Says:

    I just had a play in Garageband.
    Now I’m no sound engineer…and it sounds bloody ‘orrible.
    Probably need to be able to isolate the vox to have any joy here.

    I’ll leave it out there for anyone that has killer techniques though.

    …no pressure

  102. 2d Says:

    congrats, mr. cup, for “these days intervention no. 100”! but this is “these days post 101”, and we all know the beginning is the end is the beginning 😉

    let’s begin the beguine! *shifts on chair*

  103. lenny Says:

    I want to go back to the head-to-head matchups that people were discussing (Wendell vs. Kensey)…I tried posting this earlier but it wouldn’t go through…

    The possibilities are limitless…
    Swan Swan H vs. King of Birds
    Flowers of Guatemala vs. Green Grow the Rushes
    Harborcoat vs. Hairshirt
    Drive vs. We Walk

    (my picks: Birds, Flowers, Coat, Walk)

  104. Paul Alferink Says:

    Also, never have sex, drink or do drugs. And never say “I’ll be right back!” Oh wait, those are different rules.

  105. Paul Alferink Says:

    Jeez, I wish my new job didn’t block most every internet site. . .
    Anywho, the rules for the first three song of an album come into play here. They are as follows:

    the first song must set the tone of album. Swan Swan H or Superman would be horrible for LRP.

    To excel, one of the first two songs must be a rocker, or something to get excited about. Preferable the first song, but if the first song is short, you can get way with it being slower. This is the reason why Fables and Automatic can’t compete. They may have the best three songs, taken individually, but they don’t meet this corralary, and thus, are disqualified.

    All three songs cannot have the same style.

    Bonus Points the first song is actually about starting something (See Begin the Begin) The same thing is true about last songs, by the by. Iteofwawki(aiff) would work, as does The End by the Doors or “Death is not the End.

  106. ScottMalobisky Says:

    the white night is talking backwards
    trying to recall what the doorman said

  107. maclure Says:

    Match-ups could happen in different Little America “Ignoreland” cities, or perhaps in the outback of a south central country (feedback).

    All the way to Reno vs Texarkana.
    How the West was won… vs West of the fields
    Leaving New York vs I remember California (in the Low Desert)

    Also, I’d like to see the Wichita Lineman take on Driver 8 in a bare-knuckle fist fight in Rockville.

    The possiblities are endless. The possibilities, that is, for wasting time on the internet…

  108. ScottMalobisky Says:

    jimjos, those Langerado tix are now on sale, get two , plus my round trip plane tix.I’ll see you there

  109. ScottMalobisky Says:

    “the northeast corridor thinks the rest of the country is just a fly-over “_______Rush Limbaugh yesterday commenting on the “northest liberal media bias”

  110. Mr Cup Says:

    King of Comedy vs King of Birds

    If someone already said that one…I’m so-oorry

  111. milesy Says:

    There is the potential here for quite a fight card:
    Stand vs Sitting Still
    The Lifting vs Feeling Gravitys Pull
    The Outsiders vs Let Me In
    A tag team featuring Departure/ Leave vs Saturn Return/ Don’t Go Back to Rockville
    And of course Bury Magnets vs Exhuming McCarthy… (what?)

    More seriously, after LRP, I think New Adventures might just have the best 1-2-3. No, I’m not joking.

  112. maclure Says:

    Milesy Standish, I thought somebody would eventually mentioned NAIHF’s first three. They are 3 strong songs fo sheez but for me they have no continuity or running themes. It’s like a mix-tape. I think the album begins to make sense as an entity a few tracks later – Undertow through Departure.

  113. Mr Cup Says:

    Radio Free Europe vs Radio Song
    Harbourcoat vs Hairshirt
    Flowers of Gautemala vs Lotus
    You’re in the Air vs Don’t fall on Me

    [Tech Fowel on the last one. Benched for the night.]

  114. lenny Says:

    Question — what makes one post get so many comments? This is now the 2nd most commented on song, in just 3 DAYS. The previous post had three days on its own and only got 15 comments. Is this song just that much more popular, or is something else going on?

    My theory is that it’s the short work week (for those of us in the U.S. anyway) and people are procrastinating at work to get through to the holiday weekend. Put me in that category. 5 more hours… tick, tick, tick.

  115. ScottMalobisky Says:

    the parakeet vs. the lizard king. I’ll take the Israelis vs. the Iranians minus the points

  116. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I agree with your theory ,lenny ; folks are just in a relaxed, playful, and somewhat nonsensical frame of mind due to that short work week feeling.

  117. ScottMalobisky Says:

    funny story about the Arizona Cardinals fooball team ; a couple of years ago the organization actually made a conscious effort to change the Cardinal logo on the helmet from it’s more docile original look to something more leaner and meaner , vwrey humorous to me, a cardinal is still a cardinal and not the most intimidating symbol for a footall team…although the team has gotten better, might be moving towards being a contender after years of haplessness (my second favorite team)

  118. lenny Says:

    I’ve lived in St. Louis most of my life — so we’ve just laughed at the Arizona Cardinals ever since they left town. But, not this year — the Rams are pitiful by comparison. Out of curiosity, what’s your 1st favorite team Malobisky?

    The only real Cardinal is the original, St. Louis Baseball Cardinal. No need to tamper with that classic logo. And they’re a much better franchise in terms of history and success. Exactly how did this topic come up? Heron House – Swan Swan H – Parakeet – Cardinal?

  119. Paul Alferink Says:

    St. Louis Cardinals? Thems fightin’ words ’round these parts.

  120. David T. Says:

    Re Cardinals…gotta side w/Lenny on this one. The Cardinal is the King of Birds, baseball-wise. Trash talking will lead to a stampede at the (Musial) monument.

    (Though, Lenny, I sometimes wonder if the uber-coolness of the Cardinal logo is partially offset by the uber-uncoolness of Fredbird…)

  121. lenny Says:

    OK gang it’s been fun, but if we’re going to reach 200 comments, and I’d like to, it can’t be because we are talking about video games and football/baseball teams.

    Back to the subject — I liked everyone’s comments about the “hat” lyric in “These Days”. Now I have another one to ponder: “I will rearrange your scales.”

    Any thoughts? I like Matthew’s take on the song as a stump speech, but “rearrange your scales” sounds a little threatening for a campaign promise. Am I wrong about that? Could there be a positive spin on scale rearrangement? What kind of scales are they? I guess I was always a little confused by that lyric.

  122. Paul Alferink Says:

    Or the the stench of a past-his-prime, overpaid Jim Edmonds patrolling center

  123. maclure Says:

    Rearrange your scales, I take (simply) as refering to justice. I will rearrange your sense of what is right and wrong… social justice, social action, we are concern, we are hope. I don’t see it as the rally cry of a political leader necessarily.

    I’ve just watched These Days from the Dublin gigs and was amazed to see something I hadn’t noticed before. This may be very obvious… but the 3 things we have in common, THREE THREE THREE are – if Stipe’s hand signals are a clue – these three things: 1) we are young despite the years 2) we are concern 3) we are hope despite the times. Matthew talked about “inclusiveness” in his post and I think this is important. Inclusiveness between the band and the audience. No barriers, no stage, I wish to meet each one of you. We have these three things in common, we are on the same side, wanting the same things.

    I see echoes of these lyrics in later songs, but to repeat what Matthew already said it’s hard to say what it’s actually really about… Popsong 89, Turn you inside out and Belong (those creatures from the sea).

  124. Kirsten Says:

    Firstly, I’d like to apologise for my poor spelling last night – it was at the end of a very long day!! Cottesloe Civic Centre – got it! Will put it on my list of places to visit….

    These Days.
    I thought the THREE things he was talking about was obvious: we are young, we are concern, we are hope.

    I thought scales referred to balance. I’m not feeding off your negative energy, I will rearrange your thoughts/feelings so they are more balanced. If I can, and I can.
    Then he walks into the ocean/sea (the big scary world)where he puts his hat down (an idea, thought, hopes/dreams?) and it sinks/fails. But he reaches down, yanks it up and slapps that soaking, slightly damaged hat straight back on his head. Now his hat is heavy on his head and is a burden. But with youth, concern and hope, he wears his hat with pride and joy.

    How does that sound? Now I’d better do some work this morning….

  125. ScottMalobisky Says:

    well , Michael may have wished to meet each one of us a while back but I doubt if he wants to now……. the wear and tear of that fame thing..

    I’ve always thought of the scales as the scales of justice, sorta , gonna rearrange your paradigms of what constitutes fairness ,what is right and wrong .(especially I think in terms of American foreign policy here)

    The Outsiders vs. Let Me In, that’s the best one yet 🙂

    and lenny , I am reluctant to divulge my favorite team considering their most embarrassing succumbing to the mighty NYJets this past week-end .

    Paul, you really crack me up sometimes.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all !!!!

  126. Kirsten Says:

    There’s no way he’d want to meet us – I think we lost him at Wendell Gee v Old Man Kensey. We are all officially freaks and possible stalkers. He’d be running scared by now!

  127. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I’ve also construed “rearrange your scales” in a “rearrange your face” sorta way , one of Stipe’s most obviously agressive moments, like he’s really disgusted and pissed , wants to jack up some ignorant S.O.B.

  128. Mr Cup Says:

    Electron Blue vs Orange Crush
    Perfect Circle vs Witcheta Linesman
    Airport Man vs The Sad Professor
    Wake Up Bomb vs Daysleeper
    I’ve been High vs Low
    Hope vs Suspicion

  129. Kirsten Says:

    Wolves, Lower v I’ve Been High

  130. 2d Says:

    i’ve always liked to think of “rearrange your scales” in the funnier, quirkier sense of the serpents’ outer layer. very surreal image. like “i will shift every piece of you and change its place until i’ve transformed you into what i please. and i can.” works well with the rattlesnake sounds in the background too.

  131. Kirsten Says:

    2D, that sounds cool and more like Stipian language.

    Around the Sun vs Man On The Moon

  132. Mr Cup Says:

    I love the ‘if I can, AND I CAN’ line.
    No second guessing this time.

  133. Kirsten Says:

    I love that line, too. So full of strength and determination.

    There’s a battle going on right now between These Days and High Speed Train! Can’t remember what HST got to, but this is entry #132!

  134. Mr Cup Says:

    Begin The Begin vs Endgame
    The Boy in the Well vs The Wrong Child
    Strange vs Crazy
    Around the Sun vs Saturn Return
    Beat a drum vs Mang and Blame
    Sitting Still vs Stand

    [working from hom vs productivity]

  135. Mr Cup Says:

    sorry about the typos up there…

  136. Kirsten Says:

    Star 69 vs Star Me Kitten
    I Don’t Sleep, I Dream vs Daysleeper
    Falls To Climb vs Itself!

  137. 2d Says:

    find the river vs. cuyahoga
    laughing vs. king of comedy

    aaaaand stumble vs. trip through your wires 😉

  138. 2d Says:

    suspicion vs. i believe

  139. maclure Says:

    Hey 2d, I wondered about that reptilian interpretation. Kind of creepy, but could work… You want cross your DNA with something reptile. Kirsten – sorry for being a bit dim and missing the obvious (ie. 3 things we have in common) but it was like a startling revelation to me today!

    Er, getting tenuous but…

    I’m not over You vs You vs You are the everything
    Near Wild Heaven vs The Great Beyond
    Superman vs Airportman (I know who the winner would be)
    Strange Currencies vs Strange
    So Fast So Numb vs So Central Rain (hmmmm…)
    What’s the frequency… vs Radio Song (yes, well)
    Begin the Begin vs Final Straw (oh dear!)
    All the right friends vs I wanted to be wrong (come on!)
    White Tornado vs Aftermath (now, that’s good!)

    Must go to bed…

  140. 2d Says:

    i’d choose “airportman”, sorry (though they are both great) :p

    wolves, lower vs. hyena

    and if you don’t feel like going to bed, you can always go gardening at night (vs. nightswimming).

  141. Mr Cup Says:

    I don’t sleep I dream/All i have to do is dream/Daysleeper



    (basks in smugness)

  142. maclure Says:

    clever, Mr Cup, clever. I really am off to bed now. The sidewinder sleeps in a coil, whereas I sleep in a bed until the wake up bomb which is when I get up.

    Wishing all you Stateside a very happy thanksgiving. We have a lot to be thankful for, do we not?

  143. Mr Cup Says:

    When I was simple country folk, my friends and I would borrow a nice flat paddock from an unsuspecting farmer and tow an upturned car bonnet behind another car at speed. Around and around for hours.

    I made a video of these times and used These Days and Begin the Begin as the soundtrack. The afternoon I captured was a clear end of winter days with golden light pouring across the lush grass. It takes me back there everytime I hear it.

    Happy throngs take this joy, wherever you go.

  144. Mr Cup Says:

    We Are Concern.

    Is that the EMO credo?

  145. gluefoot Says:

    as ‘full-frontal’ big-sounding r.e.m. goes, this is right up there with the best of them.. i love the manic flurry of the track.. the vocals are thrilling and affecting, and the instrumentation is pounding and energetic.. i love the version on ‘tourfilm’..

  146. ScottMalobisky Says:

    9/9 vs. #9 dream .sic (basking in the peculiar smugness of his tumid self-delusion now)

    yeah , gluefoot , “pounding” is exactly right, the drums especially are relentless, the physical exertion for Bill would’ve been quite the work-out , just beating one over the head with the message, LISTEN TO ME !!.indeed..PAY ATTENTION , DAMN IT , GET THIS RIGHT !! What other choice do I have?

  147. ScottMalobisky Says:

    alright alright ,nuts, you made me do it……….. since no one else is saying it , I will; How many Americans will be rearranging there scales tomorrow , moving the one that gives the lower reading to the forefront ?

  148. Bruno Says:

    Most peculiar. This beast of a thread has it’s own life! Last time I looked we were making sense (well we tried) of hats. Now what the hell has happened. You’re all like a wild bunch of animals let loose all over Matt’s blog and yup, that’s how it should be.

    ‘Rearrange your scales’ – to me just sounded like a great way of saying ‘I will f*** you up’ (turn you inside out?) but of course instead of Mr Stipester saying “I will f*** you up’ he found a much cooler, rattlesnake, serpent way to say it. what a great line no matter which way you see it.

    And you’ve all stolen my wrestling teams. How about musical? Mike Mill’s baseline intro to ‘Laughing’ takes on Peter Buck’s guitar intro to ‘Pretty Persuasion’ for example.

    Uh huh Oh yeah

  149. ScottMalobisky Says:

    and remember those “results are not typical” and the actors are “remunerated” 🙂

  150. Bruno Says:

    Just listened to the posted song(s) and I’m finding it very hard not to jump the gun and talk about just why (ahem jft) Fall on Me is so good.


  151. Kirsten Says:

    Excellent point on Rearrange Your Scales Bruno.

  152. Bruno Says:

    OK I can’t help it.

    LRP was when REM came of age. I think at this point they realised that they could go over the top. They could be a world killing band and do it on their own terms.

    The folk albums beforehand were magical and set the stage for something new. Then came Reckoning and they started to stretch out – sonically – no longer chiming and murmuring. Dirtier guitars and a bit of noise and energy. Micheal finding confidence in his vocal ability. Then came the tough album, the turning point – ‘make or break’ – Fables. One that now stands as a singular achievement and for, or maybe because of all the trouble they had writing/recording it, sits on its own in the early catalogue – a slice out of time.

    And then: LRP and it was the watershed. At least most of it was – the first half (and a few from the backside).

    Document brought the same approach but the immediacy of LRP was the turning point. Afterward the high points were mostly folk based or similar. Automatic was one great song after another but it returned the band to the acoustics and the lighter approach.

    LRP, especially, as has been mentioned, the first set of songs, was guns-a-blazing ‘Here we are, full of confidence and talent and we’re going to jump right into the center of the stage with what we know is great songs an great talent’. The coming of age.

    A lot has been said about Peter Buck finding a new sound with each album and that may be a key with LRP. It’s the first time he found dirt and power – and so did the band. Often before this album his guitar sounded a bit thin. On LRP, it had an energy and this was at the center of their new confidence.

    Absolutely a band that was now ready and poised to take on the (music) world.

    Well um, so sorry – I was moved – You can now tell me I’m crazy.

  153. Figgy Says:

    You’re not crazy, Bruno. That last post of yours makes a lot of sense. I’m curious to know if the band members’ views are similar to yours.

  154. Mr Cup Says:

    Mr Richards vs Migraine Boy

  155. Mr Cup Says:

    THe scales of justice argument is certainly plausible and makes the most sense. However I think you will find it refers to a time when James Michael presented a song to the band and they fell about laughing at how messy it was. The song, which shall remain nameless, was apparently rare in it’s lack of formal structure. Undettered, the young James Michael pulled out his notebook, scratched some lyrics which would eventually become ‘these days’.
    It seems musical scales is what he wanted to re-arrange. If he can. And he can!

  156. Bruno Says:

    Interesting stuff Mr Cup – how do you know this?

  157. Kirsten Says:

    He was that notebook.

  158. Bruno Says:

    Umm ok cut it out!

    He was that notebook?

    Curious me

  159. Mr Cup Says:

    Wouldn’t it be one of the greatest experiences, and I’m being serious now, if you could be a fly on the wall during some recording sessions and seeing exactly how some of these songs come together?

    An example might be…a younger James Michael going in to do the vocal for Country Feedback with a scrap of paper with a sketch on it and doing what he did. Imagine listening to what came out for the first time.

    [There are no long boring hours of things not happening in my fantasy OK]

  160. Bruno Says:

    Yeah a fly on the wall

    Somehow the very early stuff would be best. There just seems like a lot of tricky stuff going on in the studio on murmur. Vocals way back in the mix, weird sounds, lots of effects and deep stuff hiding in way back in the mix.

  161. Bruno Says:

    Of course, the way the vocals/lyrics came together too, Mr Cup

  162. Mr Cup Says:

    Yeah, everything. The creative process is infinitely fascinating to me in any field. There is online ‘tennis matches’ with designers these days, where you take somthing from someone else, rework it and send it back.

    That may be a similar process with REM who all live in different cities and timezones.

    But hearing a little riff or couple of note develop into a song, God I would love to witness that.

  163. Bruno Says:

    It’s weird – I have such an old-school view on REM. Pre email/digital/chat/Youtube/social network/blah. I want them to be a dusty road in a deep south place somewhere where the fields are forgotten. In the digital world the possibilities are…well, endless, I do play about with layers and tracks, but to me (wistfully says I) the lack of that stuff is what makes their music truly magic.

  164. Bruno Says:

    wow time for bed bye all

  165. Mr Cup Says:

    (sigh) it’s just not their world anymore.

    Neon lit airports and the buzz of airconditioned trains.

    Driver 8 vs High Speed Train indeed

  166. lenny Says:

    Wow — most impressive everyone. Up to #166. The last time I said anything it was around 120. High Speed Train had 193, so we’re on our way to topping that. People took the fight card idea and ran with it (or should I say, beat it to death).

    I only had a couple more…
    So Central Rain vs. White Tornado
    Catapult vs. The Wake Up Bomb
    Man on the Moon vs. Kohoutek (cause it’s a comet)

    Thanks for the notes on rearranging scales. The first explanation for that was probably the best. Kudos to maclure.

    Let’s see — what else to say? Oh, I know. I think there’s one more challenger to the best 1-2 punch at the top of an REM album. Green. PS89 and Get Up really rock, so that almost rivals Begin the Begin and These Days. Not quite as good though, but close.

  167. lenny Says:

    Dang — that last message could have been about 4 different ones if I’d just split it up. Oh well.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone; I’m going to go rearrange my scale so it lies to me about my post-feast weight.

  168. milesy Says:

    I am fascinated by this whole best 1-2-3, best 1-2 etc type of question, as I always think of REM in terms of albums rather than songs, with really strong associations of where a song is situated- for years, for example, I would mix up songs from side two (!) of Fables, because they all just blended together (in a good way).

    There is no favourite album. But, under duress, I would probably pick Green. And yet, and yet… While I do like PS89 and Get Up, I think they are far from the best 1-2 (sorry lenny)- and I have even found myself starting the album at You are the Everything on occasion. Is this just me?

    (Incidentally, I think You are the Everything is Fall On Me’s only serious challenger for the title of ‘best third track’.)

    1000000 vs 9-9

    I’ll take the So Central Rain
    New Orleans Instrumental no. 151

  169. Mr Cup Says:

    Driver 8 is number 3.

    I went through a patch of liking the 8th track of many albums (not just REM). 8 is lucky in chinese. And in esoteric mathematics, it’s a zero with a belt.

  170. milesy Says:

    Top five third tracks:

    1. Fall on Me
    2. You are the Everything
    3. Exhuming McCarthy
    4. So Central Rain
    5. New Test Leper

    And, yes, I am a fan of D8 too.

  171. ScottMalobisky Says:

    ….Didn’t Stipe record the vocal for Murmur , like , out of sight in the dark in a side stairwell or something like that ?

  172. ScottMalobisky Says:

    never really cared for the title of LRP , certainly wouldn’t kick it out of bed for that though , I’ve always thought the titles of REM albums leave a bit to be desired . ..FOTR is cool though , as is Document……what will the next one be ?..

  173. Mr Cup Says:

    I love the title as it’s from a Peter Sellers film (one of the Pink Panthers).

    New Test Leper over Driver 8…I’ll have to put on some more lemonade I reckon.

  174. maclure Says:

    Hold the lemonade… Best third tracks:

    1. Driver 8
    2. Fall on Me
    3. New Test Leper
    4. King of Comedy
    5. Low

    The new REM album should be called “In the clear light of day”. Just came to me. If an REM member is reading this, please call the album this. I would be very grateful and very pleased.

    Bisky – I think it was So Central Rain where he recorded it at the top of some stairs and fell down at the end which explains the slightly strained lyrics at the end of the track…

  175. maclure Says:

    er… strained VOCALS at the end of the track. typo.

  176. Mr Cup Says:

    New Test Leper over So. Central Rain…I’ll have to put on some more lemonade I reckon.

  177. Mr Cup Says:

    Didn’t he declare he sung it in the nude as well?

  178. lenny Says:

    Fell down the stairs singing naked. That might hurt.

  179. Mr Cup Says:

    I’m looking for punch lines that were never there…

    (mwaaa haaaa haaaa)

  180. milesy Says:

    Forget New Test Leper.
    What about King of Comedy over So Central Rain, You are the Everything, McCarthy, Laughing, Suspicion and Sidewinder..?
    Leave your Lemonade at the bar, Maclure…

  181. ScottMalobisky Says:

    make it a Lynchburg Lemonade

  182. Kirsten Says:

    New Test Leper??

    Bring out the lemonade so I can throw it in your face sir.

  183. milesy Says:

    Kirsten, are you defending NTL or attacking? I suspect the latter, and can almost feel the first drops of lemonade…

  184. Kirsten Says:

    Attacking – crap compared to So Central Rain.

    Just remember Lemonade in your eyes WILL sting like hell!

  185. Mr Cup Says:

    New Test Lemonade!

    Thanks Kirsten. Glad someone is being sensible around here.

  186. Mr Cup Says:

    In honour of more recent postings:

    It’s a free world baby vs It’s the end of the world as we know it

    If I have to get to 200 by myself, I will people.

  187. Kirsten Says:

    LOL. Don’t worry Mr Cup, you are a part of the REM Community, so in that spirit I will help you reach the 200. This song probably deserves the trophy more than High Speed Train. At least we haven’t fallen back into the “Stipe the Alien” conversation again….

  188. Kirsten Says:

    We have many things in common, name three:

    1. We love REM
    2. We drink a hell of a lot of lemonade
    3. And we have way too much time on our hands!

  189. Mr Cup Says:

    It’s just so perilously close Kirsten.


  190. Kirsten Says:

    Even closer now!!

    Now I am feeding off you, we will re-arrange this blog. If we can, and we can.

  191. Mr Cup Says:

    I had a blog, and it sunk, reached, down yanked it up…

  192. lenny Says:

    At least we now have more posts on These Days than there were on High Speed Train. It’s official NOW. I didn’t ever really care about 200, just 194.

  193. Mr Cup Says:

    I would agree lenny, if it weren’t for my respect for the traditions of cricket and its love of milestones. It’s almost a double ton. The crowd are calling for it. Just one big tonk and it’s in the bag…

    Dig deep. Keep focus.

  194. Kirsten Says:

    Mr Cup – the next Bradman.

  195. Mr Cup Says:

    It’s a team game Kirsten. Individual milestones are nothing if the team doesn’t perform well.

    And…has Hannibal Lectre would say……’closer’….

  196. Kirsten Says:

    We can reach our destination. (But we’re still aways away)

  197. Kirsten Says:

    In the interest of “team spirit” please Mr Cup, have your moment of glory. Take us to 200…..

  198. Mr Cup Says:

    …raises bat to the crowd, meets team mate in the middle, they punch each other lightly on the glove…what an innings!

    Think I have a little tear in my eye…

  199. Kirsten Says:

    Take off your helmet, and wipe off the sweat. Your moment of glory has arrived!

    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Now what?

  200. Mr Cup Says:

    Speaking of milestones, traditions etc It just occurred to me that 151 should be a significant milestone on this blog.

    Certainly easier than 1,000,000.

    And with that the drinks cart is brought over from the swings for some well earned refreshments…

  201. Mr Cup Says:

    There is no emoticon for how I’m feeling right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  202. Kirsten Says:

    I know Mr Cup – Let’s drive this baby all the way to Reno! (Where undoubtably we will become stars)

  203. Mr Cup Says:

    We are
    a star

  204. milesy Says:

    Good work people- and all the while I was sleeping like Flintoff in the pavillion.
    Meanwhile, because I am a pedant and cannot resist the urge to defend myself, I need to point out that I had So Central Rain higher on my list than Leper- it was maclure who didn’t include it! (but I love you maclure and will take a lemonade in the face for you anyday).

  205. Mr Cup Says:

    Milesy, I respect you because you would sacrifice your wicket for the team ( if only to get back into the dressing room a little sooner and get on the outside of an ale, like Freddy).

    I also respect you as a pedant.

    However, Driver 8 isn’t on yer list mate. It’s like picking a batting line up from the world XI and instead of choosing Steve Waugh, you pick your mate Dave. Steve, it seems gets to carry the drinks. From where I sit…it’s lemonade.

  206. milesy Says:

    That’s a fair lemonade and I’ll take it in the face.
    However, I do like balance in my lists of REM songs, so that they recognise the excellence throughout the band’s career. You wouldn’t want to pick 11 batsmen and end up with Steve W opening the bowling, would you? So, for me, unless So Central Rain, Fall on Me or McCarthy get injured or have to be suspended for pedalo-related activities, Driver 8 carries the drinks (which it is free to throw in my face).

  207. maclure Says:

    Hello folks, I know this thread is days old, I just never realised it was being taken over the 200 mark by some cricket lovers. Yes, I will take a lemonade in the face for not putting So.Central Rain on my list of track 3 REM songs. I dunno tho… it just never floated my boat that song. And Low and KoC and NTL are just really, really good in my opinion.

  208. Kirsten Says:

    Take away these scattered bones of my meal.

  209. Mr Cup Says:

    For me, New Test Leper lacks any of the characteristics of a quality number three. There’s no dramatic build to a chorus, there’s no chorus, no mystery, no majesty, the vocals are flat and unspetacular.
    It bogs down New Adventures just as it’s starting off. I would go so far as to say ANY other number 3 from any other album would be better.

    If NTL was a batsman, he would take forever to get off the mark. Poke and prod outside off stump looking for away to get out and eventually put so much pressure on the rest of the team they’d have to hit out of there comfort zone to compensate (hello Undertow).

    If I was team coach I’d say he needed more time in the nets or a bit more working out on the road before it was ready to make its debut.

    I’m thirsty…

  210. Kirsten Says:

    Couldn’t agree more, Mr Cup. It is clearly the low-point of NAIHF and all other 3rd songs easily beat it. I’m even guilty of regularly skipping it.

  211. Mr Cup Says:

    Guilt free skipping from me Kirsten. And don’t look for it an the iPod – it’s not there.

    Speaking off:

    There is a Podiatrist near my place and I’m really wanting to paint a liitle ‘i’ in front of the P.

  212. Kirsten Says:

    I am looking into joining the technology age and purchasing an ipod after Christmas. I don’t intend to put NTL on there. I suppose it will be a real test (leper) as to which songs I’m really not that fond of (I couldn’t bring myself to say “don’t like”). Me In Honey won’t be there either, but Kohotek and Hairshirt will be ’cause I see the potential of them both and do kinda sorta like them, just not that much. And this blog has made me appreciate them more.

  213. Mr Cup Says:

    Yeah. Forcing oneself to listen to songs in isolation often reveals more of the song itself as opposed to the relationship it has to the others.

    I have an iPod with video and there are some Tourfilm clips on YouTube I ‘collected’. As well as a really cool Document promo clip I’d never seen.

    I take this joy wherever I go, in my happy thongs!

  214. Kirsten Says:

    A happy customer just brought in some Fruit Cake as a thank you to one of our sales guys. All I can think of is Bill Berry saying: “Wouldn’t you just love to throttle the person who invented Fruit Cake?” from Christmas Gripping. I hope Matthew covers that one.
    A must!

  215. Mr Cup Says:

    I haven’t heard it – is that a fan club thingy?

  216. maclure Says:

    New Test Leper is an awesome song! What’s going on – I won’t accept this panning of a classic tune.

  217. Kirsten Says:

    Yeah, it’s hilarious. I was watching a Christmas movie on TV last night and they were talking about Frosty the Snowman which they sing at the end of this song.

    Some great lines:

    Bill: I guess we’re going to have to go shopping now

    Mike: and I’m gonna have to take my nefew to the mall to see Santa Claus

    Peter: If I hear Rudolf the Red-Nose Raindeer one more time I’m gonna go up on a tower with a high-powered rifle

    Michael: take a white marshmellow, put it on a coathanger, put it on the fire, get some
    chocolate bars and some graham crackers and then you smush it and then you eat a hundred of ’em and you vomit…

    Mike: yeah, sometimes christmas really frosts ass…

  218. Kirsten Says:

    That should be “Frosts My Ass”

  219. Kirsten Says:

    maclure, I will no longer make you lemonade, but instead “put pepper in your coffee”

  220. Mr Cup Says:

    This isn’t the REM I know…or thought I knew. They feel the same way I do about xmas then. Just get it over with!

    Oh, a voice from the swings…

  221. Mr Cup Says:

    I didn’t realise NTL had been done already. It seems to divide people between totally awesome and largely forgettable. That makes it interesting.

  222. milesy Says:

    Good morning.
    I feel I’m not going to win this argument… but…can’t …resist…one last…try..
    Things to like about NTL:
    It’s a great song in 6/8.
    The way Michael’s voice holds on and wavers as he sings ‘Call me a leper…eyayyy’
    The thematic link with undertow.
    The way the clean accoustic strum contrasts with other songs around it.
    The classicly stipean ambiguity of the lyrics that convey so much: is it someone being destroyed by the religious right for their sexuality; or actually someone religious being mocked for their faith… different meanings of ‘New Test’ (see NTL entries) etc.
    The vulnerable hopeful, yet hopeless innocence of the protagonist.
    The feedback at the beginning of the last verse (prefiguring the real feedback in the next song).

    Come on guys, give it another chance. I can handle it not being as highly thought of as Driver 8, but you’re overreacting.
    And, Mr Cup, if only more English batsmen would bat a bit more like Geoff Boycott (not renowned for rushing into his innings), we might do a little better…

    Ah well, I suppose I may as well get up and wash in lemonade tomorrow to save you guys the trouble of staying up down under to wait for me…

  223. Mr Cup Says:

    Ahh Boycott! I couldn’t think of his name.

    Well milesy, I admire the aim of the song. I’ve seen this played out dozens of times on commercial television. Someone a little left of centre (and it usually is a very small way to the left) that the oh, so knowledgeable presenters don’t want to, or are unable to relate too else they be thought of as ‘different’ as well. It’s a way of reassuring the masses they are OK, unlike this ‘weirdo’ they see before them. They’ll tune in again tomorrow and have that reassured. Part of the media’s passion for keeping people uninformed.

    However, as a song, a tune…it just doesn’t move me for all the reasons listed.

    Can we still be friends? We could crack a two fiddy!

  224. milesy Says:

    Why not?
    After all, we have many things in common, name 3 (as long as it’s not the best track no.3…)

  225. Mr Cup Says:

    1) REM
    2) Cricket
    3) Nausea (at the mere mention of lemonade)

    I’m listening to New Adventures…sort of guy I am

  226. Mr T Says:

    I pitty the fool who tries to get t’ two fidddy!


  227. ScottMalobisky Says:

    one transgression slithers
    skewered round the clock
    idle talk down to impact

  228. milesy Says:

    I’m trying to work out when you sleep, Mr Cup!
    You could always sleep standing up I suppose (those darned track 3s).

    I couldn’t find NA in HiFi in the car this afternoon when I need it; was happy to find Green, though…

  229. milesy Says:

    I mean ‘needed’

  230. milesy Says:

    the good thing about correcting typos is they keep the post-count ticking.

  231. milesy Says:

    Sorry everyone. Way off subject now.
    I still think these days is a great song.

  232. Kirsten Says:

    Wow, where’s this going to end? 250? 300? More??

  233. Kirsten Says:

    Have we lost our minds?
    Will this never end?
    It could depend on your take.

  234. Mr Cup Says:

    I think I’m 8 hrs+ GMT. Plus one daylight saving hour.
    As far as sleeping, it doesn’t feel as if I do most times. I end up settling for a cup of coffee to differentaite am + pm.

    I’m wondering now in the clear light of morning, why all the fuss on best third tracks when These Days is the second?


    7 Chinese Brothers
    Maps and Legends
    These Days
    Pop Song 89
    Crush with Eyeliner

    hmmm, harder than I thought. I’m whittling it down and in typically old school manner heading straight for the back cat.

    Will LMR make it????? stay tuned.

  235. Kirsten Says:

    Pilgrimage. Easily.

  236. Mr Cup Says:

    It would be easy for me to pick the first five. But that could just be me being lazy.

    Of course, the glaring omission from that list is Gardening at Night.
    It just got harder.

  237. jft Says:

    best 2nd song?

    1. Try Not To Breathe
    2. Losing My Religion
    3. These Days
    4. I’ve Been High
    5. Maps And Legends

  238. jft Says:

    oh, and another try on the no.3 discussion (and to push the count a bit higher…)

    New Test Leper (great, beautiful song!)
    Driver 8
    The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite

    oh, and would Wolves, Lower count? on my edition it’s no.3 on CT. it would beat the mentioned ones by far.

  239. Kirsten Says:

    Top 3 2nds

    1. Pilgrimage
    2. Lotus
    3. Crush With Eyeliner

    Top 3 3rds

    1. Low
    2. The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite
    3. Fall On Me

    All subject to change with mood. 3rd songs were a lot harder to choose, so many great songs unmentioned.

  240. Mr Cup Says:

    Welcome to the occupation
    These Days
    Gardening at Night (any version)
    Maps and Legends

    On the bench:
    I’ve been high/Try not to breathe

    In no particular order. Apologies to those who didn’t make it. I found it harder than #3’s which for me, picked themselves.

  241. Kirsten Says:

    Hmmm, honestly the only 2 I’d kick off your list are Occupation and TNTB.
    It’s hard when they’re all so good.

    So what now, on to the 4th??

    (We’re nearly up to 250!)

  242. Mr Cup Says:

    Occupation isn’t the greatest song but it contains one of my very favourite moments. Besides, he’s staring at me with big puppy eyes – how can I refuse?

    TNTB, again the breathing thing is important thematically perhaps more than the song. Contradicting myself now aren’t I?
    Scrap it then.

    These Days
    Maps and Legends
    Gardening at night
    Occupation (look at those big eyes!)

  243. Kirsten Says:

    Is it the “Listen to me” ending? I love that bit. Occupation used to be one of my absolute favourites, but unfortunately I think I overplayed it to death and it lost a little of it’s appeal. It’s my own fault. Now I’m going to go and hang my hairshirt on the lowest rung….

  244. Mr Cup Says:

    It’s the instrumental section, the raking strums at the end of that leading into ‘sugar cane and coffee cup, copper, steel and cattle….a forest for the fire’

    and the ‘listen to me’ with the dum, da-dum, d-dum guitar bit beneath.


  245. Kirsten Says:

    Yeah, I love the guitar under the ending too.

  246. Mr Cup Says:

    These Days was one of only 4 songs they went in to the studio with.
    I know it to be true as I read it in a book.

  247. lenny Says:

    I know why everyone started listing their favorite #3’s… They’re a lot better than the #2 tracks, on the average.

    My top #3’s:
    so. Central Rain
    Exhuming McCarthy
    Fall on Me
    Driver 8
    The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite

    My top #2’s:
    These Days
    Try Not To Breathe
    Get Up
    Crush With Eyeliner
    7 chineSe bros.

  248. milesy Says:

    Kirsten, Good call on Lotus.

    1. These Days
    2. Occupation
    3. Lotus

    (honourable mentions to LMR, Pilgramage, Legends)

    No 7 Chinese Bros coz whenever I hear it I think how much I prefer Voice of Harold.

    Kirsten again- First I get in trouble for not putting D8 or So Central Rain high enough on my list- then you omit them both, while putting Sidewinder at no.2, ahead, I might add, of Fall on Me.

    And I got lemonade in MY face…

  249. milesy Says:

    Mr Cup. The ‘Raking strums’ are indeed an REM magic moment…

    Why has nobody even mentioned Get Up, I wonder? (and how did PS89 make it onto your initial list of 2nd songs?)

  250. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Hi hi, hi hi, hi hi
    Hi hi, hi hi, hi hi

  251. lenny Says:

    Milesy — I mentioned “Get Up” just 2 comments before yours. It’s #3 on my list of favorite #2 songs.

    I was wondering about PS89 being on Mr Cup’s #2 list, too. Maybe his CD starts with track 11 (untitled) and starts over from the beginning, making PS 89 #2, and Get Up #3. That would be a big mistake, though, because the untitled track is perfect at #11. Maybe one of my favorite #11’s. No, wait — Wendell Gee takes that prize. (Then Circus Envy and We Walk)

    OK, the ranking of songs with the same track number is getting out of control — sorry.

  252. milesy Says:

    Lenny- so you did. Apologies…

  253. Kirsten Says:

    Milesy, my apologies. Please accept this damp cloth to clean your face…

    That was the first time I’d tried to compile a list and upon digging deeper I discovered that there were a great deal many fabulous #3’s. Didn’t realise how hard it was. But NTL over D8?? No way. Also, as stated earlier, ask me on a different day and you may get a different response. Maybe if we did the top 15 number 3’s I’d be able to fit more in. 🙂

  254. Kirsten Says:


    These Days reaches a staggering 255!!

  255. Mr Cup Says:

    Go Team!

    First some apologies:

    Popsong 89???? Don’t quite know what I was thinking. Clearly I wasn’t. Or maybe pre-empting the next phase….

    Not chastising Kirsten. I’ve said all I can say about the number 3’s. It’s a tough field of thoroughbreads. I was feeling like the school bully….and she’s a lady. What’s more she’s a lady who fully supported my cricketing segue back there.

    I prefer the Voice of Harold anyday, however the riff remains the same and I loved that story as a kid. Well the idea of holding the ocean in your mouth…his mouth…you know what I mean.

    Waiter, more coffee please…

  256. Kirsten Says:

    The whole world hinges on your swings Mr Cup.

    I love it in 7 CBs when Michael clicks his tongue after saying “pull up a chair” in the last verse instead of seat, as though it was an accident.

  257. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Hi hi , hi hi , hi hi
    Hi hi , hi hi , hi hi

  258. Kirsten Says:

    Hello my friend, are you visible today?

  259. Mr Cup Says:

    My God Kirsten, I wouldn’t have heard that if it wasn’t pointed out.

    When you talk about my swings, do you mean mood, hips or the place where disputes are settled and lemonade dispensed with extreme prejudice?

    I think Bisky is visible, but his nipples have been blocked out.

  260. Kirsten Says:

    LOL – No comment on that one!

    I meant our REM court.

    I also have a live recording of Low where after “All full of glory” he sort of says “huh” and double-clicks his tongue. I always do that when I hear the recorded version too. Maybe they should do a whole song just of Michael clicking his tongue?? I’ll obviously enjoy it! 🙂

  261. Mr Cup Says:

    There is an African dialect which includes a lot of dextrous tongue clicking, maybe he’s practicing. Good luck with the’click track’.
    If you need some ‘yeah, yeahs’ let me know.

    It also just occured. We have had a change of government since this particular blog started. We seem to have begun a coy relationship (as a nation) with a left leaning political group again. The shackles of right wing conservatism broken for a spell. Sure, Mr Rudd is so down the middle he doesn’t appear left or right, but hey, a political party with an arts policy an this country? Yeah baby!

  262. Kirsten Says:

    Ha! I was listening to him on the radio this morning and he sounded like an excited little schoolboy! I’m gonna do this, I’m gonna do that. Hopefully he’ll do something before the enthusiasm wears off! Still no gay marriages, though. Although he did say he would relax some of the laws, so we’re getting there. I live in one of the few areas that remained Liberal. Still, our guy does give us a free calendar every year….

  263. Mr Cup Says:

    The Labour government here is very keen to treat gays as real people (how radical!) so it should be a nationwide thing with a clean sweep of the country.

    Apologising to Aborigines. Sheesh!

    Notice how Turnbull has gone all ‘Yes, we should have apologised”
    12 years not fricking long enough to come up with a few reconciliatory words you miserable little private school tits!

    Should we talk about the weather?

  264. Kirsten Says:

    Yeah, you wouldn’t want to be a female homosexual Aborigine under a Liberal government!

    It’s really muggy here today. Hi Hi.


  265. Mr Cup Says:

    There’s an opera singer who is just that. Can’t remember her name.

    Speaking of weather:
    Kyoto Agreement…oh look, the people care. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
    Like take Li’l John to the swings.

    Like how we replaced Mr Sheen with Mr Sheenier?

  266. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Mr.Cup, aren’t you in Washington State ? ………thought you stated a while back, and Figgy is in New Zealand , Kirsten in Australia, maclure is somewhere between Brazil and England , BWD in Utah, 2d in Rumania, xman in Massachusetts, jimjos in Florida….

  267. ScottMalobisky Says:

    lenny and milesy, where are you guys at ? Bruno ?

  268. Mr Cup Says:

    we went to the store and bought something great
    which samples this song from washington state
    go little record go
    it is named by
    some guy named joe
    and the words
    are the letters of the word
    that rhyme with a ladies money carrying device

  269. lenny Says:

    Bisky — the answer to your question was covered in comment #117. Feel free to count it out and find the answer. (ha!)

    Hard to believe that it was so long ago that we were only at 117. (It was 8 days ago — that’s a hint to help you find it. For another hint, think baseball.)

  270. lenny Says:

    Bisky – you didn’t mention if you knew where Paul Alferink was from — and I’m curious, because he said that just uttering my baseball team’s name constituted “fighting words” where he comes from. How about it, Paul? Chicagoland, possibly?

  271. maclure Says:

    Ah, the These Days thread is clearly where its at still. Maybe we’ll stay here chatting away until eternity. Comment #1290.

    Yes, I live in Brazil. Milesy, I know. He’s a Brit, formerly housed in South Africa, but now back in Ol Blightey.

  272. lenny Says:

    Don’t even mention eternity…you know that Matthew could cut us off with the click of a mouse, don’t you? I also have a wordpress blog, and it’s just as simple as closing the post, to not allow new comments.

    But he’s probably not reading “these days” anymore, so he won’t pick up on that hint. If I were Matthew, I know I wouldn’t have read past #97 (no offense, milesy — or would that be offence?) And I would have closed it off at 151.

  273. Mr Cup Says:

    Nah – Matthew wouldn’t do that, he knows it’s like a creche for us here. Right?

  274. Kirsten Says:

    He couldn’t! He wouldn’t!! Would he???

    (Starts breathing into paper bag…)

  275. Kirsten Says:

    You up already Mr Cup? To repeat Milesy’s question earlier: When the hell DO you sleep??

  276. Mr Cup Says:

    Sleep is for the weak!

  277. Kirsten Says:

    I don’t sleep – I dream.

  278. Mr Cup Says:

    There is nothing so painful as craving sleep

  279. Kirsten Says:

    What about craving doughnuts?
    God I’m hungry.

  280. ScottMalobisky Says:

    right , lenny , I remember now ; Alferink is in Illinois…….huub is in Holland (I think), Ignis –of course –is in Seattle , the other Scott is in ,well , he hasn’t posted it here so I won’t violate his privacy , although I know…..let’s see , who else ?….DaveGreenlizard , South Africa ?

  281. Mr Cup Says:

    What on earth made you think I was in Washington State Bisky?

  282. Kirsten Says:

    You said you were in WA, That’s probably Washington in the US.

  283. ScottMalobisky Says:

    you’re not in Washington ?
    where the hell are ya then ?
    what planet?

  284. lenny Says:

    Oh, I forgot to ask, too — bisky, where are you from?

    About MrCup; Maybe WA means Wales. Just a guess on my part.

  285. lenny Says:

    Kirsten — ‘Try not to breathe’ into that paper bag — I just meant Matthew could cut off comments to THIS post, not all of them in general.

    Of course, the party will eventually just move on to the next better song that gets posted. But I gotta admit — there aren’t a whole lot better songs than These Days (REM songs, anyway). Believe it or not, I listen to the song almost every time I check the post for it.

  286. Kirsten Says:

    Well I hope Matthew doesn’t post a new song too soon or everyone will lose interest in These Days and we are so VERY VERY close to 300…..

  287. Mr Cup Says:

    I’m not leaving my crease for a bunch of b-sides with a triple ton approaching – no siree Bob!

    WA = Western Awe-stray-leah

    Our state emblem is the Sandgroper (what indeed you may well ask).
    When REM played in ’89, Stipe into’d with ‘Groovers of the sand – into it”.

  288. jft Says:

    losing interest in these days? never…!

    another one in the row of senseless postings 😀 and a step closer to 300…

  289. lenny Says:

    Sorry, gang — I just don’t get too excited about these big milestones. 200, 300, whatever. I was just glad that I could claim the 286’th message for my very own. Can anyone guess why? Consider this your number riddle for the day.

  290. ScottMalobisky Says:

    no idea lenny….from Pittsburgh, PA originally , currently living in the San Diego area…constant craving has always been……….

  291. ScottMalobisky Says:

    where you at jft ? bandwagon ? jared ? the mysterious and elusive Michael Black Ph.D ?

  292. ScottMalobisky Says:

    pouring down rain this early morning –LUV IT LUV IT LUV IT, we need rain so badly…..–nothing like rain in the early morning, listening to Saturn Return …..

  293. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Mr. Cup , I COULDA SWORN you said you lived in Washington State United States of America somewhere along the line ………

  294. ScottMalobisky Says:

    the weird thing is , lenny, that #286 means something to me but I can’t figure what , resonated somewhere within me ……hmmn…

  295. jft Says:

    scott, hmm? i didn’t exactly understand what you wanted to ask me. well, whether it was anything senseful…

  296. lenny Says:

    Keep thinking, scott — 286 specifically applies to this post, and no others. It’s the same way I’d take notice of message #387 on “exhuming mccarthy” (if it ever came to that).

  297. maclure Says:


  298. maclure Says:


  299. maclure Says:

    …beyond! Yah! 300! **uncorks bottle of champers**

    I’m sorry if I broke some unwritten rule of commenting that says you shouldn’t post in sequence just to get to a new number. Oh well, here we are.

    #286. The second song from an album made in ’86.
    #387. The third song from an album made in ’87.

    I’m holding out for a Monster track any day now from Matt. If so, perhaps I’ll be posting on #194, although it may take us a while to get there.

  300. Ignis Sol Says:

    these days are angry like a black crow on the moon clawing and scratching across the expansive darkness behind our eyes.

  301. lenny Says:

    Nice job, maclure. I knew that my 2nd clue would give it a way. Good luck on 194. I’m waiting for 886, my all time favorite song, but I’m not holding my breath on getting that many comments.

  302. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I was just asking jft, where you are at (geographically speaking) ?

    that’s a good one , lenny , and I think that one will get a lot of comments

  303. Mr Cup Says:

    I’ll be up for the journey on 886 Lenny.

    Bisky, maybe I mentioned WA but certainly never implied Washington State. I dabbled my toes there one weekend, but that was so long ago. A month before Mr Cobain departed the be precise.

    Now, where are those Persians?
    (and my fantasy tan).

  304. ScottMalobisky Says:

    ..or the expansive darkness in front of our eyes….

  305. milesy Says:

    Man, I have a couple of days too busy to get online and come back thinking they’ll be something new- and These Days is still going strong!
    Thanks for the answer on my behalf maclure- I confess to being in Oxford, England.

    Nice work on the Pixies lyrics Mr Cup- I’m surprised no one else picked that one up. Go little record go indeed!

  306. Mr Cup Says:

    Thanks for noticing milesy.
    The Pixies would be my second faveourite band. They finally toured here this year. It was a beautiful thing.

  307. lenny Says:

    What? Only 2 messages on December 1st — this thing might actually be slowing down now.

    I was wondering about the Mr Cup post a while back — so it was the Pixies — interesting. Wow, this post has covered a lot of ground, hasn’t it.

    Imagine what kind of journey it would have to be to reach 886… It probably won’t make it that far. I could talk about how I put I Believe on just about every CD mix I make, how I made it into a ring tone for my phone…the lyrics starting with “trust in your calling…” How it’s the best #8 song by far. How LRP has the best 8-9-10 of any album. How I even love the banjo intro on it. We could list other great songs featuring the banjo (starting with Wendell Gee). It will be a great month and a half — that post. But it still won’t reach 886.

  308. lenny Says:

    …make that 3 messages on December 1.

  309. Mr Cup Says:

    Oh how I love a good banjo. One song I love at the moment is “your rocky spine” by the Great Lake Swimmers. Nice banjo.


  310. milesy Says:

    Here we go again. Now it’s a best 8-9-10. Lenny kickstarts the thread…
    Totally agree with I believe as a top song, another example of JMS making something remarkable out of an apparently very simple, repeating loop (see Me in Honey comments).

    But, if LRP has a weak moment (which it doesn’t really) then it would be What if we give it away. For me, at least. Don’t have time to think of a better 8-9-10 now, but I’m working on it…

  311. 2d Says:

    i agree with you, milesy. that song is the weakest moment on LRP, and what annoys me most is that it comes right after the best in the bunch!!! (yes, “i believe” is my favourite r.e.m. song as well) 😀

  312. 2d Says:

    + i have always felt that the second half (or, to narrow it down, 3rd quarter) of most r.e.m. albums is slightly weaker/losing momentum than the rest.

    as for 8-9-10, i think i’d pick “you’re in the air”/”walk unafraid”/”why not smile” … fragile, crystalline, pure lovesong / empowering, dark, personal anthem / beautiful, intimate, heartfelt hug (matthew gets copyright for this one).

  313. jft Says:

    to add sth to the 8-9-10-talk:
    my choice would be Out Of Time. even if I’m not that much into that album, those 3 tracks in a row “half a world away”/”texarkana”/”country feedback” are close to perfect.

  314. milesy Says:

    OK, for me there’s two options for the best 8-9-10:
    Either Murmur: The plaintive cry of ‘conversation fear’ bookended by two complete classics of the early period, Sitting Still and Shaking Through, all melodic, harmonic and jangly… just perfect.

    Or Automatic: Ignoreland, Kitten, Man on the Moon- beat that for variety, and capturing the wide range of talents that was REM at the peak of their success…

  315. Mr Cup Says:

    Oh Jeez…

    2d and jft present nice options, Green presents some tantalizing morsels with Orange Crush, Inside Out and Hairshirt (the latter not usually a crowd pleaser). Monster has a nice run also. But I will have to agree with milesy. After listening to Shaking Through I think one should observe silence for a while.

    A tougher, perhaps better challenge might be best three in a row…

  316. Mr Cup Says:

    …and without actually checking, I’m thinking off the top of my head,
    Man on the Moon, Nightswimming and Find the River could be a little hard to conquer.

  317. jft Says:

    oh… to pick the best 3 in a row is quite hard. there are several options, but at the moment I think I’d go for “Diminished”/”Parakeet”/”Falls To Climb”.

  318. Kirsten Says:

    Contratulations everyone!! 300 is a great achievement.

    8-9-10: that was hard, but I choose Document: Fireplace, Lighnin’ Hopkins, King of Birds.

    Document also has one of the best 3-in-a-row: Lighnin’ Hopkins, King of Birds, Oddfellows Local 151.

    But the best 3-in-a-row must go to NAIHF as it has 2!
    Binky The Doormat, So Fast So Numb, Low Desert
    Undertow, E-Bow The Letter, Leave

  319. ScottMalobisky Says:

    YEAH , Kirsten , your in my corner on Oddfellows !!!
    there may be a serious showdown brewing , great to have you on board……

  320. Mr Cup Says:

    I like Oddfellows a lot and can’t have a bad word said about Document in casual conversation, but it doesn’y quite reach the heights.

    I’ve always loved the run of Occupation, Mcarthy, Heron House. With Worksong in front it is my Mt Rushmore.

  321. Kirsten Says:

    Oddfellows is easily the best song on Document. And it has a really cool title.

  322. ScottMalobisky Says:

    WOW KIRSTEN !!! “easily the best song on Document.”!!! WOW….Those are some strong words there, I didn’t think you liked it that much !

  323. Kirsten Says:

    It’s more about the music than anything else.

    ITEOTWAWKI is better live though.

  324. Mr Cup Says:

    And those grunts at the end!

    Big call. Very surprised to hear it would be anyones favourite song.
    As they say – “You go girlfriend!”

  325. Kirsten Says:

    Hey, we’ve had no electricity for a couple of hours – severe storms here today. Now, what did I miss?? Oh, not much!! Just to clarify, I said it was my favourite song from Document, not out of all the songs. But I still stand by my claim.

  326. Mr Cup Says:

    Sorry – from Document. It’s still surprising.

    Picking one song is too hard. I tried. I failed.

  327. Kirsten Says:

    I must add that on a different day I may change my mind, but more often than not, Oddfellows is the one I skip to first before listening to the rest of the CD.

  328. lenny Says:

    My my my — when an idea comes up, people just run with it. I was only half joking about the 8-9-10 songs, but i thought that discussion would be held on the I Believe page, whenever its turn comes around! Oh well — I guess people are determined to keep this post going strong, whatever it takes.

  329. milesy Says:

    Mr Cup, what can I say? Occupation, McCarthy, Heron House would certainly be really hard to beat as a best ever 3 in a row.

    I’m firmly in the defending 151 camp, as I may have said before… But I’ve forgotten who we’re supposed to be fighting! Have to wait and see, I suppose…

  330. lenny Says:

    But about my 8-9-10 — after further review — I’m tempted to change my answer to Out of Time. I had overlooked that album’s 8-9-10, because it’s not on my iTunes list — I still only have it on a cassette. Bad lenny, bad REM fan!

    Although — I’m not really overly disappointed with the #9 track on LRP. Yeah, it’s kind of a drop off from #8 on the CD, but what song wouldn’t pale in comparison? If I chose WIWGIA as my least favorite on LRP, it would only be because I like every song on the CD a lot, and one had to finish in last place (it’s like Steven Malkmus’ choice from the Time after Time discussion).

  331. lenny Says:

    I’ve got a theory — if ‘I Believe’ was anywhere near the early part of this album, it would win every discussion of 1-2-3, 2-3-4, top 3 in a row anywhere, hands down. I guess it suffers from its placement on the album — but that could be the very thing that makes it stand out even further as such an incredible song.

  332. ScottMalobisky Says:

    have way to 666 , push it Baby …….ooooooooh yeah
    ooh yeah ooh yeah come on come come on come on come on do it do it do it do it do it push push push push …..
    whomever posts 666 is the Anti-Christ

  333. ScottMalobisky Says:

    milesy, the Oddfellows thing sorta started with the Strange posting if I recall correctly, the lines were being drawn, the lemonade was being brewed , the swings were being polished, the first-aid kits prepared

  334. ScottMalobisky Says:

    uh, that’s half-way to 666, not have way , somewhere between my brain and my fingertips the thought began , the thought began and I missed it…and now we are more than half-way .if I can keep up this flow of inanities a while longer we’ll make significant progress…….

  335. Kirsten Says:

    I think with a little hard work we can make it to 666. But which one of us will be the Anti-Christ??? Only time will tell…..

  336. Kirsten Says:

    Hey, maybe REM could take little snippets of things we’ve said and turn it into a song – a mini tribute to us! They could call it “These High Speed Days”…

  337. Mr Cup Says:

    I had an antelope, and it sunk, reached down, yanked it up, I’ll never look back again…..

  338. lenny Says:

    Good idea, Kirsten — But I have a better name for the next great REM single: “All the way to 666 (you’re gonna be an anti-christ)”

  339. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Vladimir Putin

  340. Kirsten Says:

    LOL! I like the way you think Lenny!!

  341. lenny Says:

    Question… why does Scott always drop in with random messages like “Vladimir Putin” or “hi hi hi hi hi…”?

    Just wondering. I had to come up with something to keep this post going. It seems to be losing some steam.

  342. lenny Says:

    And I’m glad you liked that one, Kirsten. But I don’t think that 666 is going to happen. At this rate, 400 doesn’t look good. I hate to admit it, but I’m ready to move on. I just need the right song to be posted by Matthew, and I’ll start another furious deluge of comments.

  343. Mr Cup Says:


    We lookin’ at three fiddy.
    Three Fiddy and you wanna move on!

  344. ScottMalobisky Says:

    The Soft Parade
    Furious at freedom
    So utterly unattained

  345. lenny Says:

    …see, that’s what I’m talking about, right there… stuff like that, Bisky. You just wrote that because Mr. Cup wrote “Soft.”?? I guess I’m out of the loop, because I just don’t know where you come up with stuff like that (and Vladimir Putin).

  346. lenny Says:

    And Cup: I’ll only move on if a better song comes along… or, if a day goes by with less than 5 comments, or if a day passes without a comment from each of you. I see that it’s down to about 4 or 5 of us. (Kirsten, Scott, Cup, myself, and maybe milesy.)

  347. lenny Says:

    I got your three fiddy…

  348. lenny Says:


  349. Kirsten Says:

    Whooo-hooo! Well done Lenny!

    Now, only 316 to go…..

    (make that 315 now)

  350. Mr Cup Says:

    I’m here for you lenny. Somtimes I may need to be a little antagonistic in the hope that that friction will provide a spark. Bisky seems to run with it.

    Next milestone, I reckon, would be 365 as it’s the amount of time (in days…in an average year) it takes the Earth to revolve ATS.

  351. Kirsten Says:

    I’d also like to keep this post going by saying something that would usually be kept to the current post.
    On behalf of those of us who are already into Thursday 6th December, I’d like to extend an increadably huge Happy Birthday to a very talented man known as Peter Lawrence Buck. 51 today. Have a great day, Pete!

    WE LOVE YOU!!!

  352. Mr Cup Says:



  353. Kirsten Says:

    What should we get him??

  354. Kirsten Says:

    Oh, I know.

    I’ll get him a big bouquet
    I’ll pick it myself today
    It’ll compliment his eyes
    There’ll (hopefully) be love at the end of the line

    Ahh, High Speed Train and These Days finally become one…

  355. Mr Cup Says:

    All of a sudden, these high speed trains, happy thongs, take this joy, wherever you goo-oooo-oooo-oooo-oooo-oo

  356. Mr Cup Says:

    He’s on the market you know.

  357. Kirsten Says:

    Well if he’s read even half of what I’ve written he’ll know to keep well away from me!!

    However, he should admire our commitment to These Days.

  358. Kirsten Says:

    Maybe if I try to lure him up to that watertower…..

  359. Mr Cup Says:

    You just don’t know who you’ll find up there Kirsten!

  360. Kirsten Says:

    Wow, we’re up to 360 – a Perfect Circle.

  361. Mr Cup Says:

    How did I miss that one?

  362. Kirsten Says:

    I’ll let you take 720 – 2 perfect circles!!

  363. Kirsten Says:

    These Days.
    These 365 Days.
    These 365 Days of the year.
    These 365 Days of every year.
    If you read 1 entry per day for an entire year, this is where you’d end up.

    These Days take away these scattered bones of my meal.

  364. milesy Says:

    Happy Birthday PB,
    What should we get him? Well, you can never have too many records in your collection. I suggest a single that was released in the UK but not the States, so he probably doesn’t have it in that format…. Wendell Gee!

  365. ScottMalobisky Says:

    and Stipe will be 48 in less than a month…….

  366. ScottMalobisky Says:

    The Soft Parade is one of my favorite album titles ever, or Caress Of Steel , or Tiny Music (Songs From The Vatican Gift Shop)………..Physical Graffiti, Knocked Out Loaded, Fables Of The Reconstruction…..
    Anybody got any favorite album titles ?

  367. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Done With Mirrors

  368. ScottMalobisky Says:

    How’s this for a lyric ? RHCP, “Double chins and bowling pins and phony Presbyterians..”, from Especially In Michigan……

  369. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Kirsten, don’t forget about the 366 days of Leap Year , The Color Of The Brisk And Leaping These Days.

  370. ScottMalobisky Says:

    “a disenchanted diplomat asleep inside the laundromat”

  371. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Peter’s got twins , eh ?
    I’m a twin , scary ,huh?

  372. Ignis Sol Says:

    Two ScottM’s? Which one are you? And, btw, I am originally from Michigan – not Presbyterian, though. No double chin, yet. And, my hometown DID make bowling pins at one point (Brunswick). Now, that’s scary, HUH? HUH!

    A fav album title: “Pill ‘n’ Thrills and Bellyaches” Happy Mondays

  373. Kirsten Says:

    Talking Heads – Fear Of Music

    And NAIHF is also really cool.

    Sorry Michael, not that keen on “Cat Butt”

  374. Ignis Sol Says:

    How about “janet” by Janet Jackson

    Better yet, the first two Weezer albums.

  375. Kirsten Says:

    Two Biskys?? And all this time I’ve been thinking Scotty’s been having conversations with himself……

  376. Ignis Sol Says:

    make that the first and third Weezer albums…. i promise I’m not stoned.

  377. ScottMalobisky Says:

    yeah , we’re identical twins in the medical sense of the word (with the exact genetic make-up , originally from the one fertilized egg that then split) although we are quite different THESE DAYS philosophically and politically , he’s back in Pittsburgh…….We look more like brothers THESE DAYS than twins–I’m three minutes older–my family has always said that I look more like my older brother that died of AIDS than I do my twin , and I tend to agree

    cool album title : Silk Degrees

  378. Kirsten Says:

    Isn’t that funny that you look more like your older brother than your ‘identical’ twin? Probably nice for your parents to see a bit of him in you.

    Excellent use of the term THESE DAYS too Bisky!

  379. Ignis Sol Says:

    THESE DAYS is another great name for a day-to-day R.E.M. blog.

  380. Mr Cup Says:

    Trompe Le Monde
    More Songs About Buildings and Food

    in that order!

  381. jft Says:

    wow, still sth going on here during these days …

  382. Kirsten Says:

    There’s something strange going on tonight, there’s something going on that’s not quite right…

    Sorry, couldn’t resist!

  383. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Empire Burlesque
    Weasels Rip My Flesh

  384. Kirsten Says:

    Weasels or Hyenas??

  385. lenny Says:

    Sorry Bisky — I’m just not as quick with the stream of consciousness messages. (Empires, weasels, or Doors albums) It’s kind of hard to keep up when I haven’t posted a message for a day and a half… BTW, I don’t have Soft Parade, either — just the self-titled and best of door albums. Darn.

  386. lenny Says:

    Oh, favorite album titles… do they have to be albums we like a lot, too? Or just titles we like? (2 lists)

    Favorite albums with great titles:
    Wish You Were Here (just rolls off the tongue)
    Happiness is not a Fish that You Can Catch
    Under the Table and Dreaming
    Modern Life Is Rubbish
    Comfort Eagle

    Just bizarre/funny/clever titles:
    Did I Shave My Legs for This?
    Enema of the State
    The Burdens of Being Upright

    (does anyone even know all of these?)

  387. lenny Says:

    Aww, sweeeeet!! I just posted message # ‘exhuming mccarthy’! Little did I know way back at 286 (these days), that we would actually get to 387, and I got it! Also got You are the Everything.

    If you don’t understand this message, you weren’t paying attention on November 30th. (Just search this page for “number riddle”)

  388. Mr Cup Says:

    This is the the set up for:

  389. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Cracker LOW :
    “sometimes when I walk these streets behind a green sheet of glass”

  390. Ignis Sol Says:

    It’s a good day when you wake up to the radio playin’ “Pop Song 89”
    “hello, I know you, I knew you….”

    When you awake from R.E.M. by R.E.M., you know you are in for a strange and beautiful day!

    Bless KEXP and their love for R.E.M. ( – check it out, friends!)

    (i once woke up to a cover version of “Orange Crush” followed by “Turn You Inside-Out”)

  391. Mr Cup Says:

    Someone is definately in love!

  392. Ignis Sol Says:

    I skipped the part about LOVE……

  393. ScottMalobisky Says:

    night suits me fine , morning suits me fine
    no that’s a lie
    THESE DAYS I much prefer the morning than the night didn’t used to be that way …….but now
    “It’s awfully easy to be hard-boiled about things in the daytime but at night it’s quite another story.”———Ernest Hemingway

  394. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Enema Of The State. Beastie Boys ?

  395. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Wish You Were Here and Under The Table and Dreaming , I do know ……….How about favorite lyrics ?

  396. ScottMalobisky Says:

    anybody got the new REM LIVE ? what do you think of it?

    cool album title : Live Evil or ,maybe my all time favorite album title : Intensities In Ten Cities

  397. Mr Cup Says:

    f o u r h u n d r e d


  398. Kirsten Says:

    401 – on the way to 500!

  399. Kirsten Says:

    The closer I get, the further I feel.
    I’m certain I’ve said that before.

  400. Kirsten Says:

    The closer I get, the further I feel.
    I’m certain
    I’ve said that

  401. lenny Says:

    I have a quote that kills two birds with one stone:
    1. Response to Kirsten’s statement.
    2. Response to Scott’s favorite lyric question.

    “The more you ignore me, the closer I get.”
    — a great song and lyric by Morrissey (though the song is chock full of great lyrics, besides the title)

  402. lenny Says:

    Artists from my other favorite album titles, in case anyone was still wondering (Scott asked about them)

    Enema of the State — Blink 182
    The Burdens of Being Upright — Tracy Bonham
    Happiness is not a Fish that You can Catch — a lesser known album by my favorite Canadian band, Our Lady Peace
    Modern Life is Rubbish — Blur
    Comfort Eagle — Cake

  403. Kirsten Says:

    No Comments Today?!
    Well I’ll drag this baby to 666 even if I have to do it myself!

  404. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I figured I’d find you here 🙂 one more.

  405. Kirsten Says:

    We should’ve saved the Magician conversation for here.

    One more.

  406. Kirsten Says:

    And thanks Scotty. I appreciate your help!

  407. Mr Cup Says:

    I was drawn from my crease…

  408. Mr Cup Says:

    I put the name Michael Stipe into an anagram generator. The best one:

    Emphatic Lies

  409. Kirsten Says:

    Emphatic Lies?? Ha! That explanes soooo many lyrics!

  410. Kirsten Says:

    It also sounds really cool.
    We might find the term “emphatic lies” in the lyrics of their next single….

  411. Mr Cup Says:

    Alchemist Pie
    Cheap Elitism
    Shipmate Lice
    Email Pitches
    Impale Ethics
    A Speech Limit
    A Chemist Pile
    I Machete Lips
    Camels Tie Hip
    Shit Lime Pace

  412. Ignis Sol Says:

    Ha, good one Mr Cup. I wonder what Ignis Sol would generate….

    btw happy Chanukah! My special guy celebrates this and I had latkes. Shalom to all you happy throngs!

  413. Kirsten Says:

    A Speech Limit is another brilliant one!
    You’re gonna have to hit REM for some royalties!

  414. Ignis Sol Says:

    I just checked out an anagram site (while still working, of course).
    I like – Michael Stipe: Male Epic Shit

  415. Mr Cup Says:

    Shalom Ignis and ‘special friend’.

  416. Ignis Sol Says:

    ‘ ‘ sums up my life! 🙂

  417. Kirsten Says:

    Be greatful – the best I could come up with for me was “Stinker”
    Sums up my life?

  418. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Jim Morrison –Mr. Mojo Risin (?)

  419. Kirsten Says:

    Hey, that’s creepy! I wonder if he knew that when he wrote it?

  420. ScottMalobisky Says:

    A Speech Limit means no filibustering….

  421. ScottMalobisky Says:

    is it true that Cobain , Hendrix, Morrison ,Joplin , Brian Jones, and Curtis Mayfield were all 27 when they died ? so , maybe that’s why Cobain chose that age to commit suicide ??????? or just coincidence I wonder ….I’d have to check those ages though I don’t have time right now.

  422. Kirsten Says:

    Cobain was murdered.

  423. Mr Cup Says:

    I think Mr Morrison was aware of it.

    So ah…Sesame Street now comes with an R rating. Is political correctness going a wee bit too far?

  424. Mr Cup Says:

    Peter Buck = Beep Truck

  425. Kirsten Says:

    It’s Elmo’s potty mouth.

  426. Kirsten Says:

    It’s Elmo’s potty mouth.

  427. Mr Cup Says:

    I’m certain you’ve said that before…

    (did you just get a ‘hang’ in yer post?)

  428. Mr Cup Says:

    jim jos posted this in MOTM, but I’ll carry it on here.

    New REM album (title):

    Brawl, Emu Men

  429. Kirsten Says:

    Yeah, sorry my computer shit itself.

    I’m quite hung up on A Speech Limit. But you’d really have to hear the album first. And no, Mr. Stipe, for the hundredth time you cannot call it Cat Butt!!

  430. Mr Cup Says:

    Rub Me, Lawnmen

  431. Kirsten Says:

    New Um Ramble.

    That one’s perfect!

  432. Kirsten Says:

    We Rumble Man.

  433. Kirsten Says:

    Or, to keep in line with REM LIVE, why don’t they just call it NEW REM ALBUM?

  434. Mr Cup Says:

    A new mumbler

  435. Ignis Sol Says:

    We Rumble Man.
    sounds like something Michael and I do…. 🙂

  436. Mr Cup Says:


    Aw Lumbermen

  437. Ignis Sol Says:

    Next R.E.M. title possibilities

    Well Liked Well Hated
    Tunnels & Towers
    Globe of Whores

  438. Ignis Sol Says:

    More titles….. (distraction from working on a story)

    The Sublime BEING
    Age of Insects

  439. Ignis Sol Says:


    Did you know that kid from the “It’s the End of the World (dot,dot,dot) And I Feel Fine” video has an Athens Georgia rockband called Music Hates You!

  440. Mr Cup Says:

    My response when people say ‘I hate jazz’ is:

    Jazz hates You!

  441. Mr Cup Says:

    I could see them using Eclipsing.

  442. Ignis Sol Says:

    hmmm, more, more I am obsessed now

    Revolution Equals Music
    Spank the Roosters

  443. Mr Cup Says:

    again with the laughing out loud!!!!

    That’s very Seattle…yeaaaaagghhh we come to spank the rooster…

  444. Mr Cup Says:

    Funnier still to call an album…janet.


  445. Mr Cup Says:

    Strapped to the Hampster

  446. Ignis Sol Says:

    eeeks, that singer…Lane Staley from Alice in Chains lived down the street from when I lived in Seattle’s University District when he died in his condo by himself.
    He was there quite awhile before they found him. I used to see him having coffee at my favorite cafe nearby (two doors down from Bruce Lee’s old studio). He was very unassuming. I didn’t know it was him until the sexy barista, David, pointed him out to me.

  447. ScottMalobisky Says:

    he called it , Ignis ,
    Down In A Hole
    Man In The Box
    ….amongst others ……..came over the wire today that the cause of death for Kevin Dubrow in Las Vegas about a month ago was………………………………………………………………cocaine overdose …..

  448. ScottMalobisky Says:

    think I’m gonna end up buying the REM Live record before the end of the month

  449. Ignis Sol Says:

    yeah, he did call it…
    damn drugs

    i guess he died on the same day as Kurt Cobain

    When my out of town friends visit, I drive them by Kurt’s old house on Lake Washington. He lived right by Seattle’s peaceful and beautiful arboretum/Japanese Gardens. It is a place I go to in warmer months for solitude. I have my favorite rock I sit on that is just next to a small pond with wonderful weeds surrounding and floating in it. Although I am in the heart of big city, I am alone and there is a quietness that is comforting, soothing and refreshing.

  450. Ignis Sol Says:

    There is a horrendous chain restaurant in the U.S. called Outback Steakhouse and the great band from Athens Georgia, Of Montreal, licensed “Wraith Pinned To The Mist And Other Games…” for it…..

    Now every time I listen to them I think of their cruddy food (I have only been their a few times and that was in the 90’s) and that horrible Blooming Onion they dish out.

    My apologies to my Australian friends for this embarrassing representation for your splendid land.

    I forgive Of Montreal. I have nothing against music artists using their songs for jingles, but choose wisely. Avis rent a car is good company….and Stoli!

    “Orange Crush” for duh, “Orange Crush.”

    “Losing My Religin” for those Left Behind series….

    And I Ramble

  451. Mr Cup Says:

    It’s funny overseas where you see things that are supposed to be representative of your country. Whenever I see Fosters beer it astounds me. No one, and I mean NO ONE drinks it here. Yet OS it’s the only Oz beer available. yech.

    Does the Outback Steakhouse have kangaroos hopping all over the tables, and goannas sliding over your feet?

  452. Ignis Sol Says:

    Mr. Cup, the answer, sadly, is yes. Yes, mate!

    Yeah, about the things you see overseas that are supposed to be representative of us – that President guy – not representative of ME at all. Just sayin’

    I do like that Olivia Newton John. She is just peachy, peachy. That girl is going places.

  453. Mr Cup Says:

    Olivia Neutron Bomb!
    She’s gonna be star!

  454. lenny Says:

    All the way to Xanadu…

  455. Ignis Sol Says:

    have to believe we are tragic, er magic….

  456. ScottMalobisky Says:


  457. lenny Says:

    I only mentioned Xanadu because it sounds much better in that statement than “Rydell High School”. I’ve actually never seen Xanadu, so O.N.J. has always been, and always will be, “Sandy” to me.

  458. ScottMalobisky Says:

    new REM album title—-

    Thrash Forward Red Disease

  459. ScottMalobisky Says:


    Black Flamenco Diamond

  460. lenny Says:

    I thought these days were over and done! No comments on Dec. 13th…

    I don’t know what “black flamenco diamond” is an anagram for, but I like another one for the same letters:
    “Damnable Nomadic Flock”

  461. lenny Says:

    Again, I don’t know what this is an anagram for, but a good one for “Thrash Forward Red Disease” is “Hardheaded Sirs Row Faster”.

  462. Mr Cup Says:

    A Black Inflamed Condom
    A Blockaded Conman Film
    A Nonflammable Cock Did
    A Boldfaced Milkman Con

    ….something there for the censors to chew over

  463. Ignis Sol Says:

    new R.E.M. title!:


  464. ScottMalobisky Says:

    What would Conan O’Brien do ?

  465. lenny Says:

    To: Paul A.
    Re: Comment #121

    You’ll be happy to know that Jim Edmonds is no longer a St. Louis Cardinal.

  466. ScottMalobisky Says:

    “A lot of pop music is about stealing pocket money from children.”_______Ian Anderson, 1989

  467. ScottMalobisky Says:

    “Follow me if I advance. Kill me if I retreat. Revenge me if I die.”__________Ngo Dinh Diem, 1954

  468. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Edmonds in center
    Giles in right
    Scott Hairshirt in left

  469. Kirsten Says:

    I’m gonna DJ at the end of These Days.

  470. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Dan Fogelberg died , 56, of prostate cancer , how sad

  471. Ignis Sol Says:

    In Buck News….

    The Crocodile Cafe – famous Seattle Club owned by Peter Buck’s ex-wife and mother of his twins – is closing.
    The Minus 5 has played there many times.

    Sad news about Mr. Fogelberg. I like that Christmas song he sings and I am not one for Christmas songs. I think I like it because it is tinged with melancholy and longing. 🙂

  472. Mr Cup Says:

    Has the Stranger changed? I remember it being a fiercley independant paper.

  473. Kirsten Says:

    Happy birthday to Mike for the 17th! Hope you have a great day.

  474. Ignis Sol Says:

    Mr Cup-

    The Stranger is kind of the same. Dan Savage is the Editor, so it retains some its sass. It is touted as the alternative independent weekly for Seattle. It has decent coverage of politics, art and music. Big issues in Seattle are the pricey condo explosion that is pricing out people with modern incomes and knocking down blocks of beloved clubs and bars. How many rich people are out there? I wonder what compels them to move here? Seattle has yet to feel the real estate market crunch. These Days are strange and ever changing.

    R.E.M. title: DUCK BUTT

  475. Ignis Sol Says:

    er, by “modern incomes” i mean modest incomes, which is probably the same thing is some way…

  476. Mr Cup Says:

    We have a situation where all the good live venues were closed and converted into retirement homes. There are no pubs with any character anywhere. Just shiny, reflective, overpriced glamour holes.

    Real estate is beyond farcical. Tiny weatherboard workers cottages are going for $750 – 800k aud.
    Every new building is ‘luxury apartments’ at an absolute minimum of 2 million bucks. One abnormally wealthy family is building a house for the princely sum of $70 million.

    Crazy, crazy times. Again.

  477. ScottMalobisky Says:

    according to CNN (isn’t it sad when one has to preface a news item with “according to” ? ,I really just don’t know what to believe anymore , really don’t. I suppose the truth is out there somewhere between the extremes of viewpoints one is bombarded with every day ) the other day ,”the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, the top 1% of the richest people–can’t recall if it was the USA or the world, think it was the USA–have more total wealth than the bottom 20% of the population combined “

  478. Ignis Sol Says:

    This insurgency began and I missed it.

    yeah, Scott. I am scared that I will be priced out of my wonderful neighborhood. I do ok, but I am not ready for my apartment to be converted into a condo. Although, some are very nice. I am not quite ready for that investment, yet.

    The closing of the Crocodile Cafe is making headline news in Seattle because it where famous bands like Nirvana and Mudhoney (who I saw there) got their start. People on the local blog (called the Slog) in the Stranger, a weekly independent, even mentioned the Buckster and Scott a few times. Someone even blamed the closing on his divorce! I have a good memory of the dude from Harvey Danger accidentally spilling a little of his beer on my courdoroy coat. I don’t think he realized it. That coat was Built to Spill. HA!

    It is funny because all the billboards for all the new condos going up say: “luxurious living in the heart of……..blah….” There are around 40 or more skyscrapers (some are offices and apartments) being built in Seattle. Across the skyline you see the strong arms of construction cranes flexing. This is in contrast to the sturdy and sure cranes in the port lifting and heaving huge crates from China and lands nearby it. This is not Buck’s fault….. or is it?

  479. Kirsten Says:

    We bought our house 6 years ago and had it valued a couple of weeks ago and it had doubled in price! How ridiculous – our house is really not worth that much. If we were trying to get into the house market now, we simply wouldn’t be able to. What we paid for our house 6 years ago would only get a 30 year old 1 bedroom unit today. How are young people suppose to get a start in life?

  480. Ignis Sol Says:

    They start by listening to R.E.M., Life and How to Live It! It is written in a Document and once you are done you get to enjoy Lifes Rich Pageant.
    HOPEfully, you do not run OUT OF TIME. Don’t FRET when the WORLD IS A MONSTER. Find your Perfect Circle of acquaintances and friends. Remember Everybody Hurts, but Sweetness Follows.

    Kirsten, I think I am going crazy… 🙂 to quote Radiohead “this is really happening…”

  481. ScottMalobisky Says:

    anybody got the new Radiohead ? I’ve heard one very cool song on 94.9 FM..”where the music matters”..; ‘Jigsaw Falling Into Place’………is the song I heard.

    Ignis in cordoroy , cool , hey man , where can I see your pic again ? never followed that link awhile back , I am very curious to see what you look like.

  482. ScottMalobisky Says:

    …….if I had the money I would much prefer to have a fancy , secure luxury apartment right smack in the middle of the happening city as opposed to a big mansion in the country…..if I had to make a choice ….but then again maybe I could have both :), it would be so cool really to have a spacious high rise condo/apartment in the city , the kind where you are right in the center of the action but able at any moment to lock the door behind you and leave the madness out there if you so chose , you know?…..just walk through the front door of the building past the doorman , get into the elevator ,ride it upstairs to your own little sumptuous sanctuary ,pour yourself some liquid refreshment and go out onto the balcony , sit down and gaze out upon the peons below. the ones who have to be concerned with negotiating the thirty miles back home after the party’s over and having to make such a big production out of coming into the city in the first place, you know …? I don’t sleep I dream…..

  483. ScottMalobisky Says:

    …..that apt on Frasier in Seattle , can you tell where it’s at in the city there, Ignis, by the view out the window ????????….one of these days I’ll make it to Seattle…….

  484. Ignis Sol Says:


    my pic from my myspace:

    there is a few pics in my profile.

    Yes, Frasier leaves in Queen Anne neighborhood. Seattle has Seven Hills. That is one of them on the north of town. His view, seemingly, looks south on the city. The skyline has changed a lot since that show has been on and cancelled. The building I work in, WaMu Center/Seattle Art Museum was just completed last year and it is 42 floors.

    If you come to Seattle I will hang out with you and buy you a coffee! Maybe sneak in a beer or two from a brew pub? And take you buy Kurt’s old house.
    I live in the Capitol Hill neighborhood.

    And Frasier, I am sure, owned a codo! Damn him! 🙂

    Grey’s Anatomy is set in the same ‘hood (by the Space Needle). They occasionally come to town and shoot some stuff. The roof shots from the hospital are shot from the roof of the TV station. Inside note: that neighborhood is not zoned for hospitals, that would be First Hill.

  485. ScottMalobisky Says:

    that’s very cool , Man , would love to have a coffee with you (I drink lots of coffee) , don’t drink alcohol though , although maybe I will have relapsed by the time I get there ……:). I would still very much love to check out the scene , go out and not drink, I do that without a problem (which is kinda amazing to me really)

    is that photo in your apartment ? I always imagined you with wild-assed hair BTW , guess I was wrong :)…………not wild ass hair but wild-assed hair……..

  486. Ignis Sol Says:

    yeah, that is my apartment

    i remember saying you don’t drink, i don’t want to be an enticer. i have friends who don’t drink, but still go out and have fun.

    my hair was really long a couple of years ago. I go
    back and forth. It IS really wild and curly right now.
    i should update some photos.
    LOL @ wild ass hair — my friend Michael and I have a dirty inside joke about that….LOL!

    any pics of you online?

    you, Kirsten?

    Mr Cup?

    Seattle still has a cool scene despite all the changes and griping going on… I manage to kick up the dirt.

  487. ScottMalobisky Says:

    no pics of me on line , how would I go about doing that ? I do have a few in my Kodak files.

  488. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Came very close to buyng the live record last night , had it in my hand at Wal-mart , put it back remembering that I was there to buy for other people, not myself.

  489. lenny Says:

    Hey — the “these days” page was 1 month old yesterday and nobody mentioned it. Oh well, the post has reached a dozen other milestones, so what’s one more?

    I have the newest Radiohead album, Scott. It’s pretty good. I definitely like it better than the previous one, “Hail to the Thief”. But it’s like every other album — it takes a little while to warm up to it, and it has it’s own unique sound. Definitely worth buying (but you can get it online for nothing, of course).

  490. Ignis Sol Says:

    Yeah, R.E.M. Live is great. I bought it at the Borders near my office (the same one I worked at years ago). I was so busy working the Seattle LGBT Film Festival at the time, I did not listen to it until almost two weeks, one month before I watched the DVD.

    i bought the Radiohead download when it came out in October, but have been unable to get it to play it. I am having issues with uploading it.

    I thought I could listen to it with my iTunes, but it won’t play.

    I have been busy for a couple months and did not have the time to focus on it.

    I can’t wait to hear the songs.

    Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

  491. lenny Says:

    No, I don’t know what you’re doing wrong — I’m listening to the album on my computer right now (through winamp, or you can use Windows Media Player). It also works on my ipod — by just dragging and dropping the album to my ipod device in iTunes. What are the file types of the songs in your download? Mine are mp3, just the same as all of my other digital music files. Did you get them in a different format?

  492. Ignis Sol Says:

    Thanks lenny!

    I tried Windows Media Player, too and it does not work.

    When I get home tonight I will try simply dragging and dropping into my iTunes. I tried before through the actual program before. There is now a response to my inquiry about In Rainbows in my mail….

    Unfortunately, my iPod (second one) was stolen. Other than my car, which was returned, that is the only “major purchase” I have had stolen. To me it was priceless because I work 1.5 miles to and from work everyday (accept with the weather really, really sucks). So, now I sing to myself. People must think I am nuts when I am singing, “do you give good head…” :0

  493. Ignis Sol Says:

    omg, that omiticon was accidental, I meant 🙂

  494. Kirsten Says:

    Wow, I can’t believe I missed These Days’ Birthday! Happy 1 month Birthday for the 18th These Days!

    And to my beautiful little baby, happy 4th birthday for today (the 20th)! RIP Billy. mwah.

  495. Ignis Sol Says:

    last night i dreamt that monkeys were trying to break into my childhood home after a nuclear bomb exploded.

  496. ScottMalobisky Says:

    RIP Billy ? mwah ?

  497. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I want you to STAAAAAAAAAAAAY American (or Australian)

  498. Kirsten Says:

    Congratulations Bisky, the big 500!

    501 now, 165 to go…..

  499. Mr Cup Says:

    I am soooooo hung over today. Had the work party yesterday. Started with martini’s at 9.30am. Ended in backward somersaults off the boat.

    I have no photo’s on line Ignis, but guess what? We are the same age!

    I have to lie down now.

  500. maclure Says:

    Ahhh, I knew the party would still be kicking off here. Speaking of work parties, I was the only one in a tie yesterday. Brazilians are not formal, it has to be said. Wishing you all a merry Christmas…

  501. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Happy Hanukah and Rambunctious Ramadan

  502. ScottMalobisky Says:

    the Big 500 without metabolic steroids or HGH , just a series of multitudinous unphotogenic polypeptides forming me

  503. Ignis Sol Says:

    Eating too much food THESE DAYS with the Holiday.

    Went to the Sonics game last night and they lost to New Orleans. I drank beer.

    more parties tonight, tomorrow and all through the weekend. Whiskey sours for all.

  504. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I wish……….wistfully ……….worlds away…..

  505. Mr Cup Says:

    Happy festivities to all.

  506. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Happy Festivus

  507. Ignis Sol Says:


    I could not get out bed to go to work today, so I hit the snooze alarm two times. While in bed in daze-hazey dreamworld, I thought to myself that on the next wake up, the DJ will be playing an R.E.M. song. I just FELT it. All was calm and quiet then…!

    Bap, bap, bap, bap….. “Beside yourself if radio’s gonna stay…”

    I stayed in bed until the next tune kicked in and began my day that will launch a four-day weekend.

    Happy Festivus, the Holiday for the rest of us!

    Again, check out online, friends. Great music, diverse and you never know what is going to be played.

  508. ScottMalobisky Says:

    What’s the difference between in-laws and outlaws ?

  509. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Outlaws are wanted.

  510. lenny Says:

    Good one, Bisky.

    I have a good story to share — my 15-month old daughter Ella loves music, but it seemed like my wife’s music was having more influence on Ella than my music was. (Her favorite artist from birth was Dave Matthews.) But today in the car, I plugged in my ipod, hit shuffle songs, the first song that played was “We Walk” by R.E.M. I looked in the rearview mirror and she was bouncing and bopping her head back and forth to the happy beat. It just about brought a tear to my eye. After some non-REM songs, she also enjoyed Gardening at Night. That’s my girl…

    (Oddly enough, “We Walk” was included on a children’s music CD that my mother-in-law gave us, called “Mary had a little Amp”. Who said in-laws aren’t wanted?)

  511. ScottMalobisky Says:

    there are exceptions in non-dysfunctional family units

  512. ScottMalobisky Says:

    outta my brain on the 5:15, oh
    I’m outta my brain

  513. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Mexican minimum wage raised to $4.85
    A day

  514. Kirsten Says:

    Happy holidays to everyone and your families. Enjoy and most importantly – keep it safe!

    Ho Ho Ho

  515. Kirsten Says:

    Really! $4.85?? I’ve gotta move to Mexico….

  516. ScottMalobisky Says:

    all born on Christmas Eve: Ricky Martin , Lemmy, and Hamid Karzai

  517. ScottMalobisky Says:

    all born on Christmas Day:Jimmy Buffett ,Annie Lennox , Sissy Spacek ,Larry Csonka ,God

  518. Kirsten Says:

    Well, we’re slowly getting there. It might get a bit quiet here as people take holidays. I was listening to These Days yesterday – it really is an excellent song and does deserve this kind of attention.

  519. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Pink Floyd_____One Of Thse Days
    (I’m gonna chop you into little pieces)
    Companion piece to Careful With That Ax, Eugene

  520. Ignis Sol Says:

    the mountains are falling into my cereal bowl, quick get me a bigger spoon!

  521. Ignis Sol Says:

    I am feelin’ Stipey today.

  522. Kirsten Says:

    The strong man kicked sand into my breakfast cereal bowl
    I’d spelled your name with Oatios
    He messed it, messed it, messed it, messed it up.

  523. Kirsten Says:

    >>the mountains are falling into my cereal bowl, quick get me a bigger spoon!<<

    The same thing might have happened to Figgy after the earthquake they had over there.

  524. ScottMalobisky Says:

    ……the world is collapsing and I’m looking for answers beyond the great beyond…..

  525. Ignis Sol Says:

    …answers beyond my box of Otios!

    my name spelled in Otios: Ooooooo

  526. ScottMalobisky Says:

    New Year’s Day song :

    Around the Sun
    I Believe
    Begin The Begin

  527. Kirsten Says:

    New Years Song:

    Nothing ever happens
    Nothing happens at all
    The needle returns to the start of the song
    And we all sing along like before
    And we’ll all be lonely tonight
    And lonely tomorrow.

  528. Ignis Sol Says:

    hopefully when I wake up tomorrow I will be “lonely” with some one cute. 😉

    mean cats eat parakeets….

  529. ScottMalobisky Says:

    “nothing changes New Year’s Day” BUT ” chaaaaaaaaaaaange
    is what I believe in “, actually I’m looking very much forward to 2008 , should be a very interesting year on a personal and world level…didn’t really feel this way last year

    “And yesterday I saw you kissing tiny flowers
    But all that lives is born to die
    So I say to you that nothing really matters
    And all you do is stand and cry…….”

  530. Ignis Sol Says:

    I am up with the midnite flowers, reachin’ high up into the towers/i am up with the light of the moon, naked reflections upon a silver spoon..

    will you dance with me?

  531. Ignis Sol Says:



  532. Ignis Sol Says:

    can you indulge me
    i am on the run
    looming useless in the midwestern sun
    two tracks are burning a hole into the ground
    cigarettes light in our mysterious round
    we talk of the ages, complain with our rages
    we lament the future with hope that won’t last
    we want these slow moments to quickly past
    we are strung from the clotheslines in american heat
    we are chicago, detroit we cannot be complete
    and if i were to know you
    for a minute or so
    would i somehow annoy you
    is is my time to go?
    we are adorned in our favorite rags
    we gather in circles under these sacred flags
    and we sing, sing, sing, sing, sing.

  533. Ignis Sol Says:

    a couple of lines are not grammatical, but they were written on the fly, can be quickly remedied, so please don’t ask me WHY!

  534. Ignis Sol Says:

    been heading in a new direction
    since aged seventeen
    it’s been a lot of hell with some
    heaven in between
    i thought i’d get by with some bits
    of my self-esteem
    i’m so dark clouded, it is
    like a Kafka dream

    o give me give me something to believe
    a dying flower with a scent of ill reprieve
    i am not going down alone this time
    is this my open-secret pantomime?

    gah, gah, gah GAH!!!

  535. ScottMalobisky Says:

    is that all original stuff, yours ?

  536. Ignis Sol Says:

    yeah, Scott it is mine. I wrote it last night directly into this blog. My guests had just left and I was unwinding with wine in my bloodstream and cheese in my stomach.

  537. Kirsten Says:

    Grey sky in one direction, Clear blue sky in the other direction
    Grey sky in one direction, Clear blue sky in the other direction
    Grey sky in one direction, Clear blue sky in the other direction
    The sun just came out, I can’t believe it
    The sun just came out, I can’t believe it
    The sun just came out, I can’t believe it
    Looks like everything’s gonna be OK

  538. lenny Says:

    Happy New Year everyone. I haven’t posted a message here in a long time — I almost gave up on these days.

    Nice Pink Floyd reference, Scott — One of These Days — I can’t believe I didn’t think of that sooner.

    Back to work today after 12.5 days off. Now…what music to listen to at work, REM or Pink Floyd?

  539. Ignis Sol Says:

    OH, MY….

    ………..from Wikipedia

    Accelerate is an album released in 2003 by American Christian pop group Jump5.

    The promo website countdown to their album was probably called “fortynights.”


  540. Kirsten Says:

    Never give up on These Days, Lenny. Never.

    Slowly but surely making our way to 550. I can only dream of being the one….

  541. Mr Cup Says:

    Happy New Year all.

  542. ScottMalobisky Says:

    there are three main points to this entry and you will be quizzed on the way out of the theater:

    1. Happy New Year, Cup

    2. Set The Controls For The Heart OF The Sun

    3. What A Jack-Ass, Huckabee

  543. lenny Says:

    Sorry, Kristen — those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are in the dead of winter — a time for the abandonment of all hope and the listening to and quoting of Pink Floyd. Actually, I like the dead of winter — I got new skis for Christmas and can’t wait to try them out. But I have listened to a lot of Pink Floyd this week.

    “Why can’t we play today; why can’t we stay that way?”
    — (Name that one, Scott)

  544. lenny Says:

    By the way…I Heart Huckabees.
    (The movie, not the candidate.)

  545. lenny Says:

    I must be out of practice here — message #545 should have read “Sorry, KIRSTEN”. And now I’m sorry again, Kirsten. (I know that I would hate if people assumed my name was spelled a different way, or even if it was by accident.)

  546. lenny Says:

    I meant message #546, not #545. Is there any other way I can add unnecessarily to the These Days message tally?

  547. Ignis Sol Says:

    the dead of winter — a time for the abandonment of all hope (lenny)

    someone who is worth it in this murkiness 🙂

    heavy, dreary skies pressing down on me
    heavy, dreary skies pressing down on me
    celestial entities are collapsing down on me
    You won’t hear me whisper, you won’t hear me breathe
    This seasonal change of mercy has choked the life out of me


  548. ScottMalobisky Says:

    uh, Lenny, that would be ‘Remember A Day’ one of my faves from that record , almost like that one as much as ‘Seesaw; yes yes , early Floyd , those innocent short dreamy songs . no words to describe the feeling of nostalgia I get from these two songs. I’m sure you know, Lenny , how they got the name Pink Floyd ? eh ? how about Zeppelin ? do you know the story of how they got their name ?

    feeling gravity’s pull , eh ,Ignis ?

    Happy Birthday Stephen Stills and John Paul Jones
    63 and 62 respectively

  549. Ignis Sol Says:

    i am feelin’ gravity crushing me…like a grape…and my wine is bitter and fruitless

    yeah, Happy Birthday to Stephen and John Paul!

    do you celebrate the day when your heart dies and soul evaporates?

  550. ScottMalobisky Says:

    did JPJ raise a glass with Stipey during the AFTP sessions ….considering……the proximity of ……?

    well, Ignis , Zep got Celebration Day but I don’t think it’s about that

    Seatle was recently rated the nations most literate city , #2 Minneapolis.

  551. ScottMalobisky Says:

    lenny, I once wrote verbatim the lyrics for Wish You Were Here (the song) on a bathroom stall wall while doing my business there in this bleak fiberglass autobody replacement parts plastic plant that I worked at for awhile after screwing up my first year of college, funny my foreman was pissed not so much about what I may or may not have been saying there but he was pissed about the fact that I was on the clock while doing it………and at the end of that first year of college that I screwed up so royally I wrote verbatim those same lyrics on the front page of my Physics final because I was so hopelessly failing the class ; I can’t believe to this day that I went to school initially for Engineering –I mean–I was high all the time and completely clueless, I mean you fall a little bit behind in advanced calculus and chemistry and physics and it totally snowballs into an impossibly unmanageable situation. I was such an immature child-stoner-fool then , all I did was do bongs and listen to PF Animals over and over. Not the correct formula for succeeding in Engineering, which I really wasn’t interested in anyhow, was just tryingto take a major that would get me a decent job. I was such an idiot then.

  552. Mr Cup Says:

    See? I knew Pink Floyd were bad for your health!

  553. Kirsten Says:

    Hi Lenny. Don’t worry about my name, I get Kristen a lot. I also get called Catherine a fair bit too – not really sure why though…..

  554. Kirsten Says:

    Speaking of the weather: 1am New Year’s Day. Still 35 deg (C), drinking a nice cool beer, listening to Reveal. Dancing the rhu-rhu-rhu-rhu-rhumba. A perfect Summer album. What a great way to start a new year.

    Hope you’re safe from those fires over there, Mr Cup. I saw them on the news last night and thought of you.

  555. Kirsten Says:

    Oh, and one last thing. 1 very important thing.


    Walked down to a nearby lake at lunch time with my ipod and found a lovely spot in the shade (way too hot for sunbaking today) and over indulged in Stipiness. And come 5 O’clock, it’ll be a Michael Stipe Celebration weekend!

  556. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I knew you wanted to mention that Kirsten so I let you say it first . I’m not too far behind him ,I’ll be 48 in June , we live parallel but very seperate lives.

  557. Kirsten Says:

    Thanks Scott, I appreciate that. I don’t have much else in my life…..

  558. Mr Cup Says:

    Safe from the fires thanks Kirsten. They are nearly always in the hills on the outskirts of the city and nearly always lit by f-wits.

    It’s just frickin HOT. How many times can it hit 40 before the height of summer?

    PS. Congrats on the iPod!

  559. ScottMalobisky Says:

    and interestingly we here in America are getting a real winter-like winter this year, lots of cold and snow , and for me here in SD , lots of rain (with snow in the mountains)…been a while and I love it , makes me think that perhaps the world ain’t deteriorating so quickly from Global Warming after all, maybe…a good old-fashioned winter like when I was a kid . I wonder where and how Stipey is celebrating his b-day ?? Stuff like that drives me crazy like how I’ll never see the wallpaper in David Gilmour’s master bathroom or I’ll never see what Jimmy Page’s kitchen looks like, I mean really I wonder what it looks like..??!!..But then my typical thought process always plays itself out until the next time and I get past such nonsense and realize how fortunate I am compared to the vast majority of the planet and I focus in on what I can appreciate and see.

    Good Day Now.

  560. Ignis Sol Says:

    There has been a lot of snow in the mountains here, too. I appreciate my view from my work desk of the Olympic mountains beyond Puget Sound. Beautiful. Usually, the snow is lighter on parts of this range due to the particular climate (especially as it slopes to the Pacific Ocean), but today it looks tasty white frosting on top of a chocolate cupcake. Mostly blue skies.

    I hope Michael Stipe is enjoying his own cake with frosting. Happy Birthday, Stipe!

  561. Ignis Sol Says:

    …………or you could put some frosting on me and…………….

  562. Ignis Sol Says:

    Hey Kirsten are you gonna make a birthday party cheesecake for Michael and invite all the LBs?

  563. Mr Cup Says:

    I remember when I was a kid, out of the blue asking myself ‘What is Burt Reynolds doing RIGHT NOW?’.

    Burt Reynolds. This was probably at the height of Cannonball Run’s success. But I really wanted to know.

    This fame thing, I don’t get it.

    Burt Reynolds.

  564. Ignis Sol Says:

    Burt Reynolds was in Boogie Nights directed by PT Anderson who directs There Will Be Blood which opens this weekend and I really want to see it.
    Just sayin’ y’all.

    I wonder what Mr Cup’s doing RIGHT NOW?

  565. ScottMalobisky Says:

    now that’s a damn good question
    I wonder if when he sees blue he sees the same blue that I see .
    or if you do for that mattter , Ignis

    BTW , so sorry my brother, but I’ll be rooting for the Skinnies tomorrow, nothing personal 🙂
    prelude to the Steelers throwdown and hopefully the Steelers will be the ones doing the throwing down
    although I have my serious doubts

  566. Ignis Sol Says:

    hmmm, looks like we got a lil’ competition here, buddy.

    the Skins are bound to make a few false starts for sure since Qwest field is soooo g.d. loud! It is supposed to be stormy tomorrow, too (but where won’t it be stormy tomorrow in the US?).

    Well, at least I know what YOU will be doing tomorrow at the same time as me…. watchin’ the game (I will have a beer on and for you, my sane and sober friend).

  567. Mr Cup Says:

    Oh Ignis, that would be beyond the scope of this blog!

    Nah, just kidding. I’m drinking coffee and contemplating the bigger issues facing kids today. Beach or pool?

    I too pondered the ‘seeing the same colour’ thing. Now be honest Bisky…did you wrap your hand in plastic to try to look through it?

  568. ScottMalobisky Says:

    no , I did not this time…….in a way when I think of blindness I compare what it must be like to a normal person trying to imagine a totally different color, try to imagine a totally different color if you will , not a combination of existing colors or anything like that, maybe there is one out there on a different planet or something…..and if you were blind , would you rather have been blind from birth or would you rather have lost your sight sometime in your adult life ?
    if you were a domesticated indoor cat who was kept inside all it’s life you wouldn’t know what you
    were missing outside so maybe it would be better to be blind from birth , no ?, and you’d be more used to it , not so prone to freak out from frustration ….Imagine trying to describe the concept of color to a blind person, trying to describe red or green or purple or gold to someone who has never seen anything but darkness. weird.

    Cool songs : Queens Of The Stone Age; ‘No One Knows’ and ‘Everybody Knows That You’re Insane”

  569. Ignis Sol Says:

    i once saw a movie where a character was describing color to a blind person. he gave the young blind girl a rock that had been in boiling water and he said, “this is red….and when it cools down it will be pink.” He handed her some fluffy cotton and described it as white and so on….

  570. ScottMalobisky Says:

    right , but still , that would be so inadequate , if a person has no concept of light , having never experienced it. hard to fathom

  571. ScottMalobisky Says:

    WOW Ignis . the Swami just predicted the SEAHAWKS vs. the Pats in SBXLII, missed his reasoning , how he figures Seattle will get past Dallas I do not know… Not since 1993 has the SB been between the #1 seeded teams so I guess there is a chance that someone will be there besides NE and Dallas , although this year more than ever the two participants seem inevitable. But then again somehing happened on the way to Hillary’s “inevitabl” coronation , eh ?? Why I dislike her so I am really not sure..I do like Bill.

  572. ScottMalobisky Says:

    rainy day dream away let the sun take a holiday
    1983 a merman I should turn to be _____Hendrix
    on days like these I like to drink in the morning
    then smoke a little dope . but shit I don’t do that anymore . that sucks.

  573. Ignis Sol Says:

    goooooooooooooo Seahawks!!!!!!!

  574. Ignis Sol Says:

    just wait, Bisky……

  575. Ignis Sol Says:

    god, my city looks great on TV, eh?

  576. Ignis Sol Says:

    you can actually see the building I work in from the north shots of the endzone!!!

  577. Ignis Sol Says:


  578. Ignis Sol Says:

    WE WON

  579. ScottMalobisky Says:

    the referee’s name is Scott Green
    I’m figurin’ that’s a good omen

  580. Ignis Sol Says:

    anything Green is good, my friend.

  581. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Columbus’s groin was filled with green death.
    Word is he could’t afford health insurance.

  582. Kirsten Says:

    Thanks Mr Cup, time to move into the 21st century. Just gotta work out how to use the thing now.

    I had a blind budgie, Ted. (Yes, their names WERE Bill & Ted) It was amazing to watch how clever he was at working out and remembering where things were. Billy was good at helping him out, too. Poor little baby only lived for 5 months though. The brain desease that caused his blindness took him from us.

    And I must be honest, I’ve only ever watched 1 American footy game, and really didn’t get it. I don’t get soccer either. Sorry guys.
    Carn the Bombers!

  583. Ignis Sol Says:

    I don’t get it either, I just like to drink beer and get wild.

  584. Mr Cup Says:

    I’d like to see them take their body armor off and see how they strut it. Otherwise I find it too slow.

    Will you be barracking for the Freo Bombers this year Kirsten?

  585. ScottMalobisky Says:

    “I find it too slow”, what ? the later REM ? 🙂

  586. Kirsten Says:

    Freo Bombers? Didn’t even know they existed, but am more than happy to do so. Which league are we talking??

  587. Kirsten Says:

    And the boys in tight shorts perhaps too Ignis?

  588. Mr Cup Says:

    Kirsten: AFL. The Dockers have taken coaching staff and players from the Bombers, hence the term Freo Bombers.

    Bisky: The thing you call football I think. Being unaware of the subtleties of the game I was just watching as an observer. Too slow. Stop.Start.Stop.Start etc……………Nothing seemed to flow.

  589. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I know , Man , I know …..those breaks are so the announcer and commentator can overanalyze everything about the previous play and the upcoming play, using every football cliche in the book..My favorite ? “He’s a physical player.” How ridiculous !! I sure hope so .

  590. Mr Cup Says:

    Yeah, I don’t like my sportsmen to be all ‘conceptual’.

  591. Kirsten Says:

    Sorry Mr Cup, a bit slow on that one. It’s summertime – I’m in cricket mode….

  592. Mr Cup Says:

    I can’t believe I missed the end of the test!
    With an hour to go I thought it would be a tie. Went surfing. Come back – a miracle.

    Can’t believe the fiasco that has followed either.
    India won’t want to play the WACA because Tait will be included!!!!!

  593. Ignis Sol Says:

    Kirsten –
    And the boys in tight shorts perhaps too Ignis? 🙂

    Well, Seattle is getting it’s own soccer (football) team in a couple years…. talk about tight shorts!

  594. ScottMalobisky Says:

    author/guest on Coast To Coast AM last night was making a very compelling case for the possibility of the current King Of Jordan being the Anti-Christ, basically I think it can be stated that whomever enables the seemingly utterly preposterously imposssible proposition of The Islamic Dome Of The Rock to be replaced by the third time rebuilt Jewish Temple, will indeed be the Anti-Christ …… so , pay attention , and remember, the Anti-Christ will initially be an incredibly charismatic man of peace .

  595. Mr Cup Says:

    um…is it written?

  596. Mr Cup Says:

    Oh Kirsten – this is the big set up for number……

  597. lenny Says:

    600!! Wow. I step out for a few days, and I get this huge honor. And that’s odd — usually I go for the less obvious milestones.

  598. Mr Cup Says:


    Oh well…there’s always 700….

  599. lenny Says:

    I just spent the last two days in court as a potential juror. I was not selected, and people tell me that it’s because I’m an engineer (I guess we’re too analytical). I guess that’s another interest that Scott and I have in common (besides REM and Pink Floyd). Sorry that engineering school didn’t seem to work out for you, though.

    Also, Scott, your story reminds me that I have a “Wish You Were Here” lyrics-writing moment in my past, too. I was in Davis, California for a week of training with a friend/co-worker of mine, and we were out drinking one night (starting at our hotel, where we got free drinks from 5 to 7PM), hit another few bars, and we finally got to dinner around 10 at an Italian restaurant that had paper for tablecloths, and crayons to entertain yourself with. So, in addition to our other drunken scribblings, like Let’s Go Blues (St. Louis hockey team), and Red Wings suck, we wrote out all the lyrics to Wish You Were Here. Such a simple tune, relatively straight-forward lyrics, though often misunderstood, amazing guitar solo — one of my favorite songs of all time. Scott, if you start a blog, make it one that writes about every Pink Floyd song ever made. I’ll follow that page just like this one.

    By the way — no one commenting on primary election results? What’s up with that? It’s still pretty close, I hear, for the Dems.

  600. Kirsten Says:

    LOL Mr Cup – so close, yet so far! The original goal was 666, but I’m not sure anyone really wants that one.

    Yeah, the cricket’s been interesting to say the least:

    They’re numbering the monkeys
    The monkeys and the monkeys
    The followers of chaos out of control

  601. Mr Cup Says:

    You mean you were holding back that whole time???????

    Maybe lenny and Bisky could start one of those ‘places I’ve written/seen entire Pink Floyd songs written’ sites.
    It would be popular. Especially if it was the same song over and over.
    I’d do it.

  602. lenny Says:

    I hear that there is a really good Pink Floyd cover band from Australia. They have played in my home town, but I haven’t seen them yet. Ever heard of them, Kirsten?

    I will look for a good place at work to write down some lyrics tomorrow. If only we had this conversation yesterday — I could have written them in my city courthouse somewhere!

    Oh, by the way — I didn’t realize that this would be the place for a discussion of NFL football — otherwise, I would have commented over the weekend. Oh well, as far as next weekend goes, with “all apologies” to our Seahawks fan, go PACKERS! (Get the Seattle/Nirvana joke there, ha,ha?)

  603. lenny Says:

    There is a blog just waiting to be started, whenever we decide to give this page a rest…

    We can still call it “These Days”, and it’s theme will be “R.E.M. fans who especially like the song These Days, who also enjoy fanatical conversation about many other things, including, but not limited to Cricket, Baseball, strings of favorite songs in succession on an album, American Football, head-to-head song character competitions, Video Games, geographic locations of R.E.M. fans, Numerology, and of course, Pink Floyd.”

  604. lenny Says:

    By the way — only 5 different people would ever be allowed to comment on the new These Days page. (The same 5 who have kept this post going since December 20th — that’s the last time anyone else commented here besides us.)

  605. Mr Cup Says:

    Which PF song would you have REM cover for their next B side lenny?

  606. lenny Says:

    Forgot to add — Scott, no, I don’t think I know where Pink Floyd got their name. I just know that Naomi Watts’ dad was one of their roadies or something — and his voice was featured on Dark Side of the Moon. And I love Naomi Watts like you wouldn’t believe, so what a coincidence, huh? It all comes back in a ‘perfect circle’.

  607. lenny Says:

    Good question, Mr Cup — I’m sure that Scott will have a better answer to the “next b-side” question, because I am not that familiar with R.E.M.’s more recent albums, but I’ll go another route. Here are the Pink Floyd covers I would have chosen as b-sides for past R.E.M. albums:

    Murmur – A Pillow of Winds
    Reckoning – Echoes
    Fables – Wish You Were Here
    LRP – Mother
    Document – Have a Cigar
    Green – Let There Be More Light
    Out of Time – Learning to Fly
    Automatic – Nobody Home
    Monster – Sheep
    Hi-Fi – Us and Them

  608. Ignis Sol Says:

    Ok, ok,
    I must tell you all this and I know it is getting tedious…

    yet another day when I hit snooze a couple times,

    then bam, the opening chords of “Leave” are playing, then siren, then….”nothing….”

    I waited for it to end and then got up to start a day…

    Leave it all behind…. (did U2 steal that for their album title? – just wonderin’)

  609. ScottMalobisky Says:

    “All Apologies” got one of the best rock and roll lyrics of all time, “I wish I was like you , easily amused.”

    Pink Floyd got their name from the combination of Pink Council and Floyd Anderson, two old bluesmen ; LZ supposedly got their name when Keith Moon heard them jamming for the first time and exclaimed , “Damn, you guys get down like a lead balloon !”

    Did you know that if you play backwards at the very begininng of Any Color You Like –that mumbling there –you can hear somethng like, “Congratulations . You have found the secret Pink Floyd message. Send name and address to..” , so and so and we will send you so and so.., that green tinted really far-out band poster I think that went with that record..Something like that . I never actually heard it , a friend at work was telling me about it.

    Speakinng of PF lyrics : Is it too late to lose the weight I used to need to throw around ? ha ha charade I am…..What a masterpiece : ANIMALS : something I took so seriously as the band laughted all the way to the bank 🙂

  610. ScottMalobisky Says:

    correction and clarification:

    that’s Pink Anderson and Floyd Council

    that’s the first time Moonie SAW LZ jam not the first time LZ jammed period

    ……as Bill Richardson drops out of the race , shame he and Joe Biden don’t get more attention and votes….

    ….and Alabama man throws his four young children to their deaths off of a bridge and missing 24 year old female Georgia hiker is found decapitated


  611. ScottMalobisky Says:

    You got to be crazy
    You gotta have a real need
    You gotta sleep on your toes
    And when you’re on the street
    You got to be able to pick out the easy meat
    With your eyes closed
    Then moving in silently downwind and out of sight
    You got to strike when the moment is right
    Without thinking
    And after a while
    You can work on points for style
    Like the club tie, a firm handshake ,
    A certain look in the eye
    And an easy smile
    You have to be trusted
    By the people that you lie to
    So that when they turn their backs on you
    You get the chance to put the knife in

  612. Ignis Sol Says:

    ….and Alabama man throws his four young children to their deaths off of a bridge
    and according to F***twads like Romney, etc: at least they were heterosexual… or as Dan Savage reports almost daily on these type of issues…. “Every Child Deserves a Mother and Father…” And gays are denied having children in some states? These are the issues, not false (although pressing) cue/code isses like “amnesty” and “immigration.” See the light people, walk into the light….. 🙂

  613. ScottMalobisky Says:

    “amnesty” and ILLEGAL “immigration” is a HUGE ISSUE !! anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t know the facts or doesn’t give a flying **@# about this country, there’s no third option

  614. Kirsten Says:

    Sorry Lenny, never heard of them. Maybe that’s because they’re over there playing, not here? 🙂

    Great question Mr Cup. Trying really hard, and even with Lenny’s suggestions I still can’t imagine Michael’s voice on a Pink Floyd song. I’d love to hear them try something like “Learning to Fly”. Just because I can’t put it together in my head doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be great.

  615. Mr Cup Says:

    I like the idea because they are so hard to equate. I really don’t know much PF and I can’t see REM doing much what I do know. So it could be really good…or just horrible.

    I would love to hear them cover Clouds by the Go-Betweens.
    Maybe I can use my telepathic powers to influence them…(slightly evil laugh goes here).

  616. ScottMalobisky Says:

    would love to hear Stipe do the Roger Waters psycho-sneer with , “Your hot stuff with a hat pin , Good fun with a hand gun..”

    brought it back to These Days with hat reference 🙂

  617. Mr Cup Says:

    Speaking of music…
    What is everyone listening to at the moment?

  618. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Joni Mitchell Heijira

  619. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Jefferson Airplane
    Bless It’s Pointed Little Head

    “Fly Trans World Airways ,gets you there on time…”

  620. lenny Says:

    I’m listening to Pink Floyd — imagine that. Just got to work, and picked up my playlist on the computer where I left off. 1st song: Any Colour You Like. Weren’t you just talking about that, Scott?

    Actually, the song with the backwards message is “Empty Spaces” from Disc one of the Wall. I took the clip from the song, and reversed it with the help of my computer. I can e-mail you the backwards clip if you want.

    The message is: Congratulations, you just discovered the secret message. Please send your answer to ‘Old Pink’… (can’t quite tell what the rest says).

    And now that I think of it, I heard that PF was named for two Blues artists. I just never heard of the two of them before.

    By the way, great lyrics, Scott. I love Dogs. HAve you ever tried watching Casablanca while listening to Animals? It works just like watching Wizard of Oz and listening to Dark Side of the Moon. (er, sort of)

  621. lenny Says:

    More from the Pink Floyd poetry hour:

    Who are you and who am I
    To say we know the reason why?
    Some are born, some men die
    Beneath one infinite sky.
    There’ll be war, there’ll be peace.
    But everything one day will cease.
    All the iron turned to rust,
    All the proud men turned to dust.
    And so all things, time will mend.
    So this song will end.

  622. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Free Form . luv the guitar solos in that one……..and Mudmen, hints of the classic wailing -dripping Gilmour guitar moments to be realized later……I’m assuming you’ve DEFINITELY seen the Live AT The Pompeii Ruins movie ?? Of course you have , that would be like being an REM fan and not having seen Tourfilm if you hadn’t…

    What’s , uh , the deal?
    Got to make it to the next reel.

  623. lenny Says:

    Ha! I hate to say it, but you guessed wrong on all accounts, Scott.

    1. My PF lyrics were from Childhood’s End, but you were close (got the album right).
    2. Haven’t seen Live at Pompeii.
    3. Haven’t seen Tourfilm.

    Here’s why: I’m all for the live experience, but if you weren’t actually there, I guess I never saw the point of watching it on DVD — it’s just not the same. I got into REM after Green, and my one and only REM live experience was on the Monster tour. That was also my 1st Radiohead concert (but I’ve seen them twice since then).

    I love REM of course, don’t get me wrong, but I would need a time machine to fully enjoy the live experience of REM that I would want to see. Same goes for Pink Floyd, who I started listening to much later than REM (around 2000). Heck, I was born in the year that Dark Side of the Moon came out, if that tells you anything.

  624. lenny Says:

    There’s a challenge — name the best album that was released the year you were born. I’m expecting exactly 4 responses (Scott, Mr Cup, Kirsten, and Ignis Sol)

  625. ScottMalobisky Says:

    right , I knew it was Childhood’s End once I got to work !!! and I couldn’t wait to get home to fix it , was really struck by how much it was bugging me..:) !!

    playing Obscured By Clouds now , “Who is the master of foxhounds and who says the hunt has begun ?”

    WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND the Pompeii thing , it’s not a concert to a crowd , they have their equipment set up at the ruins of the ampitheatre there, and the band members look so otherworldly, and there is footage of the Darkside sessions , but the best part is the band hanging at this coffee shop and just drinking tea and chatting and such, they are so sinister and wild and mysterious looking but at the same time quite comical and so measured and pleasant in the way they speak…….It’s a very far-out movie and A MUST HAVE if you’re a fan . ..(and Tourfilm is also A MUST HAVE)

    What do you mean by “best album” ? best selling / or??

  626. ScottMalobisky Says:

    6-29 my bday
    who ha for da moonchild

  627. Mr Cup Says:

    Hmmmm lenny…My musical interests probably started developing around ’75 say. I had to research what was released in 1970 and what a year it was pop kids:

    After The Gold Rush – Neil Young
    Bridge Over Troubled Water – Simon & Garfunkel
    Bryter Layter – Nick Drake
    Led Zeppelin III – Led Zeppelin
    Fun House – The Stooges
    Cosmo’s Factory – Creedence Clearwater Revival
    Let It Be – The Beatles
    Black Sabbath – Black Sabbath
    Plastic Ono Band – John Lennon
    Morrison Hotel – The Doors
    Back In The USA – MC5
    ABC – Jackson 5
    Free Your Mind… And Your Ass Will Follow – Funkadelic
    Jimi Hendrix – Band of Gypsys
    Creedence Clearwater Revival – Cosmo’s Factory
    Starsailor – Tim Buckley

    However, the albums that did it for me a bit later and still do:

    Loaded – The Velvet Underground
    Miles Davis – Bitches Brew
    Moondance – Van Morrison

    I would have been a bit iffy on Van these days, but I watched the Tennebaums last night and his song at the end (everyone) sounded so damn good I have to give him a mention.
    Loaded may have come out in 71 though.
    Beatles fans – to the swings!

  628. Mr Cup Says:

    and REM circa Tourfilm were a vastly different beast live than when they hit the road for monster.

    It’s not just a great REM concert film but a GREAT concert film.

    If you only ever see one concert film…

  629. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Starsailor Tim Buckley, I knew you would include at least one reference that I was totally unfamiliar with:)

    RIP Sir Edmund Hillary , dead at 88 in New Zealand

  630. Kirsten Says:

    I was going to say REM’s Green in the hope that I could convince everyone (including myself) that I am that young. Ah, to be 20 again…

    More seriously, Talking Heads “Fear Of Music”. Brilliant album. Drugs is a personal favourite. Probably my second favourite band.
    Also “The Clash” by, strangely enough, The Clash. But that was originally released in ’77, but not released in the US until ’79, so I’m not sure if that counts.
    I’m sure there’s a heap of other really great albums, but I was only just born, so I can’t really remember them.

  631. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I recall everything that happened at age one especially the time my momma dropped me on my head.

  632. Mr Cup Says:

    Repress Bisky. It’s just easier!

  633. lenny Says:

    Holy crap — Mr Cup. That’s a good year. I didn’t even research 1973, I just assumed that since Dark Side of the Moon is my favorite album of all time, no one could compete with that. I might look into this later, just so I have some honorable mentions.

    Guess what — I was curious which song by Van Morrison was in the Royal Tenenbaum’s, so I looked it up on, and now I remember it. Good song, but that’s not the cool part. What song is performed by Nico on that sound track… “THESE DAYS”!!!! What are the odds? (I know it’s not the same song, but it just shows how everything comes back to this page!)

    Scott — you can answer how you choose. I’m sure that none of us probably consider “best selling” as a measure of musical greatness, so whichever album you like the best is fine.

    Thanks for the notes on Tourfilm and Pompeii. I might have to check them out. Scott, have you seen the 30th anniversary making of DSOTM on DVD? It’s pretty awesome — all band members are interviewed, some even play parts of the songs in the studio while talking about making the album, and they talk to sound engineers and stuff like that. Gilmour plays the solos from Time and Money. Excellent documentary.

  634. ScottMalobisky Says:

    no , haven’t seen that , heard that that record originally got it’s genesis from the band sitting around a kitchen table and talking about “the things that drive one mad”, time , money,…I’m sure you know that after the last note fades away there at the end of the record , as it’s fading away , the “there is no dark side of the moon really , as a matter of fact it’s all dark” that’s spoken . I didn’t notice that right away.

  635. lenny Says:

    They did interviews of people around the studio asking them questions like ‘when was the last time you were in a fight?’ and what makes them mad, and they recorded all of them for use on the album (they cover this in the documentary). The band Wings was recording there, so that’s why Linda McCartney’s voice is on the album. It’s hard to imagine her being associated with musical excellence otherwise. Oooooo…Ouch!!

  636. Mr Cup Says:

    I had no idea the Nico song was ‘these days’.
    Spooky in a beautiful way.

  637. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Spooky Tooth

  638. ScottMalobisky Says:

    with the albums : Comic Violence and You Broke My Heart So I Busted Your Jaw

    this morning the local DJ was lamenting the Governor Arnold Shwarzenegger budget cuts that will severely affect the California National Parks System , he then played Cuyahoga…….

  639. ScottMalobisky Says:

    “you call yourself a patriot
    but I think you’re a crock of shit”__________
    ___Rolling Stones, Sweetneocon

    now that’s poetry, ain’t quite …..,”Your mother who neglected you owes a million dollars tax, And your father’s still perfecting ways of making sealing wax.”
    But pure unmitigated poetry nonetheless.

  640. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Hey Ignis , did ya notice the Iggy Pop Lust For Life that FOX was playing coming back from the break of the Seahawks game ?

    Hey Ignis , did ya notice how Mike McCarthy and the Green bay Packers were exhumed after their dreadful beginning of the Seahawks game ?

  641. ScottMalobisky Says:

    John McCain giving speech in Michigan yesterday , “And , my friends , I too have looked into the eyes of Vladimir Putin , and I saw three things …..a K, a G , and a B.” I thought for a scecond he was gonna say , “a 6 , a 6, and a 6..”

  642. Ignis Sol Says:

    Scott, I watched the game at a bar with a few pitchers of beer and about 50 of my “best friends.” Well, at least the snacks were free.

    I went to the bookstore today to buy a new journal and ended up not only buying that, but a book the world’s greatest architecture, and “Reveal:The Story of R.E.M.” by Johnny Black. I am adding this to my trove of “It Crawled from the South,” “Talk About the Passion,” “Behind the Mask” and “Inside Out.”

    As I was checking out, the cute clerk asked me if I was a fan of R.E.M. I said, “Yeah, a big one.”
    He told me had just seen Peter Buck a couple days ago at a costume shop (buying a costume for and with his daughter). I relayed a story of when he used to visit the bookstore I worked in years ago. We both agreed that he is a very nice man.

    The book is great so far….! “Reveal, “The Story of R.E.M.” by Johnny Black. Just $4.98 new at 1/2 Price Books!!

  643. lenny Says:

    20 more to go — no quitting now.

    I don’t remember hearing “Ignis Pop” during the game Saturday — all I heard over and over was that ever-popular touchdown celebration song: “I don’t wanna work, I just want to bang on the drum all day!”

    I said it before, I’ll say it again…Go Packers! Eli’s boys don’t have a chance.

  644. Ignis Sol Says:

    Ha, “Ignis Pop” I love it!

    Iggy and I both hail from Michigan. I grew up on the west coast (very conservative Huckabee-esque territory) of Michigan between Detroit and Chicago and across Lake Michigan from Milwaukee. So, I was a fan of any of their city or states teams depending on who is having the winning season. Now that I am exiled in Seattle, we take our wins when we get them (definately not with the Sonics).

    I am holding out for the Drew Carey owned pro-soccer team in a couple of years.

    These days, I don’t have much of a choice.

  645. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Ted Nugent and Bob Seger. A couple other renowned Michigan rockers.

    as far as football is concerned all I can say is that I am very glad the Cowboys are history , now I know for sure that I will have someone to root for in the Super Bowl no matter which of the four possible scenarios develops ..(the what they thought was the most likely scenario would have been pretty hard to get into)……

  646. ScottMalobisky Says:

    when I was living in Knoxville Tennessee [to the east] … I found it so hard to believe that it was generally considered to be a somewhat liberal leaning state–home state of Al Gore –, because where I was at was very conservative politically….and I didn’t really like that aspect of that particular area (I lived on a golf course with my youngest of two older sisters); go west to Nashville or way west to Memphis and you’ll find folks who wear things besides perfectly pressed Polo shirts. Cool state , diverse , Smoky Mountains are awesome

  647. ScottMalobisky Says:

    and in TN fireworks are legal ,there are these mammoth fireworks stores , easily visible from the interstate , they’re hoping people passing through will get off the highway and load up

  648. Ignis Sol Says:

    Ted Nugent and Bob Seger. A couple other renowned Michigan rockers An old friend of mine dated Nugent back in the 90’s. I am sure that was never her proud.

    The liberals out here are sometimes too conservative for some folks. Polo shirts? Pressed shirts? A bit preppy. My family in Michigan is into golf, especially my sister. I have not played in years.

    I would love to see the Smoky Mts. I love how velvety they look – like a lush pelt compared to the mountains out here which are like exposed vertebrae (still fabulous, though).

  649. Ignis Sol Says:

    They can load up on Jack Daniels, too.

    “Fireworks & Whiskey” sounds like a name fer a country album

  650. ScottMalobisky Says:

    wasn’t the MC5 also from Michigan ? Kidd Rock ? Isn’t Michigan also where Hemingway committed suicide…?..

    …I love your mountains description , Man..

  651. Kirsten Says:

    Bill Berry is from Milwaukee.

  652. Mr Cup Says:

    Sufjan’s from Michigan.
    So to Suzie Quatro I believe.
    She’s a wild one. hyuck.

  653. ScottMalobisky Says:

    really ? I’m always amused by how supposedly Bill and Mike couldn’t stand each other before they started playing together, I’ve seen that in a biography or two.

    And Stipe spent a significant part of his childhood in St. Louis , I think..

  654. Ignis Sol Says:

    I knew Sufjan’s first band, Marzuki (his brother’s name). An old friend filled in for drums (for him) at quite a few of their shows. Their shows were really laid back – everyone sitting on the ground, quietly mesmerized and “tap-clapping” when they “rocked out.” When they rocked out, the drums were played with sticks instead of these whisks-like device. Ah, that brings back memories. The lead singer – Shannon something – of that band now lives in Seattle, I hear.

    In the R.E.M. biography I bought yesterday, it does say that Bill lived in a suburb of Milwaukee moving from his native Duluth, Minnesota.

    The biography tells about the famous story about how they were polar opposites and despised each other. Of course once they discovered they have music in common, they called a truce and became best friends.

    The book’s first chapter is the band’s second chapter: it details the night of Bill’s aneurysm. The next chapter starts in their young days in Athens before their first show.

    The first chapter (called The End of the World As They Knew It) ends: If R.E.M. were to survive at all, they would effectively have to re-invent themselves and completely change the way they worked. And the only man who could make them do it wasn’t even in the band (R.E.M. Reveal the Story of R.E.M. by Johnny Black (c) 2004)

  655. Mr Cup Says:

    I was going to come up with another Perfect Circle…but it’s a bit out.

    They played their first gig April 5th and the new album is out 4 days prior……dang.

  656. lenny Says:

    Adding to my list of albums from the year of my birth:

    Elton John – Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
    The Who – Quadrophenia
    Led Zeppelin – Houses of the Holy

    DSOtM is still #1.

  657. lenny Says:

    I remember hearing that Michael Stipe lived in St. Louis for a while, but I don’t have any verifiable source that confirms this. Do any of your biographies say this, Ignis?

  658. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Quadrophenia —WOW –there are no adequate words to describe the power of that record . It’s like this totally cathartic and transcendent ultimate punk rock symphony , well , I tried…:)

  659. ScottMalobisky Says:

    “Living on Air Force bases for much of the 60’s and early 70’s gave Michael little idea of the popular music of the time–understandably enough, as, given the anti-Vietnam sentiment that the ‘counter culture’ displayed, pop music was given short thrift on these bases, whatever the Robin Williams film Good Morning Vietnam might suggest. It was not until the family started to put down roots in the early part of the 70’s when they set up home in ST. LOUIS that Michael came out of his shell and started to listen to contemporary muscic. At high school he discovered a new musical form that he failed to take to. ‘ Heavy metal was real big and I tried to like Ted Nugent but couldn’t though I did like Aerosmith.’ Like Peter, Stipe began to investigate the music press via the Village Voice, and found out ‘what was going on in New York and that led to what was going on in England and that really excited me, the whole do-it-yourself attitude.’

    Bill , born in Duluth, Minnesota , had already encountered Mike in school and had cultivated a seething dislike for his eventual colleague. ‘I hated him from the first time I saw him’, he admitted to Rolling Stone, ’cause he had that same kind of nerd appeal that he has now…we had the same Home Room, the first place you go in school every morning and he was very studious , really smart, very polite and we were just the ahtithesis of each other ..I was just starting to experiment with drugs and stuff. He was everything I despised ,great student , got along with teachers, didn’t smoke cigarettes or pot, …we really did despise each other.’ Mike accepts that he was something of a ‘goody-goody at the time.”

  660. lenny Says:

    I got it from another source that Michael went to high school in Collinsville, Illinois, which is just across the river from here (St. Louis). It’s hard to imagine him there — quite a conservative town. Also, it’s the horseradish capital of the world, producing 85% of the world’s supply. Not to be outdone by the horseradish, Collinsville has the largest ketchup bottle in the world, which sits on a large tower right in the middle of town, but it’s not really filled with ketchup.

    So, Michael might have occasionally looked across the river at the Arch, but he didn’t live in the city of St. Louis like I do (…and yes, in case any of you wondered, I can see about 10% of the Arch from my office window — the rest of the view isn’t too exciting, but at least I have a window!)

  661. lenny Says:

    2 more to go — who will the (un)lucky one be? I’m headed back to a meeting after lunch, so I will definitely not take this dubious honor.

  662. Ignis Sol Says:

    yes, as Scott confirms, the biographies do make mention of St. Louis, he also lived in Texas – a suburb of Dallas, I think…. I am at work now and don’t have my books available to me.

    I could see the Space Needle from my desk if a damn condo was not in the way. I have to go to a higher floor to see the whole thing (it’s about a mile up the road). But I can look down into the Pike Place Market from my desk. And I can see the beautiful mountains with their fresh snow. It is a sunny bright day here, but cold.

  663. Ignis Sol Says:


  664. lenny Says:

    Now, I’m jealous. Mountains with snow out my window would beat the crap out seeing the freaking arch. I just got brand new skis, so I’m dying to get out west. Maybe I’ll fly ‘All the way to Reno’ and Ski at Lake Tahoe?

  665. ScottMalobisky Says:

    you guys were supposed to give me the honor of 666:(
    and then we were supposed to stop there

  666. Ignis Sol Says:

    is it the end of these days as we know it? are you gonna dj at the end of these days? in your walk up in Seattle where you fight the nascent battle?

  667. Mr Cup Says:

    Scott, you got the more salubrious 668 – the neighbor of the beast!

    It seems the hype is building for the new album (Q have already formatted a 5 star review, bless them) and I’m sitting here waiting for the call…

    “Would you like to make a film clip for the new REM album Mr Cup?”

    Don’t they know who I am?

  668. ScottMalobisky Says:

    next stop 1000
    OY VEY !!!

  669. Kirsten Says:

    Ignis?? Well I’ll be damned (literally).

    Don’t be sad, Scott. Maybe you’ll get 1000!

    There are also lovely views of the mountains from where I work, but alas my specific window only gets a great view of the Supermarket across the street. 😦
    Gotta love progress….

  670. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Mr.Cup , are you that guy Stipe rips on on the LIVE DVD ? the one that yells at Stipe to pick up the hat on stage and Stipe basically says that the hat stays where it’s at until he’s damn good and ready ?

  671. Mr Cup Says:


  672. Kirsten Says:

    Why didn’t you ask him to “reach down, yank it up and slap it on his head”? You may have got a better response.

  673. Mr Cup Says:

    He has no sense of humour.

    I was the guy in Tourfilm that had a foam sign that said “REM are quite good”.

    His response?

    “That better not be Styrofoam pal”.

  674. Kirsten Says:

    Was it?

  675. Mr Cup Says:


  676. Mr Cup Says:

    …no miss.

    (stares at the floor sheepishly)

  677. ScottMalobisky Says:

    One Of These Days ( I’m gonna chop you into little pieces .) Theme song of Jeffrey Dahmer, and another Milwaukee connection, certainly not a pleasant one. I think Milwaukee was his stomping grounds . Laverne and Shirley were lucky to escape with their hides intact. They coulda ended up as hor d’ouvres at a one man sicko breakfast table.

  678. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Ignis , I got this amazing Led Zeppelin 3CD bootleg of a July-17-1977- Seattle Kingdome show , paid 70 $ for it last year…In between Nobody’s Fault But Mine and Over The Hills And Far Away Plant is rapping to the crowd abut seeing the Seattle Sanders play, would that be a now defunct soccer team ? A lot of playful and interesting Plant banter between songs , seemingly in very high spirits or perhaps high as a kite on wanton sex and drugs (and rock and roll), totally oblivious to the horrendous personal tragedy that’s looming about three weeks away down the road…….when they are in New Orleans and he gets a phone call that his son Karac is suddenly dead of an inexplicable respiratory ailment. I’ll never forget that because I had tix for BOTH Pittsburgh shows on August 8 and 9 and the rest of the tour was then cancelled (Ah, suck it !!). Did see Plant solo at the Irvine Ampitheater in the 80’s though and did see Pagey with The Firm there also in the 80’s , hardly the same thing I know.

  679. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Da Boot is entitled ‘Return Of The Dragon’ BTW ,something I’ve decided is an apt title…

    Hey Ignis , what song was REM playing when Bill suffered his aneurysm thing ? Details if you got them there in that Bio, please.. What happened exactly ?

  680. Ignis Sol Says:

    My book is at home, but I it think it says the song was “Tongue.” Peter was noticing Bill’s playing was changing. They were about to do a more accoustic set with Bill getting up to play other instruments. It details how he fell into Peter’s arms. Peter was holding his friend who was in severe pain…. The guy from Grant Lee Buffalo filled in as best he could.

  681. ScottMalobisky Says:

    wow . thanx .

  682. Mr Cup Says:

    Wasn’t Happy Days based in Milwaukee?

  683. ScottMalobisky Says:


  684. Kirsten Says:

    All of the sudden, these Happy Days….

  685. Mr Cup Says:

    …happy Fonz take this joy…

  686. milesy Says:

    Apologies for the interruption (were you looking for one?).
    With nothing much from MP of late it suddenly occurred to me- I wonder what happened to These Days…
    I don’t believe it- still going…
    It’s too late to join in again now, way too much water under the bridge, but let me just say:

    Respect, everyone.
    You guys have too much time on your hands, and you’re using it well.

  687. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Styx . Too Much Time On My Hands– ” I got dozens of friends and the fun never ends that is as long as I’m buying..”

  688. lenny Says:

    I had a hat and it sunk, reached down, jumped the shark, slapped it on my head.

    Here’s a good question — when did the These Days message board jump the shark? If you don’t understand that question, visit:

  689. ScottMalobisky Says:

    and another one !!!!!!!! official cause of death Ike Turner , cocaine overdose, the guy was 76 freakin years old for Chrissakes !!!!! the devil in white the seduction of the white lady the resident evil

  690. ScottMalobisky Says:

    hey I ain’t ridiculous , just ludicrous and absurd
    fun is a crutch ,Rich , oh , Hi Mr. C.
    Scott Baio is 46 and pregnant

  691. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Yes , The Gates Of Delirium
    King Crimsom ,Epithaph
    two songs I listened to this morning while having my coffee , one EXTREMELY off the charts happy and the other EXTREMELY off the charts sad ..

    Any Jethro Tull fans out there ?
    Any Jethro Bodine fans ?

  692. Mr Cup Says:

    Remember when they parodied “jumping the shark’ in the Simpsons?

    I don’t think we jumped it here. We were more like passengers on a high speed train who didn’t get off and started talking. The practice of talking on a train is forbidden in real life you see.

  693. Mr Cup Says:

    Anyone get that sinking feeling?

    These Days is about the be shunted from the front page in 2 reviews time.

  694. Kirsten Says:

    I’m confussed, are we sinking or jumping?

    My hat’s sinking.
    I started, I jumped up.
    I’m also standing in the place where I work while my head’s shaking ’cause my arms are shaking
    My feet are shaking ’cause the earth is shaking.

    OK, I’ve completely lost the plot.

  695. Kirsten Says:

    Damn, if I had spread out that last comment, I might have got the 700.

    Let’s hope the “Accelerate” tour end up down under. Might be my last hope to hang on to a little sanity…

  696. Mr Cup Says:

    Alright THIS TIME.

    Here’s the set up for….

  697. Kirsten Says:

    WHOO-HOO 700!!

    Happy Throngs Share My Joy (I don’t want you to take it!)

  698. Kirsten Says:

    Phew! Didn’t know that would feel soooo good! Now I really feel like part of the team. Wow. That was almost as good as a Tourfilm/Roadmovie marathon!

  699. Mr Cup Says:

    Have a beer, take the rest of the day off.
    You deserve it!

  700. ScottMalobisky Says:

    orgasmic to be part of the 700 Club
    now to break the ranks of the Mile High Club

    “Whatever is not eternal is eternally useless.”
    Who said it ?

  701. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Ignis Sol
    a.k.a. THE ANTI-CHRIST yikes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  702. Mr Cup Says:

    No he’s not-
    He’s just a very naughty boy!

  703. maclure Says:

    Zoiks, this is still going? I’ll pay more attention to it this week…

  704. Paul Alferink Says:

    Here I am, like a sucker, vainly check other threads for some human contact. Little did I know you’ve been hanging out here, getting These Days up past 700. Little sad no one told me until yesterday . . .

    But wow. 700 for these days. 1000 Screaming Elvis fans can’t be wrong . . .

    I might have the longest interlude between posts. . .

    And you have no idea how long it took me to wade through them.

    And to answer earlier questions:

    Yes, Illinois. Raised in Bloomington, moved to Springfield. In doing so, crossed the Cardinal/Cub line that crosses the state. I didn’t even get most Cub games on the Tube the first year I was here, until they added Chicago Comcast to my cable package.

    And I’m not happy the Cardinals traded Edmonds. He was old and not good anymore. I rather they would have been saddled with his diminishing skills as big contract.
    Little happy Rolen is gone. Both him and Glaus are injury prone, but Rolen brought so much more to the table when healthy, and Glaus is a (ex-?)steroids users. So you’ll be cursing him out down in St. Louis when he’s injured and hitting .220. And he will just get worse. . .

  705. ScottMalobisky Says:

    who are these unfortunates cluttering up my hallway ?
    we’re gonna have to see some credentials , please, to enter this elite Strange Bird Society .

  706. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black____KC

  707. ScottMalobisky Says:

    really REALLY great songs yet to be posted :
    Orange Crush
    Find The RIver

  708. ScottMalobisky Says:

    There are rules ,laws, and guidelines ,and they must be followed. That’s rule number one. We know that plants take in CO2 and give off oxygen. That’s a law. But can plants pull themselves out of the muck and build a glittering palace or star in a sitcom ? -harder and harder to try -harder and harder to try- There is too much oxygen in the jungle. It’s a well known fact though not a law. When Copernicus picked up a big stick and stuck an angel with it, many men with long mustaches raised their hands, as though hailing a cab, and asked him what he thought he was trying to prove. Copernicus, who was from Denmark, replied, “Beauty is a bundle of sensations !” -really ? -this at the invisible center of evolution- There are many possible explanations for the past, but none are very convincing. They’re all just theories. Some claim that God is an emotional vapor filled with bad information. Leibniz couldn’t get a date with a frog ,yet he taught us that in our domain , everything is a fragment of a fragment. When we’re asleep , Kierkegaard theorized, the moon and the oceans actually disappear. Locke contended that a hot bath after dinner was the best preparation for a few good visions of interstellar colonization——– speaking of dinner, I’m famished.

  709. ScottMalobisky Says:

    forgot to include Oddfellows in really REALLY great songs yet to be posted.

    is there anybody out there ?
    is there anybody out there ?

    Happy Birthday General Robert E. Lee, just in time for the South Carolina primary

    and it’s snowing in Atlanta today………….

  710. ScottMalobisky Says:

    And one more thing , has the price you pay to nowhere really increased a dollar more ?

    Mr. Speaker , the floor is yours.

  711. ScottMalobisky Says:

    hey jimjos

    hey Mr. Cup , I just figured out what you meant when you were talking about that sinking feeling because this review is about to be moved from page one, one more song now .

  712. Paul Alferink Says:

    Was flipping through Channels tonight. Flipped on Stipe singing Nightswimming with Coldplay on Austin City limits, as well as some other song I don’t know. It was cool, and a surprise. I like surprises.

  713. ScottMalobisky Says:

    the Clintons are fucking with the Obama campaign
    that’s probably not a surprise
    welcome my son welcome to the machine

  714. Kirsten Says:

    Welcome Paul & Maclure to the These Days Party! Now we need more room – Bisky, throw those chairs in to the fireplace! Mr Cup, get cracking with that lemonade! We have guests!!

  715. Mr Cup Says:

    It’s about now I think…why wasn’t I making Orange Crush instead of lemonade?

    Probably because I have never seen the aforementioned drink?

    Orange Crush 5c a glass?
    Does it work?

  716. Kirsten Says:

    Wow. How could we have all missed that one? We should be ashamed of ourselves!

  717. ScottMalobisky Says:

    well , you would need the secret Orange Crush recipe
    it’s not just any old orange soda drink , you see

  718. Mr Cup Says:

    Find two oranges
    nail them together
    mix with (crowbar) spine

    rush the contents overseas

  719. Mr Cup Says:

    so long page one!

  720. milesy Says:

    Lemonade is fine. With sugarcane…

  721. Mr Cup Says:

    and coffee cup!

  722. lenny Says:

    Problem: These Days are gone from page one.
    Solution: Just bookmark These Days like I did. You can always go to the homepage from the top of this one.

  723. lenny Says:

    Paul: Yes, Edmonds was more of a liability than Rolen; don’t mind seeing Jimmy gone. But Rolen was so inconsistent and not upfront with the management about his injuries, which is just wrong. They should sue him for breach of contract. I think Troy Glaus might not be as good defensively, but he definitely has more power, steroids or not.

  724. ScottMalobisky Says:

    the Democratic debate is so extra spirited tonight . Barrack is driving Hillary bananas.!!!!! 🙂

  725. lenny Says:

    Welcome back to our old friends. It was a nice little party with just 5 of us, but the more the merrier.

    Side “Orange Crush” comment: I went to the St. Louis Blues hockey game Saturday, and it was free food day. They handed out free hot dogs, chicken strips, chips, popcorn, peanuts, and soda. Nice deal. And whenever the play stopped for a while, the music they played was all food and eating-themed:

    “Peaches” – Presidents of the USA
    “Eat It” – Weird Al Yankovic
    “Pour Some Sugar on Me” – Def Leppard
    “Incense and Peppermints” – Strawberry Alarm Clock
    songs by Cream and Jimmy Eat World…
    and of course…(drum roll)… Orange Crush!!

  726. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Peaches. I actually know that one!

  727. Mr Cup Says:

    Well it such a festive feel good family style tune. Fun for all the family.

    Why don’t they play Monty Python’s ‘Spam’ song????

  728. ScottMalobisky Says:

    …………..of Um’

  729. Kirsten Says:

    I didn’t realise we were a Party Of Five. I’ve got a CD of REM’s performance on the show, they did about 10 songs. Fabulous!

  730. Mr Cup Says:

    What were they doing on that show? Wasn’t it a bit, erm…lame?

  731. Kirsten Says:

    Yeah, on the show it was. I’ll be honest, I couldn’t sit through the whole thing, but I believe they were just on the end playing “At my most Beautiful” (Thank God for VCRs!) But they also did a little “semi” concert for what I presume was the audience of the show with a crowd of what sounded like about 50. Semi-acoustic – really laid-back and casual. Excellent Show.

  732. Kirsten Says:

    I should’ve said the show WAS lame, until REM were on it, then it became cool! (albeit for only 1 episode).
    Shameless and slightly pathetic publicity, but we still love them.

  733. Kirsten Says:

    I use to love the ads for Party of Five ’cause they always played Everybody Hurts in the background.

  734. Mr Cup Says:

    I remember seeing a few minutes of one episode where Jennifer Love Hewitt’s character was an emotional mess.
    “Charlie, are you calling me an alcoholic?” she blubbered through overwrought lips.

    It remains my only experience of…Po5.

    Wonder if she’s related to Lleyton?

  735. Mr Cup Says:

    I just learned some friends have a street number of 151…cool.

  736. lenny Says:

    Happy to say I never watched Party of 5. The only thing I’ve ever seen J Love in is the made for TV movie: The Audrey Hepburn story. She wasn’t bad, actually, but she really didn’t nail down Audrey’s voice very well.

    Too bad for her long-lost cousin Lleyton — he lost in the Australian Open the other day, or as Kirsten might call it, simply “The Open”.

  737. Mr Cup Says:

    Finishing a game at 5 hour game at 4.30am just can’t feel good.

  738. ScottMalobisky Says:

    better than a street # of 666 , Mr. Cup……as he brings it back to THAT again……Good Morning…..

  739. ScottMalobisky Says:

    good idea , Lenny , BTW , about bookmarking These Days

  740. ScottMalobisky Says:

    electile dysfunction : the inability to get aroused by any of the presidential candidates.

  741. lenny Says:

    premature electation: deciding on a candidate too quickly, and later wishing that you held back your decision until you were sure who you liked best.

  742. Ignis Sol Says:

    Very inspired these days. On my day off yesterday I got to join the happy throngs (I think 5,000 people) for a rally and march (up the splendid MLK Way) for Dr. Martin Luther King Day. SIDENOTE: Seattle, by the way, is in Martin Luther King County. Solidarity & Peace!

    I tried my best to ignore the US Presidential debates on CNN. Clinton and Obama had a spat, eh?

    Apparantly, yesterday was “Blue Monday.” It is the day of the highest suicide rates in the U.S.A. The best way to stave off sadness they say is by saying “hello” to someone. Both people in this interaction benefit and get a lift that pulls they from sadness. So, “hello” to those who feel blue. 🙂

  743. Ignis Sol Says:

    omg, Lenny and Scott that is hiliarious!

  744. Ignis Sol Says:

    Is These Days an official spin off of “Pop Songs 08?” Can it rival Murmurs? Is it Blogroll worthy?

  745. lenny Says:

    I’m sure that Matthew would appreciate it if we moved this discussion to another site. I don’t know how he operates the site, but I also have a blog on WordPress, and I get an e-mail message every time a new comment is added to any post! If MP knows what’s good for him, he has probably removed this feature. If not, then I suggest we start our own page elsewhere!

    (And please don’t suggest my wordpress page as a possible location, because my brother-in-law set that up specifically for my daughter, as a present for her first Christmas.)

  746. Mr Cup Says:

    lenny and Bisky – Gold!
    I have had electile dysfunction for years and thought I was alone in this.

    Ig – I used to say hello to ‘the people’ all the time but most just didn’t know how to respond. A young person saying hell…must be up to tricks! Now, when I walk my dog, EVERYONE says hello. That is after smiling at mu dog first. Ergo, get more dogs on the streets!

    And – AAAAAGHHHHH. Someone already has as I was just trying to obtain it. Fuckers!

  747. ScottMalobisky Says:

    do people get paid for blogging ? sometimes, maybe ? depending on how it’s set-up ?? how does it work ? like , for example , do people get paid if their blog is really popular and a lot of people read it and comment ?

  748. Mr Cup Says:

    I can only answer that question if you deposit $5 into my account.

  749. ScottMalobisky Says:

    actually I guess one has to pay to start a blog , depending ……..?……

    I need your account # and SSN , please .

  750. Kirsten Says:

    LOL! Oh my God – you guys! I’m getting some very strange looks from people here at work wondering what I’m laughing at.

    Lenny, what’s a baby suppose to do with a wordpress page? Can we invade it until she is at least old enough to read??

  751. Kirsten Says:

    I’d start one up, but my boss might not like that since I only have internet access at work!

  752. Mr Cup Says:

    it seems simple enough – I nearly had us one. Just need another name now that this one has been taken.


    any suggestions?

  753. Kirsten Says:

    What about Accelerate – a tribute to when it started? Or perhaps Happy Throngs??

  754. lenny Says:

    If it’s not “these days”, or some lyric from the song, then I don’t want to be a part of it! I’d go with “happy throngs”. Is that taken? The only other options are “we are concern”, “take this joy”, or “rearrange your scales”.

    And Kirsten — good luck invading my daughter’s page on wordpress — you don’t know her name (much less mine) or have much to go on to find it. Good luck with that — it would probably require more time than you have free to use the internet at work!

  755. lenny Says:

    I stand corrected — there might be a way to search for the blog, if you’ve been paying attention to all 759 comments here!

  756. lenny Says:

    You’re going to try to find it, aren’t you, Kirsten? Well, while you are internetting at work, I’m going to bed — it’s 10:30 PM where I’m from. (Oooo, there’s a hint!) What time is it down there? G’night!

  757. Kirsten Says:

    Ooh, I have another one – Conversation Fear!

    You’re right, Lenny. I’m busy stalking several other people at the moment, so I’ll leave you and your daughter alone. 🙂 On the other hand, if I had a daughter, you can almost guarantee if it’s not Zoe or Zelda, it would be a name from some REM song, so maybe you’d do the same….

  758. Kirsten Says:

    Goodnight Lenny, even though it’s only 3.30 in the afternoon. Say goodnight to your daughter for me, what was her name again??

  759. lenny Says:

    It’s Matilda actually (ha,ha). If we have a boy someday, I’ll be really tempted to name him Wendell 🙂

    I had a post-bedtime thought that required another trip to the computer — here’s the name of our new discussion page, guaranteed to be available on wordpress:

    “” (subtitled: ‘we have many things in common’)

  760. Mr Cup Says:

    I like Happy Throngs, Conversation Fear and NameThree3III.
    The last one makes me laff.

  761. ScottMalobisky Says:

    lenny , that’s kinda ironic considering that Heath Ledger’s daughter’s name is Matilda Rose, and the Australian connection here……

    name for blog : Hatty Days
    just kidding …..thankfully

    thanx for the info , Ladies and Genitals

  762. lenny Says:

    Heath’s daughter’s name didn’t even cross my mind when I made the “Australian connection” with my daughter’s fake name… sad news about Heath, though.

  763. lenny Says:

    Oooo – guess what’s coming up? If 666 is the mark of the devil, then 777 is God’s number! (I think I heard that somewhere.)

  764. Paul Alferink Says:

    The Heath Ledger thing was really sad. He was so good in movies like Brokeback Mountain and Monster’s Ball. And his Joker looks fantastic for the new Batman movie.

  765. Mr Cup Says:

    Can’t believe he was only 28.

  766. Mr Cup Says:

    if man is 5, if man is 5, if man is 5, if man is 5,
    then the devil is 6, then the devil is 6, then the devil is 6,
    and if the devil is 6 then
    god is 7, then god is 7, then god is 7, then god is 7

  767. maclure Says:

    The Pixes – Monkey’s gone to heaven. Tune!

    Serious question – R.E.M. are said to be atheists. Buck and Mills have been quoted as saying so, but what about Stipe? Does anyone know if he actually said that anywhere or is it assumed?


  768. Mr Cup Says:

    He’ll believe in anything when he’s there, I’m certain he’s said that before.

    Seriously, I can’t confirm or deny anything about his belief system but I get the feeling something other than religion holds his thoughts. Spiritual rather than religious. Perhaps.

  769. Kirsten Says:

    I was under the impression that his parents were/are quite religious, so he’s probably had it drummed into him from an early age. However, I’ve never heard him say anything about it specifically.

    Maybe he’s like me and believes HE is GOD!!

  770. Mr Cup Says:

    No. He’s just a naughty boy.
    I’m certain I’ve said that before.

    Science, miracles , monkey, a prayer…

  771. Ignis Sol Says:

    Okay, I get it you are quoting Fight Club directed by David Fincher who also directed SE7EN (777?)

    and monkeys? religion? and god complexes? what are you people smokin’? 🙂

    I read someplace that Michael is an atheist. There is a website that lists famous atheists (Jodie Foster, Abraham Lincoln, Galileo, etc) So, Michael and his bandmates are in good (and probably gay) company. 🙂

    On the Heath Ledger news, sad. I forgot he and Michael were acquainted. Sadly, there is a horrible “reverend” in the US who pickets soldier’s funerals (because gays supposedly caused the war) and now his incestuous congregation plan to picket Heath’s funeral for the “vile” (or something like that) Brokeback Mountain. I can’t wait for people like that to fade away…

  772. Ignis Sol Says:

    I think they think they can drive to Australia. “eer dats nearbouts Mex’co, right, ma, I mean sis…”

  773. Paul Alferink Says:

    Yeah. That website take liberties, though. It kind of takes information and blows it out of proportion. Being an Atheist, I’m all for other Atheist, but Lincoln attended church his whole life, and invoked the Bible and Religion in most of his great speeches. He might have been atheist, but if he was, he certainly covered it up really well.

    There was another website that list famous gay people. They listed Lincoln (who was probably not) and Elenanor Roosevelt, (who might have been, but there’s not any real hard evidence of that) And Alexander the Great (Who was Greek and born before 400 AD, when the Greeks were best described, as my Prof put it “Omnisexual. Man, Woman, Goat, or Opening in a tree.”

  774. Kirsten Says:

    Maybe he thinks Iggy Pop is God and that’s why he doesn’t want to be him? It is, after all, lot of responsibility.

    Protesting at someone’s funeral just doesn’t seem right – whatever the cause. Maybe he should be protesting about the severe drug problem in society that caused his death. Save your passion for something important (says the girl who wouldn’t bother protesting about anything useful, but would gladly set up a picket line with Mr Cup if REM refuse to tour Oz.)

  775. Kirsten Says:

    Michael Stipe once said – “Anything that moves, that’s my motto”.

    And yes, I did spend the next 10 minutes waving my arms infront of the TV in desperation…..

  776. Kirsten Says:

    All hail Paul, our new leader.

  777. Kirsten Says:

    If Paul is God, and Ignis is the Anti-Stipe, then what number do we have to be to get the status of Dog?

    Devil, Dog, Jesus, God.

    If there is some confusion, who’s to blame?

  778. Mr Cup Says:

    In Chinese horoscope I’m a dog.

    A metal dog.

    I should be in band with that sort of pedigree.

  779. lenny Says:

    According to one Chinese horoscope I saw, my dad is a cock and my mom is a dog.

    for Cup, the metal dog:
    I wish i had a metal heart
    i could cross the line
    i wish that i was half as good
    as you think i am
    (Can anyone name the song or the artist for that quote?)

    This comment is a catapult.

  780. lenny Says:

    And this one is a letter never sent.

  781. Mr Cup Says:

    Ms Shirley Manson?

  782. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Michael Bolton ?
    Sasquatch ?

  783. ScottMalobisky Says:

    hint : Naples has a serious problem with it right now.

  784. Mr Cup Says:

    oh rubbish!

  785. lenny Says:

    That would be funny — if they decided to name the band Rubbish instead of Garbage. Or Refuse. Or simply Trash.

    Then they could reinvent themselves and come back as Reduce-Reuse-Recycle. The 3 R’s. Three is the magic number you know [Name Three — it all comes back to These Days.]

  786. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I have a confession to make . I didn’t know that. I googled the lyric .

  787. Paul Alferink Says:

    I am your new Leader!?!?

    “When I am king, you will be first against the wall”

  788. lenny Says:

    “…in your opinion which is of no consequence at all!”

    (It’s only because you gave comment #777.)

  789. Paul Alferink Says:

    “It’s good to be king
    and have your own world.
    It helps to make friends,
    it’s good to meet girls.
    A sweet little queen
    who can’t run away…”

  790. lenny Says:

    You’ll have to ask the almighty Paul for forgiveness, Scott. (You did say you had a “confession” to make..ha!)

    And Scott, if you’re so sneaky with your ‘Google’ searching, why haven’t you found my daughter’s wordpress page yet? I’m OK with people from here visiting the site — it’s public after all, but I felt a little threatened by Kirsten plotting to “invade” it until Ella can read.

  791. Ignis Sol Says:




    (I am the anti-Stipe?)

    “Anti-Stipe Superstar”

    cue Kirsten singin’ (from what I Googled)

    I don’t know how to love him.
    What to do, how to move him.
    I’ve been changed, yes really changed.
    In these past few days, when I’ve seen myself,
    I seem like someone else.

    I am not into show tunes, but I know this one because I saw the musical years ago. I didn’t even realize the words “these days” were in this song. How funny.

    So, Kirsten (Magdalene) sing! 😉

  792. Kirsten Says:

    I am the machine of Stipe! Siiiinnnng.

    Maybe you could be King of Comedy, Paul?

    Ella? Ha! I knew you’d slip up eventually. (Rubbing hands together mischievously)

    Check out REMHQ for the Accelerate Track Listing and a 30 second snippet of “Supernatural Superserious”. Then come back and tell me about how great it is, because I don’t have any sound. 😦

  793. Mr Cup Says:

    ‘Everyobody here comes from somewhere’

    That’s the opening line K.
    It’s all coming together. however my little Perth dot has disappeared!

    Songs a rawker with crunching Buckmeister riffage, like a muscled up “Highway to Hell”

    Raise yer horns (do the reverse Spiderman).

  794. Mr Cup Says:

    Ignis Pop
    Is it really true what they say you are?

  795. Kirsten Says:

    Oh, cleaver. Well, I’m already impressed because of that connection, so you’ll find that I’ll love that song just for that line. Just over 2 months to go. Did you notice that it’s being released 1 day earlier here than in the US? Getting excited now!!

  796. Mr Cup Says:

    Driver 800

    yeah baby!

  797. Mr Cup Says:

    everybody here
    comes from somewhere
    but they would just as soon forget
    and disguise
    at the summer camp where you volunteered
    no-one saw your face no-one saw your fear
    if that apparition had just appeared
    did you up and away into space…

  798. Mr Cup Says:

    make your own melody K

    just remember to rawk

  799. Ignis Sol Says:

    yeah, Kirsten it’s gonna be released on April Fools Day in the USA!
    And on April 4 is my b-day, I know how i’m celebratin’ (thanks for the birthday gift REM), it’s gonna be a Good Friday, indeed. And YES, Mr. Cup it is Really true who they say I AM.

  800. lenny Says:

    Kirsten — rub your hands all you want, but that was a joke, I slipped up on purpose. I want to go to ‘Google Analytics’ and see that my blog for Ella has dots on the map from way down under! She’s going global…

  801. lenny Says:

    Actually, her site has already been visited 4 times from Australia — 2 from Sydney, 1 from Brisbane, and 1 from Melbourne.

    I like the JC Superstar lyrics. I bet we could find a ton of showtunes with ties to REM songs…hmmmm….

    I just saw “Wicked” last month:
    “No good advices go unpunished”
    “I BELIEVE I’m changed for good”
    “Defying Gravity’s Pull”
    “Popular Song ’89” (OK, that one’s reaching)

  802. Kirsten Says:

    No fair, Mr Cup. I had that 800 in the bag but my computer cracked it. I don’t think I’ll make up a melody, otherwise when I get the record it just won’t sound right. Especially if I like my version better! 🙂

    Ignis, my birthday’s in March, so I missed it by a couple of weeks – just bad timing.

    And Lenny, how do you know that the one from Melbourne isn’t me? I’m slowly closing in on you….

  803. beonetraveler Says:

    I’ve always heard:

    “…All the people gathered
    Collided, serried each his burden…

    …Oh, sunny are these days…”

    I suppose every transcript IS a snowflake, Matthew.

  804. maclure Says:

    Ah, thanks for the comments re- Stipe is atheist or not. I only heard he was and found no direct quotes. His parents are Christians. There is an interview with him about this at where he cunningly sidesteps any direct questions about his own beliefs.

    The people who picket funerals are sick. I’ve seen some of their stuff online and pictures from the usual “hotspots” of abortion clinics, funerals for dead servicemen. I am a Christian and I feel I spend most of my time trying to put out fires for what other so-called “Christians” are doing… ay caramba.

    What are you all talking about now? I realise my post is about 50 comments late.

  805. Ignis Sol Says:

    on the subject of musicals… they are making Shrek into a B-Way musical. The previews begin in Seattle in August.

    They love to preview plays here (Rent, Hairspray, Young Frankestein, that Monty Python one, etc. Strange, eh? I guess they work out the bugs in front of us and debut the smooth, well-oiled versions in New York.

  806. Mr Cup Says:

    Ignis Pop, Heath Ledger was born April 4.

  807. ScottMalobisky Says:

    went to Popsongs 08 , the favorites list setting which was set on These Days , only to find It’s A Free World Baby on top of the page so I knew that MP had posted something new on the Homepage; hmmmmn, what could it be I wondered ?

  808. lenny Says:

    My my my — it’s been a slow day around here…

    Congrats to Djokovic and Sharapova, winners of the Australian Open Tennis Tourney. Did you catch any of the matches, Kirsten? You did say you were from Melbourne, right?

    Nice thing about Maria Sharapova winning another major — we can look forward to seeing more Canon commercials featuring her and that little Pomeranian. They just crack me up every time. (Dolce the dog, looking at a wall of photos of himself: “Yes, this is working for me right here — this area is nice.”)

    Sorry, I’m running out of things to say about REM. I didn’t think that was possible!

  809. Mr Cup Says:

    Here’s something lenny…Billboard have compared a few songs from Accelerate to songs from Lifes Rich Pageant. Excited?

  810. Ignis Sol Says:

    Way back when we guessing potential titles, I suggested


    I remembered this as I used it as analogy while writing the “Undertow” blog.

    Racecar and “Accelerate” has similiar notions, eh? Eh?


  811. Ignis Sol Says:

    Ignis Pop, Heath Ledger was born April 4.

    yeah, Mr Cup, I know… I will cooking lobster (and yes shrimp) on the BBQ on that day or weekend with my friends. Great friends, good food and good beer, I will have one for him. 🙂

  812. Kirsten Says:

    Hey Lenny, didn’t see any of the Tennis, not much of a fan. Funny how I find tennis a little boring, but can gladly sit in front of the tele for 5 whole days straight watching a cricket match….

    On the subject of Musicals, I went and saw “Shout” on the weekend. To be honest, I was a little disappointed. The singing and dancing were great, and the costumes (especially the 50’s dresses) were gorgeous, but I found the story line jumped around a bit too much which made it a bit hard to follow at times. If you are a fan of Johnny O’Keefe (which I’m not) you’d love it though, I’m sure. Like I said, not bad, but I wouldn’t bother seeing it again.

    See REM have announced their Northern American tour to support Accelerate. C’mon guys, don’t forget about us down here!

    Sifting through my purse for enough coins to get me to Atlanta for 21st June!

  813. Ignis Sol Says:

    yeah and they are skippin’ Seattle, too. But it looks like a few days off from Vancouver BC (not too far from here) and their next date in California. hmmm, secret shows? Modest Mouse is from here, too. I will keep my ears open and eyes peeled.

  814. Mr Cup Says:

    A nice vegetarian meal I see Ignis!?!

    (We call them crayfish and prawns by the way. Don’t let Hoges fool you)

    You and Stipe are clearly intuiting from the same source – whatever intuiting means.

  815. Mr Cup Says:

    Bye Gilly – I’m going to miss you most of all!

  816. Ignis Sol Says:

    I am no longer vegetarian. I saw an old friend on Sunday I have not seen in years and she says I look better now! My face was gaunt… etc.

    Now I have the blood of wild beasts runnin’ thru’ my veins….. GRRR

  817. Ignis Sol Says:

    yeah, Mr Cup, a few songs he has written for their past albums are like some of my stuff written years before….like a reference to Steve McQueen (and John Wayne, James Dean) I wrote in 1991 (called Now I Am) only to show up in their “Electrolite” in 1996.

    anyone remember that Simpsons episode where Homer accidentally cooks his beloved pet lobster and ends up eating him while crying and slobbering it up with butter?

  818. Mr Cup Says:

    That was a classic episode.

    I too was given the same advice on a meat free diet “You look shithouse- eat some meat”. It seems to work for me despite Mr Singers arguments against.

  819. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Sylvia Plath’s first sonnet at age 18 :

    Sonnet: To Spring ?

    You deceive us with the crinkled green
    of juvenille stars , and you beguile us with
    a bland vanilla moon of maple cream :
    Again you tame us with your April myth.
    Last year you tricked us by the childish jingle
    of your tinsel rains; again you try
    and find us credulous once more. A single
    diablolic shower ,and we cry
    to see the honey flavored morning tilt
    clear light across the water gilded lawn.
    Although another of our years is spilt
    on avaricious earth, you lure us on :
    Again we are deluded and infer
    that somehow we are younger than we were.

  820. lenny Says:

    Re: Accelerate tour… I know Chicago is a lot closer to me, but man I’d love to see a concert at Red Rocks. I’ll have to give that some thought.

    And Mr Cup — I’ve delayed my response to your question because that required some thought. Yes, I’d be excited if it sounded anything like LRP. However, there can only be one LRP. There can never be another LRP. There’s something special about an album that you discover in your “formative years” — going through high school or college as you’re becoming an adult, and a real-life member of society. I doubt if any other albums could come along in the future that could eclipse my all time top 5 — simply because I discovered all 5 of them during those years.

    Also, I’ve already accepted the fact that REM will not release an album better than LRP in their lifetime. Sorry if that sounds negative, but that’s the way I see it. (That doesn’t mean I won’t give Accelerate a chance, though.)

  821. lenny Says:

    Re: the Simpsons. As Homer is eating his pet lobster and sobbing, I believe he says “Pinchy would have wanted it that way” Classic.

    Speaking of the Simpsons — I have to hear if Kirsten and Mr Cup have seen the episode where Bart insults an Australian guy over the phone, and they have to go down to apologize publicly. It probably focuses more on the typical American’s idea of Australia than any kind of reality. But that’s the Simpson’s for you — insane, satirical, and hysterical. Here’s one of my favorite lines from that episode: “Disparaging the boot is a bootable offense!”

  822. Mr Cup Says:

    Have seen it lenny and as much as I encourage a good piss-take of Australia every now and then, the thing that really gives me the irrits is the accent. It is always sooooooo far off the mark. In the case of that episode Bart sounds very British. Especially the ‘Guvna’ bit.
    Other than that it was on the mark.

    I know there will never be another LRP. It just sounds like there will be a beating pulse this time. Whole thing clocks in at under 34 mins as well. Crikey!

  823. lenny Says:

    I saw that episode as more of a poke at the ignorance of Americans and their misconceptions the cultures of other countries, such as Australia. There is a lot of coverage of this same theme throughout the series, dealing with many cultures around the world.

    I love the end of the episode, too — with the koala bear hanging on to the helicopter as the Simpsons escape. They zoom in on its eyeball, you hear a few violins screech like the music from “Psycho”, and the final ‘note’ is played on a didgeridoo. As if to say that a typical American thinks that you can hear that instrument and see a koala on every street corner in Australia.

  824. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Crickey !
    And Jiminy Crickets too !

  825. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I spelled crikey wrong , stupid American .

  826. Paul Alferink Says:

    You will never convince me there aren’t Koala Bears on every street corner in Austrailia.
    My Aussie Co-worker wanted me to visit Austrialia. She said I could bunk at her Uncles place and go Kangaroo poaching with him. Not my idea of a good time . . .

  827. Paul Alferink Says:

    I’m also pretty that those Koala’s are playing the didgeridoo’s on those street corners. For Money. To support there Euclyptis habit.

  828. Mr Cup Says:

    Busking koala’s are a real concern, but it’s the Drop Bears that are the real threat to unsuspecting tourists.

    Crocodiles, snakes, dingos…this is a land could eat a man alive.
    I think they’ve taken Kirsten.

  829. Ignis Sol Says:

    kangaroos, koalas, crocodiles, snakes, dingos — all good eatin’

  830. Kirsten Says:

    No, I’m still here – just busy working. I’ve only ever seen 1 koala (not including the zoo or roadkill). Pleased to say he didn’t try to eat me.

    I’ve seen that episode too Lenny. I love how our Prime Minister is a pig farmer. Did show our general laid-back attitude out here. Hey, you’re not the Lenny from the Simpsons are you??

    My husband goes roo shooting sometimes. What a horrific “sport”.

    Go to Queensland, apparantly there mean cats chew on licorice and cannot climb trees.

  831. lenny Says:

    No, I’m not Lenny from the Simpsons. I’m not even Lenny at all. It’s just a nickname that I was given in college because two other people on my dormitory floor had the same name. It came down to Lenny or Walter, and Lenny won out. But one guy refused to accept that, and called me Walter all through college. I think he got it from the name of the fish in the movie “On Golden Pond”. It doesn’t really matter though, because no one calls me either of those names anymore.

  832. lenny Says:

    Surprisingly enough, I didn’t latch on to the name Walter and proclaim that R.E.M. recorded my theme song. Talk about a missed opportunity there.

    By the way — I’m glad that the koalas haven’t eaten you, Kirsten. I watched clips from that episode on Youtube today, and I forgot how funny it was. “That throwing stick of yours has boomeranged on us!”

  833. Kirsten Says:

    I don’t know which is worse – being busy at work or being eaten by koalas! 🙂

    A friend of mine was hit in the head with a boomerang once. That’s the disadvantage of throwing something and having it come straight back at you!

    Lenny’s not really a Lenny?? Ignis isn’t really an Ignis?? Next you’ll be telling me Beethoven Was Deaf isn’t his real name either!

  834. Kirsten Says:

    I don’t wanna boomerang
    I don’t wanna cannonball

  835. Mr Cup Says:

    So bang, my booma-boomarang of lo-ove.

    When you look at it written out like that, it’s quite explicit really.
    Bet ther were some crazy key parties in the ABBA camp.

  836. lenny Says:

    On the subject of fake names, I bet Kirsten is really Kristen! And she lives on 123 Fake Street (another obscure Simpson’s reference).

    Oh, and by the way…

    Wow. It’s about time. Next up, the U.S. apologizes to Native Americans.

  837. lenny Says:

    Oh man — Mr Cup, you just brought up my favorite all-time connection to Australia. Abba. Forget about that Simpson’s trip down under, I’m talking about Muriel’s Wedding. LOVE that movie, with a capital L-O-V-E. Freaking funny.

    Favorite line: “You were so full of life…” and then… “I’m not dead, Cheryl!!”

    There’s a radio station here in St. Louis that used to start their morning show at 6AM with the orchestral version of “Dancing Queen” with all the wedding bells and stuff. I’d laugh every time my alarm went off and that woke me up!

    Is there really a “Porpoise Spit”???

  838. ScottMalobisky Says:

    isn’t ABBA from Scandinavia ?
    isn’t Addis Ababa in Ethopia ?

    I remmember this after hours club , they used to always play Dancing Queen as the final song before shutting it down to face the sallow antiseptic dawn.

  839. lenny Says:

    I know where ABBA is from — the connection to Australia is the MOVIE, so I guess you haven’t seen it, huh Scott?

  840. ScottMalobisky Says:

    DUH .I’m confused. I’m a mixed bag of emotions changing dramatically from moment to moment. I am the same decaying you trinkets drunk on the overpass sun dripping these shadows on remote roses. What movie ? And , uh, what’s uh the deal ?

  841. Ignis Sol Says:

    Poor lenny has to wake to orchestral ABBA!

    I wonder if there is orchestral R.E.M. And not just the obvious stuff like Losing My Religion and Everybody Hurts. I heard a Muzak version of Shiny Happy People in a supermarket back in the 90’s.

  842. Paul Alferink Says:

    The movie is called Muriel’s Wedding. It sort of launch Toni Collette’s career here. I hated it, but what do I know. . .
    ABBA’s music is important to the main character and her friend, and I think for that reason, people who like ABBA really liked the movie. I am ABBA-indifferent, hence, I didn’t care for it.
    But a lot of people like ABBA. Mamma Mia did well on Broadway, and now it’s going to be a movie. A horrible, insufferable movie, I’m sure, but. . .

  843. Paul Alferink Says:

    I have an Orchestral REM CD. Awful. And there is at least one other version. One was mostly stuff post OoT, but one covered everything a little better.
    WtFK was a difficult listen, if I recall.

  844. Mr Cup Says:

    Australia was the first country to embrace ABBA and give them their first #1 which is why they are a part of our national psyche.
    (We also gave Madonna her first #1. She is not part of our psyche- tell her to stop phoning please.)

    To to this day I still haven’t seen the whole film lenny. I’ve seen chunks of it over and over again- ‘You’re terrible Muriel’ is somehow part of my vernacular.(?????).

    My favorite scene from an Oz movie is the cricket scene in The Dish. I hope it really happened – it’s the perfect venue for cricket.

    I love the bossanova version of Light My Fire.

  845. ScottMalobisky Says:

    “Take a couple if you wish
    There on the dish.”_____Syd Barrett, ‘Bike’
    …..from Piper At The Gates Of Dawn

  846. Mr Cup Says:

    Imagine playing cricket (or baseball) with only a few people.
    The innards of a huge satellite dish is just perfect.
    Ball always comes back.

  847. Kirsten Says:

    I hate ABBA, but I thought the movie was really good. I think it’s one of those movies only Aussie’s get.

    Mr Cup, I’m guilty of saying “this is going straight into to pool room”. I don’t even have one….

  848. Mr Cup Says:

    We all have an emotional pool room!

  849. Kirsten Says:

    I’m going to use that now too!

  850. Mr Cup Says:

    It does sound kind of nice…hmmmm

  851. Mr Cup Says:

    As an aside:
    A friend and I have compiled a little graphic/zine/mag/publication/thingy called ‘tentacle’. The name inspired in part by the octopus that crawled back to the sea.
    It comes as a pdf and if anyone would like one send and email to:

    It’s free. It’s fresh. It’s beautiful.

  852. lenny Says:

    Let me get something straight — I don’t love Abba. I love the movie, Muriel’s Wedding. Abba’s music actually just makes me laugh, in and of itself. So, the main character’s obsession with Abba makes me laugh even more.

    And of course, being an Australian-made movie means it was probably more successful there, but I disagree that it’s “one of those movies only Aussie’s get”. It actually has quite a cult following in the U.S. too.

    I’ve never heard (strictly) orchestral R.E.M., but a friend of mine found an orchestral version of a Coldplay CD, and he played it during the dinner reception for his wedding day. It was cool, I guess. Certain music just lends itself well to an orchestral arrangement…. (to be continued)

  853. lenny Says:

    OK, one person said that they had an orchestral REM CD, but here’s a new question for everyone to ponder: Which R.E.M. song or album do you think might be particularly well-suited for an orchestral version?

    I guess it would be pretty easy to say Automatic for the People, which already features a few songs with stringed instruments.

  854. Mr Cup Says:

    Up could probably work as an orchestral suite…actually can that. It could easily end up sounding like one of those scratched up records your parents had but you never heard them play that ends up having great novelty value for a day and a half.

    Are orchestral ‘versions’ the rock n’ roll equivalent of jumping the shark?

  855. Paul Alferink Says:

    Best Aussie Movie? That would have to be Strictly Ballroom, although I do have a soft spot for Romper Stomper.

  856. lenny Says:

    Sorry to change the subject (yet again), but I just noticed that “Final Straw” had over 120 comments on it, and I never stepped foot into that chat room. Someone should have alerted me on this page, because half of the time that I visit, this is the only page I view (not even the home page!)

    My observations from “Final Straw”:
    1. Scott: Nice prediction on McCain. You said on January 4th that he was a Phoenix, and Paul said “He has no chance.” Score one for Scott.

    2. I like everyone’s taste in movies — although it makes me feel like a loser because I haven’t seen one in the theater since “DaVinci Code”, mainly because of my 16 month old daughter keeping me busy. So, the movies I most want to see from 2008 are “No Country for Old Men”, “There will be Blood”, and “Darjeeling Limited”. Those movies are by three of my favorite directors (well 4 if you count both Coen’s). I would also like to see Eastern Promises (love you Naomi).

    3. What is the connection between Stipe and Being John Malkovich? I love the movie, but I never realized there was a connection — I don’t think your question on that page was ever answered, Scott.

    Thanks for letting me catch up “These Days”-style.

  857. lenny Says:

    Uh…that would be movies from 2007, not 2008.

  858. Paul Alferink Says:

    Stipe’s Movie Production company made “Being John Malcovich”. They also made the fun “American Movie.” “BJM” was actually there fall back. He wanted to make “American Beauty” but lost out on the bidding to Miramax. They’ve made a handful of others.

    Stipe had signed a three picture deal to direct, at one point in the ’90’s. He was suppose to make “Youth Oriented Films” His first project was suppose to be a movie called “Frigid and Impotent” with Drew Barrymore as a female serial killer. Nothing ever came of that movie or the deal. Although I always loved the title.

  859. Paul Alferink Says:

    And I still don’t think that Romney loses to McCain.

  860. Ignis Sol Says:

    Stipe also produced the quirky American film “Saved!” about Christian High Schoolers. Good film. R.E.M. makes a cameo on a poster in a library scene.

    Oh and “Velvet Goldmine.” I liked that one, too.

  861. Mr Cup Says:

    I was really excited about Darjeeling Limited but found it a bit of a let down. Expecting too much, I expect.

    What about a show of hands for Mad Max?
    Anyone seen Picnic at Hanging Rock?

  862. Paul Alferink Says:

    I forgot about and Saved and Velvet Goldmine. Saved was fun. Velvet Goldmine was pretty, but I couldn’t get into it.

  863. Kirsten Says:

    I haven’t seen Mad Max, but Picnic at Hanging Rock was great. Creeped me out – I’ll probably never go there!

  864. Mr Cup Says:

    You gots ta see Mad Max Kirsten.

    ‘The Toecutter – he knows who I am!’

  865. Kirsten Says:

    The Castle is a great movie. Aussies as we really are.

  866. Mr Cup Says:

    Simple Little Aussie Battlers!

    Wow – what an acronym. Perfection!

  867. Kirsten Says:

    I’ll drink to that!

  868. Kirsten Says:

    How’s the serenity…

  869. Mr Cup Says:

    Tell him he’s dreaming!

  870. Kirsten Says:

    Maybe the movie itself wasn’t that good and it was only popular ’cause of all of the catch phrases!

    What do you call this, love?

    Ice Cream.

    Yeah, but it’s what you do with it.

    Scoop it out of the punnet.

  871. milesy Says:

    Lenny, if you’re a loser, I’m one too. I fondly remember my movie-going days before the patter of tiny feet came along. At least they’re old enough for me to take them to see Shrek and Ratatouille now…

    I like Abba. I feel like I needed to say that. I also enjoyed Mamma Mia in the West End, but it may have had something to do with having no children for us to look after for a whole weekend.

  872. Paul Alferink Says:

    I think every single time we get a babysitter, we see a movie. Every time. If the grandparent take him for the day, we might see three movies. Heck, it’s even planned out ahead of time. I know the 12, when we have it off for Lincoln’s Birthday (Yea! Illinois) we are going to see either “There will be Blood” or “Cloverfield”

  873. Mr Cup Says:

    Heard the latest 90nights clip?
    Sounds like KISS!

  874. milesy Says:

    What happens now that These Days isn’t even top of the LRichP list? Let’s begin again?

  875. milesy Says:

    And what’s happened to Reckoning? It’s now over 4 months since we had a review of Time after Time…

  876. lenny Says:

    Oddly enough — the Time After Time post is the one that got me started browsing this site. I did a search on the song for some reason, or maybe I was searching for the Pavement song about Reckoning. I forget which one. Jeez, I’m getting old if I don’t remember what happened 4 months ago.

    I am not in favor of beginning again. I’m keep this one going until I Believe comes around. Then, I’m through with These Days for good. Who’s with me??

  877. Mr Cup Says:

    I think MP got pretty exasperated with the Time After Time post.

    I do like the absurdity of the length of this post – but I believe I Believe, is a worthy successor.

  878. Mr Cup Says:

    Has anyone checked out the ad for the new album over at HQ?
    I’m gonna need more absorbent paper.

    For those without sound (K-lady), it’s rool good.

  879. ScottMalobisky Says:

    hey cupster , did you get my tentacle request? had a problem with your link –my side I’m sure—so I sent it via a regular email format…

  880. Mr Cup Says:

    Got one this morning Bisky. Somehow, I knew it was you!
    Dispatched thismorning.
    Let me know if you got it as it said it failed at my end, which it says all the time despite evidence to the contrary.

  881. ScottMalobisky Says:

    no dice ,cup , ain’t got it

  882. Mr Cup Says:

    Re-sent Bisky, this time with confirmation. Let me know how it goes.

  883. Kirsten Says:

    Everyone got kinda angry on the Time After Time Post. Maybe it will take Matthew a while to get over it before he can do another one from Reckoning. And, quite frankly, I’m still not over the Watertower incident.

  884. Kirsten Says:

    K-Lady – that me?? Cool a nickname – I’m so proud.
    I so can’t wait for this record. I’ve already decided that Supernatural Superserious is my favourite by the title. And Mr Richards – could be another Wendell Gee or Old Man Kensey??

    I’ve already started sucking up to my husband so we can see them in a couple of states if they come out here (which they had better or I’m being nice for nothing!)

    8 Weeks to go…..

  885. Kirsten Says:

    Hey, I just got 888 with 8 weeks to go! Good luck for me for the rest of the year!

  886. ScottMalobisky Says:

    crazy eights crazy crazy world crazy crazy times

    think I got something cup
    ain’t checked it out yet

  887. Paul Alferink Says:

    REM and Modest Mouse. That is so cool. If REM was my one true love, Modest Mouse is where I would go for the Dirty Dirty Angry sex if REM dumped me.

  888. Kirsten Says:

    Slow Day These Days.

  889. Mr Cup Says:

    Hey Kirsten
    I know something you don’t know…

  890. Kirsten Says:

    What?? Tell me, tell me, tell me!

    Oh, and how do you know I don’t know??

  891. Mr Cup Says:

    I know what the new song sounds like – mwaaaa haaaaaar!

  892. Kirsten Says:

    I’m sure you should’ve got comment 666 instead of Ignis with that evil streak!

  893. Mr Cup Says:

    I…I think he’s channeling me…can’t control..self…….’super…natural…super…serious’…to rid…these…. . …voices….ugh…

  894. Kirsten Says:

    ‘Cause everybody knows
    The things he does to please
    He’s such a little tease
    He’s a Cup Fatale

  895. Kirsten Says:

    Anyway, I DO know how the new songs go:

    Everybody here comes from somewhere….
    do do do do do do

    Hell, I’m even doing the Stipe dance that goes with it!

  896. Kirsten Says:

    Whoo-hoo 900!

    Just 100 to go for the big one thousand!

  897. Mr Cup Says:

    ha ha

    The clip looks good though don’t you think?

  898. Kirsten Says:

    Oh Yeah! Even without the sound!

    Have they named the first single?

  899. Mr Cup Says:


    …i assume

  900. lenny Says:

    Hey everybody — have a Super Tuesday. And a Fat one at that. In honor of this great day, I had a beer and I voted, but not in that order. The rest of my state must have done the opposite, because I see that Huckabee is leading in Missouri.

    I think that Naomi Watts said it best: “F**KABEES!!!”

  901. Kirsten Says:

    I really hope Supernatural Superserious is a great song, ’cause I’ve really built it up in my mind now – it’s such a cool name.

  902. Mr Cup Says:

    After one listen I was hooked. I don’t know if that augers well long term, but for now, it’s killer!

  903. lenny Says:

    Wait a minute — I thought that people said the new album wasn’t out yet. Where is everyone hearing it already?!!! Help!

  904. Mr Cup Says:

    Just a snifter from remhq lenny.
    They have the highlights of the first single (i assume) in the upper left.
    Other industry types have heard it (the album) in total and are posting all over the place.
    They are creating what used to be called ‘a buzz at street level’.


  905. Mr Cup Says:

    oh and the ninetynights thing. ‘horse to water’ gave me goose bumps from a time long gone…in a galaxy far, far away…

  906. lenny Says:

    YES! My comment is one after 909.

    “a snifter from remhq”
    “and the ninetynights thing”

    Methinks I need to do some web searching, as I have no idea what you’re talking about.

  907. Kirsten Says:

    I need to talk my boss into getting me a computer with sound! Doesn’t he know how important this is!?!?!?

    I’ll have to check out HQ to see if I can pre-order it yet. I did that with REM Live and even with the postage and exchange rate it still cost me $1 less than in the local store! Plus, more importantly, the local shop didn’t stock it until about 5-6 weeks after it was released and I don’t have that sort of patience!

    I need it. I need this.

  908. Mr Cup Says:

    lenny – ask your daughter. She’ll know!

  909. lenny Says:

    Uh…she’s 17 months old, not 17 years old.

  910. ScottMalobisky Says:

    anybody else get a look at cup’s tentacle besides moi ?

  911. Paul Alferink Says:

    That sounds dirty . . .

  912. Ignis Sol Says:

    Cup’s Tentacle is exquisite! He is quite talented.

    “Supernatural Superserious” is great, so catchy. So great to hear Mike’s vocals soar in the background.

    inexperience, delirious
    ahhh, summer camp, séances and bad experiences…

    Anyone else hilariously irritated by Mike’s “water, fuck! water, water…” takes and then the subsequent perfect retakes entry for 99nights?

  913. Mr Cup Says:

    It’s easy when you’re good!
    Made me laugh.

    Anyone into Nick Cave? The promo for his new album has seances too. There are some clips which are so goofy!
    How many of us have had a seance? They seem to have been relegated to the status of slide and fondue nights. Not that I want to encourage dalliances with the occult…or slide nights.

    As for Supernatural…I love it all, but especially Stipes vox.
    ‘He’s alive, he’s alive’

  914. ScottMalobisky Says:

    A feast of friends
    Alive she cried
    Waiting for me outside…..YEAH !!!!!!!!!!

  915. Mr Cup Says:

    Zen experience sweet delirious

  916. Mr Cup Says:

    I would like to say that the “it’s easy when you’re good” comment are in reference to Mike Mills nailing his ‘water’ vocals.

    Just so there’s no confusion.

  917. Kirsten Says:

    Thank God, I thought you were talking about your tentacles!

    I only know 1 Nick Cave song and I absolutely love it. “Where the Wild Roses Grow” – absolutely brilliant, I just wish he did it with someone other than Kylie Minogue (although I hate to admit it, she did do a good job of it).

    Sounds like REM are finally bringing some fun back to their music and it’s about time. Maybe Mike messed up the Water line ’cause it reminded him of all the comments made here about his “Watertower” incident. (REM’s Watergate)

  918. Kirsten Says:

    If there is Cup confusion, who’s to blame?

  919. Mr Cup Says:

    (backing vox)

    ..Cup Confusion…

  920. Mr Cup Says:

    I think he wrote that part specifically for Kylie. I remember being agast when I heard he was doing a duet with her, but she really did a great job.

    I’m getting a little bit worried about my tentacle. We are all so phallocentric these days.

  921. Paul Alferink Says:

    I like Nick Cave okay, I own”Murder Ballad’s” (Which is where the “Wild Roses” song is from) He did a cool song on the “Until the end of the world” soundtrack (where “Fretless” by REM first appearred). And I LOVE “Red Right Hand” (From the X-Files Soundtrack, one or more of the “Scream” soundtrack, and some album of his.)

    Other than REM, however, I never really notice when people come out with new albums now. Either I hear stuff that I like and buy it on I-Tunes or ask for it for X-mas, or I don’t. I stopped looking really hard.

  922. Kirsten Says:

    Red Right Hand – I’d forgotten about that song! Turns out I know 2 Nick Cave songs. I love the image the song title leaves and the creepy way in which he sings it.

  923. Mr Cup Says:

    I had a lot of work to do on Saturday, so I just set the iPod to shuffle through the REM playlist. Hours of brilliance followed.
    I have to say that it surprises me that I was surprised at just how good it was, I mean you don’t realise until it’s just thrown at you like that continuosly, hour after hour.

    Later some friends cam around for dinner and I just kept it playing as I prepared the food – the good stuff kept coming well into the night. No repeats, just killer songs as far as the eye could see.

    It shouldn’t surprise me, but it did.
    Didn’t even get through it all – nor touch on the new song!

  924. Kirsten Says:

    As my ipod (or piece of shit as I like to call it) still isn’t working properly I only have REM on it. 489 songs to be precise. (500 exactly when the new album comes out). Someone asked me how a band could not only have 489 songs, but how I could love that many. They are just pure perfection! I was listening to it in my lunch break today and they are also solely resposible for me not killing several useless workmates today. And it’s not the first time. Without REM, I would’ve been in jail years ago…..

  925. Mr Cup Says:

    You got a whole lotta bootleg on that Kirsten?

    I have 151 songs.

  926. Kirsten Says:

    Ooh yeah! My ipod is bootleg heaven! I haven’t put on full shows of all the CD’s ’cause there’d be thousands of songs and a lot of them are similar, but a lot of different versions of songs, rare songs that they may have only played live 2 or 3 times, alternative versions and demos, stuff like that. I’ve got another shipment coming from Canada due to hit any day now, so hopefully some more gems on them! I’d also love a bootleg of those Ireland working rehearsals – keeping my ears to the ground on that one, I know someone would’ve recorded it!

  927. Mr Cup Says:

    Do you also collect Stipe guest vocal appearances?

  928. lenny Says:

    …you mean, like Furry Happy Monsters??
    I bet that’s on her ipod!!

  929. Paul Alferink Says:

    Speaking of which, does anyone have a Michael singing “Candy Everybody Wants” with 10,000?
    I did finally find a copy of “Photograph” with Natalie Merchant two years ago. I had been looking for that since 1993.

  930. lenny Says:

    Well, this would have been a cool topic for last Sunday (the 3rd) or Tuesday (the 5th), but what are everyone’s favorite “Super” songs? Obviously the new REM song gave me the idea: Supernatural, Superserious.

    I’m listing a few that I like here (but I’m leaving off the obvious “Superman” songs, because there are just too many of them — REM, 5 for Fighting, Our Lady Peace, Three Doors Down).

    Supersatellite — Our Lady Peace
    Super-connected — Belly
    Supervixen – Garbage
    Supersonic – Oasis


  931. Paul Alferink Says:

    Oh goodness. “Superstitious” by Stevie Wonder would be top of the List.
    “Superstitious” by Stevie Wonder (Fantatistic Song)
    “I’m Super”- Big Gay Al
    “Supernova” -Liz Phair
    “Champagne Supernova”- Oasis
    “Super-Freak”- Rick James (Bitch) but only if the cast of “Little Miss Sunshine is dancing to it.

  932. Ignis Sol Says:

    Michael guest vocals: don’t forget “The Future 40’s” by Syd Straw. A great song, I have that version on some weird compilation.

    “Jesus Christ Superstar” – by someone from the Broadway play.
    “(I’m Not Your) Superwoman” by some female 90’s artist.


  933. Paul Alferink Says:

    Murray Head did the original Jesus Christ Superstar. He also was famous for singing “One Night In Bankok.”

  934. Ignis Sol Says:

    Thanks, Paul

    My parents had that soundtrack and I do now recall that he indeed did both songs. I never listened to it, I just looked at it while listening to other stuff.
    I liked “One Night in Bankok.” Now, that was from a play, too. Correct? “Chess?”

  935. Mr Cup Says:

    Super Mario Theme

    Guest Vox:
    I particularly like “Your Ghost” by Kristen Hersch
    and “I will give you my skin” with the Indigo Girls.

    I payed a whole wad to import the Disney ‘Stay Awake’ album as Stipe was supposed to be dueting with N. Merchant. Damned if I can hear him on it.

  936. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Jack Straw

  937. Ignis Sol Says:

    Since “These Days” has political overtones…..

    I caucused on Saturday and was amazed at the turnout for my precinct. There were many younger folks. My group and the other precinct sharing the elementary school gym were overwhelmingly for Sen. Obama. He received 4 delegates and Sen. Clinton picked up 2 delegates. She had one delegate in the beginning, but after people made a plea for their respective candidates all the undecided people went to Sen. Clinton (gaining one more delegate). It was an exciting way to spend a couple of hours on a Saturday afternoon.

    And yes, almost every one did have their coffee from one of the nearby cafes. 🙂 I wonder what precinct Peter Buck lives in.

  938. Ignis Sol Says:

    “Superdeformed” Matthew Sweet (how did you guys miss that one?) With his Athens/R.E.M. connection and all?

  939. Mr Cup Says:

    We had a band called Superjesus.

  940. Kirsten Says:

    Hi, coming in a bit late – busy at work. I have quite a few songs where Michael guest vocals on, but no I don’t have Furry Happy Monsters at all. I’ve seen it on the internet at my last job (where my computer had sound), but I don’t have the facilities to down-load it.

    Paul, I have a live version of “Candy Everybody Wants” if that’s any good to you.

    No-one mentioned Superman….

  941. Mr Cup Says:

    That was excluded Kirsten…too easy.

    Super Trouper by ABBA – they won’t be denied!!!

  942. lenny Says:

    Ignis — good job on Matthew Sweet — I was thinking of that one but didn’t list it (I didn’t want to beat everyone to the punch).

    Cup — it all goes back to Abba, doesn’t it?

    Paul — 1st responder and best list by far. I wish I came up with the Liz Phair song — love that one.

    I only have a few more to add —
    Superhero by Jane’s Addiction, which totally rocks!
    Supermodel by Juliana Hatfield 3
    Super Disco Breakin’ — Beastie Boys

  943. Ignis Sol Says:

    After I hit the snooze a few times this morning, I listend to:

    “Waiting for Superman” by Flaming Lips (from The Soft Bulletin).

    I was drowsy, but it is a really good song…being drowsy I could not place the familiar voice….then the DJ said who it was. I got up and got ready for work.

  944. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Super Silly Us

  945. Mr Cup Says:

    Silious Sodus.

    What is slipping a fin already?

  946. Paul Alferink Says:

    I went through a musical phase that really peaked before I got into REM, but kind of continued throughout my High School Career, as I did all the Musicals and a lot of the plays.

    Yes, “One Night in Bankok” was from Chess, made with Tim Rice (who did the Lyrics for the Webber Musicals JCS and Evita, and stopped working with him because “Cats” already had lyrics via T.S. Eliot’s poems). Rice then did a bunch of Disney Stuff starting with “Aladdin” after the Lyricist for the Disney team died of AIDS.
    The Music for Chess came from half of ABBA (AB then?) But with Evita, Jesus Christ Superstar, and Chess, the album came first. Then the stage production. The album was successful. The stage production flopped. The album did well enough that they shoveled lots of money into the stage production, and got shellacked in the process.

  947. Mr Cup Says:

    he he he…they won’t be denied!

  948. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Mr. Cup , a five spot , he’d slip me a five dollar bill

  949. Mr Cup Says:

    were you wearing fishnets?

  950. Ignis Sol Says:

    Wow, that Supernatural Superserious video site is interesting. The Babeland sex shop, originally called Toys in Babeland, started here before the owners expanded to NY and some other city. It is just two doors down from watering hole here. Someone busted the main window a few days ago, quite uncommon in my neighborhood, and stole a bunch of glass dildos in their Valentine display. All is well now. The window is repaired and we can now safely buy our toys. 😉

  951. Kirsten Says:

    OK, Interesting. So many questions, Ignis I don’t know where to start….

  952. Ignis Sol Says:

    Yeahh, Babeland is nestled between the Rosebud (my hangout) and the Honeyhole (great sandwiches). Seattle is kinda perverted.

    What IS your first question, Kirsten?

  953. Ignis Sol Says:


  954. Mr Cup Says:

    Toys in Babeland. How hip!
    Dildo’s and guitars?

    Why didn’t anyone try and slip me money when I was younger?

  955. Paul Alferink Says:

    Dan Savage’s prizes use to always come from Toys in Babeland. . .

  956. Ignis Sol Says:

    Dan is great! He is having his annual “love stinks” bash (literally a bash) tonight. I have received “gifts” from Babeland because they sponsor the film fesival I work on. Let’s just say the battery-required key chain is NSFW!

  957. ScottMalobisky Says:

    love stinketh________Shakey

  958. ScottMalobisky Says:

    remember during the HST posting when morewordsaboutmusic said that MP had dropped the REM idea in favor of a Tom Petty blog ? LOL

    and there was a time when Alferink thought Kirsten was the bees knees and I thought Ignis was a woman

    I long for the good old days………sigh…..

  959. Ignis Sol Says:

    the good old days are comin’ back with “Accelerate”

  960. Paul Alferink Says:

    I still think Kristen is the Bees Knees!

  961. Kirsten Says:

    Oh, thanks Paul! I think at one stage I was also a 13 year old boy. Kinda wish I was 13 again….

    I think it’s a credit to everyone here that we’ve gone nearly 1000 comments and even though some of them were a bit iffy, it never degenerated into HST. I’ll never look at THAT song the same again.

    Hey, what ever happened to morewordsaboutmusic? His blog just suddenly stopped one day and he’s made no comments here for quite some time.

  962. ScottMalobisky Says:

    whatever happened to catapult ?
    and I’m really curious about xman ? he commented very early on These Days , “take this joy” “ok if you say so” and then he was gone ……..

  963. Paul Alferink Says:

    Have they announced when tickets go on sale yet?

  964. Mr Cup Says:

    You can get tickets from HQ by the look of it.

    Cross the equator you bastards!

  965. Kirsten Says:

    Hey steady steady, hey steady steady
    They’ll come over when they’re good and ready!

  966. Paul Alferink Says:

    Chicago Tickets aren’t on sale yet. Just that Festival They play in March. And Europe.

  967. Mr Cup Says:

    I’ll DJ at their frickin’ funerals if they don’t tour here.
    Damn straight!

  968. ScottMalobisky Says:

    what songs would you play at their funerals ?

    “the dead are new-born awakening
    in rapt funeral amazement…”

  969. Paul Alferink Says:

    Sweetness Follows.

  970. Mr Cup Says:

    permanent vacation.

    No, that’s just silly!

  971. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I wonder who will be the next MAJOR rock star to pass..

  972. Kirsten Says:

    I’ve got to be honest Mr Cup, it’s not looking too good.

    They’d better though, ’cause I’m still being unnaturally nice to my husband so he will let me see them interstate as well and I don’t want it to be all for nothing!
    So very, very desperate for this to happen…

    Maybe they could just forward us the funds to go see them overseas? I’d be happy with that!

  973. Mr Cup Says:

    I think there’s grounds for that Kirsten. Frankly, I’d prefer it. All the venues here are rubbish except the outdoor venues. Ah, REM outdoors on a balmy summer eve. Do their tour managers know what sort of climate we have?

  974. lenny Says:

    The sort of climate you have? Yeah, as I recall seeing on the Weather Channel yesterday, you’ve got some kind of a tropical cyclone brewing off the coast of Western Australia. Not exactly the “balmy summer eve” that REM would enjoy playing to!

  975. Mr Cup Says:

    That part of the coastline is pretty prone to cyclones lenny, but it isn’t really a threat if you look at where Perth sits – days away.

    At the moment we have our annual arts festival. There is an outdoor venue with a new band every night for a month or so. I just saw A Hawk and a Hacksaw. The sunset was superb. The acoustics were great. The air was…perfumed (i think they piped it). It’s just great.
    I rode home along the river with nothing but contentment. Saturday night it’s Sonic Youth playing Daydream Nation.
    I’m terribly excited.

  976. lenny Says:

    I was just messing with you Mr Cup. I remember you saying you lived in “WA”, but I didn’t recall hearing the name of your town or its general location.

    I probably had to point out the cyclone just to get even for all the crappy winter weather we’ve been having lately (and we are about to get another round of it tomorrow night). But the festival scene in Perth sounds awesome. Have fun!

  977. Kirsten Says:

    We can’t really have outdoor shows here, either. The weather is way too unpredictable. Tuesday was 36deg and Wednesday was only 15deg. They mentioned on the news last night that it was actually 10deg Warmer at 2AM than it was at 2PM! Still no rain though. Getting quite desperate for that.

    Either way, I’ll go see them wherever they choose to play – pig farm, sewage plant, middle of the outback – I don’t care!

  978. Ignis Sol Says:

    JMS’ wet dream tonight: Lunar eclipses, Saturn bright (in the Northwestern sky, no less) One could right a great song, oh someone has….

    amazing clear night….the moon is turning pink

    send you all my lunar love….

  979. Ignis Sol Says:

    that would be write a great song….
    the only way to right a song is to re-write Kahoutek, ouch

  980. Mr Cup Says:

    That could be a line from suspicion:

    look down , I’ll wet dream tonight…dream, drea-am…

    No. That is just silly.

  981. Kirsten Says:

    It was a beautiful full moon on Tuesday night. I just stood outside for about 30mins watching the moon and the stars singing “You are the Everything” in my head. That song just seemed to fit the moment on that lovely hot night.

  982. Mr Cup Says:

    I’m having a crisis.

    Suddenly I thought the line is ‘here is a senior in the back seat laying down the windows…’

    I thought it was ‘here’s a scene’


  983. Ignis Sol Says:

    whenever I hear Michael singing “your teenage station” I imagine Mike singing in response, “your daydream nation.”

    Daydream Nation changed my teenage station.

  984. Ignis Sol Says:

    Mr Cup, it is “here’s a scene” but when he sings it is “here’s a scene yer in (the backseat).” I used to think it was “senior,” too being tied in with the woman in the song falling to sleep with her false teeth in her mouth.

  985. Mr Cup Says:

    The thing is I NEVER heard it as senior until yesterday. It was a moment where you question the very foundations of your existence I can tell you. I don’t take misheard lyrics lightly! HA!

    But being about an older woman and all the talk of all the oldies on Fables…well, I just wondered.

  986. lenny Says:

    Yeah, but that was like 18+ years ago — the band was much younger then. If the song came out after Monster, or sometime around now, then I’d seriously consider the ‘senior’ theory. 😉

    Random quotes that just came to mind:
    “If you think that Mick Jagger will still be doing the whole rock star thing at age fifty, well, then, you are sadly, sadly mistaken.”
    “Excuse me while I kiss this guy” (favorite all time misheard lyric)

  987. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I never realized until just the other day that in the song Gimme Shelter that’s “raaaaape, murder”, that female wail in the middle there, always thought it was just a scream , not actual words

  988. milesy Says:

    Ah, misheard lyrics. Like the Beatles’ ‘The girl with colitis goes by…’

  989. lenny Says:

    And the ever popular “There’s a bathroom on the right.”
    (BMR by CCR)

    By the way — hasn’t anyone noticed that the milestone to end all milestones is approaching quickly!

  990. Paul Alferink Says:

    There where two now defunct sketch comedy show (Which I kind of liked) on Comedy Central Called Exit 57, and the Vacant lot. I think it was the vacant Lot, four guys are sitting around playing poker and arguing about what the lyrics are to “Blinded by the Light.” Highly funny.
    Never as good as “The State” (when it was on) or “Upright Citizen’s Brigade” (“We don’t need a hot chicks room” “That’s what you said about the microwave, but we use that darn thing all the time!”) But they where sometime fun shows that no one ever talks about anymore . . .

  991. Paul Alferink Says:

    Or “Scuse me why I kiss this guy”
    -Jimi Hendrix, Purple Haze.

  992. Ignis Sol Says:

    Stipe turned misunderstood song lyrics into an art form.

  993. Mr Cup Says:

    I never heard it as ‘kiss this guy’ either.

    Ears hey!

  994. Ignis Sol Says:

    Yeah, I like Mr Cup, it was always “kiss the sky,” as for kissing this guy or any guy, well…

    Lips hey!

  995. Ignis Sol Says:

    the suspense is killing me

  996. ScottMalobisky Says:

    why can’t we have a presidential candidate BOTH against amnesty for illegal aliens AND for getting the fuck out of Iraq ???

    oh , I guess we do , Ron Paul , not that anybody gives a succulent shit

  997. ScottMalobisky Says:

    right on cue
    no Ralph I didn’t mean you

  998. Kirsten Says:

    Well done Scotty, the big 1000.

    Now, I read a quote last night from Peter Buck regarding the Annelise in Time After Time. It was something along the lines of “I think I know who that’s about, but I’m not going to say!” Sounds like she could’ve been the Girl of the Hour by the Watertower perhaps??

  999. lenny Says:

    Nice call on the Upright Citizens Brigade, Paul. I have the 1st season (10 episodes) on DVD. Classic. Now I need to get it out and watch some. I love that line about the microwave. The best part is at the end of that episode when Capt. Lunatic looks into the bucket of truth and screams “Don’t you think I know that?!!”, and he promptly runs off to the hot chicks room.

    I doubt that anyone else (besides Paul) has a clue what I’m talking about…

    Last one — the talent show episode, when the “crowd” starts to protest the astronaut being on stage — Redneck: “Just last year, an astronaut moved into our neighborhood, and simultaneously, all the oak leaves started dying and falling off our trees” Host: “By any chance, was that month October?” Redneck: “uhh… September, October.”

  1000. Paul Alferink Says:

    I always liked the Lady of the Lake Sketch:

    Lady of the Lake: Well, I’m writing a book . . .

    Frat guy hitting on her: NO WAY! I READ!

  1001. lenny Says:

    hahaha — awesome…

    Frat Boy: “Did you ever try emerging out of anything besides the murky depths?”
    Lady of the Lake: “Like what?”
    Frat Boy: “Like van doors!”

    and switching episodes…
    “I think we ought to hear this guy out — his father wrote Chim-Chim Chirrie, Bippity Boppity Boo, and collaborated on the chorus of Zippedy Doo Da.”

  1002. lenny Says:

    Well, I would really hate it if my lame, obscure, and irrelevant comment killed the ‘these days’ post. So, I have no choice but to move back towards the real topic here…

    Which candidate would R.E.M. endorse for President of the U.S., if any? Has anyone heard any recent interviews with the band — did that topic come up? If I had to guess, I’d probably say Nader, but then, I really don’t have much of a clue about this for sure. Any ideas?

  1003. Paul Alferink Says:

    Well, not McCain. And Nader’s pretty irrellevent. Parts of the Clinton legacy sat poorly with Stipe. So I’m going to guess Obama.

  1004. Ignis Sol Says:

    I would venture to say Stipe and the gang will not publically endorse a candidate this election. It is a year to party and rock out with Accelerate! I may get to see them at the Gorge in Washington state!

    It is hard to say who they would personally support, but if I were to guess it would be Sen. Obama.

    I don’t know much about the Upright Citizens Brigade, but I think they are out of Chicago. My good friend had a local (Chicago) TV show way back when and a few of those folks worked with him.

  1005. Paul Alferink Says:

    They did start in Chicago. I had a friend who did some post-gradute work in theater who worked with them up in Chicago at the Improv-Olympics. This was after Amy Poehler had left for SNL. But I guess they have theaters in LA, NY and Chicago now.

  1006. Kirsten Says:

    Just announced tour dates in England. Getting closer….

  1007. Ignis Sol Says:

    Yeah Kirsten, I am sure they will make it your way! Maybe play you a private show in your living room!

    At first I was curious about the big date gap between their Vancouver, BC and L.A shows. I am just south of Vancouver and knew they must be hatching something for us Northwesterners over an American holiday weekend: a show at the Gorge in Washington State (w/ local boys Death Cab for Cutie and Modest Mouse). Summer turns to high…. Here’s hopin’ I make it!


  1008. Paul Alferink Says:

    I can’t believe Microwave died! That’s sad. . . 52.

  1009. Kirsten Says:

    If I had the money I’d buy all the seats in the first 10 rows – it’d have the same effect!

  1010. Ignis Sol Says:

    If I had the money, I would also buy the first ten rows and then buy all of you plane tickets to see the show!

    (especially _________)

    If I only had the money…

  1011. Mr Cup Says:

    me me me me me…I have the furthest to fly out of anyone!

  1012. Ignis Sol Says:

    I watched a great documentary on the public tv station last night (PBS- Seattle has TWO of them – go figure).
    It was called The Parrots of Oz. They trekked around Australia and did stories on these beautiful, annoying, menacing and delightful birds.

    Speaking of publically owned airwaves, I woke up this morning after the second snooze-button-hit to the DJ talking about R.E.M. (he had just played Radio Free Europe). He mentioned it was their first full length album after the Chronic Town EP. He also mentioned that they have a great new album coming out soon!

    He was playing “firsts.” He had just played Radio Free Europe and a Clash song. He then proceeded to play, as I tried to wake, Sex Pistols, The Stooges and the Ramones! A great way to wake up, eh? (he then went into the a pledge break….) (no i don’t work there)

  1013. Mr Cup Says:

    I subsrcibed to the KEXP song of the day om itunes Ignis (at your totally unbiased referal). It’s great. Some really good stuff there.

    Just been reading reviews from Uncut, Q, Spin…all saying that the spirit of These Days lingers over Accelerate lika a big warm fuzzy.
    They may have used other words ‘cos the didn’t think of warm fuzzy!

    The cover of Monster is a warm fuzzy.

  1014. Kirsten Says:

    Mr Cup, you’re the furthest away so it would cost more. It would make much more sense for Ignis to save some money and take ME!!

    Anyway, I’ve been given the go-ahead on seeing REM in Melbourne AND Brisbane! I told my husband about it last night and he said he quite enjoyed the show last time and wouldn’t mind going. He even suggested seeing them in Brisbane! I’m so excited!! Unfortunately, he wants to go Brissy so we can stay with his ex-wife (whom I’ve never met) to save money. Talk about backing me into a corner! Well, I’m prepared for hell to get to see a 2nd REM show (and I have a few months to gently incourage his mind in the right direction – 5 star hotel!)

    Now all I need is for Michael, Mike and Peter to comply and get their backsides over here! 🙂

  1015. Mr Cup Says:

    Cold and prickly Kirsten!

  1016. Paul Alferink Says:

    Simply explain to your husband that you require alone time with him before and after the show, the sort of alone time that requires a jacuzzi, a big, soft bed, and no one within ear shot. That should get you out of the ex’s house and into a hotel in no time!

  1017. jft Says:

    wow, that thing here is still going on, over 1000 posts already.

    I’m not going to add anything senseful, as I’d have to read hundreds of comments otherwise and I don’t really want to do that.

    so have a good time =)

  1018. Ignis Sol Says:

    Speaking of alone time….

    Lorenzo Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise are below me!

    My office building also houses the Seattle Art Museum and this great exhibit is showing through April.

    I should hop in and see ’em! The Lusty Lady across the street has a hilarious marquee in honor of this (even better than My Spanks to the Academy ). I love the shocked tourists from Idaho!

  1019. Mr Cup Says:

    So that’s the ‘Sex and Art’ district Ignis?

    Silly question – is that the building with the big guy out front banging his hammer?

  1020. Ignis Sol Says:

    It’s right next to the Pike Place Market or “Peek” Place Market. Hilarious. I love when a Midwestern family walks by and the kids just stare at the sign.

    Yea, Mr Cup, he is hammerin’ away! Hammering Man.

  1021. Kirsten Says:

    He’d be in with a good chance – I’d be all “excited” after the show. If he’s smart, he’ll take advantage…

    Still waiting for my copy of Supernatural Superserious from HQ. Getting impatient – need to hear it NOW!!!!

  1022. Mr Cup Says:

    if only you were a Nick Cave fan…

  1023. Kirsten Says:

    I believe in what you do

    REM they complicate my life
    REM they compliment my life

  1024. ScottMalobisky Says:

    REM they comprehend my life
    REM they consummate my life

  1025. Mr Cup Says:

    REMember me, I used to live in music
    REMember me, I bought your groceries in

  1026. Kirsten Says:

    First we take Athens, then we take the World!

  1027. Kirsten Says:

    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


    If this song is indicative of the whole album I’m a very happy girl! My first thoughts were Monster/NAIHF. And I REALLY hope they tour ’cause this is going to be a great live song (along with DJ). I was jumping around the lounge room, singing along. Love it (not that that will surprise anyone).

  1028. Mr Cup Says:


    the sound of spinifex languidly passing.

    The poets have all gone to sleep.

  1029. lenny Says:

    …while my guitar gently weeps.

    (oddly enough, that is the song I am listening to at this moment, and it rhymes with the last post.)

    Where the heck is everyone anyway?

  1030. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I’m kinda overwhelmed by things right now, ain’t found th energy or time to contribute…School ,Job, My Fledgling Business, and the No Sex Syndrome been taking a toll (been a year since I been laid, maybe I hould do the Spitzer Schuffle ,saunter into the den of inequity for a low-priced quickie with working girl. Actually ,a really good therapeutic message would be even better than sex at this point.)

  1031. ScottMalobisky Says:


    three type-o’s in above entry
    thanks for listening

  1032. Kirsten Says:

    I’ve got a question for y’all – What is the APT, and why are we stumbling through it?

  1033. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I don’t undestand the question ? What are you referring to ?……….ohh, the lyric … Allegedly the ATP is the Athens Telephone Party line that one would call to hear where a recording of where the party was , and end up stumbling home later .

  1034. ScottMalobisky Says:

    APT-Athens Party Telephone line, where one would hear a recording of where the party was ….got it now…..

  1035. Ignis Sol Says:

    Exhaustion, sleep deprivation, drunkeness, new exciting emotional connections, fatigue, inspiration, impending airline travel, disturbing dreams, frivolity, joy and grief….. themes from an R.E.M. album?

    No, just where I have been in the last two weeks.


  1036. Kirsten Says:

    Thanks Scotty. Ahh, the days BEFORE internet and text messages…..

    I’m still not convinced about the ‘posse’ line in Wolves, Lower. I’ve even listened to a live version and I still hear “don’t live around me might cause you to run”

  1037. ScottMalobisky Says:

    new album out
    The Doors Live In Pittsburgh 1970
    far out , Man !!!

  1038. profligateprofiterole Says:

    classic example so CLASSIC CLASSIC !!!!! of one of the things that’s wrong with the country today, the Spitzer prostitute is going to start getting very lucrative offers for a spread , you watch …Just SO SO classic.
    We need to make a diferentiation between notoriety and fame, don’t reward notoriety………..Maybe this girl is “smarter” than I think , maybe she calculated this all along….hmnn…….From homeless to a millionaire all because she did something illegal with a governor, thanks to the immoral jackalopes that are willing to pay.

    Man , this is a fucking shame about Obama and his pastor. I think this spells serious trouble for his campaign, may have derailed it , quite frankly.

  1039. Mr Cup Says:

    South of the Equator we have a little brainless tool called Corey something. He had a party at his folks house while they were away. i think myspace was used to promote it. Hundreds of kiddies rocked up, trashed it. He has been dragged along by the media and promoters and turned into a celeb and making a lot of money out of it now (being a tool).

    The saddest indictment of our time is the celebration of mediocrity.

  1040. Kirsten Says:

    APT – The days before Corey Worthington….

    So Mr Cup, I’m not the only one who noticed the irony of A Current Affair running stories every night highlighting how he shouldn’t be a celebrity, but if they stopped talking about him, he’d be long forgotten.

  1041. profligateprofiterole Says:

    just started reading Joyce’s Ulysses, page 2–“Tripping and sunny like the buck himself. We must go to Athens.”

  1042. Mr Cup Says:

    Kirsten – A Current Affair thrives on that sort of shit. Probably earned a nice little wage from them. Mediocrity would be a compliment for them.

    prfofligate – I started reading that with the spoken word playing as well. Made sense. Still didn’t finish it though.

  1043. profligateprofiterole Says:

    I don’t think anyone has ever actually finished it.

  1044. Ignis Sol Says:

    C’mon friends
    let’s rev this engine
    and get this going!
    wake up, wake up sleepybugs!

    It seems James Joyce brought this to a screeching halt…(and around St Patrick’s Day no less)

    So, let’s get excited about Accelerate…

  1045. Mr Cup Says:

    I missed St Patrick’s Day this year. People were referring back to it before I realised it happened! Jeez.

  1046. Ignis Sol Says:

    I noticed when I walked by the Irish Pubs on Monday from work. Lotsa tipsy dudes drinkin’ green beer. They just want to be happy.

    I was in Michigan last weekend for my grandmother’s funeral. She was 92. It was a quick trip.

  1047. profligateprofiterole Says:

    It won’t be long YEAH yeah YEAH yeah YEAH yeah
    It won’t be looooooooooooong……….

  1048. Mr Cup Says:

    Sorry to hear Ignis.

  1049. profligateprofiterole Says:

    the dead are new born awakening
    with ravaged limbs and wet souls

  1050. Mr Cup Says:

    ’tis funny!

  1051. Kirsten Says:

    I don’t have sound on work’s computer, but I was fortunate enough to be on my sister’s computer over the Easter break and saw/heard Michael’s announcement. Too funny. Only one thing to say:

    Sigh. I love you. Sigh.

    My husband heard on the radio last week that MS was “coming out of the closet”, so I wonder if it has something to do with that. I think he was quite upset ’cause he mentioned it 3 nights in a row. I’ve only just turned him ’round to them, now I think he’s worried people will think He’s gay, cause he likes Michael. Men – they’re such idiots.

    Hasn’t Michael got a beautiful smile? Sigh….

    Was anyone able to download the free “Living Well Is The Best Revenge” video off itunes? I couldn’t ’cause it’s not in the Australian store and apparently, I can’t buy off the US Store. (even though it’s a freebee). What was it like – any good?

  1052. Kirsten Says:

    Sorry to hear about your Grandmother, Ignis.

  1053. lenny Says:

    Hi there, everyone. I guess things have really slowed down a bit lately on this post. My excuse is that I was on a ski trip last week, and when I got back, I got called in to work for two 12-hour night shifts of boring levee inspections during a flood. And I had a bad cold through it all. I’m still getting over that, so I haven’t been all there in the day time, and I need to get caught up reading all the latest song posts and stuff.

    Anyway — lets get this thing started again — random question — what song are you listening to right now (or what was the last song you heard)?

    Mine is “Throwing Stones” by the Grateful Dead. Another band like R.E.M. that often has something important to say, politically speaking. (That song in particular)

  1054. Mr Cup Says:

    A boy in the levee?
    Is a levee like a well? Apart from Don Mclean- I never hear of them.

    I have been flogging the new Nick Cave album. Flogging!
    He is 50 (ish) and in absolutely stellar form. Some of the sounds on the new album are so good.

    Nick Cave!

    I stop now.

  1055. lenny Says:

    Ah yes: “Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry.” A dry levee is a happy levee — but the ones that hold back water in Valley Park, Missouri were very wet last week. Wet with the Meramec River. Thankfully it held up. What do they call levees in Australia? I’m curious to know. Would you know them as dikes? Something to keep it from flooding. That’s my job, basically. Exciting, huh? Hydraulic Engineer.

    Cup: Try Led Zeppelin for your next Levee reference:
    “When the levee breaks I’ll have no place to stay.”

  1056. profligateprofiterole Says:

    Cup, checking out the Caveman on Rhapsody. this should be interesting

    lenny , what did you do , plug it up with a wad of gum?

  1057. profligateprofiterole Says:

    Throwing Stones . Love that song

    two days til Accelerate . YEAH !!!

  1058. Ignis Sol Says:

    Thanks, Cup and Kirsten… 🙂

    I really like the band Youth Group. Skeleton Jar is a great album. Are they big in Australia?

  1059. profligateprofiterole Says:

    Earth Night , eh ? The Aussies might be onto something there…

  1060. profligateprofiterole Says:

    Dig, Lazarus, Dig !!

  1061. Mr Cup Says:

    Oh do the DIG!!!!

    Forgot about Earth night. Is it ours???? I was watching Saw, so I had the lights off anyway.

    Don’t know how big the Youth Group are Ignis, but if I’ve heard of them that usually means they were big once. LOL.

    My local store said they’d have Accelerate in on friday. Raced down after work – order hadn’t arrived! Resisted the temptation to go to the chain stores. Oh it’s killing me.

  1062. Kirsten Says:

    Earth Night is a Syndey idea started last year. I sort of did it – we had one small tele on – but that’s all! Couldn’t believe the amount of people on the radio saying they turned more things on out of spite. If you don’t believe in the cause, fine, but this is something that effects everyone so why sabotage it?

    My local music store don’t sell things as ‘uncool’ as REM. (and they’re well overpriced) So I’ve ordered it on-line. Just waiting for the postman now!

    It’s the year 2008, Lenny. We don’t drown our dykes here.

  1063. Mr Cup Says:

    We burn them! (oh stop it already!).

    I ordered online, then I had to move house and they couldn’t change the address of the order. That would require entering new data into a computer apparently.

    As for people turning on other appliances to spite…people are strange. And then there are the weirdoes.

  1064. Kirsten Says:

    People are strange
    when you’re a stranger
    faces look ugly
    when you’re alone

    that could be the first time i’ve quoted non-rem.

    hello my friend are you visable today?
    you know i never knew that it could be so strange
    hello, i’m sorry, i lost myself
    i think i thought you were someone else…

    whew, redeemed myself!

  1065. Paul Alferink Says:

    My (apropo) non-REM quote for today . . .
    Oh yes, wait a minute Mr. Postman.
    Way-yay-yay-yait Mr. Postman. . .

    Should get here tomorrow. Come on UPS!

  1066. Kirsten Says:

    My CD still hasn’t turned up.
    No Oz concert has been announced.

    Come on guys, don’t forget about me!

    I am all registered to get the first-release tickets, though. All I need now is a show to go to…..

  1067. lenny Says:

    I really hate to say it, Kirsten, but what if your CD not showing up is a cruel April Fools joke on you? I’m speculating that R.E.M. is playing the joke, and there is no Accelerate CD and they just have a few singles that you can hear on their website. But no CD. Wouldn’t that just suck as a joke?

  1068. profligateprofiterole Says:

    THE JOKE is in the White House
    Guffaw and chortle in the barn yard, Baby
    So nearly a chuckle
    But really a river of innocent tears

  1069. Mr Cup Says:

    so, profligate, is there a coincidence that you and Bisky are never seen in the same blog at the same time?

  1070. Kirsten Says:

    That’s not funny Lenny. Don’t even joke about something like that.

    I got an email this morning saying that the demand for accelerate exceeded the supply and I’m going to be waiting another week! How cruel! I find it a bit hard to believe though ’cause I pre-ordered it in February and I doubt there were that many pre-orders from that early on and if there where, why didn’t they make sure they had enough by April? They have given me $10 off though, which is a bit of a bonus. It’s also good to see that if the album is selling that well here they might decided they have enough of a fan base to tour.

    As for Bisky/Pro-this-and-that, I think he’s really just Stipey in disguise spying on us. The ultimate conspiracy theory.

  1071. Ignis Sol Says:

    This blog will fall apart.

    Accelerate has great packaging! I bought the CD/DVD version on sale at the same Borders Buck used to shop at. It reminds me of DIY fanzines. I will use the savings for my dream trip to Australia.

    Haven’t watched 6 Days, yet.

    I’m sorry you have to wait, Kirsten. I can’t wait for you to get it and we can all share in the fun of talking about it. Hold on, hold on

  1072. Mr Cup Says:

    Hey Ignis, when you come can you bring the nice deluxe CD/DVD with you? Might be the only chance we get to see it.

  1073. lenny Says:

    Oh, it was just a little bit funny, wasn’t it Kirsten? But trust me, I’m not laughing at your misfortune — that sucks that you took the time to pre-order and it still isn’t there. Here’s hoping they make it up to you with 4 or 5 tour dates in Australia!

    I did not do a pre-order, and I feel a little ashamed that I didn’t go out and buy Accelerate yet — chalk it up to having my toddler keeping me busy. The CD/DVD version sounds cool, so I might check that out — tonight or tomorrow at the latest.

  1074. lenny Says:

    I agree that Bisky is also profligateprofiterole. He said he loved that Grateful Dead song I mentioned, which certainly fits the rest of his musical preferences…

  1075. Paul Alferink Says:

    Um. . . Yeah, Bisky is Progligateprofiterole.

  1076. Ignis Sol Says:

    I am someone too, but everyone denies it.


  1077. Mr Cup Says:

    hello my friend are you visible today?

  1078. Kirsten Says:

    Are you Wendell Gee?

  1079. lenny Says:

    I’ve got it…Ignis is the voice of Harold, and he also has 7 Chinese brothers.

  1080. Ignis Sol Says:

    today i am enjoying another birthday (no birthday party cheesecake, however). Double fours.

    And yes, lenny, I am the Voice of Harold and my 7 Chinese Brothers are doing fine, just fine thank you.

  1081. Ignis Sol Says:

    and I not Mr. Richards, but sometimes I am Kenneth

  1082. Mr Cup Says:

    Happy Birthday Kenneth Sol

  1083. Kirsten Says:

    Happy birthday for Friday Ignis.

    I have a confession to make – it turns out I couldn’t wait another whole week for Accelerate, so I bought it on Friday. I just went to see if the local store had it, and they did. So then I thought that I’d just hold it for a while and look at it, but tempation got the better of me and I now own it. It’s Ok ’cause the one I have on order is the CD/DVD, so I just bought the normal CD.

    On first listen, the first 2 songs did remind me of Life’s Rich Pageant in the way that they hit you the same as the Begin The Begin/These Days 1,2 does. Hollow Man reminded me of Murmur. It was those drums. I so missed those drums. What did surprise me was that there was no single song that stood out as the most brilliant thing I’ve ever heard that I keep playing over and over as there has been with the last few records. Not that that’s necesarily a bad thing, the songs all sort themselves out properly over time anyway. Loved the “Galveston” reference in Houston ’cause Michael really does love that song! There’s something sort of safe and familiar about the album, like you’ve owned it for years. Can’t wait until I’ve really devoured the songs, know the words, find some meaning in them…..

    Also, it got a 4-star review in the newspaper. That might help encourage some old fans back.

  1084. Kirsten Says:

    Hey, does anyone else think Houston ends too suddenly? Every time I’ve listened to it I’m just getting into it and it’s over. Could’ve been one that went just a little longer….

  1085. Mr Cup Says:

    I had to gain it by foul means until the Deluxe version arrives. A such I’m not sure what I’m missing in terms of compression of sound, but it is a bit hard to separate everything as the mix is lumped together.

    My first impression…hate to say it but I was underwhelmed. Underwhelmed is a good sign though as my favourite albums have left me cold on first listen. It seemed pretty straight down the middle rawk. Good, as it was REM rawk, but no magic as I was expecting given the reviews. I said over there somewhere that Man-Sized Wreath irked me. Just rubs me the wrong way. Mr Richards, hopefully will reveal itself, but at the moment it’s a chore. For the most part though it is pretty enjoyable. I think my favourite at this stage is Accelerate. Hollow Man sounds like it could help sell a few million copies of the album, but it reminds me of a sitcom theme or something. Future fave – Submarine.

    There is a nice line in Horse to Water ‘friday night, fuck or fight or pub crawl’ which reminds me of both Nick Cave and The Pogues.

    MP was right – Dj does work here.
    Overall – it’s getting a thrashing and if one is going to rawk, do the REM rawk!

  1086. Paul Alferink Says:

    I Love Houston, and yes, it does end way to quick. I also might be one of the most straightforward political song that REM has done. Interesting that it doesn’t settle on blame, but that following Hurricane Katrina, this man decides that it’s time to move on, that he’s being tested, but despite all of that bad and despite the fact that there are people to blame, he’s seeing this as an opertunity, that life does move on and there are new places to try and establish himself. All the will, that alarm organ and desolote organ reminds him of what and how he left everything he knew behind.

  1087. Kirsten Says:

    The Organ on Houston is great.
    I’m not so sure about Living Well as the next single. Accelerate or Hollow Man seem like the more obvious choice. Or even DJ (though I know most don’t really like it, but I love it). They, to me, just seem more commercial.

    I’d love for them to do more songs like FGP, OMK, OL151 that just had really cool, interesting music. A bit more mysterious and creepy. Made REM what they are.

  1088. Clare Says:

    I really like Hollow Man but following on from what Mr Cup said about it sounding a bit like a theme tune…I’m wondering if this was the song that Michael had to re-write melody/words to as he said in Dublin, cos he had managed to duplicate the Friends theme tune!!

  1089. Mr Cup Says:

    Aaaagh that’s it! It’s Friends!

    Did he really say that? It’s been driving me nuts as to what it sounded like or if I was imagining it.

  1090. Kirsten Says:

    Accelerate’s number 13 on the charts! Not as good as Clare’s gloat, but still very proud!

    I’m going to listen to Hollow Man on my way home tonight. I’m not going to be happy if you two have ruined it for me….

  1091. Clare Says:

    Michael made a really embarrased announcement that No3 song on the t-shirt(cue Michael holding up said t-shirt & then much fighting at front to grab it when he threw!!)was still “title-less” as he had been “informed by Mike & Peter after thinking he had really written a fantastic song, lyrics & melody that he had actually re-written the theme song of a well-known New York based sitcom (with a coffee shop!)”

    Much laughing from the audience….so as that one is the most like a theme tune on the record I’m guessing it was that one…could’ve been worse…could’ve been Fresh Prince of Bel Air!!!

  1092. Mr Cup Says:

    Well I have just picked up the legit copy. After waiting 2 weeks for the deluxo -it’s not!!!! They only got generic. Still…I have it.

  1093. Paul Alferink Says:

  1094. Kirsten Says:

    Mr Cup, Turns out that I didn’t order the DVD/CD, but the “delux” version. (Have since ordered DVD/CD from HQ). Not quite sure what the extra $10 was actually for….

  1095. Mr Cup Says:

    Oh -when I said deluxe I meant the CD/DVD. There is also cardboard and plastic packaged standard versions. Does deluxe mean cardboard???

  1096. lenny Says:

    So let me get this straight, Kirsten. You originally ordered what you thought was the “CD/DVD”, but it didn’t show up on time. So you bought a “normal” copy from the store. You later found out that you actually had ordered the deluxe version, so you went ahead and ordered the CD/DVD version from HQ. So you need 3 copies of Accelerate to really appreciate it? Now that’s dedication. While you’re at it, why don’t you buy it off of iTunes, too?! Just teasing 🙂

    By the way — is Clare your alter-ego, Kirsten? It seems odd that someone who wasn’t posting anywhere on this page for months would suddenly decide to; especially considering that we just found out that Scott has another moniker for posting comments…


  1097. lenny Says:

    I also liked Mr. Cup’s question:
    “Does deluxe mean cardboard?”

    Yes, cardboard is the new platinum, didn’t you know?

  1098. Clare Says:

    Hmmmm, nice to know I/we are messing with minds….makes me feel better about my own!

  1099. Ignis Sol Says:

    It looks like a “Strait” country singer beat R.E.M. (who come in at an impressive #2) for #1 on the U.S. Billboard Charts. Oh those crazy, crazy hets. 😉

    Regarding the CD/DVD version:
    I like the notation on the booklet that says “This book will fall apart”

    I still have found no practical use for the Around the Sun lyric posters. They stay mostly untouched in the box (next to my nightmares, cobwebs and glass penguin collection). You know like everyone else.

  1100. Ignis Sol Says:

    btw Deluxe means you pay more to hear and see more, but in fact what you lose is a lot of time that could be spent on lovin’.

    no wonder why R.E.M. is charting so high with people like Kirsten. We should have all bought two copies to boost the sales to boot that whiney singer’s ass (George Strait not Michael Stipe!) HA!
    potential country title cross overs from Accelerate: Houston, Horse to Water and of course I’m Gonna DJ.

  1101. Kirsten Says:

    Yes, I’ve got (or will have) 3 copies. Doesn’t matter ’cause I would’ve bought them anyway. I intend to look at the itunes version, ’cause they said on HQ that it had some bonus tracks. So I’ll wait and see what they are first, as I don’t have a computer to download it from, so it makes it difficult. I’ve got about 4 different copies of ATS, Reveal and Monster, and 2 or 3 of the others from Warners. Not to mention all the singles that I can find. Some of them I have 2 or 3 different versions of as well. I think I’ve got 4 different copies of Everybody Hurts. What can I say – I have a problem. Still whilst the rest of you “waste” your hard-earned at stupid places like grocery stores where the profit goes to rich people, I single-handedly support the Michael Stipe Retirement Fund. 🙂
    And yet, he STILL won’t come over and see me – tour you bastards! (Whoa, sorry. I’m a bit pissed that they’re not coming here).
    The “deluxe” version is in cardboard packaging like the REM Live CD/DVD (only skinnier due to having only 1 CD). The booklet inside is the same except in the spot where it had the boys’ names and the ‘credits’, it has more of the picture of buildings from the CD cover. The credits and the boys’ names is on the inside of the cardboard cover.

    Ignis, the time WAS spent lovin’ – lovin’ Michael!

  1102. Kirsten Says:

    Am I Kirsten
    Am I Clare
    Am I Crazy
    I Don’t Care

  1103. Paul Alferink Says:

    Got my tickets last Friday. Score!
    And I thought my I was a crazy REM fan with two copies of Monster, UP, and NAIHF and all those singles! Kristin’s got me beat! And Badly!

    Okay, here we go. . .

    1. Crazy/worst thing you bought because REM was associated?

    2. Best thing you ever bought because of REM was tangentally associated?

    3. Most you’ve spent for one REM item?

  1104. Paul Alferink Says:

    And to answer:

    1. Toss up between Mark Eiztial (Sp) album because Buck is feature and wrote songs for it and “Joy Kicks Darkness,” A Jack Kerouac tribute album for Stipe recites a poem. Most of that album is really pretentious.

    2. Hindu Love Gods album. Yes, it’s not great, but it’s kind of fun. Nice to hear the boys just rock out for rocks sake.

    3. I spent $35 bucks for the Born to Choose album, only so I could have one song (Photograph). Tickets, of course, run $100 for two. And I bought a bootleg (the live at the Borderline one) for $65 bucks.

  1105. Kirsten Says:

    1. Probably the NAIHF Viewfinder. Or those set of 3 ceramic tiles with pictures on them of the covers to OOT, AFTP and I think Document is the other one, but Green would make more sense. I don’t even know. Or maybe the Dublin Screen Wipe. I mostly bought it out of curiosity to see what it was. I still don’t know.

    2. My “It’s a Michael Stipe Thing, You Wouldn’t Understand” Keyring. Love it. Best $5 I’ve ever spent.

    3. Don’t ask!! 🙂 I honestly can’t remember. I tend to distroy all evidence of how much was paid before my husband finds out! Like how I told him I got $10 off Accelerate, but didn’t mention the other 2 copies. In my defence, everything is expensive to ship out here.
    I paid WAY too much for an original Chronic Town EP. I don’t even own a record player. If they tour here, I’ve estimated that it will cost me about $3000 in travelling, hotels and tickets – that will be the most (well worth it).

    Go ahead and gloat, Paul. I’ll just sit here in the dark cuddling my REM Fleecy Blanket, sucking my thumb whispering the words “tour, tour, tour”….

    Did you get good seats?

  1106. Mr Cup Says:

    1. I think I bought the Hugo Largo Cd because it was mentioned that Stipe pissed somewhere near the house it was recorded (or something).

    2. There are quite a lot of albums to go here…mostly with one good track. Why am I thinking of the Chickasaw Mud Puppies. Maybe that was answer 1 also.

    3. Risked losing my job to see them the first tour here in ’89. Had to travel from the country. Took 2 days off without telling anyone. The P.A. blew up at rehearsal so they postponed it by another night. Took 3 days off without telling anyone. People thought I was really sick!!!!

  1107. Mr Cup Says:

    Though I think I spent $75 for the Monster deluxe version.
    Back when cardboard was ho-hum!

  1108. Mr Cup Says:


    I also forked out for one of those nice tour posters from Around the Sun time. It never showed up and the nice people at the REMHQ store weren’t too fussed about replacing my money.

  1109. Paul Alferink Says:

    My tickets aren’t the best. But they’ll do. I haven’t seen them live since Up, so that’s the important part.

  1110. Ignis Sol Says:

    I saw the Dali Lama today leaving his hotel on the way to a seminar. On my way to work, I could not walk in front of the Hyatt Hotel, so I crossed (as directed by a police officer). A large group of people were facing the hotel waiting his departure. I waited and then he came out to his waiting car as his huge escort of motorcycle cops got into formation.
    He left the hotel, we all came to the edge of the sidewalk across the street – some taking pictures – and he waved and smiled to us. His car then pulled out and past us and he was waving, smiling.

    The weather is splendid and the mountains in the distance are sharp and clean. A great day for compassion, a great day for peace, my friends.


  1111. Paul Alferink Says:

    Word to wise. The Chinese record when it comes to human rights sucks, but Tibet under the Dalai Lama was hardly Shiny Happy People holding hands.

  1112. Ignis Sol Says:

    Yes, Paul the Dalai Lama’s presence this morning made everybody in the crowd very happy and shiny. People had broad smiles on their faces and they were gleaming joy. It was amazing. A respectful hush fell over the crowd amongst city types: bicycle messengers, construction workers, city workers, professionals, tourists and various locals. It was a wonderful moment, albeit brief. Sometimes it is in those briefest of moments we realize we are living.

    A song like “Shiny Happy People” takes on true meaning in this sense.

  1113. Paul Alferink Says:

    Hmmm. . . Not really what I meant. But I guess if it makes people happy. . .

  1114. Ignis Sol Says:

    sorry for the confusion I was agreeing with you on the Chinese gov’ts bad human rights record and Tibet and then I went off on a tagent…

  1115. Paul Alferink Says:

    He also tips his golf caddy’s poorly:

    “Hey Lama. How bout a little something, you know, for the effort?”

  1116. Ignis Sol Says:

    Unbelievably, I saw him again today leaving the Hyatt while running errands. Once again, I waited a few minutes and he waves and gets driven out. This time my pic is better. I was a couple feet from his car as he was waving from the car window (he mouthes: “Ignis, you are so NOT the chosen one, now be off.” A bit wounded, but…awesome.

  1117. Mr Cup Says:

    When The Dal (as I call him) was in Perth recently, I attended a fund raising luncheon that he was hosting. We shook hands and exchanged pleasantries, then he asked me to sing ‘that song about having no religion’. Told him he’d confuse me with someone else.

    I hate it when that happens.

  1118. Kirsten Says:

    Hey Mr Cup, what’s that $75 Deluxe version of Monster you speak off?

    Does anyone else hear the words “I’m not commodity” ringing in the background??

  1119. Mr Cup Says:

    That was the Monster CD/Booklet (silver cover with lots of Stipean photos).

  1120. lenny Says:

    Paul — nice reference on the Dalai Lama… I have to add to that… “Big hitter, the Lama” and…

    “Then (the Dalai Lama) says, ‘Oh, there won’t be any money, but when you die, on your death bed, you will receive total consciousness’… so I got that going for me, which is nice.”

  1121. lenny Says:

    1. I have only made one odd R.E.M. purchase, and it was at a record store in California, where I found a vinyl copy of Murmur and another promotional single record — I think it had Life and How to Live it, Can’t Get There from Here, and one other song. I still have a working record player, but what’s the point? I have the digital versions of all of those songs, and records sound like crap.

    2. No tangential purchases — all R.E.M. purchases were have been completely direct and intentional.

    3. Never really spent a ton on REM stuff (I’m not commodity). Concert tickets for Monster tour, don’t remember how much, but that’s more than I spent on any other item. I have never traveled to see R.E.M. somewhere else — the only time I ever traveled for any band was for Our Lady Peace, and I had other reasons for traveling, besides the concert. I saw them once in Denver and once in Nova Scotia.

  1122. lenny Says:

    …(plus 3 or 4 times in St. Louis, of course — by the way, does anyone know where where is a “pop songs” page for Our Lady Peace?)

  1123. lenny Says:

    typo: (where there is)

  1124. Mr Cup Says:

    A friend of mine has most of the IRS singles on vinyl. It’s nice to look at.

    I just watched Sing for the Submarine at La Blogoteque. All sorts of things were going through my head. Namely, what a joy the internet is. And what fun it could be to be in a band (that writes great songs).


  1125. Kirsten Says:

    I have a total of 49 Vinyl REM Records, including Full-length Albums, Singles, Promotional, Fan-club and Live albums. I do have a working record player, but it sits unplugged on top of a cupboard out of sight.
    My maxi-single of Supernatural Superserious turned up yesterday, so I’ve got 2 different copies of that as well. And Mr Cup, you’ll be pleased to know that I do have that Monster CD/Book. What can I say – it’s a disease.

  1126. Kirsten Says:

    Accelerate – from 13 to 23 in the charts in just it’s 2nd week. Hmmmm

  1127. Mr Cup Says:

    Well – it took almost 2 weeks for me to get my copy. Well done Warners. Great service. Music industry in crisis is it?

    The only really collectible thing I have is a test pressing of Document.
    Red texta cover.

  1128. Kirsten Says:

    Oh my God, I’m kinda tired and when I read that, I mis-read “test pressing” as “pregnancy test”! 🙂 Knew I shouldn’t have had a liquid lunch. Sad thing is that I’d probably buy one….

    Question: When I buy CDs from HQ in Athens, does it count as a sale here or there?

  1129. Mr Cup Says:

    I doubt it actually counts as a sale at all. In Oz you have to be an official ARIA store to submit a sales chart from which they compile THE chart.

    REM Pregnancy Test Kit?
    It could work.

  1130. Paul Alferink Says:

    If it’s positive, does it play “It’s the end of the World as we know it?”

    Or “Me In Honey?”

    Or sing “I’m Soorrrrryyyyyyyy”?

  1131. Mr Cup Says:


    What if we give it away?


  1132. Mr Cup Says:

    Blade Runner reference in Sing for the Submarine.

    I’d like to think it was my comments from Chorus and the Ring that were an influence on the lyrics here.

    Yep. I’d like to think that…

  1133. Clare Says:

    If I were a band/artiste & I happened to know that such a comprehensive / articulate analysis of my work was going on I wouldn’t be able to help myself having a peek now & then….tis human nature is it not? Don’t think it is completely impossible for one of the fellas to have read a snatch or two of our musings. After all the fact that Matthew was doing this blog was originally posted on HQ. Hey yes we could even be influencing the song writing!

  1134. Paul Alferink Says:

    Me personally, if I were an artist, `would draw my attention . . . for a while. And then I’d get bored/ infuriated with all the second guessing (Why you trying to second guess me?). So I doubt they’d have been here. Maybe 15 years ago. . .

  1135. Clare Says:

    True ‘suppose, maybe not that bothered really at this point….still, if one of them just wanted to look at something during a kit-kat break, curiosity might just creep in from time to time.

  1136. Paul Alferink Says:

    This thread is moving to slow. Somebody talk shit about Wendell Gee or something.

  1137. Mr Cup Says:

    Okely Dokely…

    While waiting for my ‘deluxe’ cardboard to arrive, I ‘borrowed’ Accelerate to get me through and commented that I couldn’t discern instruments and voices et al. and wondered if it was just the compression of the mp3. I also thought my ears were aching a bit but put it down to other things. The CD version didn’t reveal anything in the mixing and my ears still hurt. A few people are writing about it and I’m wondering if you guys noticed anything. It’s an album to be played loud – it just sounds like it’s gonna blow when you do.

    Unlike Wendell Gee who is effortlessly cool.

  1138. Kirsten Says:

    Sorry about that, I’ve been having trouble posting all week.
    I think that I would check it out – couldn’t help myself. If they did I hope it wasn’t Wendell Gee – too many people didn’t like that. Or HST – some of us didn’t come off too well in that one!
    But, just in case you guys ARE reading:
    I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

  1139. milesy Says:

    Wow, no new songs (is Matthew on holiday?) and now We Walk also seems to have dried up. What am I to do with myself this morning?

    I’m loving Accelerate. As some people predicted on this site a week or two ago, Sing for the Submarine does seem to be a grower. I love that ‘It’s all in the submarine’, gives the feeling of someone who has great depts (sorry!) but doesn’t reveal much of himself to the world. I still think this song sounds like it came from Reveal– but I really like it, in spite of my previous comments on the summer-bleached album.

    How did the same band produce DJ and Wendell Gee? I cannot resist.

  1140. milesy Says:

    Depths. Not debts.

  1141. Paul Alferink Says:

    It’s depts, not debts that’s depths, not debts. Wrap your mind around that!

  1142. profligateprofiterole Says:

    Clare said snatch

  1143. Kirsten Says:

    I actually said “I might as well sing for the submarine” the other day without even thinking. Gonna try and use it more now….

  1144. Paul Alferink Says:

    “Clare said snatch”

    Thanks, Beavis . . .

  1145. Paul Alferink Says:

    Speaking of which, did Beavis and Butthead do any other REM songs besides “Pop Song 89”? There verdict, it was a great video, but that one chick (Stipe) had small breast.

  1146. Ignis Sol Says:

    Any one celebrate/celebrating Earth Day in any particular way?

    I wonder if Michael Stipe is doing anything.

  1147. lenny Says:

    I’m not Anti-Earth Day or Anti-Earth… but this is the funniest dam commentary on Earth Day and celebrity/media involvement that I have ever heard:

  1148. Ignis Sol Says:

    So, what is gonna take to get you guys talkin’ again…

    hmmm… man that song “Saturn Returns” kinda sux….

    and what’s with “Country Feedback,”

    and “Life and How to Live It…” Don’t get me going, don’t get me going…


  1149. Ignis Sol Says:

    Oh, I forgot …. High Speed Train, Wendell Gee and Shiny Happy People. Discuss.

  1150. Mr Cup Says:

    Someone didn’t like Fall On Me……don’t get me started!

  1151. Mr Cup Says:

    It’s like saying you don’t like breathing!!!!!!!!!!


  1152. Kirsten Says:

    I think Ignis doesn’t like breathing judging by his comments on Saturn Returns! Next time I’m in Seatle….

  1153. Kirsten Says:

    High Speed Train will never be the same after what happened here. I like to think Michael mentioned it in Sing For The Submarine as a little acknowledgement/joke to us.
    I also like the way they took my advice (yes I’m well aware that they didn’t – I just like to think so!) on Hollow Man as the next single instead of Living Well. Much better choice.

  1154. Kirsten Says:

    Crickey, look at my spelling. Sorry Ignis, I’m going to throttle you in Seattle, not Seatle!

  1155. Mr Cup Says:

    You’ll wake up in Seattle where you’ll fight the nascent battle.

  1156. Ignis Sol Says:

    I actually love “Saturn Returns.” I am just trying to stir the pot – that’s how I roll.

    You can still throttle me – as long as it is gentle and ….. 😉

    Some one does not like “Fall on Me?”

    “Fall on Me” IS R.E.M.

  1157. Kirsten Says:

    I love REM more than anything else in the whole world. Why won’t they come and see me? 😦 Every time I get an email my heart stops thinking this could be the one that announces the good news…..

  1158. Ignis Sol Says:

    Kirsten, they won’t come and see you because you picked on that kid from their “It’s the End of the World…And I Feel Fine” video in a past life.

    Kid: I just wanted to use the swings!

    Lil’ Kirsten: Go swing some place else, kid!


  1159. Paul Alferink Says:

    Yeah, The Anti Fall on Me thing took me by surprise. Maybe we can arrange for the sky to fall on that guy and see how he likes it then!

  1160. Paul Alferink Says:

    Yeah, The Anti Fall on Me thing took me by surprise. Maybe we can arrange for the sky to fall on that guy and see how he likes it then!

  1161. Kirsten Says:

    Grrrrr, I hate that kid. I’m gonna drag him down to Mr Cup’s swings and hit him over the head with that stupid skateboard for revenge. Actually, he’d be in his 30’s now, so I’d better not. I wonder what ever happened to that dog?

    They probably won’t come and see me ’cause they read some of my comments here and I scared them off! 🙂

  1162. Mr Cup Says:

    I must have missed that tirade. What don’t you like about the skater kid Kirsten? He seemed a pretty mild mannered kid who wore his undies at an appropriate height from memory.

    OK – it was his pants that were an apt height thus not revealing his Kalvins.

  1163. Kirsten Says:

    Unlike Michael in Drive. (But I obviously don’t mind that!)
    As for that kid – I’ve never said that I didn’t like him, it was just Ignis making assumptions. However, if that is what they think and is what’s stopping them from coming, then I do hate him.
    🙂 Maybe he told them about my plans to stalk them when they get here….

  1164. Mr Cup Says:

    Oh it’s just been announced, they are coming to Perth for some shows but probably not going to any other states at this stage.

  1165. Kirsten Says:

    Ha! Too bad, that doesn’t upset me at all. I’ll just go to Perth. No doubt I’ll see you there – I’ll be the one throwing her knickers at Michael…..

  1166. Mr Cup Says:

    Hope they’re clean!

  1167. Kirsten Says:

    Depends on if I throw them at the start of the show or at the end……

  1168. Mr Cup Says:


    ( I got nothin’)

  1169. Paul Alferink Says:

    Wow . . . Yeah . . .

  1170. Mr Cup Says:

    hmmm…don’t know how I got smiley face there…I’m on a Mac. We are barred from such visual gratuitousness.

  1171. Kirsten Says:

    What, me or the smiley face?

  1172. Mr Cup Says:

    smiley face

    was going for the closed parenthesis and got smiley face???


  1173. Kirsten Says:

    Copyright? Now you’re just being silly!

  1174. Mr Cup Says:

    Just experimenting…what key combinations hold hidden treasures???


  1175. Mr Cup Says:

    Having just read the lyrics sheet for Accelerate I can say this:
    You used to have no idea what the words were. Now you only think you know.

    Every second line has a slight twist to it. Least I reckon.

  1176. Paul Alferink Says:

    Glad to see the spell checked the Hollow Man Video. That would have been embarrassing to do . . . again.

  1177. Kirsten Says:

    What word’s spelt wrong on Fall On Me? I was going to check on the weekend, but I forgot. Worse thing is that I had the “Light Is Mine” DVD out to check another clip.

  1178. Paul Alferink Says:

    Foresight is missing the “E”. I mean, if he had spelled it “fo4esight” we could have given him a pass. . .

    Which bring up two points?

    Is JM Stipe the originator of Leetspeak?

    Someone tell him that 4=A.


  1179. Kirsten Says:

    Wow, I’ve never even noticed. I probably just can’t spell. Will still check it out though. Anyway, if MS spells it without the ‘e’, then so will I! Calling Oxford to change the Dictionary as we speak…

  1180. Kirsten Says:


  1181. Mr Cup Says:


  1182. lenny Says:

    Hey, what’s with the new symbols everyone gets next to their posts? I guess everyone’s is unique, based on their e-mail address. Kind of cool. At least we have our proof that profligateprofiterole is Scott Malobisky — same symbol!

    And congratulations on the Perth gig, Kirsten. It was just a matter of time. By the way, thanks for the vivid “knickers imagery”.

  1183. Kirsten Says:

    Good pick up on Scott & Proffy, Lenny. No offence, but your symbol is pretty girly. It looks like a pink flower. Very pretty, though. 🙂

  1184. lenny Says:

    Ha! I don’t think it’s girly at all — it looks like 4 angry scorpions about to strike at 4 helpless insects in the middle. But those helpless insects are taking it like men — standing tall in a 2 by 2 formation.

    The system probably gave me that icon because of my November Birthday — my sign is scorpio, of course.

  1185. lenny Says:

    So, Kirsten, what excuse do you have for your ugly, plain, colorless symbol? (just teasing)

  1186. Paul Alferink Says:

    Lenny’s looks like a vagina.

  1187. Kirsten Says:

    I have no come-back for that. Mine is just crap. But at least it doesn’t look like a vagina.

  1188. Kirsten Says:

    Hey, they’ve put in a comma to separate the thousands in our response numbers. I clearly have way too much time on my hands to not just notice, but to think it’s significant enough to warrant commenting on. It’s just like in the Talk About The Passion clip.

    30 minutes til the weekend. whoo-hoo. I could listen to Accelerate then go home. 🙂

  1189. Ignis Sol Says:

    i read a great interview with Michael Stipe in death+taxes magazine by Stephen Blackwell.

    In it reveals (supposedly for the first time) that on that famous day he bought Patty Smith’s Horses he also bought albums by Foghat and Hall and Oats. He obviously gravitated toward the Foghat album. 🙂

    He explains in detail the meaning of “Sing for the Submarine.” Very interesting.

    And Kirsten, there are some great photos of him in there, too. In fact he is the cover boy for this issue. I saw it while checking out at a grocery store. It was next to some outdoor magazine with CNN’s
    Anderson Cooper on the cover. And yes, I made the two magazines kiss.

    His quote about his insecurity is endearing.

  1190. Mr Cup Says:

    Spill the beans. What are the insights into Submarine?
    I’ve never seen death+taxes here. Sheesh. Magazines these days.

  1191. Paul Alferink Says:

    Yeah, really. I’ve ideas about the song. But it’s such a reach that’s it’s probably not right . . .

  1192. Paul Alferink Says:

    Since this thread started, JIm Edmonds has gone from being a Cardinal, to a Padres. Now the Padres have released him.

    And the Cubs and Cardinals are tied for first place.. .

  1193. Ignis Sol Says:

    I don’t have the article with me now, but to sum up: it is his dream (I’m not sure if he means a future vision/idea or actual, um rapid eye movement dream) version of the not so frightening dystopia city of the future (excuse my odd phrasing). The character(s) live in a submarine powered by melody, by music. There is more…

    He shows the interviewer a photocopy of the album artwork and explains how his idea of the city of the future is reflected in that rendering. He confirms that the artwork design was inspired by fanzines from those good ol’ fanzine days. Some of you may recall me also likening the artwork to fanzines.

  1194. Paul Alferink Says:

    Wow. I want the drugs he’s taking!

  1195. Paul Alferink Says:

    See, and here I was, thinking the submarine was a metaphor. Turns out, it’s an actually submarine!

  1196. Ignis Sol Says:

    Yeah, cuz we all know that there are submarines powered by melody. I was in one the other day powered by the melodies of Mariah Carey and Michael Bolton songs.

  1197. Paul Alferink Says:

    Wow. What a shitty sub. I mean, I’ve heard of sugar in the gas tank, but. . .

  1198. Mr Cup Says:

    No metaphor ey?
    Unless using no metaphor IS a metaphor for something else. Hmmm, fiendish.

    Fits with his personal vision of the future then with drugs made of light and music being a primary energy source (soundwaves are energy). With that in mind, I wonder if there will be a Mariah Carey tax in the future similar to carbon emissions now. Or would she warrant a methane tax?


  1199. Kirsten Says:

    I saw Accelerate advertised last week as “A Great Gift For Mother’s Day”, right along side Mariah Carey and Michael Buble.
    Oh Dear.

  1200. Mr Cup Says:

    Not all mums have crap taste.

  1201. Ignis Sol Says:

    my mom loves R.E.M. thanks to me.

    I miss my mom.

  1202. Kirsten Says:

    Whilst that may be true Mr Cup, the company in which it was placed was quite disturbing to me. REM doesn’t sound like any of those, especially not Accelerate. Just ’cause they’ve been around for a while doesn’t make them “old people” music.

  1203. Mr Cup Says:

    Not all mums are old.

  1204. Kirsten Says:

    Stop being so bloody argumentative!
    Now – GO TO YOUR ROOM!

  1205. Mr Cup Says:

    Awww, jee wizz.

  1206. lenny Says:

    for Paul:
    Today’s sign that the apocalypse is near…

    Jim Edmonds is a Chicago Cub.

    What’s the world coming to? That is wrong on so many levels. How can he sink so low?!!

  1207. Ignis Sol Says:

    screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeching HALT!

  1208. Keltong Says:

    Did anyone else here go to the “working rehearsals” for Accelerate in Dublin last year? Last Days was played every night, and every night it got a few words of intro from Stipe. I remember it being along the lines of “I was going through a bad phase at this time and this was the turning point”, which is what yanking up the sinking hat is all about.

    It’s late now but I’ve got a recording of one of the Dublin shows somewhere which I’m going to dig up tomorrow and listen to for more. The hat also gets a specific mention in the sleeve notes of the And I Feel Fine compilation, I think Mills says he only recently realised what happened to the hat, another one to dig out tomorrow.

    The urgency and passion that underpins the whole song, the calling out for things in common – it all hinges on the hat.

  1209. Paul Alferink Says:

    Christ, I fainted when I heard he was a Cub. Tell you what, We’ll Trade you Marquis back and Edmonds for either Lou Brock back or the Statue of Stan Musial. Both would be better than those two. . .

  1210. profligateprofiterole Says:

    My own orignal Yogi Berra-ism
    I’m quite proud of it

    The difference between day and night
    Is like night and day

    Let’s Go Bucs
    Let’s Go Pens

    The acquaintance of the antithesis
    Of the antecedent to the appeaser

    Shakes it now
    And walks away

  1211. Kirsten Says:

    Hey Mr Cup, did you see Mr Stipe on Denton last night? They re-played the interview he did in 2005 (the day AFTER I saw them – sigh) but included some stuff that was edited out of the first screening. My husband’s been away interstate so I sat up in bed with a bar of chocolate to watch it. We laughed, we cried – he’s so beautiful. Sigh. Funny about the shoe thing ’cause I was listening to a show last night from ’84 where Michael’s heel broke off his shoe, so he asked if anyone in the crowd had a size 9 & a half shoe. Some guy said he did, so they waved him through to the front, he gave Michael his shoe and it was a perfect fit! I wonder if he kept it?

    Sorry, I’m bored. Michael’s got such a beautiful smile.

  1212. Mr Cup Says:


    I’ve got a bit of a flu and went to bed early. I saw the original. Denton was all star-struck I thought.

    Stipe is half a shoe size bigger than me. What a hoof.

  1213. Kirsten Says:

    Maybe American shoe sizes are different to ours? I got the impression Michael’s not that tall, so you wouldn’t think his feet would be too big. However, you know what they say about people with big feet…. 😉

  1214. Mr Cup Says:

    yeah, I mean I’m only 4.5 feet tall and I ‘m a size 9!!!!!

    A human tripod essentially.

  1215. Paul Alferink Says:

    Um. . . Yeah. I’m a size 12 and that’s pretty big here. So size 9 and a 1/2 here is fairly small or average at best.

  1216. Paul Alferink Says:

    And Scott, my Red Wings are going to smack the Pens around on there way to Stanley Cup victory. . .

  1217. profligateprofiterole Says:

    What ,you’re not a Blackhawks fan ? They of arguably the most intricate sharp-assed jersey logo in sports?

    Uniform trivia : What is unique about the LA Dodgers uniform that no other uniform in the four major PRO sports has–football, baseball, basketball, hockey ??

  1218. Paul Alferink Says:

    Nope, My sports loyalties got split oddly between my Mom’s Detroit roots and My Dad’s Chicago roots. So it’s the Tigers and Cubs, Red Wings, Pistons, and Bears. And not the White Sox, Lions, Blackhawks or Bulls.

  1219. lenny Says:

    That’s about the worst collection of evil sports teams that I have ever heard of someone being devoted to. It’s bad enough when you brag about your Cubs, but when you bring the Red Wings into it, that’s just too much.

    One of these years, the St. Louis Blues will get things straight and destroy those Wings. But until then, GO PENGUINS. I don’t even like the NBA at all, but I always hated the Pistons too. At least my Cardinals had the upper hand over the Tigers in the ’06 Series.

  1220. Paul Alferink Says:

    I went to see the Tigers play in St. Louis that series. It was horrible. I got razzed more wearing my Alan Trammell jersey than I ever got wearing my Kerry Wood Jersey in St Louis.

  1221. profligateprofiterole Says:

    answer to trivia question is , the Dodgers’ uni has a different color number on the front than the back

    and the Toronto Maple Leafs are the only grammatically incorrect team in sports, how comical the “Maple Leafs”, that’s a really intimidating name for a hockey team

    I remember just recently when the San Jose Sharks were playing at home the day of that guy being killed by the shark in SD , and the logo looked especially fierce and the organist was playing the Jaws theme (as usual) seemed kinda classless and tasteless , but I guess life goes on

  1222. Ignis Sol Says:

    I am sad lil’ monkey because I am going to miss R.E.M. playing the Gorge (with local dudes Death Cab for Cutie & Modest Mouse… ) in George,Washington (omg, I just got it) this weekend. It is not a bad drive, I have tent, I have sleeping bag and I can buy some cheap beer….but gas is now $4.00 here.

    I am hoping they come back to the big city and play a secret show at the XrXXXlX. Or maybe I will run into Michael dancing at the XuXX or maybe “in disguise” at XXXb XXXttXX (you don’t wanna know).

    Oh well, in dreams everything is there for you.

  1223. Mr Cup Says:

    is that $4 a liter? Or gallon? How many liters in a gallon???

  1224. profligateprofiterole Says:

    how many protons in a microbe ?

  1225. Kirsten Says:

    Should that be litre, Mr Cup? Did you catch 60 Minutes last night? The AFL vs NRL story had Living Well Is The Best Revenge playing in the background. Only for a very short time, but it still made my weekend.

    They also played that Bon Jovi interview you were talking about last week too Scott.

  1226. Mr Cup Says:

    My web browsers spell check is destroying my grasp on The Queens English!!!!!!

  1227. profligateprofiterole Says:

    cool Kirsten

    hey Alferink, can you say Brant Brown ?

  1228. profligateprofiterole Says:

    Pinella’s gonna blow , Man…

    I remember one time back in the 90’s in Pittsburgh , I was working at a restaurant,and after work one Sunday night the crew went out to a watering hole to throw some darts. On TV I was watching footage of Lovable Lou throwing an absolute tirade on the field….and I was fucking howling !!!! I kept going on to the guys about how volatile he was and how he seemed SO TORMENTED…The next night when I came in to work (I was a cook) these two managers–HUGE SPORTS FANS– had placed various memorabalia of LP everywhere–IT WAS AMAZING-must’ve been twenty different pieces, baseball cards and photos and shit..They got me good ; I would open the drawer to grab a ladel and there was Lou, I would look up at the timer for cooking pasta…. and there was Lou !! It was pretty funny …..I couldn’t believe all the stuff they had.

  1229. Mr Cup Says:

    1, 2, 3, 4

    (intro to Country Feedback)

  1230. Kirsten Says:

    and Until The Day Is Done.

    What about Drive? 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4.

  1231. Mr Cup Says:

    yeah, but that’s for a much later blog entry. Much, much later.

  1232. Paul Alferink Says:

    Listen, if the Pirates could just give us Nate McClouth for pennies on the dollar, like you did with Kenny Lofton, Aramis Ramirez, and Randall Simon 5 years, ago, the Cubs will be fine. See if you can work that out for us, Scott. I’d really like to at least see the NLCS this year.

  1233. lenny Says:

    Just hope your Cubs don’t have to play at Arizona in the 1st round (like last year), and you might get to the NLCS. I’m hoping that we’ll have a Cards-Cubs NLCS. That would be way better than the Red Sox – Yankees “rivalry” series. The Yankees used to always win, and now the Red Sox always win — it’s not that much of a rivalry, when you think of it that way. (ha,ha)

  1234. Paul Alferink Says:

    Yeah. The Cardinals should be much worse than they are. I have no idea how Kyle Loush, Todd Wellemeyer, Wainwright, Looper and Brad Thompson are able to have the Cardinals only 1 1/2 games in back of the Cubs, who have the best record in baseball. More Troubling is that the Cubs play largely on the road in June and July. That was suppose to be a stop-gap rotation to hold them until the real starters came back. And they are in second.

  1235. lenny Says:

    Oh man, this page is in trouble — 2 days between the two previous posts, and they’re both about baseball.

    LAST WORD ABOUT BASEBALL (for a while):
    It’s surprising to me too, but when Aaron Miles is batting .320, and Ryan Ludwick is .333 with almost 40 RBIs, we’re doing something right. Heck, Troy Glaus even has 30+ RBIs already. (Brad Thompson has been out of the rotation for a while, in favor of Joel Piniero, but Joel is on the DL, and Mike Parisi is starting tomorrow. Either way, it’s surprising how consistent the starters have been) Also, the other factor, besides road games, is that Interleague play is the 2nd half of June — and the Cubs opponents are way tougher than the Cardinals opponents. I’ll save you the trouble of complaining, and admit that it’s not really fair, and they should actually try to fix that — at least have teams in the same division play the same American League teams; and who cares about the local rivalry games, if it’s only 6 games a year?

    We might have talked about this before, but maybe someone can enlighten me — I heard that Michael Stipe went to high school just across the river from me, in Collinsville, Illinois. Does anyone know if they have any close geographic ties to the other R.E.M. band members (or former band member)? Maybe someone out there owns a farm that is next to Bill Berry’s…

  1236. Ignis Sol Says:

    Bill Berry spent some time in Milwaukee, which is across Lake Michigan where I grew up in Muskegon Michigan. You all know about my Seattle/Buck ties (and sitings).

    On the topic we are now off (thankfully): I am not into baseball and considering the Mariner’s record this year… Maybe I should go see a game with some friends and have a good time…drink some beer. Oh yeah: in sports stadium news: Mariner’s security asked a lesbian couple to leave the stadum the other day because they gave each other a quick lip kiss while watching a game. Some mother, who did not want to explain, well I guess “love,” to her son objected and complained (and exaggerated and stated ‘they were making out’). The couple refused and then took several pics of other couples (heteros) kissing and such.

    Now, let me see…. Seattle has second per capita gay population in the U.S., the Mariners need to bump up attendance, Seattle is politcally active and loud about such things… Good move?

    Oh yeah: Insert your own Gettin to 1st, 2nd or 3rd base joke here.

  1237. profligateprofiterole Says:

    What happened when the streaker ran across Riverfront Stadium ?

  1238. profligateprofiterole Says:

    Pete Rose

  1239. Paul Alferink Says:


    People are stupid. The stupid person complaining found a stupid person to complain to. And Viola.

    But California will allow Gay marriage soon. New York will recognize it. A change is going to come, my friend. Maybe slow at first, but its starting to gain momentum. Heck, maybe by the time Dan Savage’s adopted boy has kids of his own marriage or Civil Unions will be recognized in all 49 states (and Alabama will finally be kicked out of the union!)

  1240. Ignis Sol Says:

    Washington State is getting close. My organization and several friends are actively involved in respective organizations pushing this forward. There is key support, but like you said, it will take baby steps: one right at a time. Happy throngs!

    Dan’s son, I think his name is D.J., will be a wonderful person with his family because of he is being raised by two loving people, who unfortunately do not have the same rights of those who are not so wonderful parents.

  1241. profligateprofiterole Says:

    I’m currently reading Tom Wolfe’s ‘A Man In Full’, one of those big thick totally engrossing sorta novels that although technically fiction in the detail are factually accurate geographically and historically…..The main setting is the Atlanta area–Buckhead- and the East SF Bay area….Text from page 150 : “All of them, save the infant, had been blasted out of their REM sleep by a burglar alarm and blown into the hallway to find……”–that hadda be an intentional namecheck on TW’s part; I woulda shit my trousers if it had been on page 151 !!!!!

  1242. profligateprofiterole Says:

    Alabama, you got the weight on your shoulders
    That’s breaking your back
    Your Cadillac has got a wheel in the ditch
    And a wheel on the track
    Oh, oh Alabama..

  1243. Paul Alferink Says:

    Dan did a piece on NPR once. I never listen to NPR but just happened to flip through (Leaving a Cubs/ Cards Game in St. Louis, by the by.) It talked about his discussions with DJ about gay marriage from a child’s perspective. Really well done. There are a lot worse place that kid could be, and none better. And after having read his book and the hoops they had to jump through because they were gay. Worked out wonderfully in the end, I suppose.

  1244. Kirsten Says:

    I wonder how many gay people don’t want the laws to change? They may have been using them as a good excuse for years, now they’re gonna have to get married! I can see a lot of arguments coming up 🙂

    The only thing I know about baseball:
    Mike Mills supports the Atlanta Braves and watches games in the stands with everyone else – not from a private box with all the other rich and famous people. (or at least he did in the early 90’s when I heard that. Might be different now…..)

  1245. Paul Alferink Says:

    Mike Mills appeared in one Rock and Jock softball game on MTV. He didn’t do very well, if I remember correctly.

  1246. lenny Says:

    It just all goes back to baseball doesn’t it? (or softball!)

  1247. lenny Says:

    BTW – I just got back from lunch, and right as I walked into the restaurant the very beginning of “Supernatural, Superserious” started playing. I mean the exact moment, like it was being played just for me — and that was pretty cool.

    I haven’t heard much REM in restaurants and stores lately, but for some reason, I keep hearing Radiohead at Target and at my local grocery store. Does anyone else find that strange? I’ve heard the song “Reckoner” at least 5 times in public.

  1248. profligateprofiterole Says:

    I’ve been drunk at least five times in public.

  1249. Kirsten Says:

    Mike & Bill are playing Table Tennis on one of the re-released CD/DVD’s – I think it was Out Of Time.
    There you go – a new game!

    Michael and Peter don’t play golf.

  1250. Mr Cup Says:

    Radiohead in Target is wildly ironic. I wonder if it was Buy Nothing Day?

  1251. lenny Says:

    The odd thing is that I can’t think of any other song I’ve heard in Target recently; but the fact that I was hearing Radiohead really made it stick in my head.

    Speaking of a stick in the head, how about those Penguins, eh? Triple OT, and they live to play another day.

    Also speaking of a stick in the head, Tony Larussa must have had one of those last night, that made him leave his starting pitcher in the game so long, blowing a 4-0 lead to the Pirates (that’s right, I said ‘the Pirates’ for God’s sake!)

  1252. Paul Alferink Says:

    Tony LaRussa’s finest moment was when Kline flipped him off from the bullpen. He totally had that coming.

  1253. Paul Alferink Says:

    I heard Radiohead in the mall Sunday. It was Paranoid Android, which was just bizarre. It was coming from a store. I chalked it up to the compilation of their’s that just hit.

  1254. Paul Alferink Says:

    I stayed up watching the Cubs on the West Coast and the Red Wings-Penguins game. Until the perfect storm hit, and both were in commercial at the same time, and more poor brain couldn’t stand it and I finally drifted off to sleep. . .

  1255. Ignis Sol Says:

    …..with your teeth in your mouth

  1256. profligateprofiterole Says:

    no, he took them out

  1257. profligateprofiterole Says:

    I’m pretty much assuming the Cubbies are gonna run away with the division this year. Hell, they might even win it all this year (that would be a story !!!) That’s a very tough division ; following the Pirates in terms of the wildcard as I’m usually reduced to every year about this time. I think they have a pretty decent club this year, six games out of the wildcard spot currently , chasing those Redbirds…..But with the Bucs it always falls apart by the end of July pretty much , we’ll see how long they can hang in this time around.

    headline in today’s San Diego Tribune Sports–Edmunds Punishes Ex-teamates

  1258. lenny Says:

    Nice headline…he better not try punishing the ex-teammates that really meant something to him. He owes it to the Cardinals to just strike out 4 times a game like he did when he was here last.

    Dammit, I thought we were done with baseball. It sucks, because I really love it, and I’ve got a good divisional rivalry going with two other contributors here! OK, who wants to start an NL Central baseball blog where we can keep the baseball talk from cluttering up the R.E.M. talk?

    Back to MUSIC…remember that? I listened to the new Weezer album online, the red album which was released today, and it just blew me away. I listened to it 5 times straight at work, and I will be buying it very very soon. It’s so original and different for them, I was just speechless. Of course, I was at my desk working, so there wasn’t really anyone to talk to about it 🙂 Last week, I sat working in an office with my 2nd level supervisor, while he listened to big hair bands of the 80’s, so you see my problem… (I’m talking about Def Leppard, Poison, Warrant, Whitesnake, ACDC, Guns’n’Roses, etc…oh, it was God awful.)

  1259. Kirsten Says:

    Awful?? Those bands were great. Heavy Metal Heaven…..

  1260. Mr Cup Says:

    What the F*#CK have you got against Acca Dacca? They ain’t got no big hair. Sorry, we are in the midst of Bon Scott fever here with a statue of him being unveiled last month to coincide with a big art show in his honor.

    So is it official…Barack? Huh?

  1261. profligateprofiterole Says:

    Bon Scott found dead of alcohol poisoning in a friend’s car. Tony LaRussa found sleeping behind the wheel of his SUV , intoxicated, at a traffic light late one night. I am the casual observer of these variations on a theme.

    I have a serious question though……… from Tom Wolfe’s ‘A Man In Full’….”The police were always patrolling Piedmont Park at night, not to mention malefactors of various sorts. One afternoon they were driving by that sleazy hotel on the Buford HIghway. The Swallows–“The Swallows!” she started shrieking, as if it was the funniest name in the world–and she insisted that they stop then and there and take a room, on the spot, and they did, and once they got in the room, she produced that little cup from her handbag, and they did that thing with the cup, someting he had never heard of in all his life–my God, suppose anybody had seen him, Charlie Croker, master builder–Croker Concourse!–checking into a hotel on the Buford Highway with a twenty three year old girl–but he had lost his mind to her demented form of lust. Danger! Iminent exposure! The thing with the cup!”……………Does anyone know what “the thing with the cup” is ??

    yeah man , it’s Obama……..

  1262. profligateprofiterole Says:

    been listening to a lot of Thin Lizzy lately, fucking killer stuff, never realized the extent of their material outside of the radio hits.

  1263. Mr Cup Says:

    you gotta love the cup!

  1264. Mr Cup Says:

    Hey Kirsten, did you see Spicks and Specks?
    They took my ‘yeah, yeah’ idea and featured Man on the Moon.

    My idea. Mine I say.

  1265. Paul Alferink Says:

    It’s Barrack. This might be the first Presidential Election in years that didn’t make me want to vomit. I love the Democratic, and I’m pretty okay with the Republican. . .

    I assume, knowing what I know of Tom Wolfe, that “the thing with the cup” is purposefully a little ambiguous so that you can draw your own conclusion a little bit. What you really want it to be, what you find most attractive and perverse, is what you will thing of. If he spelled it out, it would ruin it for a percentage of the audience. A percentage that thought even that “thing with the cup” is passe.

    What I really can’t understand is why all the writers of Tom Wolfe’s generation (John Updike, etc.) at this point all become obsessed with writing about sex as older men. Maybe when I get to be 50+ I’ll understand.

    My suggestion: Put down the Tom Wolfe. Pick up David Foster Wallace. Particularly Infinite Jest, Broom of the System, The Girl With Curious Hair, The First and Last Essays in “A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again,” and The AVN, McCain, and Lobster essays in “Consider the Lobster.”

  1266. Paul Alferink Says:

    I like AC/DC. And Guns and Roses had a nice run.

    And the new Weezer Video is kinda fun.

  1267. lenny Says:

    OK, so Weezer might count some of those bands as influences, but I purposefully left off some names from my list above…the reason being that their new song called “Heart Songs” just chronicles all of their influences from Gordon Lightfoot to Nirvana. They mention Quiet Riot, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Slayer (ouch), then he admits to listening to the radio sometimes, giving a shout out to Debbie Gibson, Michael Jackson, Rick Astley, and Terrence Trent D’arby. Crazy. (But the verse about Nirvana is the best part)

    I also like this line from another new one of theirs called “Everybody Get Dangerous”…
    “What will we say when our kids come to us, and ask with a smile on their face, ‘hey dad my friend’s got some new ninja sword, is it cool if we smash up this place?'”

  1268. profligateprofiterole Says:

  1269. Kirsten Says:

    No, I didn’t see that Mr Cup. Sue the Bastards! We’ve got it in writing right here at These Days to prove the exact time & date of your idea. I will gladly stand up and testify in court on your behalf. Not sure that I’m a credible witness though. Maybe I’d be more help with the research. I’ll consult the i-ching, I’ll consult the tv ouiji, oblique stategies, I’ll consult the law books for precents. Can I charm the jury??

    I saw a photo of Michael wearning an OBAMA t-shirt. Guess that’s who he’s going to vote for.

  1270. Mr Cup Says:

    Were there any bumper stickers with ‘Barrack for Barack’?

  1271. Paul Alferink Says:

    Penguins put up a great fight, but they were just too young and the Red Wings too good.

  1272. profligateprofiterole Says:

    it wouldn’t have been good for the game to have the Ducks and the Penguins win it in succeeding years–those cats that come up with the names for these teams would’ve been in a tizzy–would be like if the Saints and the Dolphins won back to back Super Bowls

  1273. Mr Cup Says:


  1274. profligateprofiterole Says:

    WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1275. profligateprofiterole Says:

    and smell the weenie skins
    why not smile?

  1276. Paul Alferink Says:

    Going to the REM Chicago show tommorrow. I’ll give a report when I get back. But judging from what I saw on Austin City Limits, should be fantastic.

  1277. Kirsten Says:

    Remember how Michael shouted “WAKE UP!” in the live version on Get Up in the late 80’s? I had my tape set to that point so my when my alarm clock went off, I’d awaken to Michael yelling at me to Wake Up. Brilliant. My husband won’t let me do it. 😦

    Anyway, gotta go listen to Feeling Gravitys Pull. That last post of Matthew’s has inspired me. I don’t listen to it enough!

  1278. profligateprofiterole Says:

    Hey Paul, how was the show ?

  1279. profligateprofiterole Says:

    Steven Tyler’s in rehab. Guess he finally broke after all these years of sobriety, couldn’t resist the unlimited supply of cocaine, maybe. Freaking sixty years old. That’s just nuts.

  1280. Paul Alferink Says:

    My review of the REM.

    Some set up:

    Our seats were awful. Since it was in an basketball arena, there are empty seat from the front on the seats on back. We were the last row, in the first two seats were they started seating. I must have misunderstood the direction when I bought them, I would have sprung for lower seats, at the least. The arena was echo-y. So I couldn’t understand much, if anything, Stipe said between songs. And I couldn’t see the large screens behind the band, as we were too far off to the side and there was a light bank hanging down between us and the stage. However:

    Warning: !!!!!Spoilers!!!!!

    They rocked.

    !!!! End Spoilers!!!!!!

    Some things at the concert were par for the course. Fall on Me, Man on the Moon, Kenneth, Begin the Begin, Great Beyond, Losing My Religon. All these songs sounded exactly like they’ve sounded in concert for the last 13 years. Kenneth’s solo changed a bit, probably for the better. Nothing I would call terribly new in the Accerate songs. Houston lost a little something without the Cello and the Keyboard was lost in the mix a bit. The One I Love went back to it’s hard rocking roots.

    Of Course, the fun is in the stuff they either change or hadn’t played in a while. These included:

    This Monster Threads inspiration: These Days is a great live song, and I’m surprised I wasn’t played at any of the three shows I had seen before this one.

    Pilgramage: Old school REM, fun mostly because they usually dust off one or two oldies a tour. This time, Pilgramage got the Murmur honor. Sounded like you’d expect.

    Orange Crush: Always sounds great. This time, the bridge was a little different; kind of just a build up in noise that led to the solo. However, it denied my my god-given right as an audience member to yell out 1-2-3-4! at the appropriate moment.

    Find the River: My wife’s highlight of the show, and she didn’t even know the song before Friday. Fantastic.

    Ignoreland: Hard to perform, Michael said he screwed up the words at the last show. I can see why. Nicely done though, this time around.

    Final Straw: I am bored with this song. Though it does sound better live. A little sad to think that if they maybe drop this, Until the Day is done gets played, which I like a little better.

    Pretty Persasuasion: Yay! The Reckoning contribution.

    Walk Unafraid: Sounds better as a hard-core rocker that it gets turned into. That said, I always thought the song lacked lyrical sublety that REM songs often have. So this was my second least favorite song played. Again, sounds way better live then on the album.

    Animal: Not a fan of this one either, but it sound good in the venue

    Let Me In:
    EASILY the highlight of the show for me. I understand it got reworked a few years back. I never heard that incarnation, although this is probably close to that one. The band entirely to one side of the stage (Away from me) and formed a little miniband there, with Michael in front, back to the audience. It looked like a minister at a small funeral. The song lost the angry guitar, and was replaced with an solemn acoustic. The synth must have been set to “angel choir” or something. Kind of what it sounded like. Stipe was at his mournful best. I loved the old version, with the sadness and the anger battling each other. This was a fabulous new take on it. Just purely mournful and beautiful.
    I told my wife it was my contact bothering me. She reminded me that I don’t wear contacts. Damn it.

    Note to Kristen: Mr. Stipe can still shake what his mama gave him. If you had a little O at around Friday 10:45 CST, you now know why.

    Other surpises. This was the first concert this year that gave us the Great Beyond. I think the busted it out in rehersal and still had some kinks to work out, so Stipe announced they were going to reprise the last chorus.

    Modest Mouse didn’t play any of the song I love the best from there collection, other then (surprise, surprise) “Dashboard.” My wife was mad they didn’t play “Float on”

    We missed National, which, I was told by people close to us, wasn’t that big of a deal.

  1281. Paul Alferink Says:

    Also meant to say:

    The only albums not represented were “Reveal” and “Fables.” (and Chronic Town/DLO, if you wanted to count that). The short length of the Accerlate songs lend themselves to this concert; You can hear a lot of accerate songs and still have time for a short career retrospective.

    A little disappointed I wasn’t treated to a REM cover. Those have been so fun when I’ve heard them before.

  1282. Kirsten Says:

    Oh, OK that explains That! 😉

    Sounds like an amazing show and they’re still at their best. Really hope they make it down here, you’ve got me all excited about it again. (I’ve tried not to be in fear of disappointment) I love it when Michael’s in a really talkative mood. Those shows where it takes him 10 mins just to sing a song ’cause he keeps stopping to tell a story are brilliant. Hopefully if they do make it here, that’s how he’ll be. Adds to the fun.

  1283. Mr Cup Says:

    Your wife doesn’t know Find The River?
    What sort of husband are you man?

    ps. Thanks for the write up!

  1284. Paul Alferink Says:

    I try. But she likes country music. Her favorite REM songs coming in were from the greatest hits soundtrack. She really likes what’s the frequency Kenneth and All the way to Reno. Every time Losing my Religion comes on, she starts re-inacting the Brenda/Dylan Break-up on 90210. The rest she usually ignores. She mostly liked the concert, though.

  1285. Paul Alferink Says:

    I suppose the greatest hits isn’t a soundtrack . . .

  1286. lenny Says:

    Sure it is…it’s the soundtrack to your life, man!

    My wife didn’t know “Find the River” until Sunday, so don’t feel bad. I set it up on the ipod to play at 5:15 the next morning on her alarm clock. What a peaceful, gentle way to wake up!

    I thought that you were going to say that your wife only likes the REM songs with a banjo or a country sound (or country feedback). Oh, and the only country that gets played in our house or car is the Dixie Chicks, and lately they sound less country than they used to. (If you ever want to be surprised by this fact, find their song “Voice Inside My Head”, and you might actually like it. The guitars make it sound more like a Classic Rock song – think America or Pure Prairie League. “Silent House” is another stunner, from the same album as “Voice”.)

  1287. lenny Says:

    What…nobody has a response to the Dixie Chicks thing? Wrong crowd, I guess. Well, did I tell you how awesome the new Weezer CD is? Oh yeah, I did. Let me say it again anyway. Weezer’s Red album is unbelievable. I may not be traveling anywhere to see REM this year (there is no St. Louis concert date), but I’m almost certain that I’ll absolutely have to see Weezer before the year is over. (Waiting for that tour announcement.)

    And I’m also waiting to see what Paul has to say about the injury to Albert Pujols last night. You think the Cubs can breathe easier, right? Well, just keep in mind that Ludwick leads the team in RBIs, and he knocked in another 4 of them last night. Besides that, the Cardinals always manage to get good replacements for anyone who is injured, and everyone wants to play and help the team (lots of young guys are getting playing time, so that can really add a lot of energy to the team — even the older players). It’s only June, so the Cubs won’t be running away with this thing anytime soon.

  1288. Paul Alferink Says:

    I liked the Dixie Chicks when the did Goodbye Earl. I can’t remember another song by them.

    I don’t know how serious the Pujols injury is so I’m not jumping up and down yet. Looking at Ryan Ludwicks minor league numbers, I say he comes back down to earth. But sometimes crazy stuff happens. I just can’t figure out how Wainwright goes down and they pull another pitcher out of their ass who gets a Quality Start. Wellemeyer, Boggs, Lohse, Looper and Pinero? Really? That’s the team that has the second best record in the NL?
    At this point, I want Izzy off the DL so he can start blowing some games for you.

  1289. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Go Lakers ! Kinda weird how back in those classic match-ups of the 80’s the Celtics had the white guys where-as LA had Swarthy Worthy and Co. (I think there was one other white guy on the Lakers beside Kurt Rambis, an obscure benchwarmer type…); but now Boston has not one white guy, not even amongst the subs !! Not that it means anything, just an observaton…Yeah, on a related subject, baseball has the lowest percentage of African-Americans in years; I think it’s less that 10%…Not lthat it matters.

  1290. Mr Cup Says:

    Freo, heave-ho!

  1291. Kirsten Says:

    Freo? Really? Good luck to you.
    UNBELIEVABLE – The Gospel According to WHO??
    Sorry, just love that line.

  1292. Mr Cup Says:

    Tim Winton said great things about Freo. He compared West Coast to a shopping mall like Fountain Gate. Soul less.

    HIt ’em real hard send down below.

  1293. ScottMalobisky Says:

    who the hell’s Freo ?

  1294. Paul Alferink Says:

    “We dance around in a circle and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and knows.”

    It’s an Aussie thing. Google it. Not that you will care when you find out. Because it’s am Aussie thing. I googled it. I found out. Didn’t care. Because it’s an Aussie thing.

  1295. Paul Alferink Says:

    Not that we don’t care about you, Kristen, or Mr. Cup. Or Koalas. Or Duckbilled Platypus. Or Kangroo. Or Tasmanian Devils. Or Dingo of the baby eating variety.

    To clarify, and simplify:
    Things to care about in Austrailia:

    1. Austrialian Wildlife
    2. Kristen
    3. Mr. Cup

    Concerns about this list:
    Kristen and/or Mr Cup might counts as Austrailian Wildlife. I never met either personally. They might be quite wild in person. The term “Wildlife” should probably be clarified. Given a classification of sorts. Like “Wildlife makes water outside.” Again, I would need to study Mr Cup and Kristen, perhaps drug them and attach some sort of tracking device to them to study their expulsion habits, but at least then we would be able to make a definitive classification vis a vis their inclusion as seperate entries in the things to care about in Austrailia list.

    Concerns about this list part two:
    I remember thinking I liked Yahoo Serious movies when I was in 4th grade. I don’t think I’d still think their funny, but for nostalgia purpose, perhaps Yahoo Serious should be on this list, if for no reason than his name, which, his being a comdenian of sorts, is amazing, being his name in and of itself, taken as a whole, could be used as a punchline in any joke.

    Question: Why did the Chicken Cross the road?

    Answer: Yahoo Serious

    Please note:
    Crocadile Dundee should not be brought up in this discussion in any way, shape or form. Its for the best that way.

    Thank you for your patience.

  1296. Kirsten Says:

    Call that a list? Now this is a list! (sorry, couldn’t help myself).

    What about our Footy? Or Warney? Or Barnsey? Or Farnsey? Good choice on Kylie. (They all count as wildlife)

    In Australia, you’d be known as Alfey.

  1297. Mr Cup Says:

    The vision you should hold in your mind when thinking of me, Alfey, is one of that ‘feral kid’ in Mad Max 2 (nee Road Warrior 2 or something). I’m just bigger now and can skin my own hides.

    Now this circle thingy. Robert Frost. Very Un-Australian.

  1298. Kirsten Says:

    I thought you looked liked a young, tanned Governor Arnie. 😉

  1299. Mr Cup Says:

    Well I do now. But I’d like to be remembered in a different light.

  1300. Paul Alferink Says:

    Crap, I forgot about the feral Kid in the Mad Max Movie. He defintely goes on the list. He kicked ass.

  1301. Paul Alferink Says:

    Oh, and Baz Luhrman, Waltzing Matilda, and Ned Kelly all go on the list, too.

  1302. lenny Says:

    Two words… Naomi freaking Watts. What’s wrong with you Paul? How can you overlook her? Is it because she wasn’t born in Australia, and she was just raised there? I think that should still count. I put her way ahead of any feral Mad Max character, Kylie, or wildlife, for that matter. Oh, and as far as Australian things go, I also highly rank the pre-asphyxiation INXS. And don’t forget “Muriel’s Wedding”. Anything else, and I have no clue; please explain Alfey, Arnie, Barnsey, Farnsey, Freo, and Warney.

  1303. Paul Alferink Says:

    I hated Muriel’s wedding.

    I liked Watts a lot in 21 Grams and Mullholland Drive. She really needs another great performance or two to make my list. And Aussie Soaps don’t count.

    I don’t like INXS enough to own an album, (though I do sing along to the occasional song on the radio). Plus, on that show where they picked a new singer, they didn’t pick the guy who went to high school with my wife, so screw them.

    I don’t like Kylie, except she did a guest spot on Dr. Who. But that doesn’t get you put on the list.

  1304. ScottMalobisky Says:

    21 grams . cool flick . see, I knew I’d be able to add something relevant eventually…

  1305. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I actually watched that INXS pick a new singer show quite faithfully. Never thought I’d get into something like that but, strangely, it hooked me early and I stayed on board until the end.

  1306. lenny Says:

    Well, at least it was a reality show based on real talent (as are the only reality shows I watch — Top Chef and Project Runway) I didn’t watch the INXS one, because you can’t really replace Michael Hutchence. Yes, I said my wife got me watching Project Runway… the characters are so “flamboyant” it really is funny to watch them and their attitudes. And hey, it’s got Heidi Klum. And bottom line, I will not watch a reality show unless REAL talent is on display. Those two on Bravo qualify.

  1307. Ignis Sol Says:

    How about a reality show about the best blog and the best bloggers? OH, believe me it’s gonna happen friends, it IS gonna happen.

    I always loved Listen Like Thieves. It came out when I was a teen. Yes, I am THAT old.

    Was R.E.M. friendly with Michael Hutchence/INXS? I know Bono was. I think I read that Michael was friends with Michael H. Wasn’t Michael friends with Heath Ledger, too? There is that photo of them at a fashion show. Hmm. Stipe knew River, Kurt, Michael H, Heath….

  1308. Mr Cup Says:

    The real shock for me was learning that Nick Cave and Michael Hutchence were good mates. Nick and Kylie was one thing but this…

  1309. Mr Cup Says:

    Anyhoo, Fremantle is a little annex of Perth. The local football team are called the Fremantle Dockers in honor of the harbor workers in the port town. Freo is shorthand for all things from Fremantle. The team was introduced into the AFL as a alternative local side to the other mob lovingly referred to as the “The Slime” by Freo supporters. THey are also known as Wet Toast and the E-girls. I’ll not utter their name here. In a nutshell, the Dockers logo is an anchor (port city thing). The club theme song is a dirge based on a funeral march that Stravinsky rejigged from a Russian Folksong called “the Vulgar Boatmen”. And they played their first game on April 1st. Oh and the team colour is purple. That’s 4 really bad things to build excitement around. Doomed from the start.

    Nothing says ‘we are champions and you too are a champion for barracking for us’. Our weapons are humour and self deprecation.
    It’s fun being part of the Purple Army. They play AC/DC’s TNT at the end of each victory at the home ground. (Bon Scott is buried at the Freo cemetary). The previous coach got onstage with KISS a few years back and presented them with Dockers jumpers. Freo rocks man. The Wet Toast fans listen to listen to Celine Dion. It’s true.

    We got to hear TNT yesterday. I’m excited. Next week we play Kirstens team.

  1310. Kirsten Says:

    Yes, your 2nd win of the season – stuffed up my tips!
    Thank God for Freo – someone to keep the Bombers off the bottom of the ladder!

    Michael S & Michael H weren’t friends. Apparently at an awards ceremony, MS took MH’s seat next to his then girlfriend Helena Christensen and threw his place name on the floor. Silly boy, MH could’ve very easily beaten the crap outta him!

    Oh, and I forgot the great Aussie Skaifey!

  1311. Mr Cup Says:

    Hey woman – we’ze dangerous and don’t you forget it! We are also a tipsters nightmare. Mwa ha ha har.

    Hutchence would’ve set the band onto Stipe. I don’ think he’d do the dirty work himself.

  1312. Mr Cup Says:

    Have to say, those set lists are pretty appetising.

  1313. Paul Alferink Says:

    Please, if a seat were open next to Helena Christianson, I dump the nameplate on the floor, too!

  1314. Paul Alferink Says:

    I think that was Stipe’s plan. He was clearly smitten with her after seeing the video for “Wicked Game.” I bet they covered the song simply as part of his nefarious plan.

  1315. Kirsten Says:

    REM’s version of Wicked Game is so much better, even without a sexy video.

  1316. Kirsten Says:

    Just saw the bidding on the signed guitar for Athfest is up to $3500. Sooo tempting, but my husband would kill me. 🙂

  1317. Mr Cup Says:

    If it’s a Rickenbacker – go for it. They are feature pieces that make any ‘lounge room’ a ‘living room’.

    Surprised they haven’t tried that on Better Homes and Gardens.
    Maybe they have?

  1318. Mr Cup Says:

    I have a confession to you all…

    …I’ve never had a mullet.

  1319. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Jimmy Page got a silver mullet.

    Wow, Lenny, the Pirates got whooped on in Chisox-ville , but , startlingly , the KC Royal Ineptitudes managed to sweep your Redbirds so the Bucs remain 7.5 games back for the wildcard; the Pirates have the worst record in interleague play since it started–what??– 12,25 years ago……Well, considering that they probably have the worst record in general that ain’t so surprising.

  1320. Kirsten Says:

    Nah, it is a Gretsch. If it was a Rickenbacker, that would’ve been a harder decision. You know you can’t get Rickenbackers in Australia? So unfair.

    And don’t worry Mr Cup, I’ve never had a mullet either.

  1321. Mr Cup Says:

    Shame. Some chicks have the best mullets.

    You can get a Rick in Perth. I was looking after this house a few years ago for a few days (friend of a friend) whom had just acquired your typical black Rickenbacker. I was so excited. In my hands it was truly terrible and I couldn’t figure out how any REM song was played on them despite playing several acoustically. Anyway, I was in the next room when I heard it fall from it’s stand. I knew immediately it was that guitar. Not the 5 other non-precious guitars but that one. Put a huge dent into that nice pointy grooved bit. Barely a week out of the shop. I felt ill. How do explain that you weren’t actually near it, that it just kinda fell. Suddenly.

  1322. Paul Alferink Says:

    Cubs lost 3 in a row for the first time this year. It was a bad week for the NL.

  1323. ScottMalobisky Says:

    yeah, Paul, amazing. every team in the division was swept except for Milwaukee who did the sweeping ; Man, you talk about gaining some ground !

    lenny, how’s the rising Mississippi affecting you ?

  1324. lenny Says:

    I just moved to higher ground… well, not really. But I did buy a new house yesterday, and instead of living a mile from the Mississippi River, I now live a mile from the Meramec River, which is a tributary to the Miss. I was not in the floodplain in either house — which is a no-brainer for me, because I work for the Corps of Engineers, and I study flooding for a living (hydraulic engineer). If I wasn’t moving this week, I’d be getting a ton of overtime helping people sandbag and fight the flood. I still may get the chance next week or later… (It sucks for the people who are flooding, but it sure feels good to help them out — I’ve worked flood fight once before, and I did two months of hurricane duty after Katrina.) (Should we talk about the weather???)

  1325. ScottMalobisky Says:

    let’s talk about the highly unlikely scenario of that Jim Edmonds character “patrolling” the outfieid in Cubbies pinstripes and hitting two home runs in the same inning… let’s not , it’s too mind-boggling. Remember how Paul used to abuse him? I wonder how he and the Cubs faithful feel about him now.

  1326. Kirsten Says:

    Well Mr Cup, I stand corrected. I was told you couldn’t buy them here.
    We had some showers on the weekend – closest we’ve come to flooding in a long time!

    So, I finally tracked down a copy of Sponge. Only had time to listen to it once, but by 1 verse in I wasn’t overly impressed (The vocals just didn’t sit quite right with me). However, by the end of the song I was turned around and can certainly see this one growing on me. The vocals seemed less annoying, but the standout was Peter’s excellent guitar work! Brilliantly done. Probably never going to be my favourite, but definately one I’ll seek out reguarly.

  1327. ScottMalobisky Says:

    you mean Sponge as in Plow ? “in a world of human wreckage in a world of human wreckage…..” that one ?

  1328. Paul Alferink Says:

    This “Sponge”

    “The world it is a sponge”

  1329. Paul Alferink Says:

    Speaking of Which, that Marianorem user posted tons of rare REM stuff. A lot of which I’ve rarely or never heard. Pretty cool.

  1330. Kirsten Says:

    The REM Sponge – kinda like me!

  1331. Mr Cup Says:

    So, you think you are sponge worthy?

  1332. Paul Alferink Says:

    Earlier, REM had pregnancy test, and now they have contraceptive sponges?

  1333. Kirsten Says:

    Ha! Not quite what I meant….
    (And yes – REM are! )

  1334. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Notes From The Underground :

    Am I sponge worthy, Kirten?

    Pirates won 1960 World Series vs. Yankees despite losing three games by scores of 10-0, 12-0, 16-3; can you imagine losing by numbers like that in the World Series but still pulling out the series, Bucs won four squeekers.

    Motley Crue was on the frumpy Greta Van Suschten Show last night; Tommy Lee asked her what color her panties were. She was stunned.

  1335. Paul Alferink Says:

    They we’re on Larry King two nights ago. I felt embarrassed for the both of them.

    Mick Mars looked horrible.

  1336. Kirsten Says:

    Marriage vows are only to be broken by members (or ex-members) of REM.

  1337. Paul Alferink Says:

    We only got 6 to go.

    I Believe

    The VU covers


    The Outsiders

    Life and How to Live It

    And It’s The End of the World

    I kinda wish he talk about the outsiders next. It’s an unpleasant process. I wish the band-aid would just get yanked off quickly, rather than anticipating it. Half of pleasure comes from the anticipation of the event. I want to be left still yearning for I Believe, Live and How to Live it and the the rest, until I simply can’t stand it anymore.

  1338. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Paul, he did The Outsiders eons ago.

  1339. Paul Alferink Says:

    Sorry. I Wanted to Be Wrong is the Other Song.

  1340. Ignis Sol Says:

    You were wrong, Paul. You were wrong.

  1341. Kirsten Says:

    I love The Outsiders! {Waiting for abuse…..}

    Good game yesterday, Mr Cup. 4 points, what a shame. (Insert evil laugh here)

  1342. Mr Cup Says:

    Baby – we’re tankin’. Top 2 draft picks are pure WA brilliance!!!!

    Polak being hit by a tram has kind of overshadowed the game though. I was sad to see him leave Freo.

  1343. Kirsten Says:

    So, you’ve been planing that since round 1 then?? {Snigger}

  1344. Paul Alferink Says:

    I listened to the outsider today for probably the first time in 4 months. I still hate that song. But I hate high Speed Train and Worst Joke Ever more.

  1345. Paul Alferink Says:

    Watched “The Assassination of Jessie James” tonight. Most long and boring. Was actually way more interesting after James is dead.
    Late in the movie, a man is in a bar singing “But that dirty little coward/ he shot Mr. Howard/ and lay poor Jessie in his grave. I thought to myself, “hmmm, that sounds like Nick Cave!” and promptly wrote it off. Was looking up who play Mr. Liddell on IMDB and low and behold, it was Nick Cave. Kinda wished he’d broken into “Red Right Hand” or something. Might have saved the movie.

  1346. Mr Cup Says:

    I think that’s a from a traditional song Alfey. I haven’t seen the film but I have a Pogues version the song.

    Kirsten, winning creates to much pressure within the playing group. They like the be relaxed and enjoy their 500k a year salaries, which you need in this town just to get by.

  1347. Paul Alferink Says:

    It is a traditional song. The Kingston Trio sang it in a concert my parents dragged me to when I was 5. And it was in the folk songbook they had. I mean Nick Cave was the guy walking around singing it in the bar in the movie.

  1348. Kirsten Says:

    I really like Worst Joke Ever aswell…..

  1349. ScottMalobisky Says:

    go Cubbies , against Cards , Bucs gotta gain some wildcard ground

  1350. Paul Alferink Says:

    Really, if I had to list my 10 least favorite REM Album tracks, It would be dominated by ATS with a could tracks from Up.

    Saturn Returns
    Worst Joke Ever
    High Speed Train
    Boy in the Well
    Make it All Okay
    Falls to Climb
    Walk Unafraid

    Really, Zither should be a B-side instrumental I kinda like instead of a album track I skip. Saturn Returns just doesn’t work for me. Largely that’s the lyrics and Stipe melody reiteration of the piano. Animal should just comes across half-baked, like a b-side they tried to polish to put on the Greatest Hits album. Most of the rest of it just seems lazy and lacks any sort of energy whatsoever.

  1351. ScottMalobisky Says:


  1352. ScottMalobisky Says:

    yeah, Paul and Lenny, kinda weird how the wildcard front-runner ,St. Louis, is so clearly in the lead with no one around them…….Usually when I’m following the Pirates hopelessly futile pipedream shot at the wildcard I have to pay attention to 3, 4, 5 teams going back and forth………

  1353. Paul Alferink Says:

    The Brew Crew is only one in back of StL. The three best records in the NL are all in the NL Central.

  1354. ScottMalobisky Says:

    fuck I didn’t see that , and now they’re tied , and it’s a double tall order……..I was only looking at the second place clubs………

  1355. lenny Says:

    Good point Paul — I’m worried about those Brewers, and now they’re getting CC Sabathia. Great Cards-Cubs series except for today… Last night was an awesome comeback, and the Cardinals should have got back into the game Friday night too. Bad strike calls by the homeplate ump hurt though. Troy Glaus was walking to 1st base with a BB twice, and was called back because the stupid ump actually called them strikes. Whatever. Oh well, the Cards still have a lot of games left with the Cubs, so hopefully it’s far from over.

  1356. Paul Alferink Says:

    That Brewers club is tough. Any club that adds Sabathia to Sheets, Fielder, Braun, Hart, Hardy, and Weeks is a tough ball club indeed.

    On top of it all, I was hoping the Cubs could have dealt for Sabathia. Really would have helped shore up the 5th spot and make the rotation more formidible for the post-season. I really wish the Cubs had beat up on the Brewers early and stayed smoking hot a little longer, if only to convince the Brew Crew to be sellers and not buyers this year.

  1357. jft Says:

    @Scott: hmn. yeah, just answering to a question that you asked months ago. just been reading a bit through this thread when I realized you were all still here.

    geographically, this country seems to be germany. ah yes, it actually is.

  1358. Kirsten Says:

    Paul!! Saturn Returns and Animal are 2 of my favourites (along with 300 others). How could you???
    Parakeet, Falls To Climb and High Speed Train are the only ones I’d agree with as not being their best work (not necessarily worst 10), but I am a little surprised about the others.

    The answers landed on my rooftop whoa.
    The future and the truth on my rooftop whoa.
    It’s calling me to work it out,
    It’s calling me to work it out – whoa.

  1359. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Notes From The Underground:

    wow , jft, how far back does that question go ?

    questions for you, jft : What part of Germany?

    I hear that it’s a tendency (distance is MY tendency) amongst the Germans to put much importance on “appearance”,; in other words , if a German had to decide between a full stomach and a sharp-assed shirt, he’d go for the this true ?

    strange observation today; from the front–except for skin color-Tony Dungy kinda resembles like Stipe (I stand defeated)…

  1360. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Hey, Cup. The Tentacle Volume #3 is cool. I’ll give it a more extensive look this week-end , when I have a free moment. 🙂

  1361. Kirsten Says:

    Saturn is orbiting nothing – it’s off on it’s own, it’s breaking from home.

  1362. ScottMalobisky Says:

    you go girl
    fucking cool

  1363. ScottMalobisky Says:

    you , you know where to run
    you run electron blue
    you, you know where to run
    you run electron blue

  1364. Mr Cup Says:

    Thanks Scott. You have good taste!

  1365. lenny Says:

    Electric Blue? Isn’t that a song by the 80’s band called Icehouse? Aren’t they Australian? I’m sure that either Kirsten or Mr. Cup knows… and I’m pretty sure that Paul probably drinks Icehouse. Oh wait, they drink that nasty Old Style up there.

  1366. Paul Alferink Says:

    I’m only two hours from you, Lenny. This is still Bud Country. I, however, drink whiskey.

  1367. lenny Says:

    Now you’re scaring me. A Cub fan just two hours from St. Louis? Impossible. Are you in Springfield? You probably live in Chicago and take the private jet to work in Springfield like your governor does on a weekly basis — when his A/C is working in Springfield.

    And by Bud Country, I’m sure you meant Inbev country.

  1368. lenny Says:

    Aren’t we forgetting why we were here in the first place…?

    Fly to carry each his burden
    We are young despite the years
    We are concern, we are hope despite the times
    All of a sudden these days
    Happy throngs take this joy wherever you go

    Man that is powerful — this is still my 2nd favorite REM song. But, this thread should have started on “I Believe”, which is due out any day now…

  1369. Paul Alferink Says:

    Yes, Springfield. Raised in Bloomington, though, which crosses to the Cub side of the Great Divide.

    I crossed your Great Divide. . .

    Don’t get me started on Blagovich. He’s the man that made me vote Republican. But it’s okay. In 2010, Attorney General Lisa Madigan will be governor. If Rod doesn’t get indicted first.

  1370. Paul Alferink Says:

    Mr. Blago, your conviction has us cheering in the kitchen. . .

  1371. Mr Cup Says:

    Yes lenny, Icehouse are indeed, ahem, from here. The song in question ‘Electric Blue’ is the main reason it took me so long to be able to listen to Electron Blue. My onboard mental DJ cannot separate them, so when I hear one, I hear the other. It sucks – soooooooo much!

    Aaaaggh, I can see the big hair, the highly trimmed sideburns, the big overcoats with the sleeves rolled up just so. Please, make it stop…I beg of you…

  1372. Kirsten Says:

    Hey Mr Cup, I love Icehouse and will stand here and defend them with pride! I love the paranoia of Can’t Help Myself, but my favourite would have to be Man Of Colours. What a beautiful song. And who in this country doesn’t feel some kind of pride whilst listening to Great Southern Land? It’s been a long time since I’ve listened to Icehouse – shall replace REM for Icehouse tonight. Icehouse are also the reason I married my husband. He’s the only person I’ve ever met who likes them as much as I do, so I thought I’d better grab him!

  1373. Mr Cup Says:

    Electric Blue is all turd.

    No Australia Day celebration would be complete without the prerequisite Great Southern Land, sure, but Iva Davies made an absolute dog’s breakfast of Bowie’s Heroes. Something he should have been incarcerated for. Spank him hard I say. Or lash with a wet boot lace!

  1374. Kirsten Says:

    I haven’t heard their version of Heroes – don’t think I’ll bother judging by your opinion. Plus I really love Heroes, so I’d set the standards a little higher. Someone did a version of it in the 90’s, but I wasn’t overly thrilled with that either. Can’t remember who it was now. I think Iva has an amzing voice. No Michael Stipe and very 80’s, but very good never the less.

  1375. Mr Cup Says:

    The original is uncoverable I think.

    I heard an interview where Iva said he’d chosen all these songs that were screaming ‘don’t cover me’. That’s intuition Iva. Listen to it.
    I think it was used heavily during the last Olympics. Yeck.

  1376. Kirsten Says:

    Cover me, don’t cover me….

    Now I’ve had some time to think about it, it may have been Third Eye Blind – Bob Dylan’s son’s band.
    Was Electric Blue also done by Tiffany (sorry that I remember who she is) in the late 80’s? Was never sure if it was her song originally or theirs.

  1377. Paul Alferink Says:

    Electric Blue was Debbie Gibson, I’m pretty sur she wrote that song.
    Trivia. A then unknown Debbie Gibson can be seen in the Tavern on the Green Scene in Ghostbusters. She’s at the B-day party with a pink ribbon in her hair.

    And Jakob Dylan’s band is the Wallflowers.

  1378. lenny Says:

    Debbie Gibson’s Electric Blue was a different song altogether from Icehouse’s, and it sucked. Bigtime. I much preferred the Icehouse song. However, I’m intrigued to see this scene from Ghostbusters.

    I’m not sure if I remember the Tavern on the Green scene — is it when Rick Moranis runs out of his apartment into the park and screams as the “Zool” monster gets him up against the glass of the restaurant? My favorite line of the movie is right before that — “I’m gonna bring this up at the next tenant’s meeting — there’s not supposed to be any pets in the building!”

  1379. Paul Alferink Says:

    That’s the scene.

    My favorite line:

    Janine: (To Tully) “Do you want some coffee”

    Tully: (To Egan) “Do I?”

    Egan: (To Tully) “Yes, have some”

    Tully: (To Janine) “Yes, have some”

  1380. Kirsten Says:

    Wow, I’ve got to stop talking when I clearly have no idea what I’m going on about. But, in my defence, it was 20-odd years ago, and I was only about 8. And it was a different song? I wonder why I even remember that it existed, or if I’d recognise it if I heard it again. And who the hell is Tiffany then? What did she sing?

    So who covered Heroes – Third Eye Blind or the Wallflowers?

    So many unanswered questions…..

  1381. lenny Says:

    Wallflowers covered Heroes. Jakob Dylan’s band.

    Tiffany covered 60’s bubblegum songs like “I think we’re alone now” and “I saw her standing there” (which she changed to “I saw him…”. Then she hung out in malls doing videos. Really awful. If she had an original song at all, I don’t want to know about it.

  1382. Paul Alferink Says:

    Debbie Gibson was way cooler than Tiffany. Played Eponine on Broadway. Youngest songwriter ever to have a number 1 hit. And in “Ghostbusters.” I think she also famously said she could knock out Tiffany.

  1383. lenny Says:

    Well, I’ll agree, Paul. I didn’t know she was in Ghostbusters until you mentioned it, so I guess she’s cooler than Tiffany. And prettier. And she was in Les Miz on Broadway? That’s surprising — where did you hear that? Never mind, I looked it up on Wikipedia…

    …and guess what else I found on her Wikipedia page? Uh, we were wrong all along. Her song was Electric Youth, not Electric Blue. No wonder some people couldn’t remember it. Whew — glad we sorted that one out.

  1384. Paul Alferink Says:

    I know she was in Les Mis because I went through a Musical phase in my youth. It’s like I know Sebastian Bach was in Jekell and Hyde and the Chick who was the Little Mermaid was in “Crazy for You” And the daughter on Kate and Ally was in Annie. And Sarah Polley (Who was in Dawn of the Dead, and wrote and Directed Julie Christie Nominated Preformance in “Away from Her Last year) was Cosette in Les Mis.

  1385. Kirsten Says:

    Wasn’t Tiffany in the Jetson’s Movie?
    (Really hope I’m right – my information of late has been a little shaky!!)

  1386. Mr Cup Says:

    DId you see REM on the teev last night Kirsten?

  1387. Kirsten Says:


  1388. Mr Cup Says:

    A Little Later 5.45pm

    performing live (in studio somewhere) The Lifting, Reno and One I Love. Maybe more, but that’s all I saw.

  1389. Kirsten Says:

    Damn ABC2!! They need to advertise more!
    Shall scan the ABC website to see if it will be replayed. Sounds like it might be old, judging by what they played.
    😦 (I’d make an angry face, but I’m not sure how, so I’ll just be sad)

  1390. Kirsten Says:

    Just checked and it was a repeat (not that that makes me feel any better as I didn’t see it the first time either). Doesn’t look like they’re replaying it either. Damn ABC2!

  1391. Mr Cup Says:

    It was good. Better than anything else on in the difficult 5.45 time slot, but not life changing.

  1392. Paul Alferink Says:

    I seem to remember Tiffany in the Jetson’s movie also.

    Looked it up on IMDB, there she is, as the voice of Judy. . .

  1393. lenny Says:

    Where would we be, without IMDB?
    Things get icky, unless there’s a Wiki.
    Where would we get without the Internet?
    Life was a bore before good old Al Gore.

  1394. Paul Alferink Says:

    I also found out that both Tiffany and Debbie Gibson posed for Playboy in what I would assume is a desperate attend to revitalized their career. Tiffany looks a little hotter in her spread, however.

  1395. Kirsten Says:

    Glad to see you spent your time wisely Paul.
    As I recall, Debbie was blonde and Tiffany a red head? Can’t remember which one was better looking – it was a while ago.

    Mr Cup – everything to do with REM is life changing. Anyway, now I know it exists I can start hunting down a copy.

  1396. ScottMalobisky Says:

    we are 7.142% of the way to 10,000

  1397. ScottMalobisky Says:

    no wait , that’s not right……7.142X1400=10,000 almost precisely……therefore, I’m making this way too hard……1400 is .14 of the way to 10,000 cockle doodle doodly doodly doo, Mr. Snerdly. whatever.

  1398. ScottMalobisky Says:

    that’s the new socialist math, soon to be enacted with the mandatoruy Spanish

  1399. ScottMalobisky Says:

    mandatory , I can’t even speak English yet , and now they’re foisting another language on me

  1400. Kirsten Says:

    Why don’t we just say there’s 8,600 to go before we get to 10,000. No wait, that should be 8,595 now. We should count down to one hundred million, just like Michael at the start of the video for Talk About The Passion. That should keep us all occupied for quite some time. 🙂

  1401. Paul Alferink Says:

    Not everyone can carry the wait of this thread.

    Debbie Gibson was hotter. Tiffany just looks better naked.

    Christ, we are talking about Brittney in one thread and Tiffany and Debbie Gibson in another.

  1402. Kirsten Says:

    Paul, how many times do you have to be told not to use the “B” word!

    Don’t worry – I’ll undo the damage:
    Mike, Michael, Peter, Bill
    Mike, Michael, Peter, Bill
    Mike, Michael, Peter, Bill
    Mike, Michael, Peter, Bill
    Mike, Michael, Peter, Bill

    Whew, that should’ve brought the intellegence level up a little!

  1403. Kirsten Says:

    When are REM going to do a naked spread in Playboy?? I’d buy that!

    {Sorry, just brought it down again.}

  1404. Mr Cup Says:

    All of a sudden
    These Days
    Have ended up in the gutter


    (but it’s looking up at the stars)

  1405. Kirsten Says:

    The stars are the greatest thing you’ve ever seen. And they’re there for you, for you alone.
    You are the everything.

  1406. Mr Cup Says:

    No, you are.

  1407. lenny Says:

    No, I am. I am also Superman, and I know what’s happening. Also…

    I Believe, I Don’t Sleep I Dream, I Remember California, I Took Your Name, I Choose, I Am I Said, I Think I’m Paranoid, I Will Survive, I Alone, I Am A Rock, I Feel You, I Come From the Water, I Fall to Pieces, I Melt with You, and I Touch Myself.

    (bonus points to whoever can name the artist of every one of those “I” songs)

  1408. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I AM I : Queensryche

  1409. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I am not the eggman
    I am not the walrus
    I am the walleye bass

  1410. ScottMalobisky Says:

    HEY PAUL !!!!!!! Redwings playing at Wrigley Field in January 1 Ice Bowl !!!! How’s about them bananas ??? That’s gotta be like a dream come true for you, Dog..Kinda like if the Steelers were in the Super Bowl and it was being played in Athens, Georgia……….

  1411. Paul Alferink Says:

    REM, REM, REM, REM, ?, Neil Diamond, Garbage, Gloria Gaynor, Live, Simon and Garfunkel, Depeche Mode, ?, ?, Modern English, Devinyls.

  1412. Kirsten Says:

    I am Michael Stipe. Or at least I will be when the surgery is complete….

  1413. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Kirsten, you are tantalizing my overgrown humunculous tragically.

  1414. Paul Alferink Says:

    As I side note, if there’s ever a lull in conversation, try breaking into “I am, I said” loudly, using your best Niel Diamond voice.

  1415. Mr Cup Says:

    God, I wish they’d cover ” I touch myself”.

  1416. lenny Says:

    Pretty good Paul — you only missed 3. Offspring, the Toadies, and Patsy Cline.

    So, how about that hockey game Paul? I wonder if Cubs season ticket holders will have priority for buying tickets? If that’s the case, then I have connections, and I’d love to go to that game.

  1417. lenny Says:

    L.A.’s fine, but it ain’t home,
    New York’s home, but it ain’t mine no more.

  1418. Paul Alferink Says:

    I wrote this song after I killed a drifter to get an erection. I’m Neil Diamond!

    Surpised. I own a lot of Offspring, put I didn’t recognize that title.

    I have never been to a hockey game, and I never really watch Hockey until the Wings are in the Conference Championship. And sitting out in Chicago in January for my first one doesn’t really seem like my cup of tea. Might watch it on TV. Baseball and Football are my true love.

    As a side note,

    Baseball is the best radio sport. I’m told Hockey way better in person. Football is the best T.V. Sport.

    I had season ticket to the Bears when they played in Champaign that one year. It was nice to do once, but I think I’d rather watch football on T.V. Especially now with HD TV.

  1419. Paul Alferink Says:

    And no ONE heard AT all NOT even the CHAIR!

  1420. lenny Says:

    I’m going to ignore the Neil Diamond comment, as I have no idea what you’re talking about.

    Offspring (I choose):
    This is life
    What a fucked up thing we do
    What a nightmare come true
    or a playground if we choose
    and I choose.
    (This song always gets me banging my head. From the bridge to the end just ROCKS!)

    I went to a Bears game in Champagne in December 2002, and that was cold enough for me. Chicago on Jan-1? Forget it.

    Good call on the radio/TV/in person thing. When I was a kid, the home Cardinal games were not on TV, so we listened to baseball on the radio all the time. The pace of the game allows the announcer to describe everything in detail, but still have a little downtime. Hockey on the radio is just ridiculous… almost impossible to listen to. Football can be cool in person, but the games in St. Louis are just dead and boring these days. Watching at home, I always end up changing the channel for half of the game.

  1421. Paul Alferink Says:

    Will Farrell did a Neil Diamond storytellers sketch on SNL. That’s the line my friends always quote.

  1422. Mr Cup Says:

    >>I wrote this song after I killed a drifter to get an erection. I’m Neil Diamond!

    Sorry – I can’t gloss over this one. What’s the story here Alfy?

  1423. Paul Alferink Says:

    Will Farrell did a Neil Diamond storytellers sketch on SNL. That’s the line my friends always quote.

  1424. lenny Says:

    Good one Paul. Mr Cup must not have caught the first explanation. I tried to find that W.F./N.D. video clip, but access to the site was blocked on my work computer. I’ll try it at home tonight.

    Go Cards — just 4 games back now! Big series next week against the Brew Crew.

  1425. Bruno Says:

    OMG! ok I guess I rate as a seldom seen visitor around these parts but what the hell is going on here? 1450 posts? This cat be loooong out of control. Is it the portal?

  1426. Kirsten Says:

    Tell me I’m a tourist in the 4th demention.

  1427. Mr Cup Says:

    Nope, you just have dementia.

    (Stoopid Kirsten don’t like the banjo)

  1428. Kirsten Says:

    I thought of a few good insults to throw back at you, but REM would be caught in the crossfire. Therefore, whilst I stand by my banjo comments, I gracefully retreat.

  1429. Mr Cup Says:


  1430. Kirsten Says:

    I believe my humour’s wearing thin…..

  1431. lenny Says:

    I commented on the banjo on the “I Believe” page, and I think it’s so brief and fun, there’s really no harm in it. Kirsten — you said you love the song, but just not the banjo. But you also said that the banjo is the reason that you don’t listen to it as much as you could. How could you skip the greatest REM song of all time, just because of a silly 13-second intro? Shame on you! Why don’t you just cut that portion out of your digital version of the song and keep it in your ipod, making sure to play it early and often, every day. (I can do this for you, if you lack the capability…and I can e-mail it to you.)

    It’s too HOT outside this week to hang out by the swings, even with all the lemonade in the world. I’m incredibly jealous of your current wintry status.

  1432. Paul Alferink Says:

    Lenny, if you cut the banjo part out of the song and give it to Kristen, so help me God I’m coming down there, we are finding a swingset, and you and I are going to have it out. The glory that is that intro might dawn on her someday, like a revelation from above. That is, if you don’t cut it out entirely.

  1433. lenny Says:

    She’ll still have the old version, Paul. She has like 4 copies of each album. I would only do that for Kirsten because she’s a dedicated follower of These Days. And at least she loves the rest of the song. Personally I like the banjo, but just for the fun of it; not to the point that I’d need to defend it down by the swings.

    [I just gave her crap because she skips the whole song sometimes. At least if she had the cut version, she would listen to the rest of the song more often. Personally, I wouldn’t like the song any less without the banjo intro — because it’s just that good. If the song had a flaw at all, it’s the “outro”.]

    That just gave me a good idea — I’m going to go adjust my copy of Reckoning to cut out the goofy intro to Rockville, because that’s the one I hate! At least in that case, the intro is actually part of the previous track, which I’m not always in the mood to listen to anyway. It can be skipped much more easily, thank God! The “Awwl-roight” comment is the one that sounds like it’s straight out of Deliverance!

    Go Cards — just 2 games out! And now they’re about to extend their wild card lead against the Brewers.

  1434. Paul Alferink Says:

    Down to three:

    Life and How to Live it.
    End of the World.

  1435. Bruno Says:

    OK, what the hell is up with this ‘I’m cutting out the intro’ stuff?

    Kirsten, I’m going to send you a little ‘digital’ mix I made. It’s got the banjo from ‘These Days’ looped 38 times followed by the intro to Rockville looped at least 150 times for lenny to listen to when you both get together for the ‘Intro party’!

  1436. Paul Alferink Says:

    You got it! Huh! Alright!

  1437. Bruno Says:

    Paul says…

    Down to three:

    Life and How to Live it.
    End of the World.

    Wow, I haven’t been paying attention. Is that it? Just three left? I have much to say (nonsense, like usual) but I’m keeping quiet for the good of the cause.

    Gonna write a book.

  1438. Kirsten Says:

    I love “in the mood”. And although the banjo makes me cringe (and 38 times might just drive me insaine), it’s more that I hate other people hearing it. It’s the embarrassment factor of knowing everyone in the room can hear it – it’s a bit shameful.

    Do you think Matthew is planning to end on Bill Berry’s 50th birthday next week? It’s the end of the world indeed.

  1439. Mr Cup Says:

    Bruno, I will send you my failed experiment of taking all the “yeahs” from all the songs. It will make a great vocal overlay for your inspired remix. Though, to make it really, really gastly, you could include the KRS One intro.

  1440. Bruno Says:

    I’m going to fix the headphones on your noggins and ready, here we go! Im A Man You Dont Meet Every Day!

  1441. Mr Cup Says:

    We’ll stay easy and free, when we’re drinkun’ with thee…

  1442. Bruno Says:

    I’m sorry, something about that ‘everyone in the room can hear it’ thing bothers me. Celebrate that damn banjo I say. Have fun with it. Giggle. LRP was a long time ago. If you can hear the magic there I say go with it.

  1443. Kirsten Says:

    I kinda feel the same way about Radio Song. I love it, I just don’t need everyone else to hear it. It’s better live, without KRS One, and with Michael doing the rap.

    I was listening to Lightnin’ Hopkins last night. Bill’s talent shines through on that one. What a legend. (And I’m not just saying that to redeem myself!)

  1444. Mr Cup Says:

    I quite like REM.

  1445. Bruno Says:

    What’s an REM?

    Oh, by the way, I’ve been listening to Dueling Banjos non-stop since me ‘n Uncle Jethro got back from the farm!

  1446. Paul Alferink Says:

    Squell like a pig, boy! Squell like a pig! You sure got a pretty mouth!

  1447. Bruno Says:



  1448. lenny Says:

    Dueling banjos and pig squealing can go to hell.
    — so can the intro to (don’t Go back To) ROCKVILLE.
    I detest it.

    But the banjo makes sense for Wendell Gee.

  1449. Bruno Says:

    Dueling banjos and pigs squealing just may be what hell has in store after all, lenny. A lot of mud, 24 hour banjo music and a whole bunch of pigs!

    Wow. ‘Detest’ the ROCKVILLE intro? Ouch. So you don’t like it much then, huh?

    Oh well, at least we can agree that the song itself is pretty damn good.

  1450. Mr Cup Says:

    I was coming home tonight and Rockville came on (shuffle mode). I started laughing and turned it up. Intro never sounded so good.

    In the mood!

  1451. Bruno Says:

    If only they’d added a bit of banjo to it, Mr Cup (sigh). I mean, you could spice up their whole catalog by throwing in some of that in all the choruses.

  1452. lenny Says:

    Well, maybe that word is a little too strong. The part that I really detest most is the “Auwwl-roight”. (I don’t know if that’s the best way to spell it or not.)

    The guitar and the beat are OK. “In the mood” I can tolerate. Like I said originally, if I skip Camera when I’m listening to Reckoning, then it’s not an issue. It’s like it’s not even there. Or if I’m just listening to all my REM songs randomly, then it never sneaks in there, because if I listen to Camera, I’ll skip to the next song before the intro to rockville comes up.

    [I just realized something — Mr Cup said that his Rockville intro came up on shuffle mode — how did that happen? My intro is on the end of Camera. Anyone else have input on this? I’m baffled. Maybe they a re-release changed the situation or something.]

    By comparison: I have never skipped “I Believe” in my life. It is the most frequently played song in my Winamp library — just reached 100 plays, and that’s just since the last time I updated Winamp. (And that’s just my work computer — doesn’t count ipod or home computer or the actual CD, but who listens to those anymore? We just moved, so I don’t even know where it is — in a box buried somewhere.)

  1453. lenny Says:

    I’m sure Kirsten is just cringing at the last sentence I wrote — Paul probably is, too. You heard right; I do not know the location of my favorite REM CD. But it resides in about 4 other locations digitally, so it’s OK. (phone, ipod, 2 computers)

  1454. Bruno Says:

    Lenny said: I just realized something — Mr Cup said that his Rockville intro came up on shuffle mode — how did that happen? My intro is on the end of Camera.

    The intro, as far as I’ve always known, is just that – an intro bit that they threw in there before Rockville (as opposed to being tagged on to the end of Camera I mean).

    In fact, that may be why you hate it so much. If you are hearing it as an out bit to Camera then it is completely incongruous with the song that precedes it.

    As an intro to Rockville it works in a messy kind of way to start a kind of ‘one-off’ song in that Rockville is really the only time that they do a real (tongue in cheek) take on a country song.

  1455. lenny Says:

    Bruno: I understand how it works as an intro to Rockville. It’s not my favorite thing, but I can live with it. I’m talking about the fact that the intro is technically on the end of the “Camera” track. So it wouldn’t come up before Rockville if you were listening in shuffle mode (unless you were extremely lucky and it played both songs back to back). If it were actually physically on the Rockville track, it would make more sense. Does that make sense?

    I was asking if anyone (like Mr Cup, when he wakes up) hears the intro when they are listening in shuffle mode, meaning that it is physically part of the Rockville track, not camera.

  1456. Bruno Says:

    I knew what you meant and to clarify, yes, it is, as far as I know, part of Rockville. Without getting to particular (too late), in terms of the recorded tracks, Camera ends, then silence follows, then the intro bit begins, then, part of the same song, Rockville follows. It is definitely tagged onto the start of Rockville.

    I’ve just listened to them now and was surprised to find that in my mp3 versions Rockville starts out without the ‘In the mood’ bit. Never realized.

    But if you go back to the original recording then you will find – Camera, silence, “In the Mood”, “Looking at your watch…”

    -Signed, an Official geek of the month card holder (did someone say banjo?)

  1457. Paul Alferink Says:

    I assume they did it that way so that a College Radio DJ could play the Rockville Song proper without the intro, which, while fun, doesn’t make for great radio. Just like you can skip the first minute or so of “Leave” on CD if you press the right button. It cuts the intro down to a much more radio friendly level.

  1458. lenny Says:

    Then I wonder why they didn’t do the same with the banjo intro on I Believe. Is it because it isn’t/wasn’t played on the radio often? That is just a shame.

    I’m still surprised that there are mp3 versions of Rockville that start out with the “in the mood” bit as a part of the song. It might be from another album or re-release or something. I originally had Reckoning on cassette, and I only recently bought the CD. Maybe that makes it different from one that was purchased 10 years ago?

    EVERYBODY: (Cup, Kirsten, Bisky) check to see if your digital version of rockville has the intro on it, or if the intro is actually on the end of the ‘camera’ track. Also let me know where your version of Reckoning came from (I’m aware that the Eponymous version lacks the intro entirely.)

  1459. Paul Alferink Says:

    The intro is on the back of Camera.

    The banjo intro is actually music, unlike the long moments of silence in front of Rockville. It also takes less than 25 seconds. It is an actual part of the song, whereas the Rockville bit is just them goofing around pretending to be country musicians.

  1460. Kirsten Says:

    I’ve always taken it to be a part of Camera, because that is how it was on the CD. I thought it was there to “lighten the mood” after such a solemn song. I couldn’t imagine Camera without it. It also isn’t on the Best Of CDs either.
    “In the mood” is a fun little snippet of something, whereas the banjo is serious. That’s the main difference.
    Whoever speaks to a member of the band next has to ask them if it is the end of Camera or the start of Rockville – if they know.

    Also – does anyone know the name of the song at the start and end of “Left of Reckoning” (which is what I usually call the song) or where I can (if I can) find a copy of it? Do you know which one I mean?

  1461. Mr Cup Says:

    Nothing but the big issues here!

    I may have THE most rarest pressing of Reckoning. ‘In the mood’ is indeed track 9 (ie. the start of Rockville). My CD is from and era before the IRS re-issue bonus track version swamped the shelves.

    I can’t wait for a record fair so I can swan on up to the guy and go “Is this version with the “In the mood” outro to Camera or the “owlri-high-ht” intro to Rockville? I’m after the “In the mood” outro from Camera as I have the other one. On CD.

    Man – that would be awesome.

  1462. Bruno Says:

    OK, collectively we have to get to the bottom of this. Or is that the top of this? Intro, Outro. Come on! Which came first, the chicken or the banjo?

  1463. lenny Says:

    Wow. All of this intro/outro discussion because of a little 13-second banjo introduction. Amazing. I guess they should call it the ‘banjo effect’ from now on, instead of butterfly effect.

  1464. Kirsten Says:

    I like to think the band had the same argument about the banjo before they put it on the record. I mean at least 1 of them must have questioned Peter on it. Or maybe they just thought it was funny. They should’ve put the banjo at the start of Rockville and In The Mood at the start of I Believe. Then no-one would’ve noticed.

  1465. Mr Cup Says:

    The only argument would have been removing banjo from the other 11 tracks. Would not like to have been around then!

    I just had another thought.

    Maybe my version of Reckoning is like the special candy wrapper like ‘Willy and the Wonka’ factory.

    Maybe the prize was a special tour of HQ in Athens. That no one works in. Anymore. Drn’d it.

  1466. Kirsten Says:

    The REM Gods have shined upon you Mr Cup. Never let that CD out of your sight!

  1467. Paul Alferink Says:

    Banjo Note: Buck trades his guitar in for a banjo on “Furry Happy Monsters”

    Played “Furry” for my kid today he danced around and yelled “Elmo! Elmo!” And no, Elmo isn’t in the clip. He’s two, what do you want from the guy.

  1468. lenny Says:

    Paul, you just reminded me of something I told myself I was going to do a long time ago… play Furry Happy Monsters for my daughter. She’ll probably say the same thing, or she might say “Where’s Elmo?” She turns 2 in September. I’ll find it on YouTube, because I know I’ve seen it there before.

    Ahh yes, here it is:

    Play it for the children of the world everywhere! Gotta love the muppet Kate Pierson.

  1469. lenny Says:

    Kirsten — doesn’t it bother you that Mr Cup has a version of an REM album that you don’t have? I thought you were the queen of REM collectibles. If I were you, I’d catch the next westbound train and apprehend it! Mr Cup might have the only copy in the world like that!

  1470. Kirsten Says:

    Good point Lenny. Watch your back Mr Cup – I could be anywhere!
    I’ve just obtained a “non-release” version of In Time. It’s in a box and instead of 1 CD, it has a single CD for each song on the album. Each CD has the ‘moon’ picture from the ‘In Time’ CD and an individual cardboard cover similar to the original single release. It came with a letter from Warner Bros thanking the radio station (or whatever they were) for their support of REM. Good Score.

  1471. Kirsten Says:

    It’s a beautiful morning here. It was -1.7degC when I got up this morning. Everything was covered in ice, so I went outside (I love the way the grass crunches under your feet) and watched the sun rise over the mountains. Even though I hate the cold, I love mornings like these.

  1472. Mr Cup Says:

    Oh to have mountains.

    I’ve been watching The Tour for glimpses of those sensational French Alps. I wish we had mountains here, but we have the opposite – mountain size holes where the minerals were.

  1473. Mr Cup Says:

    Oh this is too funny – just heard from some friends after a few years. They have just had their 4th child. Called him Banjo!

    Kid is a legend already.

  1474. Kirsten Says:

    🙂 Ha! You’re kidding! Just don’t let Peter Buck near him!

    If you go stand in those holes and look up, you will have mountains. It’s all perspective. We have some nice views of the mountains from the back of our back house and the sun rises up over them. It’s really beautiful.

  1475. Figgy Says:

    I live in a town at the bottom of a snow-capped dormant volcano – beautiful.

    Mr Cup, one day on and I’m still chuckling at your record fair idea. You should do that if you get the chance! (Though it might be disappointing if the guy turns around and says “yep, got one here” as if it’s something he hears every week).

  1476. Kirsten Says:

    Let’s hope it stays dormant…..

  1477. Figgy Says:

    Yep, Kirsten, fingers crossed! Mt Taranaki hasn’t erupted since the mid-18th Century but some experts believe another eruption is overdue. If the thing does blow, they reckon the whole of NZ’s North Island will be covered in ash.

    I’ve already got a contingency plan: get NZ Citizenship then flee to Australia (well, it’s the thing to do if you’re a New Zealand citizen!).

  1478. Mr Cup Says:

    It’s got me puzzled as to why anyone would leave NZ for OZ.

    I’m planning another trip for next year. It’s heaven on a stick.

  1479. Mr Cup Says:

    Unless you were fleeing an erupting volcano of course!

  1480. Figgy Says:

    You’re right, Mr Cup. NZ’s a great place to live. I always thought I’d like to live in Oz again, but that was before I moved to NZ. The province of Taranaki is such a great place. The people, the scenery, the climate… all wonderful. I feel lucky to have found the place.

  1481. Kirsten Says:

    I’ll send you over the dole forms – you’d might as well be prepared. If you bring your own pregnant teenager, there’s a “baby bonus” in it for you too.

  1482. Paul Alferink Says:

    Lenny, what’s with your Cardinal’s? Couldn’t you at least have the decency to split the series?

  1483. ScottMalobisky Says:

    we have many things in common
    they increase

  1484. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Buccos might just feast on the hapless Friars this week-end, Pirates so daggone exasperating……went from 7 GB in wildcard to 12 in the space of 5 days after the break….ridiculous….I still think they have a chance of a .500 season for the firts time in , like , 15 years though……I’m ready for some football ……and another Nightswimming write-up on the wistful yearnings of September..{August And Everything After}

  1485. ScottMalobisky Says:

    She says she’s close to understanding Jesus…..
    And no one notices the contrast of white on white…
    She says it’s only in my head…..

  1486. Figgy Says:

    Ta v much, Kirsten. Dole forms would be welcome, but I don’t think I’m likely to qualify for the “baby bonus”. I haven’t slept with a teenager since I was a teenager myself and, as the years slip by, the chances of me ever repeating that feat decrease further and further!

  1487. Figgy Says:

    Mr Cup, having once lived in Perth myself I am familiar with your lack of mountains. You’ve just reminded me of the time a former Perth work colleague of mine paid me a visit when I was living in Dublin a few years back. I think it was the guy’s first time outside WA. He had spent a little time with his girlfriend’s family in Wales (the original old south Wales, not the New one) before he visited me.

    Anyway, one evening he offered to play the camcorder footage from his trip so far. I kid you not, there must have been a continuous five-minute shot of the entrance to a railway tunnel shot somewhere in Britain on some dull overcast day, with him panning around then zooming in and out. I reacted with “What the… ?” to which he replied: “We don’t have any of this in Perth: mountains, railway tunnels, low clouds…”. Funny what turns out to be exotic to different people.

    I’m still getting used to the idea of a letter box that isn’t embedded in the front door. Fascinating.

  1488. Mr Cup Says:

    Yeah it is amusing what people take delight in. Whenever I see Chinese tourists taking photos I shudder to think how horrid their slide nights must be.

    I read this nice quote once too about people who travel overseas and are completely fascinated by the same sort of people they ignore at home.

    The thing that caught my eye in NZ was the manicured hedges around all the farms. 12 ft high and 6 ft wide and beautifully trimmed. How regal.

    Perth is mounting a challenge to be one of the glamour cities of the world. We have a Tiffany’s store AND a railway tunnel now.

  1489. Kirsten Says:

    And don’t forget, you also have Mr Cup! 🙂

  1490. Figgy Says:

    I’ve got some holiday photos of an “attraction” called Dog Rock in Albany, WA. Yes, people will photograph anything when they’re a tourist!

    I really like Perth and never tire of visiting the place BUT if it wants to be a glamour capital it’s gotta get rid of London Court! That’s just too tacky.

  1491. Mr Cup Says:

    That’s OK – it’s only tourists that go there anyway Figgy.

    Everything is now LUXURY.

    For some reason, what was ZEN style 4 years ago is now called LUXURY. Everything. Every single fucking thing. There is even a burger joint that has $20 burgers. $10 for a side of fries. Everything now costs twice what it did a few years ago so they can call it…LUXURY.

  1492. Figgy Says:

    Oh dear, looks like I’ll have to save lots and lots of NZ Dollars to afford another visit to Perth. Luxury, eh? Sounds like someone’s laughing their way to the bank.

  1493. lenny Says:

    I’m jealous of all of you — I wish I had mountains or volcanoes to look up at or mining pits to look into here. The middle of America is just plain boring, isn’t it, Paul? (All we got is a few sorry baseball teams in the Central Division)

    Well, I have a friend who seeks out the most odd places in America when she travels. She’s seen the world’s largest of each of the following: ball of twine, prairie dog, and ketchup bottle, the last of which happens to be in the high school hometown of one Michael Stipe.

    If I went to Australia, I’d probably go to Dog Rock before I visited Ayers Rock. My co-worker was there back in February and I fail to see the point. It’s a big rock in the middle of nowhere. Big deal.

  1494. Paul Alferink Says:

    Illinois, especaially Central, is all cornfields and Soybeans. They rotate so that two years corn, 1 year soybeans (Or 3 corn, I forget) Every once in a while, when you get to a river, you get a hill river valley and Trees, so around the Sangamon river, you get some other then the mild gentile, almost rhythmic, rolling prairie of corn corn Soybeans corn. I visited Wisconsin, and was excited to find Hills. I haven’t seen mountains since I was in California in 2005. Before that, it was Colorado in 1995.

  1495. lenny Says:

    This is where we walked and swam,
    hunted danced and sang,
    take a picture here,
    take a souvenir.

    I just wanted to be # 1500!!!!

  1496. Paul Alferink Says:

    Beautiful. 1500. I was worried for a while we wouldn’t get here before the end of this blog.

  1497. Figgy Says:

    Ah, lenny! To phrase in REM-speak the advice I gave myself that day: “Don’t Go Back to Dog Rockville”. Please take heed!

    I’m certainly going to visit Ayer’s Rock next time I’m across the pond, as part of a mammoth drive around Oz that I’ve been dreaming about for years (even after seeing “Wolf Creek”). Dog Rock hasn’t put me off Ayer’s Rock. In fact, as you’ll see from the link below, Dog Rock isn’t really in the same league.

    Just so you know what you’re missing:

  1498. ScottMalobisky Says:

    The Earth is a big rock in the middle of nowhere.

  1499. ScottMalobisky Says:

    soybeans, so much clearer
    soybeans, so much clearer
    want you, rear view mirror

  1500. Mr Cup Says:

    Climbing Dog Rock is a lot easier than Ayers rock. But if you think of Ayers Rock as a meteorite it takes on all sorts of celestial connotations. The main attraction, as far as I can tell, is the transformation in colour throughout the day. And you get to run all over an object sacred to the Aborigines. You can’t do that in the Vatican now can you?

    Lenny, your friend would love Queensland. They have giant everything.
    Pineapples, bananas, wheelbarrows. All done in the best possible taste.

  1501. Kirsten Says:

    Isn’t there a giant Poo in some country town in NSW? Can’t remember the name of it.
    For the record, Ayers Rock has been called Uluru for years now.

  1502. Mr Cup Says:

    na na na na na na na dead heart…..

  1503. Mr Cup Says:

    9 months of these days.

    Time flies.

  1504. Kirsten Says:

    I’m not sure which is more sad – the fact that we’ve been doing this for 9 months, or the fact that I’m really going to miss it when it’s gone.

  1505. Mr Cup Says:

    Is there a song about Separation Anxiety?

  1506. Mr Cup Says:

    other than Detachable Penis

  1507. lenny Says:

    Gone, Kirsten? It’ll never be gone! If Matthew shuts down the website, or closes it to comments, then we have to have a contingency plan in place. Who has a discussion board or blog site where we can all continue this senseless banter? MP is almost done reviewing, so we do need to get a backup plan in place. My life won’t go on without it! (and that, Kirsten, is the saddest fact of them all)

  1508. Paul Alferink Says:

    Yeah, much fun as you guys are, I can’t imagine being around much once the posting stops. I probably come back every once in a while to see if MP talks about Accerate yet, and rest assured, if he does (and I notice) I’ll be back here to push this thing to 2000.

  1509. Kirsten Says:

    I just had an image of Mr Cup kicking his shoes into the dirt like a schoolboy at the deserted swings whispering the words to “detachable penis” to himself.

  1510. Mr Cup Says:

    hrmphf! Stoopid detachable penis…it’s nothin’ but trouble. Shoulda sold it to Jimmy for a dollar.

    Jee wiz.

  1511. Kirsten Says:

    I’m also going to miss laughing out aloud at work and looking like an idiot! (but I no longer care).

  1512. Mr Cup Says:

    What am I supposed to do when I’m rendering?

    This simple prop to occupy my time.

  1513. Mr Cup Says:

    Hey Ignis – if you are still there, have you seen a Suzuki car called “Ignis’.

    Saw one the other day. It looked just like you 🙂

  1514. Kirsten Says:

    Oh my God – you’re right! I’ve just realised, I’m gonna have to do some work! Well, they do say a change is as good as a holiday…

    May I be the first to say a big Happy 50th Birthday to Bill (It’s Thursday here already). What a fucking legend! His drumming on Lightnin Hopkins reminds me of Animal from the Muppets. And listening to Turn You Inside-Out this morning I noticed the drumming in that song is what really keeps it going and probably has a lot to do with why it’s my favourite (along with Pilgrimage which I also love the drumming in). I hope the others will call him from where ever in the world they are at the moment to say hi. I’d call him, but the police said that I wasn’t to do that anymore.
    Every time I buy hay for my rabbit I think of Bill sitting on his tractor. I’d import it from his farm, if I knew where to get it. Making Bill rich is a priority in my life.

  1515. lenny Says:

    Yee-haa, Bill!! That’s how they wish someone a happy birthday down on the farm. Kirsten, the songs you mentioned for Bill’s drumming are OK, but I’ve got tip my cap to him for THESE DAYS. I listened to Pageant yesterday and boy-howdy, does this song ever get my feet tapping and my head bopping along!

    You know, ever since this post started, I’ve given it more thought, and I think These Days might even be a better song than I Believe, which was ALWAYS my favorite REM song. It’s too close to call, so I think I’ll say it just depends on my mood. Sometimes, I want to hear Bill pounding the drums and I want to scream these perfectly powerful lyrics along with Michael: “Fly to carry each his burden, we are young despite the years, we are concern, we are hope despite the times…” Perfection.

  1516. Figgy Says:

    Sorry to hark back to a “topic” (if that’s even an accurate word to describe the more recent entries on this blog) but I want to add something to the “In the mood owlri-high-ht” intro to Rockville v outro to Camera discussion.

    Today I’ve got a caseful of CDs with me with the intention of ripping them to the hard drive of my work PC. Seeing as the case includes all the REM albums from ‘Chronic Town’ to ‘Reveal’, I realised that this would be an opportunity to see which track contains “In the mood owlri-high-ht”.

    The result: on my CD it’s on the ‘Rockville’ track. Does this make it a collector’s item?

    Along similar lines, Kirsten mentioned a song that plays at the start and end of ‘Left of Reckoning’ – I know the one you’re talking about, Kirsten, but have no idea of what it might be called. It actually sounds like a snippet of a band recording played backwards. Anyway… when I originally bought ‘Reckoning’ on cassette in 1989, that piece of music was placed somewhere on side two, either before ‘Little America’ or right at the very end of the album. However, I’ve now just discovered that it’s not on my CD at all. Not that it was worth listening to, just thought I’d mention it.

    So for avid collectors like Kirsten, this might mean there are many many versions of ‘Reckoning’ out there…

    Not only do you have to get back to work, you might have to put in some overtime to buy them all!

  1517. Kirsten Says:

    We are young, dispite the years. Bill may be feeling the need to repeat that to himself a few times just to convince himself now that he’s 50!

    I might make the effort to get out my Reckoning LP over the weekend and see if it has Left of Reckoning on there. Obviously all of the CDs were made later, so my LP may be an original release from 84. I also thought it sounded like it was being played backwards – that was kinda why I liked it. However, I can sort of make out the words something along the lines of “Push, push, push it away”. But as we’ve all discovered through this site, what we think we hear and what is said can be very different things!
    Figgy, did you buy that CD while you were in Perth? That would explain why you and Mr Cup are the only two with a copy like that. They also may have changed it from the first CD release and the re-release with the bonus tracks.

  1518. Figgy Says:

    I bought the CD in Dublin, possibly in the late 90s (can’t remember exactly), so the theory that Perth was chosen as the only place on earth to get the “In the mood owlri-high-ht” Rockville version of the album can be put to rest!

    My ‘Reckoning’ CD is definitely not one of those “IRS Years Vintage” re-releases – I’ve got those for my ‘Fables’, ‘LPR’ and ‘Document’ CDs, complete with bonus tracks, but my ‘Reckoning’ is very plain.

  1519. Kirsten Says:

    That might be the difference.
    I don’t think I could handle it being at the start of Rockville. My whole world would be turned upside down!

  1520. lenny Says:

    I knew this was an interesting “topic”… now I have to get out my cassette version of Reckoning and take a listen for some backwards snippets or something. The fun never ends around here!

    I didn’t get a “vintage” re-release of Reckoning on CD, but I did just buy my CD version within the last year. I guess I realized that I didn’t listen to cassettes much any more. Plus, the CD was just $8 on Amazon! I got the Fables CD at the same time.

  1521. Kirsten Says:

    Over the weekend I dragged out the record player from the back of the cupboard and connected it all up just to find that it wasn’t in the working condition that I had hoped. So I’ve put it in to be repaired and was told it’d be ready on Thursday. So I’ll have to wait until then to check the LP for Left of Reckoning.

    Also, an extra show in Mexico City?? What about US!! They get 2 shows, and we get nothing.

  1522. Mr Cup Says:

    Kirsten, when I was back in retail land I encountered some German tourists who bought all the Frank Zappa cd’s we had simply because the catalogue number was different to the German version. His stuff had just been re-released and we had about 25 of them. It seemed that their holiday involved spending thousands on being Zappa completists. Are you that sort of person?

  1523. Kirsten Says:

    Yes. Yes I am. I have a problem. I have 2 or 3 different versions of each album. I even have different versions of some singles. (For example I have 2 different versions of Everybody Hurts on CD and the same 2 different versions on LP.) Not to mention my hundreds of bootleg CDs. But I am yet to chase down a copy of the Melbourne show in ’05 that I went to, though.
    Still, if I didn’t I’d only be rich and what would I do with all my hard-earned cash?

  1524. Paul Alferink Says:

    I had muliple versions of most CD’s, but then I sold them. I don’t go nearly as crazy as Kristen. If they release it a song, I want some version of that song on CD, preferably as a single B-side, rather than Soundtrack. Once I get a better version (i.e. The I.R.S. years) i usually give the lessor version to a friend or something. But now that I found out that my version of Reckoning doesn’t have that little interlude, I’m pissed off. How dare they take away my interlude!

  1525. Kirsten Says:

    Interludes Rule!

    I picked up a copy of the Man On The Moon movie from the $2 bin a couple of weeks ago. I haven’t watched it yet – I’ve heard it’s pretty bad. I just needed to know that I had it in my collection. And I will watch it one day, when I have the time, but I’ll be concentrating more on the music in the background than the actual movie!

  1526. Mr Cup Says:

    Andy Kaufman is a pretty interesting character. He would fit into Fables no problem.

  1527. Paul Alferink Says:

    The Man on the Moon movie isn’t bad. It’s just not good. There’s a difference.

  1528. lenny Says:

    What’s wrong with the movie? I didn’t think it was great, but I wouldn’t call it not good. Maybe I’d say it was kinda good, which is just a step above OK. Does that make sense?

    I actually thought that Jim Carrey was good, but it seems like the “real person” of Andy was just a mystery, because of the silly acts he was always putting on. (When does anyone ever see the real Andy?) But I guess that’s the point — the whole world is a little crazy, so why take yourself seriously at all, eh?

    Paul — I have to take this opportunity to make you jealous — I’m going to the Cards-Cubs game Friday in Chicago! Forecast: Mostly Sunny and 79. Excellent.

  1529. Paul Alferink Says:

    Not jealous. Going Saturday, although I haven’t heard about the weather.

  1530. Kirsten Says:

    Like I said, I haven’t seen it, so I haven’t got a real opinion, but I heard that it was hard to sit through and the characters are really annoying. And lets face it, Jim Carrey’s career went straight down-hill from there.

  1531. Paul Alferink Says:

    I really like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. That is post- Man on the Moon.

  1532. Mr Cup Says:

    of topic-

    I was a bit bemused by them using an ad agency to make their latest video clip. Plenty of creative people out there who could’ve done something that didn’t look like…an advertisement. No Sir, I don’t like it!

  1533. Paul Alferink Says:

    Maybe it was truth in advertising. I mean, what is a music video other than a commercial for the album/song? I mean, they used to be called promotional videos for a reason.

  1534. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Eternal Sunshine was cool, compelling concept. Saw a thing on 60 Minutes a while back, I guess they’re working on something–a pill maybe–a means to cause selective memory loss in people who are victims of various traumatic type shit….so they can get on with their lives…something like that….Also saw a thing just recently on the news about the potential for a new exercise pill, in rats it gives the couch potato ones the benefits of exerise even though they don’t lift a sweatless paw.

  1535. lenny Says:

    Paul — don’t you have a 2-year old boy? Are you taking him to the game Saturday? My daughter will be 2 in September, so she can still get into the game free this Friday. She also flies for free Friday morning (sitting on my lap on the plane), which should be interesting (her first flight). Any advice for the trip? (I mean, if your son has flown before…did his ears bother him?)

  1536. Paul Alferink Says:

    He’s never flown.
    We do this as a group trip through the Parks and Rec program in my parents town. We went last year, when my son was 1. The group charters 3 or 4 buses. It was tough, as by the end of the day, he was tired and cranky and it took some doing to get him to stop crying and sleep on the bus. Mostly during the game, his Mom and I took turns walking with him around the concourse. He didn’t want to sit that much.

    I’m not taking him to this game. He doesn’t like long rides and I don’t want to inflict his crankiness on everyone else. Plus, my wife is preggers with our second and not handle the heat very well. Plus, he won’t have the patience to sit and will mostly just want to run around, which was fine when it was the two of us. But with just me there is a little hard. He’s also now just turned two, so he would technically have to have his own ticket.

    I am taking him to the Peoria Chiefs (Cubs A Ball) game on Thurday. That will be easier. They have a play-ground where you can see the game and big grassy area for kids to play in and parent to still see. Plus, it’s not remotely crowded.

    Easily the best way to get to Wrigley Field is the El train. I don’t recomend taxi, or taking a car. If you do take a car, they run a shuttle from IIT or someplace like thay and that really is the best way. Parking is expensive and a nightmare, as is traffic after the game, or the walk to where you had to park.

    Otherwise, bring lots of snacks, diapers, change of clothes, suntan lotion if you aren’t underan overhang. Bring a sweatshirt if you are under the overhang, it gets cold.

  1537. Kirsten Says:

    Congratulations on the baby, Paul. Feel free to bring the kids to play on the swings and drink lemonade whilst we all fight. 🙂

  1538. Mr Cup Says:

    Alfey I would agree to a point, but this isn’t Beyonce or the Backstreet Boys. Besides, I’m struck by the amount of times in general conversation people refer to a song via the video. It’s also part of the packaging. Stipe has said he felt the cover was an important part of the album and I would agree. I could go on.

  1539. ScottMalobisky Says:

    HAVINg my bABY…..

  1540. Paul Alferink Says:

    REM might make better videos then most (Although the only ones I really LOVED were Losing My Religion and most of the ones from Automatic). But why do you think REM video for Monster were more band playing live centric than they had been for years? They had tour tickets to sell.

    Maybe I’m just old. I think all the good videos are from 1991-1994, plus Thriller and Peter Gabriel videos.

    And I kinda have a soft spot for whichever Madonna video had Ali G in it.

  1541. lenny Says:

    Best videos — anything done by Spike Jonze: for Weezer, Beastie Boys, Fatboy Slim. These are classics.

    Weezer’s newer videos are good, too. I love that Pork and Beans video, and the song and album are good, too.

    Thanks for the advice, Paul. We might take the bus to somewhere near Wrigley and walk a few blocks. We’re going with a friend of mine who is a Cubs fan, so he should know the best way to get there. I was looking more for advice on the flight, but thanks anyway.

  1542. milesy Says:

    I had the interlude on cassette after Little America. Now I can’t find the tape, so it seems I don’t have it.

    This thread is still here! Great stuff, people.

  1543. Kirsten Says:

    We’re trying Milesy – struggling at times, but trying!
    I should get the record player back tonight, so I’ll check my copy of Reckoning. I’m dying to know if it’s on there.

  1544. ScottMalobisky Says:

    ignore those last two postings (just follow your typical instincts:), those links aren’t right)–I know what I wanted, I know what I wanted, I know what I wanted this to be

  1545. ScottMalobisky Says:

    what’s the frequency Kenneth you know
    things have changed uh-huh
    butterfly decal nah nah nah not
    not up to speed
    I got a picture …….idiocy
    I’m tired of trying
    Find the cancer in me
    I never understood the frequency uh-huh

  1546. Paul Alferink Says:


    We should have switched games, man. We should have switched games.

  1547. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I never understood the frequency oh oh
    I didn’t understand !
    I didn’t understand !
    (don’t fuck with me)
    I didn’t understand !

  1548. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Go Angels……..I never saw a ballgame in Angels Stadium but I did see the Grateful Dead there with Bob Dylan as the opening act…That was around the time when BD had some grand technical revelation that supposedly enabled him to perform songs he hadn’t done for years—I never understood what that was about exactly—he writes about it in Chronicles……

  1549. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Was reading a web article last night about how “obsolete and ineffective” computer passwords have become…..scary stuff actually……..One of the points made was how some people have a tendency to use a very unoriginal, not creative at all password…….like–they used the example–LetMeIn….

  1550. ScottMalobisky Says:

    But there’s much more to it than that.

  1551. lenny Says:

    Yeah, if you use a predictable password, then it might be easy to break. But my network admin people at work make us use 2 capital letters, 2 lowercase letters, 2 numbers, and 2 ‘special’ characters.

    Yes, Paul, I believe you’re right, but I still enjoyed Friday’s game. It was close, had home runs for each side, and some close plays at the plate. The Cardinals just should have gotten another run home before it went to extra innings — they had plenty of chances to win it, but blew it. But, I’m still glad we went — my daughter loved it, and she lasted until the 10th inning!

  1552. Paul Alferink Says:

    I got my son to yell “Ryno” at Ryne Sandberg at the Chiefs game. And I called him at the Cub game, and he yelled “GO CUBS GO! into the phone. I might have shed a little, proud papa tear. Go Cubs Go! indeed. . .

  1553. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Angels beat Cubs in six in Series

  1554. Paul Alferink Says:

    I just be happy they made the series at this point. Although I’d hate to be in Wrigleyville when they do. That place will explode.

  1555. lenny Says:

    Sorry Scott, you’re not allowed to be an Angels fan. You have already professed your loyalty to the Pittsburgh Pirates. You’re stuck with them, for better or worse. Or, is this something that Pirates fans just do sometime around mid-summer? Just pick another team to follow in case your team doesn’t have a chance?

    Just teasing, man. I’m almost right there with you. It could get ugly pretty quick here for the Cardinals. I’ll actually concede that the division race is probably over, and the wild card might be slipping away.

    [I don’t usually pick another team to root for, unless there is really one worthy of my support. What I tend to do is just start following another sport (or sports) religiously. So, I might be watching more Olympics this week than baseball! Go USA, go Phelps!! Did anyone catch that 4×100 freestyle relay last night? Awesome. In your loud-mouthed faces, France!]

  1556. ScottMalobisky Says:

    checking Angels schedule, gonna go to a game, the Amtrak runs right thru the parking lot of the stadium.I wonder if I’ll have an acid Throwing Stones flashback when I get inside ?

  1557. Mr Cup Says:

    I saw that race lenny – phenomenal. Phelps must have been thinking his chances were gone but for the last 3 metres. His reaction said it all.

  1558. lenny Says:

    Scott: “A peaceful place, or so it looks from space; a closer look reveals the human race.”

  1559. ScottMalobisky Says:

    that is a very cool song, Lenny, haven’t heard that one in a while

  1560. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Georgia #1 in NCAA pre-season polls. REM football

  1561. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Pigen ALSO died at 27

  1562. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Pigpen, I mean , from The Dead

  1563. lenny Says:

    Is Pigpen the one that sang “Big Boss Man”? I have it on a self-titled live album from about 1971, and I think it’s him, but I’m not sure if he sang that much… do you know of other songs he sang?

  1564. lenny Says:

    Oh, but nothing beats the 1st CD from Europe ’72 — one of my favorite live albums ever. I’m sure you have that one — what about “Dead Set”? That’s another great one.

  1565. ScottMalobisky Says:

    no I don’t , I have no Dead records at this time ….although I have had Dead records at various times in my life

  1566. lenny Says:

    WHOA — this thing has just hit a wall. I have to start something up again to keep it going… did anyone see the women’s Olympic triathlon on Monday? It was not on TV, but I saw it online Sunday night here. There was an American woman who grew up in the school district where I now live. She also was a teacher at the school right down the street from us. She finished 11th, which isn’t too bad for her first olympics. Congrats to the Australian women, who finished with the gold and bronze medals.

    So, Kirsten, Mr Cup, are you able to watch any of the Olympics? Your countrymen were pretty competitive in swimming, as usual. They almost stopped Phelps from winning his 8 golds, a couple of times.

  1567. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Glen Campbell has a record out in whicn he covers rock numbers , including a song called These Days…was a featured display on Rhapsody this morning…..I listened to his These Days but do not recognize it…Begins, “I been out walkin’, don’t do too much talkin’, These days I seem to think a lot about…” Kinda cool. I was shocked to discover 1006 songs on Rhapsody called These Days !!! Don’t know who originally did the one that GC is covering..There’s a These Days by the Consumption Hooks and a These Days by The Labors Of Sisyphus off the album, A Recurring Theme Of Failure..Anyone recognize the GC # ? 1006 songs called These Days ! WOW, who woulda thunk it? I wonder if any of these are covers of the REM……Yeah Lenny, “almost”…..Was listenin to Deep Purple Live In Tokyo 1975 and during Smoke On The Water–the band playing it like “Yeah, we’ll pretty sick of this one but we know you wanna hear it so……here it is so half-heartedly”–They suddenly go into Georgia On My Mind; ITS AMAZING, those sustained shrill in tune screams of Ian Gillian. NO ONE can hold a high pitched scream like him within the parameters of a song. Truly remarkable. I don’t know how his vocal chords can handle it…. He just wails and wails and wails and sometimes it sounds like it’s coming from the burning God-forsaken pit of the everlasting exiled.

  1568. lenny Says:

    Scott — hey, that Glen Campbell song rings and bell, and I figured out why… there is a version of it by Nico in a scene from The Royal Tenenbaums. It is when Margot (Gwenyth Paltrow) gets off the bus to meet her brother Richie (Luke Wilson) at the port/harbor where his ship came back to the States. Very cool scene. (Just looked it up on IMDB, apparently the song was written by Jackson Browne.)

    Hey — the Nico singing that song in the movie is the same Nico from the Velvet Underground, right? The same Velvet Underground that was covered quite often by REM? So it all comes full (perfect) circle…

  1569. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Thanx Lenny……….Hey , how’s about an all LA World Series ?…….. (Deicide, a band that is truly evil. Probably a bad idea to even look at their album covers.)

  1570. ScottMalobisky Says:

    or an all Chicago one ? Paul, I know your out there…lurking… this jazz alley jaded jungle dream..

  1571. ScottMalobisky Says:

    or all Tampa Bay, Rays vs. Devil Rays…….

  1572. lenny Says:

    I don’t think the world wants to see grown men play with themselves and call it a World Series. That’s just wrong.

  1573. ScottMalobisky Says:

    heaven is yours
    heaven is yours

  1574. ScottMalobisky Says:

    here’s one for you lenny: many a Pink Floyd fan does not realize that the “Hey you, Whitehouse, ha ha charade you are” lyric is not a reference to the American Whitehouse, but is actually a reference to a real person, Mary Whitehouse…Did you know that? Do you know who she is? I kinda hope you didn’t, so as I can be the one to give you the real scoop……:)

  1575. lenny Says:

    oh, i really want to know. please tell me.

  1576. lenny Says:

    Where did everybody go, anyway? It’s just you and me, Scott. And we didn’t even talk about that pathetic 2-game series this week between the Pirates and Cardinals. (splitsville)

  1577. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Here we go Steelers , here we go…
    Look up Mary Whitehouse for a better explanation than I am capable of. Good Day Sunshine.

  1578. Paul Alferink Says:

    Mary Whitehouse was the Tipper Gore of England. Except I think it was mostly for T.V. But you get the drift.

  1579. Lenny, fly to Reno and hit up the Nevada ski resorts and of course the lake tahoe ski resorts!

  1580. Kirsten Says:

    Hi. Sorry Lenny, I’ve been away for a couple of weeks. My husband suffered a colapsed lung at work on Friday 8th, so I’ve spent the last couple of weeks at the hospital. My first day back at work today, and I couldn’t wait to catch up! I was worried Matthew might had finished while I was gone – looks like I haven’t missed much though. And no, I haven’t been watching the Olympics, been a little busy…..

    Now, if any of you can remember, I was going to check the Reckoning LP for the “left of reckoning” snippet. Well I did that on the Thursday night as planned but I got called away on Friday morning before I had time to report back here. So here we go, the moment we’ve all been waiting for: It is there! It’s at the end of the album, after Little America. So it’s on the LP, but not the CD. Does anyone have Reckoning on tape so we can check that?? {I’m so ashamed that I don’t}

  1581. lenny Says:

    Whoa — that sounds like a bummer, Kirsten. What does your husband do? Is it a dangerous job or something? Well, I hope he has a quick recovery and stays healthy.

    I have Reckoning on tape, so I’ll go home tonight and give it a listen. I can barely remember what I’m going to be listening for, though. It was probably discussed a long time ago, so I’ll have to look back to figure it out. I don’t remember anything being on the tape after Little America, but I’ll double check.

  1582. milesy Says:

    It’s definately on my tape, after Little America. But I still can’t find it. But I know it’s true because I never owned any REM vinyl (sorry).

  1583. Kirsten Says:

    Nah, it wasn’t caused by work, it wasn’t even caused by his smoking (although he’s decided to give them away anyway – 2 & 1/2 weeks now!). Apparently, it can just happen.

    OK, so it’s on the Vinyl and Cassette, but not the CD. Or is it?? I’ve got the re-released CD with the bonus tracks. Does anyone have an earlier CD (Obviously not from ’83), but one without the bonus tracks? It might be on there.

    To anyone who meets the band at one of the upcoming shows:

    We (I) need to know why they dropped it from the CD. I won’t sleep until I find out. So if you could ask (along with finding out the whole ‘watertower’ story), that would be great. Thanks!

  1584. milesy Says:

    I have an old CD, ie pre-re-release. It’s not there. On the UK version at least. Shame!
    I’ll try to ask why during one of the quieter songs tonight… (although I’m now remembering the warning not to shout out ‘Radio Free Europe’ at the quiestest moment in the quietest song, as Mike Mills doesn’t like that).

  1585. ScottMalobisky Says:

    “A woman needs a man
    Like a face needs a bicycle.”_________Bono

  1586. Paul Alferink Says:

    I think it’s a
    “like a fish neeeds a Bicycle”

    So hey, you husband quit smoking! At least some good has come from this. I don’t know what cigerettes cost in Aussieland, but the’ve more than double in 15 years in Illinois. (I don’t smoke, but when working as a clerk at a grocery store, it always amazed me when my co-workers making (at the time minium $5.50 an hour)still have money for cigerettes at 3.64 a pack. Once a day. Now, just take his smoking money and blow it on REM swag!

  1587. Figgy Says:

    By participating in it I feel I share some of the blame for the whole ‘Left of Reckoning’ interlude discussion that’s taken place here. Now I’m back with more trivia.

    My questions to the floor… Is Michael Stipe a fan of the ‘Seinfeld’ TV show? And if so, was he watching a lot of it while working on the last album?

    The thought just came to me recently as I watched some episodes from my ever-growing Seinfeld DVD collection. In one episode, the subject of Jerry’s stand-up slot is the guy who coined the phrase “living well is the best revenge”, with Jerry disagreeing with his point of view. In other words, just like Stipe, maybe he was calling him on that.

    Then on the Season 8 disc I discover a bonus feature documentary called ‘Jerry Seinfeld: Submarine Captain’. In this doco, Jerry and various members of the crew compare their work on the show to being locked away in a submarine, totally submerged in their own creative world for long periods of time. It reminded me of a quote from Stipe earlier this year on the subject of ‘Sing for the Submarine’. I can’t remember where I read it or what he said exactly but he described his own creative process in the same terms, that he keeps all his ideas in a kind of metaphorical submarine and he knows many creative people who do the same.

    OK, I know that I’m basing this on only two examples from many hours of Seinfeld footage but we’ve all chatted at length about a lot less!

  1588. Kirsten Says:

    >>OK, I know that I’m basing this on only two examples from many hours of Seinfeld footage but we’ve all chatted at length about a lot less!<<
    Ha! Very true Figgy! You’ve obviously had a lot of spare time on your hands lately.

    Cigarettes (his brand) cost $18 for a pack of 50. He also complains about the “good old days” of 20p a pack. Now they’re so expensive, 10 year olds can’t afford them!

    Milesy, fuck Mike Mills – you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do. Wouldn’t it be cool if he gave you an answer? Enjoy the show tonight. Infact, not being sure what the time is there, you might already be enjoying the show! I’ll stop working now and just imagine that I’m there too. I am very, very jealous.

  1589. milesy Says:

    Confession: I got carried away and forgot to ask. Sorry.
    Great show, though. Huge bowl, I was about 8 from the front, not quite close enough to catch Michael’s hand during The One I Love, but close enough to be bouncing right in the mix. I thought of you, Kirsten, when I saw this lady to my left going crazy and belting out all the words, which made me feel a lot better for doing the same, as not many around me were doing this– or maybe they just didn’t get as excited…

    I won’t bore you all with set lists and all, this isn’t meant to be a gloat. But Bad Day made a fantastic opener; and it’s never occurred to me before that the opening line of Pretty Persuasion sounds like ‘Here’s what I want: R-E-M!’ Which I would guess is true for most of us here. And, at the end of 7 Chinese Bros,I couldn’t resist yelling out ‘Voice of Harold’, which only got me a couple of strange looks…

    May REM visit Australia soon!

  1590. milesy Says:

    Looking at the time of my posting above, which must be Eastern US I would guess, I was already home and in bed by the time you posted, K. Now up and at work, slightly groggy…

  1591. Paul Alferink Says:

    I think Stipe has gone on record saying he doesn’t watch much T.V. So I’m going to doubt it.

  1592. Kirsten Says:

    That’s alright, Milesy I understand how you could’ve forgotten in all the excitement. Anyway, if I was really smart I would’ve got you to pass on my phone number 😉 !
    I’ve only been to 1 show ( 😦 ) and I didn’t sing along to any of the songs. I did, however, mouth the words right along-side Michael. I just made a concious decision not to make any noise. This was my one chance to see and hear them live and I didn’t want to have them drowned out by me! I can sing along at home. If someone had called for Voice Of Harold I would’ve been right there to second that. I always slip from 7CB into VOH right about ‘this album could be the instrument…’ I can’t help it. I mentioned somewhere that I’d love to see a show where they just played Dead Letter Office from start to finish – it’d be great. You should’ve taken today off work. That’s what I did the day after the show and just kept re-living it in my mind. Infact I’m doing it again now. People at work are probably wondering why the big grin…..

    Michael Stipe doesn’t watch Seinfeld. Michael Stipe is too good for Seinfeld. Michael Stipe is too good for us. He is the everything and we are all NOTHING! He is God and we are all insignificant pieces of crap. He’d probably watch all arty stuff that we wouldn’t understand.

  1593. Figgy Says:

    Stipe is a great lyric writer and Jerry Seinfeld & Larry David are great comedy scriptwriters, so I don’t consider that TV show to necessarily be too good for JMS. However, I take your point, Kirsten, I can also imagine Stipe would watch highbrow arty stuff over a sitcom any day of the week!

  1594. Kirsten Says:

    I quite like Seinfeld, and wasn’t putting it down. I just presume Michael is more sophisticated than most of us and has a more upmarket taste. Well done on the 1600 Figgy.

  1595. Mr Cup Says:

    Stipe strikes me as a Jerry Springer kinda guy.

  1596. milesy Says:

    There’s a family history programme on BBC TV and this week it featured Jerry Springer. It was disturbing and upsetting for him, as any such programme would be for someone whose parents narrowly escaped Germany in 1942, while other members of the family went to the gas chambers. This made it quite a bizarre watch, as you couldn’t help thinking, this is the same guy whose programme features captions like ‘I slept with my alsatian then ate it’.

    The previous evening on the same channel, BBC’s The One Show featured a certain Michael Stipe, who shared the couch with a former consevative MP, a mad ex-England cricketer (Phil Tufnell for those who know him) and a lady who loves butterflies. He also had to watch an REM tribute band playing out the credits with ‘it’s the end of the show as we know it…’ Now there’s a taste of English ‘culture’ for him.

  1597. Mr Cup Says:

    He probably refers back to that evening with the phrase ‘The worst night of my life was…’

    Phil Tuffnel. Nuff said.

  1598. lenny Says:

    No, no, no!

    Nigel Tufnel!! Nuff said.

    These go to eleven.

  1599. Paul Alferink Says:

    Nigels blank stare when Rob Reiner explains just making ten louder is the highlight of that film.

  1600. Paul Alferink Says:

    At the same time, we do know Stipe watches day time t.v. (New Test Leper) and Shakes the Clown, for goodness sakes. It’s not all Adiago, “Slacker” and T.S. Eliot

  1601. lenny Says:

    You also gotta love the reaction of the band when the “little people” dance around the 18″-high Stonehenge, as it drops from the ceiling.

    Oh, and “Hello, Cleveland!” (The band getting lost on the way to the stage.)

  1602. Mr Cup Says:

    The quote I find most applicable in my day to day life is…”there’s a little guy in there”.

    Is Geraldo still on air? He was pretty special.

  1603. Kirsten Says:

    Sorry to change the subject back to Reckoning (again), but I forgot to mention that when I had the LP out, I checked out the photo of Howard Finster. You can definately make out Kensey in the background. I couldn’t see it on the CD, but the picture on the Record is bigger and clearer so you can see him. So that solves that mystery.

  1604. lenny Says:

    Well, I finally got around to listening to my tape of Reckoning. The first (left) side sounded fine, but I didn’t hear anything out of the ordinary or different, as compared to the CD. Then I flipped it over, and oddly enough, the 2nd side was blank! It must have got wiped out by accident on some tape recorder that didn’t recognize (or just ignored) the copy protection feature.

    Now, I’ll never know whether anything was different than the CD, and I’ll probably never hear this “left of reckoning” clip of music. But then again, if it’s “left of reckoning”, wouldn’t I hear it on side one, a.k.a. the left side? Now I’m confused.

  1605. Paul Alferink Says:

    I think it’s a conspiracy by REM to hide “Left of Reckoning.” I think they read this, and systematically have been erasing it.


    The good news: REM is coming to your house.

    The bad news: There just going to break your record and leave.

  1606. Kirsten Says:

    Oh EXCELLENT! I’d be worth it!

    Bad news for them: They’ll never get out of the house! Finally, my collection will be complete with real-life members of the band on display!

    REM have confuesed you Lenny? That’s not like them to be ambiguous! 🙂

  1607. Mr Cup Says:

    Kirstens REM Wax Museum.

    “Hey – this one’s moving!”

  1608. lenny Says:

    Nice conspiracy theory, Paul. At least I still have my CD copy of Reckoning…and my vinyl version of Murmur — they’ll never get that back!

  1609. Kirsten Says:

    Sad thing is that they probably wouldn’t be able to move by the time I’m finished with them….

  1610. Mr Cup Says:

    Be sure to post the YouTube link.

  1611. Paul Alferink Says:

    Ugh. That violate the You-Tube Terms of decency.

  1612. Mr Cup Says:

    Sarah Palin could use it to deflect some unwanted attention

  1613. Paul Alferink Says:

    Jesus. I respect McCain and all, but what they hell was he thinking?

  1614. Melonie Says:

    Holy crap! You weren’t kidding. Well, game on..

  1615. Melonie Says:

    So in response to your reply…
    Personally, I prefer bloody marys. But sadly, I am much more entertaining when I am sober. And while I also used to think better late in the evening, I am old. I had to stay up until almost eleven last night to draft and it just about killed me. That said…

    I don’t think teenagers are the only ones who have to gain independent identities. How many people trade in the definitions and expectations of their parents for those of their peers, superiors, religious dogmas, political affiliations, or societal expectations? I’m not saying that everyone has this melding experience, or that adopting those philosophies don’t express what are ultimately their own views, but I know an awful lot of “sheeple” who are more than happy to let someone else define them and their role, rather than have to face the consequences of deciding for themselves. Which I suppose is a choice in and of itself, but how do you know what you really value if you allow others to make that decision for you, without question or reflection?

    I think rebelling in adulthood actually is related, because if we do trade in one expectation for another, we actually lose a part of ourselves. When we come to the realization later in life that what we have become is not who we truly are and make the effort to recover those parts of ourselves that we discarded, I believe that it is its own form of rebellion. Not destructive, but you are blatently going up against forces outside of yourself and taking a stand that says that you aren’t going to accept what others say you need to accept. I think you are correct that to ask the questions of who and why you are rebelling is noble, and in fact should be encouraged, if nothing else than to keep us true.

    But I disagree that most rebelling after adolescence falls into the second category. In my own experience, I think more of my teenage rebellion was part of the latter; I tended to do what was going against everything just for the sake of being contrary, and often taking it to the extreme just for shock value. But that action was very different in each situation, usually varying from audience to audience. I think there is a part of us that does do that as a form of self-preservation, much like the sarcasm and apathy we discussed earlier. We use it preemptively, to protect ourselves from what we (may erroneously) perceive as a threat to our self or dignity. But I don’t think all adult rebellion falls into that realm. I have often wondered if this is an issue for our generation, or if it’s just part of the angst that comes with being in a certain age. I just see that a great number of my peers are moving away from the expectations that the generation before us placed on us in terms of values and success. How we define thate\ for ourselves seems to be in itself a form of rebellion. Not a harsh, shock value rebellion (future shock crowbar upside my head?) so much as a realization that what we’ve been told to want and value is not necessarily the same as what we actually want and value. I think the bigger issue is to determine what exactly are our values and not those placed upon us by outside sources. And to be able to say I want to discover for myself becomes a conscious act. In some ways, in our choices we make a million little rebellious acts everyday and some of those seem threatening both to ourselves and those around us.

    And who’s to say that the second possibility is more troublesome. Look at the current political climate. In a sense, one could see the whole campaign for change fits into that category. We are viewing a failure, not on a personal level, but on a societal one. Perhaps it will be counterproductive to swing the pendulum so far in the other direction. But I think when we find ourselves at a place where that type of rebellious act is necessary, it is because we have been failing to listen to the inner voice that is telling us we’re on the wrong path.

    I guess my question about remaining in the world isn’t so much a question of total withdrawl as much as maintaining the strength to stand firm in our choices when there are factions that would try to shout down a whisper. I think that’s why I’ve come to r.e.m. music so much as of late, because there are so many songs that bear that out. My personal favorites really address issues of alienation, but instead of coming at it from the angle of dour acceptance they give hope that one isn’t alone in all of it.

  1616. Kirsten Says:

    So, which catagory does streaking at the cricket come in to?

  1617. Kirsten Says:

    Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

    I’d love to hear your view on Country Feedback Melonie.

  1618. Mr Cup Says:

    Streaking at the cricket is about the desire to be seen as one truly is.
    Stripped (ahem) of all baggage and labels you are for a brief moment, truly yourself. Then you are at the bottom of a human pyramid, the colour of security guards and $5k lighter.

  1619. Mr Cup Says:

    I often wish I could have been the spoon-fed type. A spoon-fed accountant would be my fantasy life next time around I think. Never asking ‘why or ‘what if’ and having skills that other people valued highly. Yessir. Dream ride.

    I think that would be the ultimate withdrawal.

  1620. Melonie Says:

    Honest to god, I had a woman in one of my religion classes who said that she was Catholic because she didn’t have to make any decisions. They told her what her role was and that was fine with her.

    Wish I were making that up.

  1621. Melonie Says:

    And I’ll get back to you on the Country Feedback 🙂

  1622. Paul Alferink Says:

    I’m not saying rebelling as an adult isn’t about finding your identity as within or apart from a group. I’m saying that, as a teenager, your choice is to rebell or become a man-child, that it isn’t just about identity. It’s in part about subsistence. There is only so long Mom can make your PB and J. At a certain point, even if she insists she keeps doing it for you, you have to push away from that, or you end up living in there basement waiting for Mom’s meatloaf night and playing bridge when her partner can’t make it because she broke her hip. You should be moving into the world, learning to make your own way and relating to new social circumstances. From a pure evolutionary standpoint, it’s hard to make babies if your still tied to Mom’s apron strings. Rebelling as a teenager is part biological imperative.

    Biology has little to do with rebelling as an adult. It’s all a matter of choice. That’s the difference.

    The problem with rebellion as a reflex action from a percieved inner flaw is that it is done blindly. We fail to get at the root of the problem. We just make a show to prove to ourselves or other people that the flaw isn’t there. There are three problems with this approach.

    1. The flaw is still there. By rebelling, we aren’t really fixing the flaw. Just trying to cover up the symptoms. The problem is still there, and will rear its head later.

    2. Closely related to 1, the flaw wasn’t there. It was just percieved. Perception is flawed. The rebelling is entirely unnecessary, and we really need to focus on finding the problem with our perception.

    3. The pendulum does swing too far. Take a stereotup of a man’s mid-life crisis:

    Percieved Problem: Middle-aged man fears he has become complacent family man.

    Real problem: He is no longer the young man he was, and it scares him. Death is closer then he realized, and that really scares him.

    Rebellion: In his fight against the hole society has plugged for him, he trades his sedan in for a covertible. Leaves the wife. Gets hair implants. Starts going to clubs looking for younger women. Ends up being that guy too old for the club he’s in and is pretty creepy being there. People see through his younger/happening guy schtick, making him just a pathetic loser.

    Or take the poltical process as a society. We have a Republican. The Republican decrease regulation on industry so much that it pollutes to much, it can’t help itself from making so much money short term that it robs the economy of long term stability and exploits the worker. Society sees what it has done, and instead of taking a measured response, knee jerks, and votes for the most overboard democrat, who over-regulates the industry, forcing industry to raise it’s prices to cover the expenses the regulations forced, and to cover the costs of raising the workers pay and benifits so much. Inflation goes through the roof. Families can’t stretch there dollars as far. So it knee jerks and puts the next republican back in office.

    Yes, the swinging pendulum makes things better for a while, before the effects can get too bad in the opposite direction. But ultimately, we’re just bouncing back and forth between two bad choices.

  1623. Melonie Says:

    Very nice. And the bridge partner joke made me laugh.
    This makes me miss grad school.
    And I will still get back to you on the Troy Denning thing. Sorry, I just gotta defend him because he was part of a serendipitous life event. And he’s a nice guy.

  1624. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Doubleheader in DC: Steelers at Washington, Monday night November 3rd; we should get a split with God on our side.

  1625. Paul Alferink Says:

    Whenever you get around to it. In his defense, I did like “The Verdant Pass.”

  1626. lenny Says:

    Paul, you could have easily just caused this discussion to go a whole new direction with your pendulum metaphor. Hopefully everyone doesn’t just start to talk about politics now…but, I’ll try to be brief with it.

    The pendulum is exactly what is wrong with politics. In politics, as in life, swinging from one end of the spectrum to the other is unhealthy. Whether you call it a knee-jerk reaction or whatever, there is no one on earth who can convince me that one party or the other can accomplish everything that the country needs at any given time. That’s why what America needs is a little balance.

    The parties and their rhetoric are doing nothing but dividing the country, and causing big swings of the pendulum, when what we need is a little stability. To use your middle-aged man comparison, he needs to find a balance between the family life and the man he used to be — take some time for himself, but don’t ignore responsibilities of his wife and kids entirely. Start playing in a local sports league, or start up a band, without screwing the groupies, of course. In other words, be a healthy combination of his individual self and family leader (not being sexist by saying that — the mother is a family leader, too).

    So, from the political side — what we could really use is an amazing, revolutionary independent candidate, or a third party, that would really shake things up in Washington, instead of just promising to do it, like both candidates are now doing. Until that happens, you get complete idiots for voters, who will be so far to one side or another that they cast a straight-party ballot, which is the most senseless thing they allow you to do. It makes me sick thinking about it — there are people who won’t even consider that there might be someone out there with some decent ideas from across the aisle…

    OK, enough ranting. Like I said, I hope I didn’t ruin the fine topic of discussion that you had going on here…it’s been fascinating.

  1627. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Go Wake Forest. And Delaware Blue Hens.

  1628. ScottMalobisky Says:

    My God’s better than your God
    My God’s better than your God
    nah nah nah nah nah nah.

    And if you don’t believe me
    I’ll stick a bomb up your ass and prove it

  1629. ScottMalobisky Says:

    The pendulum swings into the pit of delirium. I’m looking down into that filthy pit, I even got myself a little shaving kit. Oh yeah, flip the switch.

  1630. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Go Georgia Bulldawgs. Be #1 like those other Athenians. Yeah baby and rage against the Ignorance Machine.

  1631. Melonie Says:

    The only challenge with a third party candidate is they too often are victim to the whole “yeah, i agree with this guy’s ideas, but if I vote for him the other party will win” dynamic. Except here in Minnesota. In which case you end up with a former wrestler as governor…
    And appropos of nothing, Hook ‘Em Horns!

  1632. Paul Alferink Says:

    If Carl Weathers ever runs for anything, he’s got my vote. Might as well finish the Predator trilogy. Schwartenegger/Weather/Ventura.

  1633. Paul Alferink Says:

    Got the D in my head tonight.

    “How ’bout the power to kill a yak, from 200 yards away…
    with mind bullets! That’s telekinesis, Kyle.
    How ’bout the power… to move you?”

  1634. Mr Cup Says:

    A wise man once said:

    Politics attracts the wrong kind of people.

    A lesser wise, but observant man has said:
    You think you vote for change, but it’s the same shit, different stink.

    Sounds universal, unfortunately.

  1635. ScottMalobisky Says:

    “We stole Hawaii, fair and square.”

  1636. ScottMalobisky Says:

    What Melonie, no Golden Gophers ???

  1637. ScottMalobisky Says:

    got invited to a Halloween Costume Party where-in one has to be a character from a Beatles song (can’t cop out and be Yoko though, not that I’d want to be) Any off the wall suggestions/input will be appreciated…

    “Christ , you know it ain’t easy…..”

  1638. Melonie Says:

    The pornographic priestess from “I am the Walrus” might be entertaining.
    And sadly, we’re kind of fair weather Gopher fans since they’ve been in a “rebuilding year” since 1996. Although they’ve been pretty good so far this year. Perhaps we’ll need to jump back on the bandwagon.
    Besides, my husband graduated from UT so he actually counts as a longhorn. He was kind of hoping the UT-OU game would be at Texas Stadium the weekend we’re down in Dallas, but sadly it is not.
    Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to see if I can maintain my lead in fantasy football. So far I’m up 50 points. Thank you, Steelers D!

  1639. Kirsten Says:

    Don’t know many Beatles songs, but if you go as the Yellow Submarine, you have an REM link too.

  1640. Paul Alferink Says:

    All the songs are about girls. I’d carry around a newspaper and keep saying Oh Boy. Talk about Four-thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire. Any ladies there? I’d love to Turnurnurnurn you ououououou ononononononon.

  1641. lenny Says:

    Scott – Wear a scowl on your face and carry a bunch of mustard bottles. (Mean Mr. Mustard)

    Or, wear a smile and one of those thermal heat-packs around your willie, and nothing else. (Because, Happiness is a Warm Gun.)

  1642. Paul Alferink Says:

    Get a monkey. Than you can be Everybody’s got something to hide except me and my monkey.

  1643. Paul Alferink Says:

    Or a safari hunting outfit, and be Bungalow Bill. Or Rocky Raccoon. Or, if you’re artistically talent (I am not), you come be a gently weeping guitar.

  1644. lenny Says:

    I like the Beatles game, but today is an REM day, since it is 9-9. Everyone listen to Murmur today.

  1645. Paul Alferink Says:

    Two posts, first, about the song.

    Raise your freak flag if you ever tried to play and rewind the song over and over to try and write down the lyrics, before this interweb thing made searching for lyrics so easy?

    I was reading misheard lyrics from this song once. The new lyric was “It’s time I had some Tylenol.” Gosh, that’s pretty good too. Occasionally, I sing it that way, just because.

    I love the the chords going dissodent slightly right before the chorus. I love the lyrics, I love the call and answer chorus, replete with harmony on the call, started slightly after the melody. I love when they’d stop the instruments on the green tour and sign one chorus a cappella, adding a part each time they sang through it. Gorgeous.

    One wonders why this song doesn’t end document? Odd Fellows Feels tacked on, so the only reason I can think of is that Odd Fellows, like Wendell Gee, would really break up the album and bog it down if it were in the middle.

  1646. Paul Alferink Says:

    Sorry two windows open. Meant to post that in End of the World.

  1647. Kirsten Says:

    Oh, now that makes more sense. And for the record, Paul – I spent most of my teenage years doing that to ALL of their songs on my walkman with earphones (and I still got them wrong!)

  1648. lenny Says:

    Ahhh, good old memory lane — here we go.

    I didn’t have a computer in my dorm room for the first couple years of college, and when this ‘internet thing’ came around, I had to go to a computer room provided by my department or a common computer room in the dorms. As soon as someone told me you could find things like song lyrics on it, I was in heaven.

    I distinctly remember Life’s Rich Pageant being one of the first albums I looked up. I think I still have that printout. Now, I wonder how much the University paid for paper and printer ‘ribbon’ due to my habit. Surely they are more careful these days with what they allow students to print. Do schools even make printers available for students to use any more (without paying for it)? Seems like that would be an easy way to cut costs. But I digress.

    Anyway, those were the days — printing out song lyrics, and using my first school e-mail account to subscribe to an e-mail ‘list server’ all about British Pop Music from the 90’s. Among the very few messages that professors actually used e-mail to convey, I got tons and tons of information about the recording status, touring schedules, and setlists for Blur and Oasis.

    The internet had an ill effect though, when I had to walk right past the Civil Engineering building on the way back home from any night out at the bar. And every time I walked by this building that I had 24-7 access to with my student ID, I wondered — is Emily online? Maybe she wants to chat with me… here in my drunken stupor, at 2 in the morning? Bad things.

  1649. Paul Alferink Says:


    Could you tell the Cardinals it’s over for them, and that they should just lie down for the Cubs. Please? It’s suppose to be our destiny and all. . .

  1650. Mr Cup Says:

    Kirsten, I’m not big on predictions, but I think the timing of the end of the current tour coincides nicely with a little season we like to call summer. They’ll have a few weeks off, xmas with the families then be on their way here in January.

    Just hope it isn’t March ‘cos I’ll be away.
    Got that Bertis – not March!

  1651. Figgy Says:

    Mr Cup and Kirsten. I too have noticed the possibilities for an REM tour down unda early in the new year. I hope they play NZ but if they only go to Oz, I’ll travel.

    I’m in a little bit of a dilemna though… I have submitted all my docs (including passport) to NZ Internal Affairs so they can process my citizenship application. It’s estimated to take 5 more months! So until they’re done, I can’t actually leave NZ. If REM only play in Australia, I need the dates to be from February onwards.

    However, it is possible for me to request the return of my passport in emergency circumstances. Would the need to see REM live be a valid reason?

  1652. Mr Cup Says:


  1653. Kirsten Says:

    Besides, if they come to Australia they’ll definately go to New Zealand. The cost of travel to come here makes it necessary. My theory is that if we just keep complaining, Matthew will get sick of it and he’ll tell them himself to come to get us off his back! The added dates in South America give us hope, too. However it looks like if they come it will be without the Rickenbacker. I vote for April – that’s when they came last time.

  1654. Figgy Says:

    It must be hard on Peter losing that guitar. I’m just talking about the sentimental value to him – it’s been around since the recording of Chronic Town – as obviously he has the means to buy any number of new guitars.

    Hopefully it will be returned to the band. If not, I reckon the thief will be caught quite easily should he try to sell it off to a collector. It’s got to be a valuable and reasonably well-known piece of rock memorabilia if it’s been used on every REM album. And hopefully any would-be buyer will respect that and alert the police.

  1655. Mr Cup Says:

    Excuse me son, is that a Rickenbacker in your pocket or was it a really good show?

    Seriously – who would do that?

  1656. Rob Says:

    Holy Shit! I had no idea that all these posts were here and that this was still an ongoing discussion page. I don’t know how I missed this- can I make up for lost time?

  1657. lenny Says:

    You can try, Rob. But Matthew appears to be wrapping this thing up — that might mean that the days of commenting on These Days are numbered.

  1658. milesy Says:

    I don’t think so!

  1659. Rob Says:

    It’s like your at a party and you’ve been chatting to people the whole night then just as the party is winding down you realise that all the other guests have been spending part of their time at a whole other party next door.

  1660. Mr Cup Says:

    Welcome to the kitchen Rob!

    Have fun reading through 10 months of solid gold blog. It’ll be sooooo worth it.

  1661. ScottMalobisky Says:

    That’s SOOO Fucked up about the Ricky. Thanx you all, for the input on the Beatles gig.

  1662. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Rob, proceed to # 666 comment for identity of Anti-Christ

  1663. Kirsten Says:

    If someone tried to sell the guitar to me, I’d buy it then tell Peter he can come and pick it up from my house…..

  1664. lenny Says:

    Scott – so what did you decide to go dressed up as, for the Beatles party? Certainly not Happiness is a Warm Gun… nobody wants to see that. Lovely Rita, the meter maid would be good, if you were a woman.

  1665. Kirsten Says:

    >>My theory is that if we just keep complaining, Matthew will get sick of it and he’ll tell them himself to come to get us off his back.

    Told you that would work, except he told us to ask them ourselves.

  1666. Paul Alferink Says:

    “If someone tried to sell the guitar to me, I’d buy it then tell Peter he can come and pick it up from my house…..”

    Damn it, Kristen! If you go all Kathy Bates/Misery on Peter, I’m coming down there. Luring Peter to your house and kidnapping him? That’s not the REM way.

  1667. Paul Alferink Says:

    And when I come back from rescuing Peter, I’m bring a onery koala back with me.

  1668. ScottMalobisky Says:

    lenny, I have no idea at this point , still got some time

  1669. lenny Says:

    No, don’t Paul. You never know what could happen when you introduce a foreign species into an ecosystem that can’t handle it… (pan down to shot of koala bear hanging on to feet of helicopter, while an ominous didgeridoo plays in the background…)

  1670. Melonie Says:

    that’s such a sweet episode.

  1671. lenny Says:

    “Here in America, we don’t tolerate that kind of crap, sir!”

  1672. Paul Alferink Says:

    David Foster Wallace committed suicide. I don’t even know what to say. My favorite author, and a brilliant, funny man. He taught at ISU, and I had a class with him. He wrote my favorite contemporary work. I had just started re-reading broom of the system.

    Fucking brilliant. What a god damn waste.


  1673. Melonie Says:

    Sorry for your loss, Paul. Sincerely.

  1674. ScottMalobisky Says:

    truly sucks. almost not surprised. sorry for you on a personal level,Paul, but also for the entirety of the really thinking/really feeling world…

  1675. Kirsten Says:

    Oh, come on! Can’t I keep him? Just for a little while? I’ll hand him (and his guitar) back ’cause without them there would be no more REM albums.

  1676. lenny Says:

    Hey Scott — nice sweep by the Pirates there — the Cardinals are done. Call it a season.

    And did you read Michael’s answer to my question about I Believe? He said there was no significance to “Example is the checker to the key” other than the checker cab story that Matthew mentioned. But he also said he had a fever as a child and wrestled rattlesnakes. Where have I heard that before, the bit about the fever? Yet another R.E.M. – Pink Floyd connection. “When I was a child, I had a fever, my hands felt just like two balloons.”

  1677. Paul Alferink Says:

    Is it wrong that I feel some sort of narcissitic pang of sadness that he didn’t answer my questions?

  1678. ScottMalobisky Says:

    funny that he couldn’t place the “I’ll believe in anything when I’m there” bit.

    speaking of the Floyd , Richard Wright died

  1679. Kirsten Says:

    Yeah Scott, but you’ve got to remember that he’s not as obsessed as us. I remember when his bike got stolen, when his new shoes didn’t fit, Bill Berry’s “Fruitloops” dream……

  1680. Kirsten Says:

    Re: 11th song from Green
    >> I really wrote it to my Mom and Dad, from the road.

    Sigh. Could this guy get any more perfect??

  1681. Mr Cup Says:

    I can’t think of anything to ask the exalted one..other than ‘do you want a beer?’

  1682. Kirsten Says:

    I thought you might invite him down to the swings for some lemonade….

  1683. lenny Says:

    [in the style of Mitch Hedberg]: Hey Michael, do you like lemonade? (Yes) As do I…it’s cool and refreshing. Now stay away from me Stipe, I ain’t got shit to say to you!

    Didn’t hear about Richard Wright — sad news. First the author Paul likes, and now a guy from Pink Floyd. I don’t think kids today would realize how amazingly groundbreaking his keyboards were in the 70’s (but aren’t those still some of the most amazing sounds?)

    Oh, and Paul, I read two articles by David Foster Wallace today (1 about Roger Federer and 1 about John McCain). The guy was a very talented writer.

  1684. Paul Alferink Says:

    The McCain article was good. Not sure I read the Federer one. He wrote some very funny ones. There was one about the AVN porn awards, which was funny. A great one about being on a cruise. A good one about the Illinois State Fair.

  1685. Paul Alferink Says:

    A story about DFW: He chewed tobacco. It was gross. He used to carry around a large plastic “Huck’s” gas station cup. We were in class discussion and a women in my class goes into this very long and complicated theory about something. In the middle of her talking, he leans over his cup, sticks his finger in his mouth and fishhooks it open. A giant wad of tobacco, juice and slip slowly (What’s a good word here) FLOPS out of his mouth, replete with little strings of juice and spit and stuff. Pretty much the grosses thing you’ve ever seen. The girl gets complete lost in her thought at the horror she has just witnessed. She just starts stammering. DFW, oblivious the disgusting gesture he has put us through, encourages the lady to continue. She was on to something, he says. She says she lost her train of thought. I threw up a little in my mouth.

    Brilliant, funny, intellegent. But he chewed.

  1686. Kirsten Says:

    >> I threw up a little in my mouth.

    I have MS on a bootleg CD telling us how had just done that. I’m not sure why I found that so interesting, but I did. Sometimes I think I might know a little too much….

  1687. Mr Cup Says:

    A friend of mine reckons DFW was THE best tennis writer.

    The thing with being an academic (which I’m not) is that people (students mostly) try and impress you with their ‘vast knowledge’ all the time, which I’m sure gets pretty tiring. Sounds to me like he just got bored with her windbag essay.

    Sometimes it works the other way.

    So, Michael…do you like movies about gladiators? Ever been in a Turkish prison?

  1688. Rob Says:

    I’m going off on my own little tangent here, but I spotted a real cool, obscure little REM reference in an early episode of the Simpsons yesterday. The episode concerns Homer writing an angry letter to Mr Burns after Bart has donated blood to save his life. Mr Burns is looking for a present for Homer and briefly considers buying him a banjo. The music that Smithers plays on the banjo is the intro to I Believe…

  1689. lenny Says:

    No way, Rob. I DON’T believe it. I will dig up that tape and watch it tonight (sadly, I have about the first 250 episodes on VHS, before I gave up taping them — man it would have been nice to have my DVR and DVD burner back then). I vaguely remember the scene, and I think I would have remembered if it was really the same banjo ditty as I Believe, as this is my favorite song ever. It couldn’t be on the Simpsons, could it?

  1690. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Paul, was reading abut DFW, can’t find it now, something about “Neon (?)somehing or other”… being about a former classmate(?)..>>>YOU?

    You said you had a class with him, right? What class?

  1691. Paul Alferink Says:

    No. The story refers to a high school yearbook picture of a classmate who died in a car crash. He was my professor for a class at Illinois State University. He was a good 15 years older than I am.

  1692. lenny Says:

    Wow. That’s impressive Paul. About the only thing newsworthy that any of my college professors ever did was this… one ran over and killed his wife with the pickup truck in a grassy field in the middle of the night. They ruled it an accidental death. True story.

  1693. Paul Alferink Says:

    I had a co-worker who waited outside of her boyfriend’s Mistresses house and ran him over when he walked out. Broke both of his legs. 15 years later, they were still together.

  1694. Paul Alferink Says:

    And that’s 1700. A post about my crazy coworker.

  1695. Melonie Says:

    Dang it. I wanted to be 1700. But I didn’t want to post at 1699 just to get 1700.

    And lenny, what school did you GO to?!? What the heck are they doing there that professors are running over thier wives “accidentally” in the middle of the night?!

  1696. lenny Says:

    It used to be called University of Missouri-Rolla, when I was there. It has some ridiculous made-up name now, to distinguish itself. Whatever.

    He says his wife went out for a walk at night, and when she didn’t come back after a long time, he drove out looking for her, and didn’t see her laying down in the field until it was too late and he ran over her. I don’t know, does that sound suspicious to anyone else?

  1697. Kirsten Says:

    Hey thanks for the tip, Rob. Vaguely remember the episode – will have to track down a copy!

  1698. Mr Cup Says:

    I happen to have said Simpsons episode (Blood Feud from series 02)….aaaaaand, well, if Rob hears I Believe, then I want to believe him.

  1699. Rob Says:

    It was a case of me thinking that I recognised the tune, and then a sudden flash of inspiration. I could be wrong but I so badly want to be right. If you have this episode on dvd or tape please confirm this for me. As for The Simpsons itself how can a show that was so perfect for so many years now be reduced to the crap new episodes they keep broadcasting. If they can’t make good episodes then I wish they’d just stop making them altogether.

  1700. lenny Says:

    This is exactly why I gave up taping them. The Movie was still pretty good, though. I didn’t look up the blood feud episode yet, but I will try to get to it tonight.

  1701. Rob Says:

    Yeah, I really enjoyed the movie too, especially the wanted poster gag. My five favourite Simpsons moments (in no particular order)
    1, Bart hitting a chair over Homer’s back while he’s having a bath.
    2, “Scooby Doo can doo-doo but Jimmy Carter’s smarter”
    3, Maggie retrieving the pacifiers for the babies at the Ayn Rand creche- referencing The Great Escape and The Birds.
    4, The escalator to nowhere.
    5, Every single moment of the episode Last Exit To Springfield.

    That’s my list for now, it’s likely to change again. Going to Chicago to visit good friends tomorrow, got my Phillip K Dick novel and the latest David Sedaris book for the eight hour flight. Happy times…

  1702. Rob Says:

    How could I forget to include the clown college episode. So many great moments, especially Homer attacking the Krusty Burglar;
    “Stop, stop, he’s already dead”

  1703. Paul Alferink Says:

    The movie. My best moment was the Disney love scene, and the look of utter horror on the faces of all the animals at the end.

    Best five:

    5. Oh Boy! Sleep! That’s where I’m a Viking! (Really the top five should all be Ralph Quotes)
    4. Don’t tell him you were at a bar. Doh! But what else is open and 1:00 in the morning? “I was at the pornography store. I was buying pornography.”
    3. The Indiana Jones homage when Bart Steals the change jar.
    2. The amendment song. “But if we change the constitution, then we can make all SORTS of crazy laws.”
    1. Planet of the Apes, the Musical.

  1704. Paul Alferink Says:

    I hate every ape I see, from Chimpan-A to Chimpan-Z. No you’ll never make a monkey out of me.

    Oh my god! I was wrong!
    It was earth, all along!
    You’ve finally made a monkey,
    (Yes we’ve finally made a monkey)
    yes you’ve finally made a monkey out of me!

    I love you, Dr. Zeus!

  1705. lenny Says:

    Ah, yes — more common ground for the Cubs fan and the Cardinals fan. I love it. What a wonderful world.

    Macarthur Parker (the agent): “Planet of the Apes, the musical… and you are starring as…the human”.
    Troy Maclure: “It’s the part I was born to play, baby!”

    Troy: “What’s wrong with me?”
    Dr. Zeus: “I think you’re crazy.”
    Troy: “I want a second opinion.”
    Dr. Zeus: “You’re also lazy.”

    Paul — send a message to lennycorps (at) yahoo (dot) com, and I’ll send you an audio compilation of Ralph Wiggum’s greatest lines. I also have one for Planet of the Apes, but I just bet you have that from the Songs in the Key of Springfield CD… just a guess.

    Other favorite scenes:
    When the blind man is busted by the cops for pot, and the cops have to decide if it might be ‘medicinal’ marijuana. More cops, women, and beer show up to the guys house 10 seconds later…Wiggum and Lou singing Bob Marley’s “Jamming” is one of my favorite endings.

    Barney sitting in the hot tub with Linda Rondstat after he gets rich with his plow business, featuring her singing his theme song:
    Linda: “Barney, I’m thinking of doing a Spanish version of your jingle for my next album…Senor plow, no es macho, y solamente un boracho.”
    Barney: “Uh…yeah, you do that.”

    Just one more musical number…Apu’s “who needs the quickie mart?” (“I Doooooooooo”)

  1706. Melonie Says:

    My personal favorites (and you’re right, Paul. Top five should just be Ralph quotes)
    The entire Rosebud episode
    “I bent my Wookiee.”
    “Purple is a fruit!”
    “I am so smart. I am so smart. S-M-R-T. I mean S-M-A-R-T”
    And I have to put in a plug for my daughter’s favorite:
    “I like men now!”

  1707. lenny Says:

    Couldn’t resist — just a couple more…

    Brad Goodman leading the cheers at his “feel-good” seminar: “Be like the boy, be like the boy… now just the seniors in the back.”
    Seniors: “We like Roy, We like Roy!!”

    Grandpa Simpson, in Homer’s childhood flashback, in response to Homer’s JFK impersonation, and desire to grow up to become president: “This is the greatest country in the world! We have a whole system set up just so people like you could never be president!!”

    Fat Tony’s gangsters: “I’m seeing double…4 Krusty’s!”
    (and I like their ooo’s and aaa’s when Homer does the little bicycle routine — the clinking of the glasses playing the Godfather theme… classic)

  1708. Paul Alferink Says:

    The end of the “Lord of the Flies” episode (featuring Ralph “I ated the purple berries.” “Tastes like BURNING”

    Narration: “And eventually, they were rescued by, oh, I don’t know. Let’s say Moe.”

    Really, anything involving Troy Mclure:

    Hi! I’m Troy McClure! You might remember me from such films as:

    Calling All Quakers
    Here Come the metric system
    Today we kill, tomorrow we Die

  1709. Rob Says:

    My cat’s breath smells like catfood

  1710. lenny Says:

    Lead Paint, Delicious but Deadly
    Two Minus Three Equals Negative Fun
    Designated Drivers: The Lifesaving Nerds
    Mommy, What’s Wrong With That Man’s Face?
    Dig Your Own Grave and Save
    Man Versus Nature: The Road To Victory
    Get Confident, Stupid!
    Smoke yourself Thin
    Alice Doesn’t Live Any More
    Pepsi Presents Fractions
    (Is it Ralph that answers a fraction question with simply, “Pepsi”, and Troy says “Partial Credit!”?)

  1711. Kirsten Says:

    Interesting that no-one (but me) would call the REM episode their favourite. Don’t you people understand the meaning of the word “obsessed”? I’m afraid you’re all going to have to try a little harder.

  1712. Mr Cup Says:

    Gosh…sooooo many highlights, but that cat food quote kills me every time Rob. As for the banjo line, lets say it’s Smithers trying to sound like Buck. There’s enough there to resemble the intro line, but enough to argue that it is a pretty generic banjo riff. Which would add fuel to the Peter can’t play banjo argument some people have offered. What the hell though, let’s just say it IS the riff. The yokel expression on Smithers is pretty funny.

    Troy Maclure or Zapp Brannigan?

  1713. Mr Cup Says:

    Can’t find a David Sedaris book anywhere in this country.

  1714. Paul Alferink Says:

    I thought about putting the “That’s not the REM way. Now let’s clean up this bottle and recycle the shards, but I thought we’d covered it already.

  1715. Paul Alferink Says:

    Troy or Zapp? That’s not even close. Zapp is an homage to Hartman. Troy is Hartman.

    Not to mention that Futurama is a little overrated. (Time to duck and cover)

  1716. Mr Cup Says:


  1717. Kirsten Says:

    I don’t like to bring up the whole banjo debate again, but that kind of proves my point – all banjo music sounds the same (and it’s not good).

  1718. Mr Cup Says:

    Any .9 seconds of banjo may contain similarities and traces of nuts, but that doesn’t prove anything.

  1719. lenny Says:

    I watched “the banjo scene” last night — somewhat similar, but not the same as the I Believe intro. Sorry, Rob.

    Kirsten, if you want to hear some good banjo music, and I mean it sounds REALLY good… there are two movies you need to watch. “O Brother Where Art Thou?” and “A Mighty Wind”. Both movies are hilarious, and the music is excellent, even if the latter movie pokes fun at the music. Still, I was amazed at the talented song-writing, singing, and playing by that group of actors.

    Best part of the REM episode… Homer’s take on ITEOTWAWKI, “Flanders, I’m talkin’ about YOU!”

  1720. Paul Alferink Says:

    Homer: “Okay brain. I don’t like you and you don’t like me. But get me through this and I’ll go back to killing you with beer.”
    Homer’s Brain: (Contently) “It’s a deal.”

  1721. Bruno Says:

    Wait – I’ve been gone a month and the banjo theme is still around?

    Dagnabbit me be gone down hoot ‘n a corner strummin’ banjo made me squeal like a hog tied ‘n fellers be shakin’ up on the floorboards sayin’ “Hallelujah!”

  1722. lenny Says:

    It’s not so much a banjo theme now as it is a Simpson’s theme.

    How could I forget this one? (big musical number)

    “You could close down Moe’s or the Kwikie Mart, and nobody would care, but the heart and soul of Springfield’s in our Maison Derriere”

    (Gotta love a song about the house of ass.)

  1723. Melonie Says:

    hmmmmmm…. All’s quiet on the Western front.
    Have we scared Michael off already?

  1724. ScottMalobisky Says:

    According to rscheearch at an English uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the lony iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteres are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitill raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.

  1725. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Pittsburgh Steelers at Philadelphia Egalitarians today. Checking the schedule to see who the Tennessee Titanium Alloys play. (this guy’s an ass….)

  1726. Melonie Says:

    That Philly-Steelers tilt may be the one that brings my winning streak to an end. I had both defenses, and so far it’s looking like I picked the wrong one. Dagnabbit! Here’s hoping Tony Romo has a shitty game- then I’ll still have a chance.

  1727. Paul Alferink Says:

    Ronnie Brown scored 3 TD and threw for a 4th, running for over 100 yards. He sat on my bench. In both leagues.

  1728. Melonie Says:

    Sorry, dude. He was benched in our league too. Who knew?

  1729. lenny Says:

    He’s on the bench in my league, too — thankfully not my team, or I would have quit the league. The guy who had Brown in my league would not have won anyway, if he had played him. That’s just sad.

    Actually, while we’re on the subject, I’m getting really sick of fantasy football, after about 8 years playing it. Too many teams are doing the running back by committee, and you can’t count on results from certain people the way you used to. Plus teams throw to about 10 different receivers in a game.

    I make adds and drops on a weekly basis, but it never makes much of a difference — it all ends up being who was lucky enough to get the points in a given week. I blame part of this on the fact that I wasn’t online for the live draft. I was on a streak of winning my league every other year, but I think (sitting here at 0-3) that streak is going to end.

    Maybe if I change my team name to something cool, like Rapid Eye Movement, I might do better.

  1730. lenny Says:

    New idea to pass the time and add to the number of comments on this page:

    Here’s the contest: Name my (crappy) fantasy football team.

    The name I gave it must be bad luck. I picked it out of my global address book from work, which is really similar to how REM got their name. Anyway, it’s Kazunori Fukuyama, because it just sounded cool. I know I can do better. Help me! Maybe some great REM lyric, or another subject from this message board… just help!

  1731. Kirsten Says:

    I just read that Peter’s guitar has been returned! That’s fantastic news – glad they saw sense.
    HQ also hinted that there may be more shows added to the tour, so there’s still hope for us yet! {Plllleeeeaaassse!} Unfortunatley, my husband’s lung collapsed again on Friday, so I’m not sure if we’ll be able to go right round Australia with them ’cause he’s not allowed to fly, but we’ll still see them here in Melbourne at least. It’ll depend on his health and when they get here.
    Very pleased for Peter. 🙂

  1732. Paul Alferink Says:

    My FF team names:

    Livin’ La Vida Orton
    Team Geddes (I was always losing, and I have an unnatural hatred for Anne Geddes. It just seems right.)
    Team Manlove

    My favorite names from other teams:

    The Dez White Experience
    Randy Thompson, Adult Clown
    Cukamunga Kracker Killerz
    Poor Yorick

    The first is only funny if you were a Bears fan in the early 00.

  1733. Melonie Says:

    My teams names have been Faust (when I put those teams together, I deliberatly picked players that I felt had sold their souls to the devil- needless to say I had Brett Favre three years running…) and current incarnation is the FSM Pastafarians.

    Favorites from others:
    Dumbledore’s Army
    Crack Smoking Robots
    Schwetty Balls
    The Trojan Rough Riders

    If you want an R.E.M. referenced named, one of my personal favorites is Future Shock Crowbar. I think that’d also be a great name for an rem tribute band.
    Other options:
    Tinfoil Tiaras (although that’s probably a better one for us girly-type players)
    Ignoramus 103
    Martin Luther Zen
    Teenage Humiliation Station
    Oddfellows Local 151
    Tournament of Lies

    mmm… that’s it for now. I’ll think of more.

    And Paul, don’t give up on it. Like my husband says, it’s pretty much just a crap shoot anyway. No matter how much research you do, it’s all gonna be chance. Last year I went out and bought, like, four magazines AND followed the daily updates and I went 10-3. This year I didn’t even print out a cheat sheet until two hours before the draft, and I’m 3-0 and the only undefeated team in the league. Some years you’re up, some you’re down. Whatever. It’s fun to play, regardless.

    And let me just say, they all made fun of me when I chose Gus Frerotte as my final pick. Well who’s laughing now, boys? Who’s laughing now? }:P

  1734. lenny Says:

    Melonie — I was the one who was going to give up on football, not Paul. I don’t have the time to put in as much research these days. Funny, though… the year my daughter was born, in September 2006, was the last year I won. Now that she’s two, I don’t have the time for this. (She slept through a lot more of her first football season than this one.) And from now on, I’m focusing more on college football from now on — go Mizzou!!

    I like Tournament of Lies. That might work. I don’t know what half of your other references are from. What is Future Shock Crowbar? (I also get 151, Martin Luther, and Ignoramus, but I’m lost on the others.)

    I had the best fantasy team name ever a few years ago, but it was for Fantasy Hockey. I didn’t really want to play, but I was talked into it. So, seeing how the automatic draft gave me a bunch of guys from Finland and the Czech Republic, I got a great idea. I filled my team with free agents from these countries, and the team was called “Finnish your Czechs”. They were really a decent team, actually (Marian Hossa, Teemu Selanne, Oli Jokinen, Jere Lehtinen, Saku Koivu, Martin Straka). I think I finished better than the guy who started the league and made me play!

  1735. lenny Says:

    Aaron Rodgers was my final pick, and he is probably the best player I have. Of course, I only have 6 of the 14 players left that the automatic draft gave me. Like I originally said, maybe I should have been there for the draft!

  1736. Paul Alferink Says:

    Miles Standish Proud would be a great name.

  1737. Paul Alferink Says:

    FSM pastafarians! Have you been touched by his noodley appendage?

  1738. Melonie Says:

    Okay. I’m having issues.

  1739. Melonie Says:

    wtf. I’ve tried posting a response 3 times now and it just keeps saying discarded. Then I type nonsense and it works. bleh.
    Yes, at 3-0 I’d say the noodley appendage has touched me.
    Sorry for the confusion, lenny. Must not have been paying close attention. Go figure. Future Shock Crowbar is from The Outsiders (yes, I am one of the few who actually likes that album); Tinfoil Tiaras from E-Bow; Teenage Humiliation Station is just a play on Supernatural Superserious. Couple more for you: Maddening Loop or Fake-A-Breakdown from Country Feedback. Maybe Fake-A-First Down would fit better. Followers of Chaos or Gathering of Grunts and Greens from Heron House. Sunday Morning Collapse from Belong. If your team sucks, that may be particularly appropriate.
    Actually, a lot of my “band name of the day” entries would make great team names:
    Vending Machine Lunch
    Ewok Appetizer
    Ever Had Kangaroo?
    Drop Down Gorgeous
    Better Living Through Chemistry (esp if you have any juicers)
    Sober Free Holiday
    Latex Allergy
    Lorem Ipsum
    Karmic Voodoo
    And LOVE your Finnish Your Czechs! Brilliant!

  1740. Paul Alferink Says:

    Ralph Wiggum quotes make for good names.
    Sleep’s Where I’m a Viking.
    The Bent Wookies.
    Tastes like Burning

  1741. Paul Alferink Says:

    Pancakes in the Age of Enlightment?

    (Bonus points if you identify the source.

  1742. Melonie Says:

    It’s an old philosophy joke. I don’t know where it comes from though. I’d give Dr. Bielfeldt (my prof) credit but he said he learned it a long time ago.
    For those who haven’t heard it, a guy walks into a restaurant that has a sign that says “Breakfast Served Any Time.” The guy asks the waitress for pancakes in the Age of Enlightenment.
    It also works for Age of Reason or Age of Rationalism.
    I like it. That’s a good name.

    Rene Descartes was a boozy fart, I drink therefore I am.

  1743. lenny Says:

    It’s from Swingers. Great movie. The best part is when they think it went over the server’s head and she walks by later and they say they are in a hurry and they need the check — she says “Hang on, Voltaire!”

    “I should have said Renaissance. That shit went right over her head. I might as well have said ‘let me jump your ignorant bones’.”

    Haven’t seen that in a long time.

  1744. Paul Alferink Says:

    Ding Lenny! 1/2 credit to Melonie for knowing the joke.

  1745. lenny Says:

    So, we’re opening the door (for team names) beyond music lyrics, and now we’re talking obscure movie lines and references? Oh man, we’ll be here for weeks talking about those. (Longer than Simpson’s lines even.)

    (name the movies, if you can…)

    “The Lawn Wranglers”
    “Is this your homework, Larry?”
    “the pure being ball thing”
    “Sonic Death Monkey” or “Kathleen Turner Overdrive”

  1746. Paul Alferink Says:

    The only one I recognize is Sonic Death Monkey or Kathleen Turner Overdrive from High Fidelity.

  1747. Melonie Says:

    omfgwtfbbq! the homework line is from Big Lebowski. That’s a ripe goldmine there, that one is:
    Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
    Emotional Problems Beyond Pacifism
    Occasional Acid Flashback
    At Least It’s An Ethos
    Turn in Your Library Card

    nice. Have you ever seen Foster’s Home on Cartoon Network? They’ve got a bowling episode that has a throw away sight gag on Big Lebowski. It’s really quick and in the background so it’s easy to miss, but we have season 2 on DVD so when it flashed by I was able to go back and pause it. Laughed my ass off, while my daughter asks, “What’s so funny?” The episode is called the Big Lablooski. Good stuff, Maynard.
    Love that show too. Any show with a character named George Mucus has to be good, right?

  1748. lenny Says:

    OK, I think I followed you all the way through omfgwtf, but you lost me with bbq. Barbecue? (oh, and I never heard of Foster’s home.)

    Lebowski has to be the most quotable movie ever. When you go to and look up memorable quotes, the list is practically the whole screenplay.

    You got a date Wednesday, baby!
    What’s a pederast?
    Does the pope shit in the woods?
    Shomer fucking Shabbos

    [too long for a football team name, but this is my favorite quote of the movie… ]

    “3000 years of beautiful tradition from Moses to Sandy Koufax, you’re goddamn right I’m living in the fucking past!”

    I also love…
    “How ya gonna keep ’em down on the farm once they’ve seen Karl Hungus?”

  1749. lenny Says:

    oh… almost forgot

    Lawn Wranglers is from Bottle Rocket (Wes Anderson)
    Pure being ball thing is from I Heart Huckabees

  1750. Paul Alferink Says:

    I didn’t like Bottle Rocket much. Which is odd, cause I loved Rushmore and The Royal Tenebaums.

    I’ve never seen I Heart Huckabees.

    I love Lewbowski. But about the only things I can quote from that movie are

    “The Dude Abides”


    “I loved that rug! It really held the whole room together.”

    Oh, and “Don’t %#@&^ with the Jesus.”

    I know what Foster’s Home is on Cartoon Network. I’ve never watched it, though. It looked like it was done by the same guy who did “Dexter’s Lab,” which I liked when I was bored and in college. My kid, however, won’t tolerate any cartoon that doesn’t have Dora or Diego in it at the moment, so maybe I’ll get to see it next year.

  1751. Melonie Says:

    The bbq is just a random throw in. I don’t remember where I picked it up. If I’m feeling really punchy I go all the way with OMFGROTFLMAOWTFBBQ! Wear THAT on your sleeve.

    maybe you could abbreviate your quote to Moses Koufax Traditions.

    Even if your kid isn’t quite old enough yet, you should check it out yourself. They do enough grown up humour that I’ve found myself watching it even when Andrea isn’t around. Wait til they outgrow Dora et al. There’s some great cartoons right now. Some better than the crap that is on regular tv.

    Cute cat. What’s its name? Annoying Customer.

  1752. Paul Alferink Says:


    “It’s my invention! See!”
    “It’s for Kids!”

  1753. Melonie Says:

    Mmm….stumped. Don’t know those. Or at least don’t recognize them.

    “I do not think it means what you think it means.”

    “You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you.”
    “You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die.”

  1754. lenny Says:

    Hudsucker Proxy, Paul. Good one. Unlike most Coen brothers films, I don’t own it, and I’ve only seen it once. Tim Robbins was very memorable, though.

    Princess Bride, Melonie. “Have fun storming the castle…do you think it will work?…it would take a miracle…so long!”

    new one…
    “Pai Mei taught you the 5-point palm exploding heart technique?” (be specific with your guess…)

  1755. lenny Says:

    and back to the Coen brothers…

    “It’s approximately 8:45 in the PM. I’m going to be down there in exactly 12 hours to kick me some butt…or my name ain’t Nathan Arizona!”

    “Do those balloons blow up into funny shapes?” …
    “Well, no, unless round is funny.”

  1756. Paul Alferink Says:

    The Raising Arizona.

    And Kill Bill Part II

    Next quote:

    “Tell him about the Twinkie, Ray.”

  1757. ScottMalobisky Says:

    the only thing Descartes was sure of was the existence of his own mind, whatever that means

  1758. lenny Says:

    “What about the Twinkie?”

    Ghostbusters, Paul. No one has stumped me yet. Plus we discussed that movie earlier on this board. See: “Yes, have some.” (back on July 10th)

    “I was born to love you
    I was born to lick your face
    I was born to rub you
    But you were born to rub me first”

  1759. lenny Says:

    “We can go for a walk, and you can kiss me on the veranda.”…”Well, on the lips would be fine.”

  1760. Paul Alferink Says:

    The first one is Caddyshack, another movie we already talked about. And to be fair, the movies quoted thus far have all pretty much been in your wheel house. Let’s move you out of your comfort zone:

    “We did lose a million dollars last year. We expect to lose a million this year, too. At the rate of a million a year we’ll have to close this place. . . in 60 years.”

  1761. lenny Says:

    Still in the wheelhouse. Citizen Kane….”Rosebud!”

    speaking of money…
    “Fellas, last year I made 3 million dollars, but your 50 thousand was the most fun”

    Something crossed my mind, so I have to throw it briefly back to the Simpsons…
    “As much as I hate that man right now, you gotta love that suit.”

    same episode…(I love Lurleen’s song titles)
    “I’m basting a turkey with my tears”
    “I’m sick of your lying lips and false teeth”
    “Don’t look up my dress unless you mean it”

  1762. Paul Alferink Says:

    Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
    (“Unfortunately, he’s a mute”)

    Oh Irony. See, we don’t get that here. See, people ski topless here while smoking dope, so irony is not a high priority . We haven’t had any irony here since about ’83, when I was the only practitioner of it. And I stopped because I was tired of being stared at”

  1763. Melonie Says:

    See, I was thinking the Simpsons quote was from the “See my Vest” episode until you said Lurleen.

    I don’t know Paul’s, but I like this irony quote better:
    “Define irony: a bunch of idiots dancing around on a plane to a song made famous by a band that died in a plane crash.”

    And I know this one is in Paul’s wheelhouse, but may be a stumper for lenny:
    I don’t believe I’m hearing this! I’ve been with your father for twenty-five years! Do you think I get bored? Of course I do!
    (in Spanish) “Hot stuff may be able to shake his tail feather, but he knows chicken shit about rhythm.”
    “Grandma would like to teach us.”

  1764. Paul Alferink Says:

    I acknowledge I know it and will leave it for Lenny.

    The other one is Con-Air.

  1765. lenny Says:

    Now they’re getting obscure. I knew I heard the Con Air quote before, but I wouldn’t have guessed it. And I have no idea about this “chicken shit rhythm” thing.

    Check my post at 1:39PM today — no one called that movie yet…

    Paul, is your irony quote from Roxanne? Been ages since I saw that one. “Because I was afraid of Worms, Roxanne, WORMS!!”

  1766. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Peter got his guitar back.

  1767. Paul Alferink Says:

    That is Roxanne.

  1768. Paul Alferink Says:

    Melonie’s are from Strictly Ballroom, fantastic, underwatched movie.

  1769. ScottMalobisky Says:

    oh man , I wanna see Oregon State spank the University of Spoiled Children

  1770. Melonie Says:

    LOL! Nice, Scott. Gotta remember that one.

    Okay, I hate to even admit that I know your 1:39 post simply because I hate the movie (or, more accurately, I hate Martin Short which leads me to dislike the movie or just about any movie he’s in) but your quote is from Three Amigos. The fact that I know that is mildly humiliating.

    And just have to share a great band/team name that came up in my 7:30 am meeting this morning because it’s just so funny:

    Mid-Level Passion Group

    I wrote it in the margin of my meeting minutes because it was just that damn good.

  1771. Melonie Says:

    Oh, and can I please just say how happy I am that the Twins were able to sweep the Chicago White Sux? No offense, Paul.

    Don’t know that we can hold onto the #1 spot, but damn it feels good just to spank A.J.

  1772. Paul Alferink Says:

    None taken. I’m pretty indifferent to the White Sox. Although I do harbor a resentment for the twins that dates back to there 1987 schlubbing of the Tigers (The other team near my heart). As a Cub fan, they made up for it when they beat the Cardinals, however.

    “You know, this desk set has a rather aerodynamic shape. This desk set wants to fly!

  1773. Melonie Says:

    Dead Poets Society?

  1774. lenny Says:

    Go Twins. I have forgiven them for 1987, and compared to the rest of the American League playoff contenders, they are the most tolerable. Plus I have friends from up there. After they beat up on the Royals this weekend, that will make the MVP a lock for Morneau.

    As far as National league goes, this may surprise Paul, but I’d probably prefer to see the Cubs in the World Series more than anyone else, and I think they have the team to do it. It’s probably too late for the Phillies to be knocked out of playoff contention, because they get to play Washington this weekend, but I’d like to see the Brewers and Mets in the 2 remaining playoff spots.

    By the way…what happens if the three teams finish with the same record…anyone know? 2 playoff spots, 3 teams tied, 2 from the same division. I think I read up on that in a previous year — I think the Mets and Phillies would play for their division title, and the Brewers would be the wild card team, on account of their record being a half-game better than the playoff game loser’s (it actually counts in the final standings).

    I don’t know about the flying desk set quote. I think I’m done being stumped by obscure movie lines. If Melonie is right, it’s not necessarily obscure, but it’s one that doesn’t really get talked about as a classic — you know, standing the test of time. And I’ve never heard of Strictly Ballroom. Who is in it, or wrote it, or directed it? Anyone I would know? Never mind, I’ll just look it up.

    Like I said, I’m tired of the movie quote game. To quote a more recent movie — “Done with fish!” (I don’t usually check the site as often on the weekend anyway — so you guys will probably be tired of it by Monday, too.)

  1775. lenny Says:

    RE: The cubs — I only meant I’d prefer to see the Cubs in the series compared to all the other National League teams that are still alive this year, and this year alone! I didn’t want there to be any doubt about that statement, because it sounds so wrong…

  1776. Paul Alferink Says:

    Strictly Ballroom is the first movie from Baz Luhrman, who also directed Romeo and Juliet, and Moulin Rouge. I like his movies. They certainly aren’t boring. His epic, “Austrailia” gets released soon, although if it doesn’t have enough Koala Bears in it, I might skip it. Or if there’s no ferral Mad Max Kid. But it is from Baz Luhrman, one of the things that makes Austrailia worthwhile. . .

  1777. ScottMalobisky Says:

    lenny, 1987, arguably the worst year of my life….

  1778. Paul Alferink Says:

    Don’t be so negative, Scott. You don’t know that! For all you know, next year will be the worst year of your life!

  1779. Mr Cup Says:

    If you are trying to elicit a response Alfey, you will have to try harder than that.


  1780. lenny Says:

    We’ve been over this territory before — there are plenty of things besides Baz and Koalas that make (or made) Australia worthwhile… (INXS, Naomi Watts, Uluru, the Australian Pink Floyd tribute band…)

    Whoa — subject change — we were just talking about 1987…and this comment here (mine) is #1787. The U.S. Constitution was adopted on September 17th, 1787, and today is September 27th. Almost a really weird coincidence…just one digit off.

  1781. Paul Alferink Says:

    In a wierder coincidence, I went to Athens, IL “Hertitage Days” today and ate 1987 varieties of fried food! Featured today were:

    Fried Twinkies
    Fried Candy Bars
    Fried Oreos
    Fried Cheese
    Fried Doughnuts
    Funnel Cake
    Elephant Ears
    French Fries
    Taco Salad with Fried, edible bowl.

    Honestly, I think at fairs and carnivals, if they run out of any fried item, they pick a random item and toss in the deep frier just to see what happens.

    And for those wondering, I didn’t actually have any of the above, so I can’t tell you how disgusting they were.

  1782. Melonie Says:

    Since I’m in Minnesota, home of “fried anything on a stick” I can testify that deep fried oreos are actually very tasty. Deep fried candy bars, not so much. But the oreos are to die for.

    This year’s newfangled “treat” at the fair was (wait for it…)

    chocolate covered bacon

    I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  1783. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Down With The Sickness

  1784. Mr Cup Says:

    You can hear Homer salivating slowly, mmmm…chocolate covered bacon.

    I believe in Scotland deep fried pizza and Mars bars are typical menu items.

  1785. ScottMalobisky Says:

    ESPN visited Weaver D’s during the Georgia game…it was a pretty cool segment, mentioned the band , it was pretty cool

  1786. Kirsten Says:

    So, Michael’s finished answering questions. Did anyone here get their question answered, and if so, what was it?

  1787. Rob Says:

    Sadly, no. That’s okay. He kinda answered what I had submitted in a roundabout way in one of the other questions. Just back from Chicago this morning and feeling insanely tired. I got to attend the Hideout Blockparty and saw the wonderful Neko Case, New Pornographers and a crazy garage metal band from Israel called Monotonix. If you’ve ever wanted to see a drummer play while crowd surfing- the crowd held his kit above their heads- check them out. Must sleep now.

  1788. Melonie Says:

    *sigh* nope. I even sent my questions right away to try and avoid the rush. Kinda bummed, but oh well. It was still very, very cool.

  1789. Kirsten Says:

    I know he couldn’t possibly answer everyone’s questions, but words could not discribe my disappointment. I honestly feel a little rejected by the one person who actually matters. Let’s just say I wasn’t very pleasant to talk to yesterday!! 🙂

    Having said that, as I wipe away my tears, it was still an honour that he would recognise Matthew’s work and to take the time to bother to answer some of our questions was fantastic. Proving, yet again, that he is better than everyone else who ever has or ever will roam this Earth.

  1790. Mr Cup Says:

    I couldn’t think of anything to ask. I had a thousand questions but nothing about lyrics. sigh.

  1791. Melonie Says:

    Just for the record, Kirsten and Mr Cup, I am completely jealous of your locale. Going to Australia is on my bucket list. You’re living the dream, my friends.

  1792. Kirsten Says:

    But REM won’t come here. YOU are living the dream!

  1793. lenny Says:

    The big 1800…
    I guess I’m living the dream, too…Michael answered one of my two questions. (I’m sure the 2nd one came in too late and was not even forwarded.)

    Sorry to make anyone jealous, if you didn’t get your answers. I struggled to come up with a second question, and the first one wasn’t really that good. Then I just read the AMS#6 page, and someone asked a similar question to my 2nd one. So, it was almost like they were both answered.

    I had to ask about the best song in the world (“I Believe”), but how could I come up with the best question to match? I ended up asking if obscure, nonsensical lyrics were really just inside jokes, like “example is the checker to the key”. I guess I’m satisfied with his answer — it’s an honor to have him just read and consider it. What a perfectly incredible way to end this site’s great run.

    Oh, my second question was “Did N.O. Instrumental #1 ever have lyrics and if so, what were they?” Maybe it got rejected for being a 2-part question. He really only answered that similar question half-way — he said that they tried putting words to it, but he never said what the lyrics were.

  1794. lenny Says:

    I loved the question about songs being played for special occasions, and Michael’s answer was weddings, births, funerals. So, here’s the obvious question for you all…what songs would you play (or did you play) for each occasion? (REM or otherwise)

    1. Your wedding
    2. The birth of your child
    3. The death of a parent or other loved one

    For me —
    1. We had a lot of music played by a woodwind quintet at church, and some recorded stuff for the reception. Too long to list, but my favorite was instrumental, because words couldn’t really describe how incredible the day was — Debussy’s “Claire de Lune”. (A friend of mine had a great song played at his wedding, and I would have done it if he didn’t steal it first — “Dance with You” by Live. Find the lyrics online and read them — it is perfect for a wedding, or maybe honeymoon.)

    2. Never thought to include music for my daughter’s birth, but she loved Dave Matthews from the start, so I guess she heard that first at birth. If I had to do it over again, I would play Furry Happy Monsters, but I can do it now, when she’s old enough to laugh at it!

    3. Many REM songs would be good for this, but they’re too obvious (Sweetness Follows comes to mind.)

    OK, maybe it’s not a good question after all…

  1795. Kirsten Says:

    Good question about I Believe, now we know it was the car. Should’ve asked about the banjo…. And he did answer your second question anyway, so there’s no point saying it twice. I asked about the “scales” on These Days and the entire first verse of Turn You Inside-Out ’cause I don’t get it.

    In reply to your questions:

    1. We had At My Most Beautiful and Perfect Circle (before I read here what the song was about). Didn’t play any REM at the reception – I asked the DJ to, but he was shit and just played whatever he liked. Mostly stuff my husband and I didn’t.

    2. Never really thought about it. Maybe Bitter Sweet Me. Get them rockin’ early I say.

    3. Friends & Family I wouldn’t play REM – it’d make more sense to play what They liked. For me personally, maybe 11th Song from Green. But I don’t really care ’cause I won’t be there, I’ll be too busy haunting Michael Stipe by the time of the funeral! (And I wonder why he won’t talk to me?) I believe in watching you….

  1796. Melonie Says:

    That’s actually a GREAT question lenny. Sadly, all of my milestone events occurred prior to my fixation so I’ll list what we did use and what R.E.M. I would include now.

    Wedding: My husband and I met playing husband and wife in a play (insert your “awww, fer cute” here), so our entire wedding utilized show tunes. The only exceptions were our recessional (which was “The Throne Room” from Star Wars) and our first dance, which was “Time and Tide” by Basia. But even that was theatre related because it was the song that was played for our curtain call in the show.
    Would play: Would probably leave it all the same, but I would want “Electrolite” played for one of the slow dances because I think it’s one of the most romantic songs ever. But it wasn’t out when we were married, so I don’t know how that would work. Maybe if we ever renew our vows…

    Birth: Yeah, there was no music in the birthing room. Sound was pretty much pissing me off. We brought a boom box but it was quickly turned off, as was the tv and any other annoying noise object. They even had to remove the clock because the ticking was driving me crazy. But our song for Andrea is “If I Has A Million Dollars” by Barenaked Ladies because it was popular on the radio when she was born, and she looked like a monkey with her full head of curly black hair and her little “o” mouth. So the line about “haven’t you always wanted a mon-KEY?!” is really appropriate. And she loved listening to the Blues Brothers in the car on the long trips to Grandma’s house.
    Would play: Probably still wouldn’t have anything in the hospital, but she does have a few favorite R.E.M. songs that I would start playing earlier in her life. She loves “Man in the Moon” because she feels like “Andy did you hear about this one?” is a shout out to her. And we’d probably play “Out of Time” a lot because her favorite song is, yes, “Shiny Happy People.” But she will willingly listen to the songs surrounding it as well (Near Wild Heaven, Endgame and Belong), which says a lot because she’s really sick of them at this point.

    Death: We played “Borning Cry” at Grandma’s funeral, and would probably still play it because it’s really fitting and one of her favorites. But I would have added “You Are The Everything” because she was. If I’m in the right mood (or the wrong place, depending on how you look at it) I still get a little weepy when I hear that song and/or “Sweetness Follows” because they remind me of her. For my own funeral, I want them to play “Great Beyond” and “I’m Gonna DJ.” And everyone who comes will totally understand.


  1797. Melonie Says:

    And belated Happy New Year to anyone celebrating today.

  1798. lenny Says:

    OK, you got my curiosity up, Melonie. Either your New Year’s celebration is very very belated, or you’re using a different calendar altogether. I’m intrigued.

    Today is a different kind of New Year’s Eve for me, because I work for the U.S. Government. At midnight tonight, it’s Happy 2009 Fiscal Year, everybody!

    …and before everyone starts yelling at me — I can’t do anything about the economy; I work for the Corps of Engineers, and I will keep your home or business from flooding, or minimize the damage, or failing that, we’ll help you clean up. When it comes to money, I just put together an estimate of how much I need to get my portion of the work for a project done. I’ve personally spent almost $100,000 on my current project, but that’s neither here nor there. When the project is built, it will cost a total of $1 Billion. Any guesses what it is for?

  1799. Kirsten Says:

    Is it a statue of Michael Stipe with the words of So Central Rain engraved on it, sort of along the lines of the statue of liberty?

  1800. Mr Cup Says:

    one billion doesn’t sound like a lot these days lenny….maybe a revolving restaurant at the hoover dam?

    A disney ride that replicates the feeling of a real flood?

    A wave machine that counter attacks tsunami’s by barreling them?

    Designing a hoist system to wind your house up off the ground should a flood look imminent?

    I could go on.

  1801. lenny Says:

    Kirsten, you need help.

    Mr. Cup, $1 Billion is an awful lot for a water resources project. And where else would it go, but…(wait for it)… New Orleans. The city that was doomed from the start. Already mostly below sea level, on continually sinking ground, near a big-ass river and a rising ocean (Gulf), and oh yeah, very hurricane-prone. Makes you wonder what my motivation is to save a train wreck just waiting to happen. Mark my word, the city will be gone in 100 years or less (unless Brad and Angelina donate another billion for coastal wetland restoration).

  1802. lenny Says:

    …but don’t quote me on that.

  1803. Paul Alferink Says:

    Please. Venice and the Netherlands have lasted this long. New Orleans will last another 100. Galveston was devistated in a second hurricane in 108, and it will be rebuilt again just to get destroyed again in another 108.

  1804. Kirsten Says:

    Why? I’d go to your country just to see that. Actually, it’s a pretty long way, I might just start building one here in my back yard. Does anyone have a billian dollars that I can borrow? (I’m looking at you Lenny!)

  1805. Kirsten Says:

    Sorry about the typo, the excitement was getting to me!

  1806. Mr Cup Says:

    Lenny, I went to the Russell Crowe advanced economics lectures. A billion is nothing. A billion dollars for everyone!
    Mwa ha-haaar.

  1807. Kirsten Says:

    Just been at HQ and saw it was B2’s Birthday yesterday (30/09). That’s funny ’cause B1’s birthday is on the last day of a month aswell – they really wanted to replace him with someone as similar as they could get, didn’t they? Anyway, it didn’t say how old he is so does anyone know so I can worship properly?


  1808. lenny Says:

    OK, Paul, you’re right about Venice and the Netherlands being around a long time, but they don’t rely on a shrinking river delta and diminishing coastal wetlands to protect them from yearly hurricane threats. Plus, the Dutch built their dikes to a huge level of protection, and they did it a long time ago — when it didn’t cost a billion dollars to do it, and before environmental regulations would have prohibited it.

    New Orleans would have had higher protection years and years ago, if it wasn’t for the typical U.S. bureaucracy and environmental regulations getting in the way. Now, it’s almost too late to get approval to do enough — they are still only talking about getting 100-year hurricane protection by 2011. Amsterdam has something like 1000-year flood protection already. In the U.S., it’s almost impossible to build anything beyond 500-year protection. Too costly, not economically justified, too big of a project for Congress to approve it, too many regulations in the way of it happening.

    It would be very interesting to see how this issue is handled someday when the city is really on its last legs. Hopefully, someone will have the sense to suggest MOVING it, before it just gets swallowed up anyway. Personally, as a taxpayer, I’d get mighty sick of paying to let that city rebuild and recover from every disaster that hits a doomed city, when the smartest and cheapest thing would be to get the hell out of there. If you think something like Katrina won’t happen again for a long time, think again.

  1809. Paul Alferink Says:

    I’m not saying they aren’t in serious trouble. I’m saying they are going to keep rebuilding that thing because there’s stupid and stubborn and people will keep paying money to get college girls drunk, naked and covered in beads. For the same reasons we won’t shell out the crazy Dutch seawall money, they will keep building and rebuilding N.O.

  1810. lenny Says:

    Sadly, yes. All those things you said.

    By the way, remind me to take a site visit to my favorite project around mid-February of next year!

  1811. Melonie Says:

    sorry for the delay lenny. It’s Rosh Hashanah, which means it’s time to party like it’s 5769!

    Here’s my question- is there some law that dictates that NOLA is the only place a person can get drunk and naked for beads? I’m just saying- relocating the city doesn’t mean the debauchery has to end, does it?

  1812. Paul Alferink Says:

    Lenny, tell her about St. Louis during Mardi Gras.

  1813. Paul Alferink Says:

    And no, but it’s the same reason the Cubs still play in Wrigley field. Sure, the bathrooms are horrid, the bullpens are dangerous, the Club Houses tiny, and no room to put truly assume food places. But it’s Wrigley Field.

  1814. Figgy Says:

    Sorry, I haven’t been to the swings of These Days for a while so I’m playing catch-up. Nice to see this secret meeting place is still going strong!

    Apologies for going back to the earlier topic of what questions JMS didn’t answer. I just thought I’d share my disappointment about one of my unanswered ones. This is what I asked:
    “When you played your 5-night rehearsal residency at The Olympia, you appeared to have all the song lyrics saved on your laptop. From watching the footage on YouTube, I seem to recall you laughing and disputing some of the lyrics (e.g. saying things like ‘I know I never would have wrote that!’).
    So what I want to know is… Where did you get the lyrics from? Did you (like the rest of us) search through song lyric websites and grab other people’s best guesses at what the words of the old songs were? If so, does this mean you don’t have the lyrics of some of the older songs written down anywhere?”

    Mr Stipe hinted at an answer to this when answering someone else’s question on using technology, when he said that some of his earlier lyrics were recorded in “a notebook or nothing (memory)”. So perhaps the lyrics to Murmur are just as mysterious to Michael Stipe as they are to us.

    By the way, he answered my Daysleeper question and that gave me a bit of a buzz. Mainly for the fact that he read it and took the time to respond. Just like many of the questions he answered, I was left hungry for more detail and really wished I could’ve asked a quick follow up question (like you would naturally do in a real conversation).

    But as all the commentators have been saying on this site, Michael Stipe has done a really cool thing engaging with his fans like this.

  1815. lenny Says:

    St. Louis has the 2nd biggest Mardi Gras party in the US. I used to live in the area of the city called “Soulard”, which is where that big party happens. It’s like the St. Louis equivalent of the French Quarter, with all the great restaurants, bars, and music clubs, but without the brothels…I mean gentlemen’s clubs.

    By the way Paul, what happened to your Cubbies? I guess you’re hoping Zambrano can do his thing and even the series.

    Nice to hear from you again, Figs. I had a feeling that once the Ask MS party was over, we’d be getting a lot more company at these days. Welcome, everyone.

  1816. Paul Alferink Says:

    Don’t talk to me about the Cubs last night. I really wanted the Mets to win so the Cubs could play them. The Dodgers and all those lefty scare me a bit.

  1817. Melonie Says:

    Come on Cubbies! Now that the Twins are out (like they had a chance…) I need someone to root for.

  1818. Figgy Says:

    Cheers, lenny. I’ll probably pop by These Days every day Monday to Friday (yep, this is how I waste time at work) from now on just to see what everyone’s chatting about. Unfortunately, I don’t follow American sports so I probably won’t have anything to contribute for a while.
    But I found your perspective on the rebuilding of New Orleans was very interesting.
    I also expect this blog will be the place I share my excitement with the Australians should REM announce they’re going ‘down unda’. Checking REMHQ every day for news!

  1819. Kirsten Says:

    Hey, that was a great question Figgy. Shame we didn’t get an answer. I’m sure there were a lot of questions put to him that would’ve been realy interesting to hear the answer to, but obviously he only has so much time.

  1820. Paul Alferink Says:

    Because I like the quote

    “Gentleman! There’s no fighting in here! This is the WAR ROOM!”

    And ideas?

  1821. lenny Says:

    Dr. Strangelove, Paul. Classic.

    Not to worry, Figgy. American sports will probably not be discussed very much in a couple of days when Paul and Melonie have no one to root for. I’m probably in that same boat, too.

    Good luck waiting for concert announcements. In the mean time, check out all of our recent movie and Simpsons quotes. Here’s one of the latter…

    Casey Kasem: “And our new #1 song, ‘I Do Believe We’re Naked’ by Funky See Funky Do replaces ‘We’re Sending Our Love Down the Well’ which drops all the way down to number 97.”

  1822. lenny Says:

    One of my Chicago friends sent me a text message this morning, in response to a message I sent about the debate last night…

    “Great debate…Palin was as bad as the Cubs last night.”

    Actually, if you measured their performances against their expectations, Palin kicked the Cubs asses. But, she’s still an incompetent tool. As for the Cubs: 55-26 at home in the regular season and they drop the first 2. Ouch. Inexplicable.

  1823. Melonie Says:

    And I thought Minnesota teams were good at imploding. What do you guys have in the water over there, Paul? That was just painful to watch.
    And I thought the debate was great! Gosh gee willikers, isn’t Sara just so cute and folksy! We wished we had hosted a debate party and made it into a drinking game. Everyone take a drink when you hear the words “change”, “maverik” and “mayor”. Course I’m a little biased because I used to work for Biden. But you’re right, she’s a tool. What the hell was McCain thinking?

  1824. Paul Alferink Says:

    We didn’t have anything in the water, but I’m adding strychnine after they lose this series.

    “Ratatouille Strychnine
    Sometimes she’s a friend of mine
    With a gigantic whirlpool
    That will blow your mind”

  1825. Melonie Says:

    Wow. Paul, dude, you have my complete sympathies. I can’t believe they’re out. I was really hoping this year would be their year.

  1826. Paul Alferink Says:

    As this blog has final wound down, it’s time to move on. Hopefully, I’ll see you all when Accelerate gets the MP treatment sometime next year. If it starts, and you notice before I do, please let me know.

    And because someone took all the goodbye REM quotes, I leave you with the wisdom of Scooter of the Muppets fame:

    “Saying goodbye, why is it sad? Makes us remember the good times we’ve had Much more to say, foolish to try It’s time for saying goodbye.”

  1827. Melonie Says:


    (sulks in the corner because everyone’s gone home)

  1828. Kirsten Says:

    Thank you for being there for me
    Thank you for listening

  1829. Mr Cup Says:

    Should we talk about the weather?

  1830. ScottMalobisky Says:

    No. 🙂

  1831. Kirsten Says:

    Hi. Hi. Hi.

    Should we talk about the government?

  1832. Kirsten Says:

    Speaking in tongues. It’s worth a broken lip.

    Glad to see you weren’t on that Qantas flight, Mr Cup.

  1833. Melonie Says:

    I always thought he was saying speaking in tongues HURTS with a broken lip.

  1834. Kirsten Says:

    Until I read it on this site, I thought it was “Speaking in tongues SPOKE with a broken lip”. I’ve tried, but I can’t hear “it’s worth” at all. {And I continue to sing it my way – it is my favourite song after all}

  1835. Melonie Says:

    So I pose this question in all sincerity (to both Kirsten and anyone else who’s still hanging around)- How do you pick just one favorite song? I honestly can’t narrow it to less then 12-15, no matter how hard I try. I don’t know if it’s just an ADD thing or what, but different songs strike me in different moods so I hear one and think “Oh, that’s my favorite!” But then I hear another and think, “Oh. No, THAT’S my favorite!” and on and on it goes. Maybe r.e.m. songs are like Lays.
    What’s weird is that with my other favorite artists, most of whom have catalogs just as prodigious, I can narrow it to one or two favorites. But that seems to escape me with r.e.m.
    How do YOU pick just one?

  1836. Bruno Says:

    Ahh, things continue down around these parts these days.

    Melonie, just grab a CD, or mp3 list, iTunes, whatever, close your eyes point and say very loudly ‘My favorite!’ and there it is. Of course you’ll have to do that each time so maybe just choose… um…. Windout!

    Or just pretend that Windout is your favorite and be happy with that 12-15 song problem on shuffle.

    (Fall on me)

  1837. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Ou est la guerre?

  1838. Kirsten Says:

    What’s wrong with Windout??

    My favourite changes with my mood too. Favourite slow song, sad song, rock song – that’s the real problem, they cover so many genres. I just call that one my favourite (along with Turn You Inside-Out)cause it comes up the most as that and I have never skipped it, or never not been in the mood for it, whereas some of my other favourites (like Country Feedback) may not have the same impact if I’m in the mood for Monster.

  1839. Mr Cup Says:

    Theme song for QANTAS: Fall on me….. (don’t)

    If you live in the moment, it’s easy to have a fave as it’s particular to that moment. If however you want an overarching, all encompassing, uber song that is better than any other song, all the time…well that’s easy too:

    fall on me

  1840. Kirsten Says:

    Yeah, fall on me is good, but did they re-make it with friends? I don’t think so. Therefore, windout may be best the best song ever written by anyone ever. I mean, once is good enough for you to really go oh-oh-oh!

  1841. Mr Cup Says:

    It gets me going in the morning.

  1842. Bruno Says:

    Nothing against Windout, Kirsten, it’s just the first one that came to mind when I was making my (silly) point to Melonie. It’s a fun song …from a great soundtrack too!

    Yep, as I said also, Mr Cup, it’s gotta be Fall on Me. Although there are many fantastic songs no doubt, to me the prize goes to Fall on Me as it has got all the bits. Arrangement, dynamics, melody, lyrics, instrumentation, counter-melody/harmonies, as sense of drama/yearning/mood, each section ‘falling’ effortlessly into the next and then the timeless all-harmonies up fade-out. Supreme song craft (in a good sense not a bad one).

    Its the song the pop music professor holds up to the class to show which one broke the mold.

    But then again, I might just be a camel.

  1843. lenny Says:

    Picking a favorite is not difficult for me. For R.E.M. songs it’s always been I Believe, and always will be. The hard part for me after that is picking a 2nd favorite. Some days I might say Fall on Me, some days I might pick These Days or Begin the Begin. Don’t even ask me to pick a favorite album, because that’s just obvious. I honestly would rather listen to all 4 of the songs I mentioned before any other REM song. So. Central Rain probably slides into the top 5. After that it’s a free for all.

  1844. Rob Says:

    Hmmm…….. World Leader Pretend perhaps. Or E-Bow. Or Leave. Pretty Persuasion? Living Well Is The Best Revenge? Find The River? Feeling Gravitys Pull? Aw shit, I just can’t do it.

  1845. Rob Says:

    Anyone gonna go for Wanderlust? No. Thought not.

  1846. ScottMalobisky Says:

    5 years ago tonight I saw REM in Atlanta…..also a Saturday night ……with Georgia playing Tennessee;the only time I ever saw them—jimjos was there too–oh, where does the time go?

  1847. Bruno Says:

    What’s a Tennessee? Something like a banjo? And who’s Georgia?

    ‘Come on, you got it, Heh!, in the mood, well alright!'(Gets my vote)

  1848. Melonie Says:

    Hey, hey, hey! I actually LOVE Wanderlust.
    I like the idea of putting my favorites in a playlist and hitting random and whatever comes up is my #1 song. Thanks for the idea, Bruno.

    Course maybe on the other hand I’ll just pick Wanderlust since it has such a bad rap. Maybe it needs the love a little more than other songs do, since they tend to be everyone’s favorites…

  1849. Bruno Says:

    Voice of Harold?

    King of the Road maybe (featuring that ridiculously sloppy solo by a drunken Peter)?

  1850. Bruno Says:

    Double post for me

    Was just playing a bit of sunday night gitter and I usually try a few things and bounce about from some of my own stuff to songs that I know.

    I happened upon ‘Green grow the rushes’. What a great song that is. With Michael doing the ‘la la la la la laaa’ and Mike singing the ‘Green grow the rushes’ part. That one had all the right REM mix. And so I step up and place it in the hat as an outside possibility in the best song sweepstakes.

    ‘Stay off that highway, word is it’s not so safe’

  1851. Kirsten Says:

    I defended Windout, but Wanderlust? Even I can’t do that. Fun to sing along to, but they play it at the supermarket. That’s all I have to say about that.

    Bruno, I love that ending too. It’s right up there with Around The Sun.

    I think anything from Chronic Town can be considered a favourite. Tongue’s another one I never tire of. I’ve also thought of a bunch more, so lets just say about 60% of their songs are my favourite, 39% are my second favourites and I find about 1% are a bit average.

  1852. milesy Says:

    OK, I can’t resist. A top 5 for me would be:
    Fall on Me
    You are the Everything
    Shaking Through
    End of the World
    … and the fifth rotates (to steal an idea from Peter Buck). Today it’s Living Well.

  1853. Bruno Says:

    I’m a bit funny with REM. A big fan (if i could underline that I would) from Chronic Town through to around about Monster. Then I fell off the train completely. Some reason they never really grabbed me beyond that point. I think it was around about Bang and Blame or so that it just appeared to me they were going through the motions. So I’m at a loss when people mention Around the Sun or Reveal or other later songs/albums. Anyway, I should give them a chance cause I’m probably wrong in my judgment. (I do like Accelerate lots though – Partly blaming Matthew for this!)

    So my point is, as well as favorite song, who wants to mention favorite album – also with an emphasis on the later stuff. What’s good, what isn’t?

    Favorite album for me by the way – Pageant.

  1854. lenny Says:

    Of course it’s Pageant, Bruno. I’d be surprised if that’s not everyone’s favorite.

    And you really described my own REM ‘fandom’ over the years, when you were describing your own. I just couldn’t get into anything after Monster. For me, the big turn off was that Michael stopped singing and started ‘speaking the lyrics’ on the albums instead. Hi Fi was just a real downer for me, entirely.

  1855. Bruno Says:

    I realize from your above post that Pageant is your favorite, lenny. That first side is also for me quite possibly my favorite back-to-back set of songs of any by any artist.

    Although I like the sound of Peter’s Ricky more on Reckoning. And I think you might be wrong (although I think you were saying it as a way of mentioning again your belief that LRP is the best), many here (those of us left) would probably pick Murmer, I’m guessing.

  1856. Melonie Says:

    Maybe that’s the advantage I have- I’m not a fan from way back so I didn’t have the same expectations as others here. As a relative newbie, I’ve been able to look at the whole catalog from a new perspective and so, while I love a lot of the earlier stuff, I have a lot of favorites in the later albums as well. All of it was pretty much new to me, so I was able to view each song in and of themselves and not through the filter of what came before. Just a thought.
    Like Kirsten, I do have favorites in different categories: happy, angry, thought provoking, sad and sing-a-long. And I really do love Wanderlust. It speaks to me, and it’s one of my sing-a-long favorites (along with Bad Day, Final Straw and ITEOTWAWKI- I love to crank the stereo with my car windows open and sing REALLY LOUD!!!). Which of course pops a mental image of Stipe’s bald head bouncing on a line of lyric, but that’s a whole other thing altogether…

  1857. Kirsten Says:

    Guilty!! Murmur for sure, followed by Monster. Picking the order after that gets more difficult and varies depending on my mood. Post Berry albums, I’d probably say Up is my favourite, but Reveal is a better album, if that makes sense. I don’t like it more, but the individual songs I believe are better written, but if you’re not in the right mood you can tire of it by the end. Up keeps your attention better and has more of a variety of styles/tempos.
    I can tell that Accelerate is going to be up there with my favourites, but it’s too new to judge properly just yet. Horse To Water is probably my favourite from Accelerate currently.

  1858. Mr Cup Says:

    Document is still my default answer, despite evidence leaning towards Lifes Rich Pageant (whenever I see LRP I think of Little River Band and I have to pour acid on my skin to detract from the pain).

    Murmur and Fables on their given day. Document was the soundtrack to that all important part of my life, where each day started and ended with clearasil.

    Oh yeah – Automatic for the people isn’t to shabby. though I do reach for the skip button here.

  1859. Mr Cup Says:

    As for Accelerate….I won’t consider it AT ALL until it is toured down this way. It’s only fair.

    I love the title track though. I like to play it quite loud and impress upon the neighbors with my exquisite tastes.

  1860. Rob Says:

    My hands down favourite album for years has been New Adventures In Hi-Fi. Not only do I find it deeply moving, but the songs just remind me of everything I love about REM. After that I’d go for Automatic and Murmur, then probably Document and Pageant. Give it a year and I think Accelerate will possibly make it in there too.

  1861. milesy Says:

    Given that a favourite album is even harder to choose than a favourite song…
    My default option tends to be Green, because it contains something of everything that I like about REM, from the rock to the pop to the accoustic.

    I love HiFi for the same reasons, but it’s not my favourite overall.

    As others have said, different moods suit different albums. And I will continue to defend Around the Sun despite it’s relative unpopularity (which doesn’t mean I think it’s better than the early albums; just that it’s very good).

  1862. Kirsten Says:

    Wow Mr Cup – I wish I was your neighbour!

  1863. Mr Cup Says:

    Me too Kirsten. The current neighbours have an issue with my nude yoga in the backyard.


  1864. Melonie Says:

    You do nude yoga to Accelerate?

  1865. Rob Says:

    I’m not sure that Accelerate lends itself to any naked activities. It’s too fast and loud and over before you know it. Erm, yeah, excuse me. I’m just gonna go take a cold shower.

  1866. Melonie Says:

    That kind of reminds me of a recent Domino’s ad:
    Guy in bathrobe looking all suave stands in the doorway and speaks to his female partner
    Guy: Hey baby! I just called Domino’s, so we’ve got thirty minutes.
    Girl: Yeah? What will we do with the other 28?

  1867. Kirsten Says:

    My neighbours are angry with the giant statue of Michael being constructed in my backyard. They just don’t have the appreciation of fine art that we do.

    Endgame might be good for nude yoga. Just don’t try and do it to Nightswimming – you might drown!

  1868. Mr Cup Says:

    I think I would’ve liked “on the fly” on Accelerate instead of Mr Richards. Like many people I see an image of Michael Richards (why is that????) which gets in the way a bit, but mostly I don’t really like the dirge. On the Fly offers respite and is sweet.

    (It’s hard to hold the upward dog pose to Mr Richards as well)

  1869. Bruno Says:

    Forget the Yoga, I just hang around in the backyard naked (but then again, don’t we all?)

    Oh, and other people’s yards too (headphones).

  1870. Kirsten Says:

    I haven’t heard On The Fly {and yes, that kills me}, but I like Mr Richards. I think it’s a good song for the same reasons many of you dislike it – it’s not too complicated. I really like the “we know what’s going on” line, and the general optimism you have for someone BEFORE they’re elected then the let down that nearly always follows. It’s a good political song for people like me – not a great handle on politics and not that bright. 😉 A political song for the common man {or woman}. But as the album is so short – why not just have both songs?

  1871. Rob Says:

    Kirsten- they play Wanderlust in your local supermarket, well today in mine I heard Rilo Kiley being played amongst the usual MOR drivel in mine. Jenny Lewis was playing tonight (I’m just home- she was awesome). Coincidence? I think not.

  1872. Kirsten Says:

    Hmmm, there’s hope for us yet.
    It always makes me feel a little uneasy when they play a song I like in the supermarket. Makes me question my own credibility.

  1873. Melonie Says:

    Here’s hoping your link is right. Latest polls show him up by 10 pts. Yay!
    I’m just way excited because I used to work for Biden, so it’d be cool to say that I worked for the Vice President.

  1874. Mr Cup Says:

    Melonie, I wish that link was REAL.

    Can you explain the points thing to me? 10 doesn’t sound like much. the papers here are saying’ landslide’ and ‘biggest margin since Watergate’.

    The papers here are crap so it probably counts for little.

  1875. lenny Says:

    10 percentage points in an overall, nationwide poll. If everyone had a preference, a 10-point lead would be 55-45% in favor of Obama. However, there are still undecided people, or people who choose another candidate. So, in reality, the lead is probably more like 52-42.

    This doesn’t sound like a landslide, but it all depends on which states are won by each candidate. If Obama was ahead by 5 or 10 percentage points in most states, he could still win all of the electoral votes from those states, and the total electoral votes are what counts; so relatively speaking, the poll numbers might not be overwhelming, but he could still win the electoral vote by a margin of 364-174. That is not nearly as close as the last 2 elections have been.

  1876. ScottMalobisky Says:

    now if The Loose Cannon can only manage to keep his mouth shut for a couple of weeks, Obama might just win this thing…….

    Hey Paul…if you’re still out there…there’s a really interesting article in the new Rolling Stone about DFW; apparently , he was going through total depths of hell depression the last year or so; couldn’t shake it—so strange, the disease of depression–Apparently it’s as real and physiological as cancer; so hard to understand how someone who has so much can feel that way…

  1877. ScottMalobisky Says:

    actually , the poll numbers have tightened ….probaly due to the combination of Obama’s Joe Plumber faux-pas and the way the Repubs have totally seized on it and ran with it……..and Biden’s inexplicable (bizarre) comments about the world seriouly testing Obama with a foreign crisis shortly after he gets elected..and that “you won’t undferstand our response to it, but…” ??? bizarre, disturbing .I sure hope the Obama campaign doesn’t mange to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

  1878. ScottMalobisky Says:

    funny how , like 90% of the rest of the world wants Obama to win……

  1879. Melonie Says:

    Your comment about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is totally true. As a liberal for years, when I saw that Obama had a ten point lead this close to Election Day, my first thought was, “Oh god, how will the Democrats fuck THIS one up?”
    Sorry. I love my party (most of the time) but we do have a tendency to implode. I don’t understand why, but it’s like we don’t want to be successful.

  1880. Mr Cup Says:

    Cheers Lenny.

    There was a little docu-drama on teev last night about Harold Holt. he was the very popular prime minister in 1967 who went for a swim and was never seen again. The leader of the country disappeared!

    The most odd thing here though (as I learned), he was a conservative politician with sex appeal and a string of liaisons with several lady friends.

  1881. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I guess Clinton wasn’t the first……..,

    from ‘Trapped: Lyndon Johnson and the Nightmare of Vietnam’…..”His machismo was mixed up in it now, his manhood. After a cabinet meeting in 1967 several staff aides and at least one Cabinet member–Stewart Udall, Secretary of the Interior–remained behind for informal discussions. Soon LBJ was waving his arms and fulminating about his war. Who the hell was Ho Chi Minh, anyway, that he thought he could push America around? Then the President of the United States did an astonishing thing: He unzipped his trousers, dangled a given appendage, and asked his shocked associates, “Has Ho Chi Minh got anything like that?”……….I guess it was a Texas size one.

  1882. Kirsten Says:

    Hmmm. OK.

    I was going to watch that Mr Cup, but alas, I forgot. Nevermind. I had heard that about Harold Holt before and that infamous night he was (allegedly) with a lady friend (or two).

  1883. Kirsten Says:

    I got the REM Newsletter in the mail last night and I was pleased to see that Popsongs was mentioned. Matthew should be very proud of his work (but maybe not of some of us!)

  1884. lenny Says:

    Oh my — your Harold Holt story explains a lot, Mr Cup. Now I understand that joke in the Simpson’s “Australia” episode, where the prime minister is swimming in a lake. There’s also a dingo/baby joke, but I remember you saying you thought it wasn’t the nicest episode. Not very flattering.

    But, as I said at the time, I think that show kind of makes more fun of American’s ignorance when it comes to other cultures — you’re seeing what a family like the Simpsons really believes life in Australia is like. Sad, but possibly the truth.

  1885. ScottMalobisky Says:

    got you 🙂 you really thought there was going to be something interesting and relevant here, didn’t you?

  1886. Mr Cup Says:

    Scott…we know you far to well for that!

    Lenny, I think the writers were playing up the stereotypes of the US perception in that episode ( I hope!). The only complaint I have is the accents are so bad. Unless that is some uber reference – in which case it’s genius!

  1887. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I mean when you saw the #1894, not when you saw WHO had posted it……..I really set myself up for that one……..I knew it……yes I did…….oh yeah…..yes sir……

  1888. Mr Cup Says:

    Save yourself for #1984.

    much more prestigious

  1889. Kirsten Says:

    Not if I beat you to it Scott! I’ll start working on something ingenious right now. {It could take that long for me to come up with something}

    25 years of Murmur already. Still sounds really good today {although I am bias with it being my favourite}. Looks like I’ve got another CD to buy now.

  1890. Melonie Says:

    Kirsten, have you bought the book Hello yet? If not, you must go get it IMMEDIATELY!!! One word: Yum.

  1891. Kirsten Says:

    Yeah I’ve got it. I got it off the internet – it’s signed by Michael & David. I love behind-the-sceens sort of photos.
    In a word: That drooling sound made by homer simpson when he thinks about donuts! 😉

  1892. Mr Cup Says:

    H A L L E F U C K I N G L U J A H
    Leonard Cohen is coming to my town


  1893. lenny Says:

    Just curious — what is this book ‘Hello’ that is signed by Michael and David? David who? Knowing Kirstin, I assume Michael Stipe, but I’m not sure.

  1894. Melonie Says:

    It’s a gorgeous coffee table book- all pictures of rem with written notes, etc. Photos were taken by David Belisle, Michael’s assistant. It’s an awesome book. Got mine on Amazon. Check it!

  1895. Kirsten Says:

    Melonie’s right. I tried to buy it on Amazon, but they wouldn’t/couldn’t ship overseas. That’s why I ended up with the signed one at a highly inflated price. I wasn’t looking for a signed one – it was all I could find. Presumably someone bought it and got it signed just to make some money.

    Patti Smith is here at the moment doing a few shows at a youth/art festival.

  1896. ScottMalobisky Says:

  1897. ScottMalobisky Says:

    uh, that was actually a very interesting link about how a mathametician figured out what exactly comprises the egnimatic opening chord of Hard Day’s Night; apparently for years no one has been able to “play” it, no one ever really knew what combination of notes or fingering to use to get it just right..this guy seperated the individual notes on a computer and deduced that the missing link is a piano addition to the guitar chord playued simultaneously by George Martin…..

  1898. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Fatboy Slim’s got a Star 69

  1899. Dark Bob Says:

    Hey everyone don’t forget to vote tomorrow. Vote smart! Vote Obama!

  1900. Melonie Says:

    Hellz Yeah! I actually already voted because I’m working as an election judge. Had to vote absentee since I’ll be at a different precinct from my regular voting one.

  1901. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I’m dying here…laughing so hard, the pundits speculating on which endorsement hurts the candidate more, Hugo Chavez of Obama or Dick Cheney of McCain…This is hilarious stuff….And Rush Limaugh today, “LOOK! He’s doing it again! He did the same thing to Hillary”..He was watching some live video of Obama congratulating McCain on a hard fought campaign, and he kept saying that Obama was scratching his face with his middle finger, flipping McCain the bird :)…..Like that one Seinfeld episode with George and the waitress. I’m peeing my pants here.

    Go Steelers and Obama. When the Skinnies win and cover the spread the game before a presidential election, the incumbent always wins. That’s one reason why we need the Steelers to win, the other being that the Steelers are the coolest team in the universe…….

  1902. lenny Says:

    I VOTED! I arrived to get in line at 5:30, polls opened at 6, I was done by 6:30, and when I left, there were 200-300 people waiting outside. This is a big one, and the turnout is going to be crazy. God Bless Democracy, and America.

  1903. Rob Says:

    I spent a couple of weeks in Chicago in September visiting close friends and was struck by the overwhelming sense of optimism the Obama campaign has generated. It really did feel like I was witnessing a pivotal moment in history. Even though, as an EU citizen, I can’t vote I wish I was in America today. To all the dear friends I have over there if you’re reading this then I’m thinking of you and am wearing the Obama shirt you gave me right now.

  1904. Dark Bob Says:

    Thanks Rob! Our Polls opened at 7:00 AM. I got there at 6:40 and was out by 7:15. Very painless. However, when I was leaving I noticed that the line had tripled! It was a good feeling to see so many people there. I believe people are fed up with the last 8 years and want change.

  1905. Kirsten Says:

    Wow, I can’t believe the trouble you guys have! I get annoyed if I have to wait 10 minutes to vote. The problem was foreseen, so why not have more places to vote? It’s just common sense.

  1906. Kirsten Says:

    I had a dream last night that Peter had a new guitar and he was showing it to me {I wasn’t thrilled to be talking to him – I seemed to know him}. Every note was really clear and it was just an amazing sounding guitar. But I just kept saying to him “wow, it’s so shiny” over and over. Then some lady came over to me and said Bill hadn’t shown up for rehearsal and that I would have to fill in. So I bitched about having to ‘work’ and Peter showed me over what we were going to play. Shame I woke up – it was a nice dream.

  1907. Mr Cup Says:

    Dunno about the dream Kirsten, but as for the voting queues…if people see a big line they become interested and want to line up as well. Used successfully in nightclubs and certain pubs for ages.

    NIck Cave AND Leonard Cohen this summer. What would make it better?

  1908. Melonie Says:

    I wasn’t able to get in here yesterday but had to share the excitement from the election. I served as an election judge yesterday (long day- 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. but totally worth it) and it was amazing the number of people who showed up at the polls to register and vote. In our precinct alone we had 268 new voters. Very awesome!

  1909. Ignis Sol Says:

    We did it! To all you from different countries, thanks for your support.
    Last night was wonderful. We could not be contained. We spilled into the streets out of the bars where we were all watching the results and President-elect Obama’s victory speech. We took over Pike Street in Seattle and headed west and converged on First in front of the Pike Place Market. People were dancing, playing drums. Strangers were hugging and kissing. We were high fiving people stuck in the traffic – they did not care. We were high fiving cops, they were so happy, too. People were crying for joy, singing, chanting “yes we can” and drinking wine and beer. Back in my Capitol Hill neighborhood, we took over the intersection of Broadway and Pike. Neighbours, the local gay dance club, blasted music from their roof while a drag queen egged us on to dance and celebrate in the street. A local TV reporter covering the event was giddy and could not contain her excitement as revelers hugged her as she was trying to do her 11 pm report.
    It was a beautiful, electric night. Yes we can, oh yes we did and oh yes we will.

    People DO have the power, Patti.

  1910. Melonie Says:

    Testify, brother!
    I could do nothing but weep watching his acceptance speech.

    “I wish the followers would lead
    with a voice so strong it could knock me to my knees”

    And they have, Michael, they finally have!

  1911. Mr Cup Says:

    On behalf of the rest of the world (I’m sure I speak for all of us), thank you. Thank you, thank you.

    And thanks again.

    The feeling of joy was palpable.

  1912. Kirsten Says:

    I heard he doesn’t start until next year – is that right? Don’t they know how much damage Bush could do in that time??

    Hope Obama turns out to be the saviour we’re all hoping for and doesn’t just morph into the usual politician after a couple of months.

    Whoever gets the next REM concert are bound to be in for a treat – they’re going to be thrilled with this result!

    We are concern
    We are hope
    Dispite the times
    Happy throngs
    Take this joy
    Wherever you go

  1913. Dark Bob Says:

    Obama certainly has his work cut out for him after the damage the Bush administration has caused. But I can’t think of a better man for the job. It finally feels like America again. I believe he will do great things.

  1914. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Obama has “charisma”, like a JFK or something, I think he has the POTENTIAL to be one of the greatest Presidents ever..He just brings this whole new and fresh paradigm and I can feel a buzz at the possibilities ..Unfortunately , there’s probably some Jag-Off out there right now in some two-bit room, snots running down his nose with greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes, shining his rifle and muttering incantations to the Most High under his breath……

  1915. Kirsten Says:

    Here’s hoping he lives up to his potential. Especially Lives.

  1916. lenny Says:

    I’m sure I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…
    (and of course, he always says it best…)

    “I believe my humor’s wearing thin
    And I believe the poles are shifting

    I believe my shirt is wearing thin
    And change is what I believe in”

  1917. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I just heard that the Daily Lottery # in Illinois on Election Day was 666……is that true?

  1918. Rob Says:

    It’s been a great couple of days. Before the results were even being counted I received a text message from a friend 4000 miles away heading down to the rally at Grant Park. I woke at 6am our time to watch the results and am not ashamed to admit that there were tears in my eyes as I watched the people celebrating on the streets of New York and Washington. Too much was made of Obama’s race, yet as I watched him make his speech it seemed that for that moment he could represent not just all minorities, but every single ordinary person who had ever felt disenfranchised. I’m sorry if I’m getting a little sentimental here, but I wanted to share my thoughts.

  1919. Rob Says:

    Just to clarify, when I said that too much was made of his race I meant by the newscasters and cultural commentators on the stations I was watching on Tuesday and Wednesday.

  1920. Melonie Says:

    Illinois lottery’s evening pick three was 6-6-6, but it was Wednesday evening, not Tuesday.
    Still pretty funny. I’m sure there will be crazies out there pointing to that as evidence that Obama is the anti-Christ. Some people have nothing better to do than get all lathered up.

  1921. ScottMalobisky Says:

    that’s just it , Melonie, if he does or starts to do an incredible job seemingly…..solving like impossible world problems …….those crazies will be like ……”See, as it is written , he’ll be an unprecedented leader and problem solver blah blah blah…….at first.” So , effective or ineffective, he’ll be lambasted in that sense.

  1922. Ignis Sol Says:

    Yeah, Rob, I was blubbering like a baby with my friends. We worked sooo fucking hard for something like this. I have marched, rallied, donated money, worked and worked for this. I wrote editorials, columns, gave speeches and did it all over again. Did we deserve this? Yes!

    Did I deserve to dance in the streets in the middle of Seattle’s Capitol Hill playing “Don’t Stop Believin'” Well,….. (for the brave: key word Obama, Seattle, Capitol Hill, Don’t Stop Believin’, victory party on YouTube and you will actually see ME dancing with friends…and chugging down free PBR beer). At that point, I was just celebratin’ with thousands of friends.

    streetlights, people…woh, oh, ohhhhh ewww, sorry R.E.M. I didn’t expect them to play “These Days” or “Shiny Happy People.”

  1923. Mr Cup Says:

    Mmm, nice lion suit Ignis.

    And remember rock kids – the devil has the best music!

  1924. ScottMalobisky Says:

    seen on anti-prop 8 protest sign in front of Mormon temple; If you can have 12 wives , why can’t I have one ?

  1925. Rob Says:

    According to a crappy free newspaper that’s distributed across Dublin betting shops have been inundated with calls from customers wanting to know the odds offered on Obama being assassinated before the end of his first term. I’ve heard far too many people saying that they think this is going to happen. I don’t believe it for one second. Really its the same kind of fear-mongering that the Bush administration used to justify the Patriot Act and Iraq. It’s bullshit and I’m sick of it.

  1926. Ignis Sol Says:

    Mr. Cup. I kissed that cute dude in the lion suit. I also touched some girls boobies. Wow, that was fucking fun. I have no idea where lion-boy came from, but in my neighborhood it is not really shocking. I once saw a very young, fit guy rollerskating pass my apartment wearing nothing but pink bunny ears and pink fuzzy shorts. He was just matter of factly strolling by like it was nothing. And, oddly, it was nothing. Sometimes a band of drummers just comes into a bar, plays music for a few minutes and leaves.

    As for the sickening talk of assassination, it is very disheartening. Don’t forget it is, sadly, not that uncommon. An attempt was made on Gerald Ford and of course, Reagan (by some nut crazed over the lovely lez Jodie Foster). Rob, I don’t believe it either. I am also with on you on the idea that the fear mongering tactics of the past are done and over. The new generation is rising high and taking over. Finally, the backwards assholes from the previous “greatest” generation (I am just referring to the Mr. Richards types) are dying out.

    Now, time to don my lion suit and get groovin’

    who wants to join me?

    i’ll make it worth your while.

  1927. Rob Says:

    Thanks Ignis, I might just take you up on that offer. As someone who shares a similar orientation to yourself I think it’s fantastic that America has a president who understand the hopes and needs of all its citizens. What really pissed me off about the people phoning the betting shops is that typically Irish trait of wanting to piss all over everyone’s parade.

  1928. ScottMalobisky Says:

    checking out Ignis and The Lion video now for some titillation on this uneventful Saturday evening. thanx for the distraction.

  1929. ScottMalobisky Says:

    damn, this boy needs to get out and have some fun

  1930. Figgy Says:

    Hi everyone. Haven’t looked at These Days for a couple of weeks now so I had to play a bit of catch-up. Nice to hear the opinions of the die-hard popsong crowd, as ever.

    First of all, I’m glad to see so many excited comments about the election of Obama. I share the same sense of hope and optimism. I believe this is a very positive step for the world as a whole.

    Secondly, even though I’m not American, I felt quite a stir of emotion when watching Obama’s victory speech live on TV from Chicago the other evening. It almost made me want to be American. I can only imagine how much more powerful the emotions were for an actual US citizen listening to those words.

    It made me realise that the rest of the world (the so-called Western World, at least) really does like having a strong, positive and well-intentioned USA in the global community. It reminded me of how I felt about America pre-2000, of what a great place it really is or can be. Foreigners like me experience the country through TV, cinema, friends who live there, and visits of our own that we make to America. I personally like the place. The world wouldn’t be the same without the USA. And the USA at it’s best is a huge asset to the world.

    Enough said. I’ve got a dancing dude in a lion suit to watch on youtube…

  1931. Kirsten Says:

    Damn work computer – locked me out of Youtube!

  1932. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Bob Dylan has the most AMAZING set of outatkes out, just stunning in their power…

  1933. Rob Says:

    Nothing much to say today. I cleaned my apartment this afternoon. Didn’t take long. Rent is so goddamn expensive in this city that I can barely afford an apartment the size of a peanut. So it is and so it goes…

  1934. Figgy Says:

    Thanks, Rob. It’s been over 6 years since I left that city (I’m assuming you’re talking about Dublin). If I ever for a moment begin to develop rose-tinted memories and believe that living there ain’t so bad I either (a) phone some friends or family or (b) listen to Damien Dempsey’s “Celtic Tiger” song. You’ve saved me the bother today!

  1935. Melonie Says:

    We’re getting freezing rain here. Yay. I can’t decide if I want it to get better or want it to get worse so they cancel school and everything and I get to stay home for a day. bleh.

  1936. Kirsten Says:

    3rd day over 30 degrees here – and 1 more day forcast. Lovely, hot and sunny! Almost time for Reveal to take charge of the CD player again!
    If the cold weather’s getting to you Melonie, just think about poor Rob, cause I’m sure it’s worse there!

  1937. Rob Says:

    Should we talk about the weather? Another thing you might want to think about Figgy is that we’ve stopped having seasons here in the last two years. It’s either cold and wet, or even colder and even wetter. But Dublin ain’t so bad all the time, especially when REM roll into town for live rehearsals. Sigh, wistful memories… (sorry Kirsten, I hope they visit you in Australia soon, I really do)

  1938. Mr Cup Says:

    Should we talk about the government?
    Except for Rob ( I think), we’ve all had a change of one recently. Though Kevin07 was about a year ago – it has gone frightfully fast. Scary in fact. I’ve even had a change of state government which went back to the conservative party. They rock!

    “Hey – let’s privatise air”

    “Cool. And later we can buy it back for heaps more than we sold it. Wicked!”


  1939. Rob Says:

    Actually, Bertie Ahern resigned back in April amidst various scandals and tribunals involving financial irregularities. Power was handed over to Brian Cowen- a deeply uncharismatic man. A coupla weeks back the over 70s staged a mass protest outside the Dail over proposed cuts to their medical card benefits which were later revoked.

  1940. Figgy Says:

    You’re doing it again, Rob. Making me even happier that I now live in New Zealand.
    I agree with your assessment of Cowen’s charisma. It’s quite embarrassing, in fact, to have him represent Ireland on the international stage.

    I’m pleased to say that NZ has definite seasons (and yes, I’ve heard from my friends and family about Ireland’s miserable weather over the last few years). Right now, just like Australia, the hot sunny weather has come to where I live. I might follow Kirsten’s example and give ‘Reveal’ a spin. Maybe the ideal conditions will help me like the album.

  1941. Mr Cup Says:

    Speeking of deeply uncharismatic man…we suffered through 12 years of John Winston Fucking Howard. Try having him represent you on the world stage. Torture!

    Figgy, I’m gonna be checking out the many shades of NZ seasons in March (just south island though I think). We managed to get summer and winter there last march, including snowfall and warm days. Perfect!

  1942. Kirsten Says:

    As some of you may know, we are having a drought here. With no real rainfall in sight, and the likelihood of running out of water, many people (on the strong suggestion of the government) now have rain water tanks. The govenment is now talking about a quartly charge depending on the size of the tank, just for having one. That’s right – they want to charge us for the rain that comes off our roof and into our tanks.

    Buy the sky and sell the sky.

  1943. Figgy Says:

    Unbelievable, Kirsten. If anything, the government should be paying people (or giving them tax breaks) as a reward for using their own water tanks and putting less demand on public services!

  1944. Figgy Says:

    Have a great time in NZ next March, Mr Cup. You’ve been here before, you know what to expect. At that time of the year summer and winter can indeed happen in the same week, but the South Island is spectacular whichever way the weather goes.

    Yep, I agree, John Howard was awful. Kevin Rudd seems to be far less close-minded, racist and warmongering. That’s a good start. I’m also a fan of those Double-0-Kevin skits on ‘Rove’ – if he’s half the man in real life, Australia’s in good hands!!

  1945. Mr Cup Says:

    Looking beyond the lip gloss Figgy, he appears to be the same tyrant that Howard was. Just a labour tyrant instead of a liberal tyrant.
    That’s why I hope Obama is more than just a billion dollars worth of hype. When you vote for change you want change.

    I may have said this before, but a previous liberal premier for WA wanted to privatise water supplies. Just imagine that.

  1946. Kirsten Says:

    The government does give a small ‘rebate’ when you buy the tank (and that’s how they know you’ve got one), but if they’re going to charge you for the rain you’ll definately be out of pocket. They’ve also said our water charges are going up by 98% next year. So you’ll be hit with a $200 quaterly water bill before you even use any.
    It’s kinda funny, it rained early this morning, and everyone was calling up the radio station saying where they were and how much rain they were getting. I must admit, even I went outside just to look at the rain – it’s been that long. Everyone was so excited! I don’t think the 12mils we got will get us out of trouble though.

    And as we all start losing our jobs and have no money, it’s nice to see our taxes spent on another trip to the US for Mr Rudd. I’m sure they have the technology for a video confrence call. I hope Obama was there, seems a waste to talk to Bush about it since he won’t even be there to do anything about it.

  1947. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Im guessin’ younze blokes know about that big-epic- sweeping-majestic flick coming out called Australia. Oprah says they don’t make ’em like that anymore.

  1948. Kirsten Says:

    It sounds crap. Certainly doesn’t look like the Australia I know. Does it actually have a story-line?

  1949. Melonie Says:

    Hey Scott! What did you end up going as for your Beatles inspired Halloween party?

  1950. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Kirsten : The story is a sad one told many times.
    Melonie : Nowhere Man

  1951. Mr Cup Says:

    Hey – the film was shot largely in Western Australia woman!

    I’m just wondering wether Hugh’s character will start playing maraca’s and getting jiggy on a piano or if he’ll sprout knives from his fists and turn cattle rustlers into sushi?

  1952. Figgy Says:

    So has anyone made any plans to celebrate the big event this week?

    I am, of course, referring to Tuesday 18th November – the first anniversary of the ‘These Days’ blog.

  1953. Kirsten Says:

    Sorry Mr Cup, it must be wonderful then! Well, the scenery anyway. It might even be a good movie, I’m just saying that they just keep showing landscap shots, but no-one has said what the movie is actully about – so I presume it doesn’t really have much of a plot. I hope it is good, it’ll be good for tourism.

    Oh my God Figgy – that’s tomorrow! I can’t believe it’s been a whole year already. Well, I guess we’ll all have to have a “These Days” festival. We could all throw our hats into the sea and slap them back on our heads again whilst listening to the song over and over. Maybe chuck in a couple of live versions for variety – we wouldn’t want anyone to get bored!
    But the main thing is that all us happy throngs gather here to celebrate! 🙂

  1954. Mr Cup Says:

    Happy Thongs everyone!

  1955. Ignis Sol Says:

    I can’t believe These Days is one year old tomorrow. My throngs are very happy.

    Saturday me and nearly 6,000 (estimated) of my closest friends marched in support of equal rights (spurred on by the dreadful passing of California state Proposition 8 to ban gay marriage).

    Although there was no dude in a lion suit, there was a young guy dressed in a Winney the Pooh suit. One woman greeted us naked and smoking in her 20-sometingth floor high rise apartment balcony as we entered downtown. We pissed off a few religious nuts, but in the end all was well.

  1956. Melonie Says:

    Hey, any time you can piss off a few religious nuts, it’s a good thing.
    And early happy – birthday? anniversary? What do you get for the blog that has everything?
    And ironic in a way, since the first anniversary is paper.

  1957. Kirsten Says:

    It’s funny to think that people “these days” are still against things like gay marriages. It’s something that is really only relevant to the 2 people getting married. Everyone else should just mind their own business and get on with their own lives.

    HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY THESE DAYS – look forward to your 2nd! 🙂

  1958. Melonie Says:

    I keep saying that all the fundies want them to stop having sex, so they should be SUPPORTING gay marriage. Nothing stops sex faster than matrimony.

  1959. Rob Says:

    Ha! Thanks for that Melonie. Yes, surely we have the right to be as miserable as everyone else.

  1960. Melonie Says:

    I’m working with a roller derby team and need to pick a name. I tried looking back for the conversation about football team names and can’t find it. I have:
    Martin Luther Zen
    Miles Standish Proud
    Future Shock Crowbar

    but I’m wondering if there isn’t something more derby-ish. Something that is sufficiently aggressive yet feminine. Can anyone suggest any other ideas? I appreciate it very much!!!!

  1961. Paul Alferink Says:

    Of course, I sneak a glance in here today, only to find that gem waiting for me.

    Melonie- Crush with Eyeliner. It has to be.

  1962. Mr Cup Says:

    Pig with Lipstick????????????

  1963. Melonie Says:

    Oooh! I like that, Paul! I was leaning toward Jellybean BOOM! but think Crush with Eyeliner is beyond perfect. Thank you thank you thank you!

    And MrCup has apparently seen my picture….

    Ugly girls know their fate…

  1964. Kirsten Says:

    Gotta second Crush with Eyeliner – that sounds pretty cool.

    What about Fall on me??

  1965. Ignis Sol Says:

    Melonie — how about Pretty Persuasion???

    yes, no, maybe…. ?

  1966. Rob Says:

    Crush With Eyeliner and Pretty Persuasion are both great suggestions, best I can come up with is Electron Blue- sounds like an ice-cool, tough but feminine super-hero

  1967. Kirsten Says:

    Dare I suggest Star 69?

  1968. Mr Cup Says:

    Electron Blue almost sounds like a manga porn star. Maybe a super hero with pornographic powers. I wonder what they would be…

  1969. Melonie Says:

    Pretty Persuasion is nice, but doesn’t really fit me. Were I actually skating, Fall On Me would be perfect. But I’m officially Crush with Eyeliner. It’s just a perfect mix of aggressive and feminine. If I get a number, that’ll be *69.
    Thanks y’all!

  1970. Rob Says:

    No new comments in four days. This hasn’t dried up yet has it? We can make it to 2000. What has been everyone’s favourite non-REM album of the year so far? I’ve loved the Conor Oberst album, and the new Deerhunter record is pretty great too.

  1971. Mr Cup Says:

    Fight the good fight Rob! Let’s get to 2K.


    Easily my favorite album for 2008. Yes, ahead of Accelerate.
    To the swings if you must.
    I have also enjoyed Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes, TV On The Radio and the Evangelicals.

  1972. Mr Cup Says:

    Does the Murmur re-master count?


  1973. Kirsten Says:

    It’s still an REM album, Mr Cup.
    Does anyone have it yet? The link on the website is blocked by my computer so I can’t buy it. I’m going to check the local shop tonight, but I doubt they’ll have anything that good.

  1974. Rob Says:

    It doesn’t seem to have appeared on this side of the Atlantic yet, not quite sure what’s going on. Mr Cup I will be asking Santa for the Nick Cave album, as I loved the other records you mentioned. Although I’ve not heard of the Evangelicals. I’ll have to investigate them too. If you head to you can check out my thoughts on some obscure albums that were passed my way. Aside from my contributions I also happen to think its a damn good magazine.

  1975. Rob Says:

    Did my last comment seem like a shameless piece of self-promotion? If so, sorry ’bout that, but I think the mag’s worth checking out anyway.

  1976. Paul Alferink Says:

    This is the closest thing to new music I get to hear anymore . . .

  1977. Ignis Sol Says:

    Talk about self-promotion. I linked my organization’s website.

    Not much R.E.M. news these days. Unlike Melonie and Rob, my life is boring right now. How should I heat up things? Live.Life.Now.

  1978. Ignis Sol Says:

    Ok, it should be,

  1979. Mr Cup Says:

    Shameless self promoters of the world, unite and take over.

    Was that Ignis?

    Very remiss of me not to mention The Fleet Foxes and Pivot in the best albums rant. I also quite like Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan’s album as well as MGMT.

    I also found and almost ambient type group by the name of Orange Crush (free download), (legit), but it was a bit too synthy-relaxy-might have a bath type of stuff.

    Cricket season is here. Life is good.

  1980. lenny Says:

    Mr Cup — the web link Ignis was talking about was when you roll the mouse over his screen name, and it’s: (but he corrected it): (that’s it, I think)

    Nothing wrong with promoting an organization like that, since it is a good cause, Ignis. Sounds neat.

    By the way — hi again, everybody, it’s been way too long. I was just checking in to make sure I got comment number 1989, for Pop Songs 89!!

  1981. Melonie Says:

    Clever boy!
    I’ve have been oddly quiet thanks to concurrent bouts of flu and bronchitis. Belated Happy effin Thanksgiving, btw.

  1982. Kirsten Says:

    How could life be boring – aren’t you all planning celebrations for Mike’s 50th this Saturday??! 🙂

  1983. Kirsten Says:

    Ooh! I got 1992 – AUTOMATIC!

  1984. Kirsten Says:

    Oh my God – I can’t believe what I just did. It is, of course, PETER’s birthday on Saturday, not Mike’s. Mike’s 50th is in a couple of weeks. I’m sorry – what a disgrace, I am so ashamed of myself. I thought I’d better correct myself before I cop too much shit over it!

  1985. Melonie Says:

    we’ll forgive you Kirsten. This time.

    So for Melonie’s “Oh look, a chicken!” moment of the day- I was eating ice cream last night (Ben & Jerry’s Dave Matthews Magic Brownie) and it got me to thinking: if R.E.M. had a flavor in their honor, what flavor would it be and what would it be named?

    You love me and my randomness. You know you do.

  1986. Mr Cup Says:

    Wild Billberry

  1987. Mr Cup Says:

    What a review. I shed a tear. There’s a link to LRP as well. More tear.

  1988. Kirsten Says:

    Great, thanks Melonie, some homework for the weekend! Best I can come up with on the spot – Sweetness Follows.

  1989. Kirsten Says:

    OK Melonie, you are now wholly responsible for the lack of activity at work this afternoon. So here we go:

    EBow The Flavour
    West of the Strawberry Fields
    Sugarcane Lemonade (why does everything lead back to lemonade?)
    REM’s Peppered Coffee
    Beat A Rum
    Peter Buck’s Chocolate Muck
    Bill Berry’s Wild Cherry
    Mike Mills’ Flavoured Pills
    Michael Stipe’s Marshmallow Delight
    Oddflavours 151
    Around The Plum

    I chose to leave Orange Crush – too many obvious ones, and I’ll leave you to make up your own ‘syrup’ joke from You. In Michael’s own words – c’mon!

  1990. Mr Cup Says:

    Let’s party like it’s 1999

  1991. Ignis Sol Says:

    heh, heh “Around the Plum” made me laugh

  1992. Rob Says:

    REM ice-cream flavours- talk about the passion-fruit, kumquats the frequency kenneth, and (ahem) automatic for the (chocolate) chip-full.

  1993. Rob Says:

    Oh, and a happy belated birthday, Mr Buck.

  1994. Paul Alferink Says:

    Mango on the Moon

  1995. lenny Says:

    Life’s Rich Parfait: Cuyahoga Cherries and Just a Touch of Essence of Amanita (the Flowers of Guatemala).

    OK that was a stretch. But hey ‘I Believe’ I’d buy it.

  1996. Melonie Says:

    Those are awesome! I really loved Life’s Rich Parfait, Sugarcane Lemonade and kumquats the frequency kenneth. That one made me laugh.
    Maybe we should pass these along to Ben and Jerry, no?
    And belated birthday wishes to Peter. From one Buck to another, many happy returns!

  1997. Mr Cup Says:

    Wake Up choc Bomb.

    It’s the end of the strawberry swirl as we know it…

  1998. Paul Alferink Says:

    Had a beautiful baby boy Friday. Just need to tell the world is all.

  1999. Ignis Sol Says:

    New Adventures in HotFudge
    Choclomatic for the People

  2000. Rob Says:

    I just wanted to be comment no.2008, cos we’re in the year 2008. I also got no.1979, the same year that I was born. I’m aware that what I’m writing is total drivel but it makes me happy.

  2001. Ignis Sol Says:

    what I’m writing is total drivel but it makes me happy.

    sums up a lot in my life, too.

    Thinking of catching The Minus 5 show tonight. I’ve been humming “I Bought a Rope” for a couple of days.

  2002. Mr Cup Says:

    Supernatural Superspearmint

    (An instant classic)

    Writing total drivel is what makes this page great. It’s kind of like my toilet wall, well a public toilet wall that you normally find such things as ‘for a good time call _______’ on it. It just smells nicer here.

    Congrats Alfey – looks just like you. Or yer missus. Best attributes of both of you!

  2003. Mr Cup Says:

    Me in Honeycomb

  2004. Rob Says:

    Did anyone else see John Stewart interviewing Mike Huckabee on the Daily Show? He completely took him to task over his stance on gay marriage. It was smart, inspiring and hilarious. John Stewart is my new hero.

  2005. Melonie Says:

    Congrats on the baby, Paul. He is just too cute. Love all the hair. I admire you for having more than one. I’m just not that strong.

    If anyone is interested, if you check out the Minnesota RollerGirls website ( and go to the staff section you can read a bio for Crush With Eyeliner. I don’t have a photo yet, but the word is they’re taking action shots at the bout this weekend. Too fun.

  2006. Kirsten Says:

    Congratulations Paul – he’s a little cutie. However, you REALLY should’ve named him Peter since he was born just 1 day before Peter’s birthday. Just saying.
    Wow, I’ve just had a great idea! I’ve just decided to have 4 kids and plan it so they’re all born on REM birthdays and name them accordingly. 😉

    1979 Rob? Me too. I’m the big 30 in March (was hoping for an REM tour then – the perfect gift for my 30th, damn them!) Imagine being 30 and only seeing REM live once! The shame of it…. When are you 30? Would make me feel better to think that you are older than me, even if it is by just a month or two. 🙂

  2007. Ignis Sol Says:

    Yeah, Paul, what a cutie. Congratulations! 🙂

  2008. Ignis Sol Says:

    Sundae Happy Pecan

  2009. Rob Says:

    Happy 50th Birthday, Mr ME Mills.

  2010. Kirsten Says:

    Have a great 50th Mike!
    We’re all thinking of you and celebrating with you (or with the spirit of you anyway!) Let’s just say there’s a lot of REM bass being pumped all around the world today!
    What a legend. I hereby declare him the most telented musician that ever lived (take that Mozart!)

  2011. Ignis Sol Says:

    I got my R.E.M. gift in the mail the other day, I feel so complete.

  2012. Melonie Says:

    If it makes you feel better, Kirsten, I turned 39 on the 4th.
    It just keeps getting better as you get older. Onward to 40!

  2013. Rob Says:

    I’m staying with my sister for Christmas and new year and won’t have much access to the computer, so I’m going to take this opportunity to wish everyone here a very happy Christmas. Hope you all have a great time, whatever you all might be up to.

  2014. Melonie Says:

    Can I please say that the weather these past two to three weeks has given the song “Try Not To Breathe” whole new meaning? I’m trying not to because it fucking hurts! It’s like my lungs get frostbite. Ouch.
    “I will hold my breath til all these shivers subside.”
    You said it, man.

    Here’s hoping it goes above 0°F some day soon here. It got up to 15°F last week and you’d think we had moved to the tropics. We’ve got lots of good snow but it’s too damn cold to play in it. What’s the point of that?!?

    And in order to cover all my bases (All Your Base Are Belong To Us), Merry Christmakwanzakkahstice to all.
    Party like you mean it and enjoy the season.

  2015. Ignis Sol Says:

    We got about a foot of snow in Seattle and it has been here for few days now. Our infrastructure does not support this and it has been sucky. I am from the American Midwest (Michigan) where they have salt, shovels and plenty of snowplows. The hills here make it impossible to drive up (including city transit) and make the hills icey death traps. I trudged (no bus ever came) into work today and am working alone. Luckily, my boss is throwing in a financial incentive for being here. Our building held close to 5,000 people, but now I bet there is only a few hundred here from vacations and layoffs from the fact that is was a major bank headquarters just a few months ago.


  2016. Mr Cup Says:

    Compliments of the season to you all. If any of you are from a band and have just toured the northern hemisphere, please know that currently, conditions are perfect for a jaunt down south.

    See ya’ll in a few weeks.

  2017. Ignis Sol Says:

    Is that when summer turns to high, Mr. Cup?

  2018. Kirsten Says:

    Wow, it’s been almost a week since I’ve been here. We’ve been so busy at work – financial crisis my ass!

    Merry whatever religious holiday is applicable to you all, or if you’re like me – just enjoy a nice long weekend!

    🙂 😉

  2019. Kirsten Says:

    Wow, I must be the only person working 😦

    Happy New Year Everyone (when you eventually come back!)

  2020. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Happy New Year, Kirsten ! I guess it’s already the new year there.

    A Happy And Blessed New Year To You All……you too Matthew, and Michael, and Peter, and Mike, and Bill…

  2021. ScottMalobisky Says:

    the new Murmur Deluxe Edition contains a second disc of a 1983 Toronto concert. pretty freaking cool.

  2022. Kirsten Says:

    Hi Scott, been and gone and back at work! 😦
    Hope you all had a good one, and you and your families are all safe and well. And welcome to Popsongs 09!

    I still can’t find a copy of the new Murmur. I’ll have to drive a bit further away to a decent music store to buy it. I do already own a bootleg copy of the Toronto show though so I’m not stressing, but my collection won’t be complete without it!

  2023. Kirsten Says:

    Oh and how could I forget?? A HUGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Michael for Sunday. We’re having people over for a barbie in celebration (but they don’t know that’s why!)

  2024. Ignis Sol Says:

    Happy Birthday Michael Stipe. I made a cheese cake with the initials “LB” on it.

  2025. Paul Alferink Says:

    Best Movies of 2008.
    10. Forgetting Sarah Marshall
    9. Doubt
    8. Austrailia
    7. Frost/Nixon
    6. The Visitor
    5. Iron Man
    4. In Bruges
    3. The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons
    2. The Dark Knight
    1. Slumdog Millionaire

    Some Notable movies I haven’t seen yet: Milk, The Wrestler, Wendy and Lucy, Gran Torino, Happy-Go-Lucky, Revolutionary Road, The Reader, Good, Frozen Road, Rachel Getting Married, Vicky Christy Barcelona, any Documentries or Subtitled Fare.

    Worst Movie: I try not to see bad movies, but I did see The Day the Earth Stood Still, which was pretty lame.

  2026. Ignis Sol Says:

    I saw Milk (a free advanced screening) and a couple more films at the film festival I work at every year. Other than that, I saw nothing. I am a movie fan, but I guess I had an off (broke)year.

  2027. Melonie Says:

    Paul, you forgot High School Musical 3! >:)

  2028. Rob Says:

    Happy new year everyone. Last year I was mostly watching There Will Be Blood, No Country For Old Men, The Dark Knight, I’m Not There and a great documentary called Beautiful Losers and I thought Juno was one of the most irritating movies I have ever seen (sorry Juno fans). Managed to get tickets for Bob Dylan in May, wildly excited about that. Not really looking forward to hitting the big three-zero in February, but such is life.

  2029. Paul Alferink Says:

    Yeah, I really liked No Country and There Will be Blood, but I didn’t include them since they were technically 2007. I still haven’t seen I’m Not There. I think somehow it never got put on Netflix.

    Congrats to Former Aussie Prime Minister Howard, for what I would consider the kiss of death of recieve a medal from George Bush. Maybe he can come by Springfield here and get a medal from Blagovich on his way back to Oz.

    I’d insert a HSM

  2030. Paul Alferink Says:

    Melonie- I’d insert a HSM3 joke here, but other then the underclothed (and, as it later turned out, underaged) picture of one of it’s stars and that fact that, from what I can gather, Zac Efron is dreamy, I know nothing. So instead:

    High five Between Residence of One Senator States!

  2031. ScottMalobisky Says:

    saw Button, excellent, only thing it has in common with the short story is it’s title.
    wanna see the new Eastwood flick

    congrats on the kid !!!!!!!!

  2032. ScottMalobisky Says:

    ..and it’s central premise, I mean…..I meant to say..(that that is what Button has in common with the short story)………

  2033. Rob Says:

    I’m including No Country and There Will Be Blood because they opened here in 08. Gotta wait till next month for Benjamin Button. I wanted to see The Reader until I read the reviews. I was staying with my sister and her two year old niece over Christmas and I have now seen Elmo’s Adventures In Grouchland at least six times. That’s a pretty cool movie.

  2034. Rob Says:

    Oh, and congratulations Paul. Start stocking up on Elmo dvds, you can’t go wrong with Elmo.

  2035. Melonie Says:

    Paul- since you have boys, you will probably remain blissfully unaware of HSM in all its incarnations.

    And high five back atcha, though it may not be much longer now. They’re ready to certify Franken. If Coleman doesn’t sue. And if he does, it sure makes his, “you should just drop out and save the public from the expense of a recount” speech pretty hypocritical.

    Sadly, aside from kid movies and Dark Knight (which.was.AWESOME!) I can’t recall what I saw in 08. Here’s to a better ’09, all the way around.

  2036. Mr Cup Says:

    Happy New Year pop kids!

    I’ve just had 2 weeks of lazing near the beach drinking beer and champagne and watching the sun go down. If I speak a little slowly – it’s cos insist on maintaining this euphoric lethargy.

    My one concession to achievement was reading Tim Winton’s ‘breath’.
    Great book. Perfect summer reading.
    I also forgot to mention the Fleet Foxes back when Rob asked for yearly faves. Shame!

    OK. Siesta time.

  2037. Paul Alferink Says:

    Euphoric Lethargy. I hope Reveal is playing on your headphones.

  2038. Rob Says:

    You’ll find a lot of love for Fleet Foxes around my place too. January sales&Christmas bonus means I’ve been catching up with some of the albums I’ve been meaning to pick up during the year. Santogold, Yeasayer, Lightspeed Champion, Department Of Eagles- all good stuff. My favourite non-REM album of 2008 was probably the Conor Oberst record. Been listening to my old Dylan albums over and over and reading Suze Rotolo’s Freewheelin’ Time. Happy days.

  2039. Paul Alferink Says:

    Saw “The Reader” Updated the list. Really good.

    10. Doubt
    9. Austrailia
    8. Frost/Nixon
    7. The Visitor
    6. Iron Man
    5. In Bruges
    4. The Reader
    3. The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons
    2. The Dark Knight
    1. Slumdog Millionaire

    Some Notable movies I haven’t seen yet: Milk, The Wrestler, Wendy and Lucy, Gran Torino, Happy-Go-Lucky, Revolutionary Road, Good, Frozen Road, Rachel Getting Married, Vicky Christy Barcelona, any Documentries or Subtitled Fare.

  2040. Kirsten Says:

    So life’s been pretty much the same as usual over there in the west then Mr Cup – nice.
    I heard some place over there hit 49 deg – can you imagine? At what temperature do you just drop dead?

    Oh, and on his way back to Oz, Paul?? KEEP HIM!!!

  2041. Mr Cup Says:

    49 is plain stoopid. Man is not a cactus! I remember 45 when time when I was a kid…you kinda can’t breathe anymore.

    I finally saw Burn After Reading. It’s ace!

    And Kirsten, if you haven’t seen this – prepare to turn green:

  2042. Melonie Says:

    Ugh. Right now I’d actually take 49. It’s -31 here in the Great White North. They even closed school today, it’s so fucking cold. With windchill it’s closer to -44. Had I a few extra thousand dollars, I’d come visit y’all.
    Remind me again why we moved back from Texas? Cuz right now, I’m truly forgetting. The cold makes you stupid.

  2043. ScottMalobisky Says:

    those are really interesting , Cup.

    Melonie, there’s a question for you in Bang And Blame…

  2044. Ignis Sol Says:

    Someone sang “Bang and Blame” at karaoke on Tuesday night. The guy did a fine job and a lot of people were singing along without looking at the screens.

    Thanks for the link Mr Cup. Michael’s partner is cute…looks like a lot of guys in Seattle. He seems much younger than Michael. That is cool (my guy is 22 and well, I am… not 22!)

  2045. Rob Says:

    Ignis, you dawg! Just kidding. Yeah Michael’s partner is pretty handsome.

  2046. ScottMalobisky Says:

    this flight 1549 story is just so remarkable–the timing of it ,too, just incredible–as if it’s part of the magic that is the Obama Inaugural festivities; the way that it puts the focus on what is so great about this awesome country..the heroism and cooperation and expertise involved in this “miracle”..(if the Steelers lose though none of this will matter)

  2047. Melonie Says:

    Thanks for the heads up on the question, Scott. I answered there if that works for you. Wasn’t sure if you wanted it there or here.

    Steelers looking good so far. Won’t say anything else lest I jinx it.

  2048. ScottMalobisky Says:

    oh,……didn’t realize there were other pics too……was just looking at them…….cool

  2049. Kirsten Says:

    Thanks for the link, Mr Cup. Got busted looking at them at work and was asked too many awkward questions….

  2050. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Look at this face
    Can you believe it?

  2051. Rob Says:

    Hey Kristen, why were you being asked awkward questions for looking at the link? I hope the people you work with aren’t homophobic. Most of the people I showed the pictures to were envious of Micheal’s uber-cool apartment.

  2052. Mr Cup Says:

    I bet it had more to do with what she was doing whilst viewing more than the pictures themselves.

    Just a hunch.

  2053. Melonie Says:

    LOL! Nice one, Mr Cup. Sick and wrong, but very funny.

  2054. ScottMalobisky Says:

    check out Astronomy Picture of the day——-Lenticular Cloud over New Zealand

  2055. ScottMalobisky Says:

    her fingers flitted lightly over her hair trigger

  2056. Rob Says:

    Mr Cup, you are the dirtiest of dirrrrrrty dawgs. Don’t you people know that my parents tried raising me to be a good Catholic boy. They failed miserably, but at least they tried.

  2057. Melonie Says:

    See, that’s where it’s good to be raised Lutheran. At least we were taught to “sin boldly.” And drink beer. You kind of have to when the father of your faith ran a brewery.

  2058. Mr Cup Says:

    Drooling. I thought she’d been caught drooling on the keyboard. Sheesh – where did you guys go? (tee hee).

  2059. Mr Cup Says:

    Calling certain types of alcohol ‘spirits’ confused me when I was younger. I became a believer.

  2060. ScottMalobisky Says:

    my body stunk but I kept my funk

  2061. Ignis Sol Says:

    Something awesome category: I picked up an extra job being a resident counselor at various Seattle sites under the umbrella of the fine, fine organization called Downtown Emergency Services Center (DESC). I was reading the newsletter “thank you to our generous contributers” section. Much to my delight and pride, guess who was listed in this somewhat tidy list? Yup, R.E.M./Athens Ltd. I am assuming it is a Mr. Peter Buck connection. Awesome. Can these guys get any sweeter?

  2062. Rob Says:

    That’s really cool Ignis. And you seem to be doing some pretty incredible work too.

  2063. ScottMalobisky Says:

    maybe REM should cover ‘Pour Some Sugar On Me’ 🙂

  2064. ScottMalobisky Says:

    uh, in case anyone is wondering …..that WAS the video of the UFO at Obama’s inauguration (U.F.O. as in Unidentified Flying Object, not as in alien spacecraft). I don’t know what some sap did to it to render it unfit for human consumption……It was strange considering the beyond airtight security of that airspace. If it was a bird it was a mighty big bird. You’ve proably heard of this incident…..

  2065. Paul Alferink Says:

    Milk finally came to Springfield. As did Revolutionary road, but I probably won’t get a chance to see that anytime soon. Grand Torino’s here, but I still haven’t seen that, either. Hoping “The Wrestler” comes here soon.

    10. Austrailia
    9. Frost/Nixon
    8. The Visitor
    7. Iron Man
    6. Milk
    5. In Bruges
    4. The Reader
    3. The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons
    2. The Dark Knight
    1. Slumdog Millionaire

  2066. Rob Says:

    Today I had a great, if slightly pornographic, misheard lyric. One of my co-workers (not a big REM fan) heard Leaving New York on his car radio and asked me if Michael Stipe was really singing “I showered a necklace across your thighs”.

  2067. Rob Says:

    Actually, that reminded me of an old game I used to have with my friends. Take any mainstream pop, MOR or AOR song and replace the word heart with the word ass. For example Quit Playing Games With My Ass, My Ass Will Go On, and Fergal Sharkey’s A Good Ass These Days Is Hard To Find.

  2068. ScottMalobisky Says:

    The wrestler sits at his table and wages war on himself. He’s thinking, “And when I am formulated and sprawling on a pin and when I am pinned and wriggling on the wall, then how should I begin to spit out the butt-ends of my days and ways?”

  2069. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Ted Haggard , what a fucking howl, though a sincere fucking howl………

  2070. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Barrelhouse all night long

  2071. Kirsten Says:

    Hi guys, sorry I’ve been flat out at work and haven’t had the chance jump on to the internet. So I’m just going to drag the conversation back a week to defend myself and deny these outlandish claims!
    The awkward questions weren’t homophobic, nor were they relating to my reaction (I just blamed the heat for the enormous amout of sweat pouring off my forehead! – the REALLY bad stuff was done when there was no-one aroung thank you Mr Cup!) they were just asking too many questions like who they’re of, who sent them to me, why aren’t I doing any work…..

    43deg on Monday, 46 yesterday, 45 at the moment. Tomorrow is suppose to be 44 in the city, so probably 46/47 here again. My poor little rabbit was struggling in the heat this morning, so he’s been allowed inside today to keep him cool (and alive). He’s 4 years old today and he’s got a chilled carrot as a birthday present when I get home, so I hope he’s ok.

  2072. Mr Cup Says:

    You poor guys – that heat is ridiculous.

  2073. Melonie Says:

    Maybe you could be a chum and send some of that heat up this way? Much appreciated. I’m getting very weary of this subzero shit. The other day I saw a billboard for a company that is selling lawn furniture, and it had pretty chairs by a pool with sun and green grass in the background. I say that’s just mean, because I know it’ll be another 5 months before anything around here looks like that. Jerks.

  2074. Ignis Sol Says:

    Calm and pleasant day in Seattle despite the fact that the former major bank I work with has 70% of its workforce leaving today (I still have a job, thankfully) and other local companies like Starbucks HQ, Boeing and Microsoft is laying off loads of people (and friends). Well, at least my rent is not in danger of skyrocketing in my neighborhood. Throngs not so happy.

  2075. ScottMalobisky Says:

    is that Celsius ?
    Celsius is (Fahrenheit-32)X .556…….

  2076. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I’m going from the balmy to the cold. Flying to Pittsburgh tomorrow to watch the Big Bowl—hoping Sully is my pilot–I plan on hoisting the trophy there. Thank you very much. That is if we can overcome those feisty, newly lean and mean, formerly meek red tweety birds (as expected). A loss would be devastating to my fragile psyche.

  2077. ScottMalobisky Says:

    3 countries yet to adopt the Metric System : Myanmar, Liberia, USA…..(the only ones?)……..

  2078. Kirsten Says:

    Couldn’t tell if you were being sarcastic or not Mr Cup, but it got to 48 yesterday and that IS bloody ridiculous!

    Hey Melonie, why don’t we split it? That’s a lovely 24 degrees each – beautiful. And sorry, I don’t know how to convert it for you.

  2079. Mr Cup Says:

    Sarcastic? Moi?

    48c is 118.4f which is great if you want to roast a choock without turning the oven on. Crazy.

  2080. Ignis Sol Says:

    um, roast a what…..? 🙂

  2081. ScottMalobisky Says:

    what you coulda had

  2082. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I need this
    I need this

  2083. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I need this
    ……………the Vince Lombardi Trophy…….

  2084. Rob Says:

    Got to see Milk finally. Wow. What an inspiring movie.

  2085. Kirsten Says:

    It rained here today. It hasn’t rained here since the 3rd of January and even then it was less than 1mm.

    Buy the sky, sell the sky
    Ask the sky, tell the sky

    2nd of February. I’m starting to think the Accelerate Tour might not come here….

  2086. Mr Cup Says:

    27 sleeps until mountain biking adventures.
    oh goody goody goody!

    Yeah, accelerate tour. Clearly not world tour. We’re good enough for Leonard Cohen. He wants to share the love.

  2087. Ignis Sol Says:

    does our adventure ring with a page?

  2088. ScottMalobisky Says:

    intro drums in Fall-Out Boy, ‘I Don’t Care’ like drums at beginning of ‘Lotus’……Dead Confederate, ‘The Rat’, reminds me a lot of ‘I Remember California’…..

  2089. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Derek And The Dominoes, ‘Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad?’ just the opposite of ‘Drive’, sad subject matter of vocals over raucous music, where-as ‘Drive’ has vocals about rocking over haunting music……

  2090. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Really dig the new U2 song, the one about the boots.

  2091. ScottMalobisky Says:

    and the guitar in the verses of the Fall-Out Boy is like ‘Spirit In The Sky’…….

  2092. Ignis Sol Says:

    The new U2 album title was a trivia question at a bar I was at last week. I got that one right, but my first snarky thought was to put Amplified Trash, which is actually an excellent title for an album.

  2093. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Ignis , I like the title they picked also…reminds me of Aerosmith’s ‘Done With Mirrors’– very clever, that one, in that it has at least three possible meanings– certainly some sly connotations for the drug crowd…The ones who are trying to get off them.(How funny, just realized that “maybe I tried to get off” has a couple of meanings, too)…….Another really great song that I’m really diggin’ on right now is Ryan Adams ‘Magic’ from Cardinology……Such a groove, Man. Geez, I wonder why music sounds so extra good right now?….(he ponders as he hoists the trophy….)

  2094. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Malkmus & Company have ‘Real Emotinal Trash’

  2095. ScottMalobisky Says:

    Real EMOTIONAL Trash

  2096. ScottMalobisky Says:

    actually it’s MAGICK, hmnn….another drug reference…..Ask any raver about the Magic K.

  2097. Mr Cup Says:

    Maybe I’m too cynical…but when a band issues a press release stating that 20 odd years in, this is the album they ‘always wanted to make’, I just can’t help but feel it’s gonna be a dud.

  2098. ScottMalobisky Says:

    ……..uh, U2 ?…..OU812……
    Pardon me while I continue to belt out ‘We Are The Champions’ at the top of my gills…..”And it’s been no bed of roses, no pleasure cruise…..” Living well is the best revenge OWWWWW ! YEAH BABY !!!!!

  2099. ScottMalobisky Says:

    hoisting trophy again, shining it up, JOY OF SIX, adding it to the display case…..THIS GUY IS BEING SUCH AN ASS !!!!!!!!

  2100. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    take this joy , wherever, wherever I go

  2101. Mr Cup Says:

    Saw Leonard Cohen last night.
    Outdoor gig at a vinyard, balmy summer eve with the moon almost full.

    My superlatives have run dry, so to the box of Kleenex. Wow.

  2102. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    did he play Hope ?

  2103. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    hey hey hey hey it was the DNA
    hey hey hey hey that made me this way
    I feel so in uh in uh in uh in uh

  2104. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    ….as the Wings go up 1-0, but that’s alright we got Satan on our team.funny thing, I have a Satan blue throwback jersey–at times it feels hard to wear, one thing for damn sure, it seperates the real hockey fans from those who aren’t.was walking down the street the other day……these old ladies were totally disturbed, like, “HUH ?!! Did you see that ??! His shirt , Satan #81 !!!!” I guess they thought I was being a bit anti-social–the shirt is so gorgeous from the front and then as I walk by and one then sees the back , one is totally alarmed (if one doesn’t know that it’s Miroslav, not the Prince Of Darkness…..Unfortunately , Miroslav has been underachieving big-time lately altough The Prince Of Darkness seems to be in a manic phase.:))

  2105. Figgy Says:

    Just popped in to check if Kirsten’s OK. I’ve seen the news reports of how Victoria’s experiencing massive bushfires at the moment. Tragic. I just hope Kirsten’s not experiencing that horror.

  2106. Mr Cup Says:

    Yeah that’s really horrific. Hope all is well Kirsten.

  2107. Kirsten Says:

    I live in the Yarra Valley, north east of Melbourne. We have fire to the north and east of us. We’re about 20-25kms from Kinglake where the most devistation has occured, but the fire we are most concerned about is at Yarra Glen where last I heard there had been 1 death. This came within 7kms of our house on Saturday when we were saved by a wind change. We’ve had smoke and embers in our yard and the sky went from a scary orangy colour to a terrifing grey when the smoke blocked out the sun completely. I’ve just been told that the Yarra Glen fire has re-ignited and am checking for regular updates to make sure our house is ok. There was also a smaller grass fire here which came within 3kms of our back fence – too close for my liking.
    We have 2 people at work who live(d) at Narbethong (which no longer exists) who no-one has heard from yet and the fires at Healesville have also started up again and a couple of workmates have had to go home. We have friends in Buxton (90% gone) who we cannot contact. These towns are all so beautiful (even though you can drive through some of them without even noticing), a few of which I visit regularly and all are between 10 – 50 minutes drive from home.
    OK, the fires causing the electricity to flicker, so before we lose power, I’d better go!
    Please keep the victims and their families and the CFA crew who do a wonderful job in your thoughts.

  2108. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    saw that on the news , reminds me of Southern Cal.
    obviously too close for comfort there Kirsten
    hang in there now

  2109. Figgy Says:

    It all sounds so awful, Kirsten. At least you’re safe. I really hope you don’t lose any people close to you or lose your home. The sooner this is brought under control the better.

  2110. Rob Says:

    I don’t have anything insightful to say Kristen, except we’re thinking of you.

  2111. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    actually much worse than S.Cal…….I mean 130+ dead…(!!!!!)……

  2112. Ignis Sol Says:

    I am sorry you are going through this harrowing experience.

    Yeah, we are thinking of you, Kirsten. 🙂

  2113. Kirsten Says:

    Thanks guys. I mean I’m well and truly alright (just a bit of a scardy-cat cry baby) when so many people really aren’t. The death toll is up to 173 this morning. We’re just keeping an eye on the Healesville fires at the moment – that’s really flared up over night. We’re in no danger (they’re about 20kms away) but the wind is pushing them in our direction so we’ve just got to keep an eye on where they’re headed. We live in a dead-end street and have nothing but grassland at the end of the street and behind the back of our house. I am very pleased to say that last night the council finally came out and mowed it, so that has certainly helped reduce the fire risk. My work is on the main road out to Healesville and there are fire trucks and ambulances going up there every 30 minutes – hearing the sirens just makes you feel sick. The two guys from work have both contacted us and are safe and well (as can be expected), which is good news. Still haven’t heard from our friends in Buxton, but I’m sure they’re fine.

  2114. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    you’ll take the rain
    you’ll take the rain
    you’ll take the raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain

  2115. Figgy Says:

    Good to hear you’re alright, Kirsten. Hopefully it stays that way.

    The TV news reports from Victoria I’ve been watching over the last few evenings have almost brought me to tears. How infinitely more upsetting it must be for you, fearing for your own safety and the safety of friends and colleagues. I hear it might be another week before the fires are brought under control.

    All the best and stay strong.

  2116. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    item on the local San Diego news about a local San Diego couple killed in the Aussie fires……..

  2117. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    item (or two) in the local Pittsburgh paper about…….well, you know………..

  2118. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Man there’s some bad karma out there
    these days

  2119. Ignis Sol Says:

    Warren Zevon, looking from the great beyond at us,(and Michael)agree.

  2120. Mr Cup Says:

    Buck interviewed for the Murmur reduxe:

    Have you got the bug? Can we expect a new Reckoning next year?

    Believe me, that’s all coming down the pipeline. And just think, it’s only 21 years until it’s 25 years of Around The Sun. Now there’s a record that would benefit from everyone hearing the first month or so of roughs. It would be ten times the record!

  2121. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    51 years until Stipe turns 100
    they’ll be a Mars show that year
    perhaps a Saturn return

  2122. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    chaos is fun whenever you’re young
    and threats are thrills

    grand tortoise lives to be a 170, but
    what the fuck does a grand tortoise do for 170 years?

  2123. Rob Says:

    So it’s Valentines Day and once again (in the words of Edna Krabapple) it’s soup for one, salad for one, wine for three…

  2124. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Rob, did you finish the wine ?

    seventeen glasses
    Rhine wine
    milk of the Madonna

  2125. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    leafing thru this awesome book–Reader’s Digest : 120 Spectacular Roadtrips, The Most Scenic Roadtrips In America–There’s a Cape Perpetua in central Oregon…..”towering more than 800 feet above the Pacific Ocean, Cape Perpetua is a place of natural, scenic, and historic wonders. Tidepools teem with sea stars, barnacles, limpets, and hermit crabs. In an ancient rain forest, giant spruces bear witness to the past. Piles of discareded clam shells–some measuring 40 feet in height–provide the only remaining evidence of Indian habitation along the entire Oregon coast.

    always amused by the Jaguar automobile, S-Type model, when I come across one…always find myself wondering if the owner is an REM fan…

  2126. Rob Says:

    To quote the Minus 5 “I never want to lose these days of wine and booze”

  2127. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    cool, have a glass or two
    and be eating at the steak bar
    just don’t be driving in your Jaguar
    while intoxicated 🙂

  2128. Rob Says:

    Ha! I’m making myself sound like a total dipso lush, well that’s not entirely true. I’m entering the final week of my twenties, should be a big celebration but like a residual teen-angst hangover or a mid-life crisis 20years too early I’ve spent the last few months feeling adrift and out of focus. Like the REM boys during the Around The Sun sessions I guess.

  2129. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    YOU’RE SO GODDAMNED YOUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2130. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    you don’t know it
    but you are

  2131. Paul Alferink Says:

    I’m hoping to see all the Oscar movies before the Oscars. Doing well so far and hoping to see Rachel Getting Married and Frozen Road by Sunday, but I don’t think I’ll find a way to see Happy-Go-Lucky. Oh well. I was close.

    10. Revolutionary Road
    9. The Visitor
    8. Iron Man
    7. The Wrestler
    6. Milk
    5. In Bruges
    4. The Reader
    3. The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons
    2. The Dark Knight
    1. Slumdog Millionaire

    Some Notable movies I haven’t seen yet: Wendy and Lucy, Gran Torino, Happy-Go-Lucky, Good, Frozen Road, Rachel Getting Married, any Documentries or Subtitled Fare.

  2132. Rob Says:

    Thank you Bisky (I’m assuming it’s you). Really it’s not the age thang that bothers me, just a general sense that the world is moving too quickly and I’ve missed my chance to catch up.

  2133. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    maybe you tried to get off , Baby

  2134. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Paul you forgot the one about the champions of the world. What an irascible ass this guy is being!!!!

  2135. Paul Alferink Says:

    I didn’t forget. I was just trying to be polite. I just didn’t want to mention that the first 4 they got in the 70’s was when they were a bunch of ‘roided up freaks. Not to mention that BS pass interference call that aided #5. So your 6 is really more like 1. But it’s the most current Super Bowl. So feel free to go all crazy-go-nuts.

  2136. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2137. Kirsten Says:

    Hey Rob, I’m 30 in 4 weeks too! Here’s something depressing for you: think about what sort of brilliant music the members of REM were writing at our age. That’s bound to put your life into perspective!

    Question 1: At what age does it become unacceptable to do the Stand dance?

    Question 2: Why hasn’t Bill Berry aged in the last 10 years?

  2138. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    answer to question #2 ; he has but you’re comparing him to the potato fields behind him , which comparitively make him look young——-(WHAT ????!!!)

  2139. Paul Alferink Says:

    1. Never, damn it.
    2. Because the last picture anyone ever took of him was 10 years ago, when he stopped being in REM.

  2140. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    what , his eyebrow is still black ?

  2141. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    isn’t Leonid Brezhnev Bill Berry’s uncle ?

  2142. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    thoughts of an underground non-practicing alcoholic:

    Rob, does your obstreperous mirth sometimes turn into yells of dismay or the tettering weep during the drinking cycle?

  2143. Rob Says:

    Uh? I dunno. Maybe? Probably not!

  2144. Rob Says:

    Bisky, if that is you.
    Are you alright? I’ll admit that I enjoy my booze, but it’s not an addiction for me. And as pissed off with the world as I’ve been of late, its not bean tempting me to go out&get loaded. These days I’m not able for the hangovers…

  2145. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    well, I’m pretty messed up
    but I’m not drinking
    if that’s what you mean

    Shit Dude, imagine me drunk !!!

    haven’t had a drop in five and a half years
    I really have no desire to
    would make things much worse
    thanx for asking

  2146. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    thinking about changing my moniker to Bartleby The Scrivener
    no, not really

  2147. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    that’s Bartleby Bisky The Scrivener
    former occupant of the Dead Letter Office
    brother of Binky Bisky The Doormat
    you might be familiar with his curious fate

    “Dead letters! Does it not sound like dead men ? Conceive a man by nature and misfortune prone to a pallid hopelessness, can any business seem more fitted to heighten it than that of continuously handling these dead letters, and assorting them for the flames ? […] On errands of life, these letters speed to death.”

  2148. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    THESE DAYS they bleed the same
    that’s ok we won THE BIG BOWL
    these fragments I have shored against my ruins

  2149. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    if you get a chance and you care
    check out the Tour Of California Bike Race

  2150. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I might win that too.

  2151. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I might be Billy Idol.

  2152. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I might initiate a symbiotic fire-fight
    Government for hire in a combat site
    It ain’t a pretty sight , right.

  2153. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I might be Mightey Whitey Herzog
    Just chillin’ in the high-rise….

  2154. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I’m fucking festering here, Man.
    A veritable legend in my own mind.

  2155. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    here it comes
    here it comes

    oh no …


    I hate this shit.

  2156. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    ……dancing with myself
    oh oh oh oh
    oh oh oh oh
    add tuba
    oompa oompa oompa
    hey hey hey
    say what ?
    turn it up
    turn it up
    oh oh oh oh
    oh oh oh oh
    dancing with myself……

  2157. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    And the Oscar winner for best picture is……..

  2158. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2159. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2160. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2161. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2162. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2163. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2164. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2165. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2166. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2167. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2168. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2169. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2170. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2171. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2172. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    having trouble with the envelope here

  2173. Mr Cup Says:

    I’ll tell ya why The Fleet Foxes are cool…the singer wears Blundies!

    (Blundstone Boots – more aussie than Paul Hogan)

  2174. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    ..description on Rhapsody

    primary genre : baroque pop, from Seattle;

    sometimes compared to Iron And Wine, Band Of Horses, My Morning Jacket

    Gathering myriad instruments including acoustic and electric guitars, tom drums, bass pedals, organs, dulcimers, and their own delicate voices, the quintet revere the traditions of their influences–Simon and Garfunkel, Beach Boys, Crosby Stills Nash–while flaunting their own astute flair for wide open melodies and lullaby harmonies.

    doesn’t say anything about blundies though

  2175. Mr Cup Says:

    ergo: you just can’t always trust the internet.

    I say they were long haired chamber folk, with bucolically angelic harmonies.

    My morning jacket comparisons are…off the mark. A bit.

  2176. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    well, you can’t really trust the writers at Rhapsody

    refer to REM as “jangle pop”…some of the individual album descriptons are WAY off the mark

  2177. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    EXAMPLE : Document

    The first REM record produced by Scott Litt mixes exuberant rockers with more brooding numbers. The political engagement hinted at in earlier, eco-friendly songs like “Fall On Me” is given freer rein this time out, with mixed results: “Exhuming McCarthy” is so bouncy you don’t care what they’re singing about, whereas “Welcome To The Occupation” is dull AND didactic.


  2178. Paul Alferink Says:

    Last list. Oscars are over. There you are.

    10. The Visitor
    9. Iron Man
    8. The Wrestler
    7. Frozen River
    6. Milk
    5. In Bruges
    4. The Reader
    3. The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons
    2. The Dark Knight
    1. Slumdog Millionaire

    Some Notable movies I haven’t seen yet and may never see: Wendy and Lucy, Gran Torino, Happy-Go-Lucky, Good, Departure, Man on Wire, Watltz w/ Bashir.

  2179. Paul Alferink Says:

    And my review of Rachel Getting Married
    If I liked the same music that Jonathan Demme likes, this might have been a good movie. I mean, it’s a large music video puncuated by two damaged characters ruining everyone elses life. So while I liked it when Robyn Hitchkok was playing on screen, it didn’t make up for Tamyra Gray or any of the other people I didn’t know and didn’t get excited by wasting my time as we pan aimlessly around, occasionally, catching furative glances from Debra Winger or Anne Hathaway.

  2180. Ignis Sol Says:

    Speaking of Jonathan Demme, David Byrne was playing here last week and he was spotted riding his bike downtown (actually just a block from where I work). I used to be a fan of Talking Heads from Speaking in Tongues to Naked.

    The only film from the big list that I saw was Milk (and it was free)(one of only a three films I saw last year). Slumdog has been playing at the theater by my house for a while now, but for some reason I am just not that compelled to see it. Now, I understand, it ends with dance sequence. I hate those sequences. I saw Bride and Prejudice a few years back with some movie-buff friends. I hated it.

    I am glad Milk won for screenplay and actor. Penelope Cruz is awesome in the Almodovar films, I bet she is awesome in that Woody Allen flick.

  2181. Paul Alferink Says:

    Penelope is a force of nature in the Woody Allen pick. The rest of the pick is a little annoying, but she’s good.

    The Dance sequence in Slumdog is over the credits, not really part of the movie, and sort of a nod to Bollywood pictures. I thought it was fun, but it’s such a throw away sequence while everyone’s leaving that I doubt it would ruin the movie for anyone.

  2182. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    funny thing happened to me while watching the Oscars; I REALLY thought that WAS Joaquin Phoenix, wasn’t paying much attention at the time, struck me as odd, but not impossibly ODD..I mean, anything is possible THESE DAYS…right? (well, accept for the Cubbies winning the World Series)

  2183. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Did anybody see the Dark Knight? (besides, darkbob)
    How amazing was Heath Ledger’s portrayal?

  2184. Mr Cup Says:

    Good things come out of Perth.

    Great things never come back.

  2185. Melonie Says:

    OMG Mr Cup. That sounds like my hometown/state.

    Champion- it’s one of the few grown-up movies I actually saw last year. The performance completely blew me away and made me sad. Course when all you have to compare it to is Zac Efron…

    Kirsten- did you ever hear anything about your friends? Did they turn out okay?

  2186. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    25 years ago this morning I reported to USMC bootcamp though I did not fit the mold, STRANGE

  2187. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I recall vaguely the night I graduated–my uniform stuffed into my brother’s car trunk like any old dirty laundry; in retrospect that was a very bad sign, the fact that I didn’t even take the time/have the discipline to neatly tuck it away with care–I was SO FUCKING HAPPY TO BE OUTTA THERE…..We went to Savannah, Georgia where I proceeded to drunkenly stick my arm in the path of a ceiling fan. I don’t think I did it on purpose though I’m not sure. 🙂

  2188. Paul Alferink Says:

    It’s what I said about every Batman movie. It’s only as good as it’s villians. Batman himself is mildly interesting. Jack Nicholson Joker is very good because he makes an interesting badguy. Batman returns is better than okay because Michelle Phieffer is cool as Catwoman. Batman Forever is awful because Tommy Lee Jones is horrible as two-face (largely the scripts fault) and Jim Carrey is just silly. Batman and Robin gets bogged down by an okay Poison Ivy, and a ridiculous Arnold Schwartenegger (R- California). And Bane was practically a non-entity. (Okay, there were other things wrong with those last two movies, but I’m making a point.)

    Batman Begins was only okay because the villians were lame. Liam Neeson was a lame bad guy. Scarecrow was cool (for all 3 seconds he was on screen.)

    This movie presented complex villians (Two Face and Joker) aided by great writing and acting. Aaron Eckhart is believable as Two-Face, and we become so invested in the hope his character offers that it’s devstating when he transforms. Joker is just a pure presents of chaos for chaos’s sake. It’s scary, clever, funny and malevolent all at the same time from the moment he shows up to kill the bus driver. And comes bearing pencils. Really, fantastic.

  2189. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    at this precise moment 7:42 EST I was being verbally abused and mentally deconstructed (though thankfully THESES DAYS they’re not permitted to physically touch the hapless recruits like back in the old days)

  2190. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    HEY PAUL you intruded on my blog……:)

  2191. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    but thanx for answering the question

  2192. Kirsten Says:

    Hey Ignis, that sounds really cool. Talking Heads – officially the SECOND best band in the world. (Can anyone guess what the best may be??)

    Thanks Melonie, I’m pleased to say that we heard from them 4 days ago and they are physically fine, but mentally they aren’t doing so great. I’m sorry to say they lost a lot of friends in Marysville. 30 people still offically missing – can you imagine? Unfortunately, the danger still exists. Strong winds this afternoon and Tuesday are expected to cause more problems. Our town’s become an evacutaion point – I’ve never seen it so busy! I prefer it when it’s quiet, but they did have a barbie for lunch for the evacuees and it smelt sooo good…..

  2193. Mr Cup Says:

    I heard that in the first fire the ashes were 15 kilometers ahead of the actual fire. There’s no way to get ahead of that shit. Hope you get through this round Kirsten.

    cra-azy, cr-azy times!

  2194. Paul Alferink Says:

    File Austrailia Under Document?

  2195. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Burning Down

  2196. Mr Cup Says:

    You could also file it under Reckoning.

    Queensland is one giant puddle at the moment as well.

  2197. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    We need Satan to tickle the twine twice tonight in Chicago…..(I just love alliteration, don’t you?)

  2198. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I guess you heard about the Pylon guy, huh ?

  2199. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I’ll see you in hell if you don’t make the list.

  2200. Rob Says:

    Yeah, it was sad to learn of Randy Bewley. I spent much of the past year listening to the Gyrate+ reissue. If you haven’t heard it it gets a big stamp of approval from me.
    I’m back from a short trip to Glasgow to visit friends and see in the big three-zero. Had a great time and feeling good about the world again.

  2201. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Stipe and Peter Gabriel collaborating on a couple numbers

    1. I Go Nightswimming
    2. I Don’t Remember California

  2202. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    You’re On The Air
    I Have Just A Touch

  2203. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Stipe and Robin Trower working on a magnum opus of sorts, to be called

    About To Begin The Begin

  2204. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    new song soon to be released featuring Stipe and Chrissie Hynde, backed up by The Rossington Collins Band

    Don’t Get Me Wrong Although I Wanted To Be Wrong (Don’t Misunderstand Me Now)

    Title purported to be longer than song…

  2205. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Frank Zappa/Jim Morrison duet in limbo, tentatively titled ‘Bellicose A-Hole’

  2206. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Why not D.I.Y. ?

  2207. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Speaking of Chrissie Hynde and bellicose A-holes, I’ve always been kinda amused how Rush Limbaugh uses ‘My City Was Gone’ as his show’s theme song. Purportedly–in his words (paraphrasing)–he wanted to choose a song by the most liberal PETA loving artist out there….I guess to be vaguely humaorous and to jack off the extreme left…The other day I heard that song on the radio and it was IMPOSSIBLE to disassociate it from his show. I do dig Rush; he is a STEELERS fan, BUT, the one thing I can’t stand about him is how he throws these extreme partisan barbs out their with his pearls of wisdom, comments that completely ruin all the great points he may be making (kinda like Keith Olberman in that sense, I hate extreme unreasonable partisanship on both sides)…..Like, I CAN’T BELIEVE HOW HE JUST ABSOLUTELY DISREGARDS GLOBAL WARMING, CALLS IT A COMPLETE FABRICATION CONSPIRACY perpetrated by the left to benefit certain organizations, companies, etc..Just so disturbing how he does that ! I just don’t understand it at all, in the sense of..HOW COULD HE UNEQIVOCALLY DIMISS IT LIKE HE DOES?!!! I mean he just discredits himsef and all the sense he might make on other matters by doing so …I could, like , maybe understand him having questions about certain aspects of global warming, doubts, etc … But to just utterly dismiss it ??! I don’t get it. Maybe he’s not as upstanding as I might think. Because to do so goes against the grain of all his supposed rational intellect………

  2208. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Satan just tickled the twine in Dallas–unassisted (imagine that). He might be catching fire at just the right time.

  2209. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    me and Limbaugh have three things in common;

    we’re both Steelers fans
    we both love cats (his cat is named Pumpkin)
    and we’re both bellicose assholes

    other than that we’re worlds apart

  2210. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    listening to Leonard Cohen
    never realy listened to him before

    I just noticed that Suzanne also sounds like Cream’s Tales Of Brave Ulysses. I swear to Mungu.

    I really like Famous Blue Raincoat
    this is really amazing stuff

  2211. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    headline in today’s North County Times Sci-Tech section ;

    Will ‘God Particle’ be found in Europe or Illinois ?

  2212. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Cohen’s Democracy is PHENOMENAL also (amongst others that are phenomenal), updated version might more accurately be chimed, “Socialism is coming to the USA”…I hope not. I mean, it is possible to have a capitalist democracy that adequately takes care of it’s have-nots, right? I think so. I hope so.

    yeah Cup, you might have to come across the Big Pond because BOTH Cohen and The Fleet Foxes are coming to SD’s Coachella Festival this year

  2213. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    and ‘The Future’, WOW !!

    I can’t believe I never listened to this cat before!

    What was that about Charlie Manson ???

    How’s that go , “the world has crossed a threshhold and it’s overturned the order of the soul.” ? What’s he talking about , the availabilty of high quality internet pornography at a young teenager’s fingertips ??

  2214. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    beginning of The Partisan reminds me of Lennon’s ‘Steel And Glass’

  2215. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    ……and my French is failing me here…….

  2216. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    and Closing Time…

  2217. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    crooked spine
    my face is numb

  2218. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    HoLY fUCK , DID HE just say, “You don’t know me, never will, I’m the little Jew who wrote the Bible..” ??!!

  2219. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    REM and Cohen collaboraton entitled, ‘One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong Although I Wanted To Be Wrong’

    no wait , that was called Hope

  2220. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    “I fought against the bottle but I had to do it drunk.”

    that’s like a Yogi Berra-ism there 🙂

  2221. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    headline on same page as ‘God Particle’, further down

    ‘Sex Started A Lot Sooner Than Thought’ :), that’s a Leno candidate there, that segment he does with funny headlines, advertisements and shit…Monday nights I think……I never watch him….

  2222. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    ): is there a down side ?

  2223. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Yeah,there is. Investors see no reason to put money into floundering markets. Gettin’ kinda scary.

  2224. Rob Says:

    Best newspaper headline I ever saw- TV Diet Girl In Human Icicle Rescue Drama. I couldn’t read the story, there was no way it would live up to that headline. So I still have no idea what it means, except that it is wonderful.

  2225. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    “Icicle Icicle I want to ride my icicle I want to ride my ice.”

    No self control No self control
    I don’t know how to stop I don’t know how to stop

  2226. Melonie Says:

    See, now I saw icicle and immediately went to Whisper To a Scream (Birds Fly) by Icicle Works. Talk about a one hit wonder…

  2227. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    one hit wonder

    Cutting Crew
    I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight

  2228. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    checking out your song on Rhapsody , Melonie, I think I recognize that , vaguely

  2229. Ignis Sol Says:

    I remember that song, Melonie. I remember also liking Talk Talk’s “It’s My Life” and it was one of my all time favorite songs that I hoped most people would never know about until No Doubt fucked it up.

    oh, well she has good taste….

    Another favorite in this way: “Anchorage” by Michelle Shocked.

  2230. Paul Alferink Says:

    I thought about Icicle by Tori Amos

    Icicle, Icicle where are you going?
    I Have a hiding place when Spring Marches in . . .

    Father says “Bow your head like the good book says.”
    I think the good book is missing some pages.

    I hate it when songs sample other obscure tracks. I mean, it one thing when Kid Rock steals “Sweet Home Alabama” or “Werewolves of London.” Enough people recognize the tune to know he didn’t write the riff. But when the Fugees steal “Boadicea” by Enya for “Ready or Not”, who the heck is going to know they swiped that unless they read the album booklet?

  2231. Paul Alferink Says:

    My favorite song that I’ve never met anyone who knows?

    Sandi Thom “I wish I were a punkrocker with Flowers in My hair.”

  2232. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    new U2 in entirety on Rhapsody, cheking it out, I really have NO IDEA what to expect. one song is called ‘White As Snow’ on an lp called No Line On The Horizon…..hmmmn…….Why do always think like that ??

  2233. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    “U2’s most lived in record in a decade, NLOTH still might get thick with cornball one-liners, electro-beats and chest swelling grandeur, but there’s also something here that’s been out of U2’s musical vocabulary for awhile: subtlety. It sneaks up in a pair of six-minute super tankers, “Unknown Caller” and “Moment Of Surrender”, and creeps in amongst the surly sing-speak politicizing of “Breathe”. The first two have an organic, dramatic arch that shows that these guys can be rousing without being unctuous. The last one reminds us of something we had nearly forgotten: U2 are still a great rock and roll band.”

  2234. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    not that I put much stock in these Rhapsody writers……..

  2235. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Rhapsody description of Out Of Time :

    “The album with Losing My Religion on it. Also, unfortunately, the album with Shiny Happy People on it.”

  2236. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    just listened to the Sandi Thom song, on an album called , Smile..It Confuses People.. “This Scot gathered a lot of attention for a webcast ‘tour’ done live from her basement […] close to what KT Tunstall packs in her clap-happy tote bag. However, Sandi throws in a few high-wire vocal tricks along with some sleek production. She’s like a less-lipsticked Christina Aguilera who hails from the Highlands.”

  2237. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Satan cleared waivers–imagine that–nobody wanted his services

  2238. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    U2–guitarist always to Bono’s right on stage, bass left
    REM–MIlls to right of Stipe, Buck always left

  2239. Rob Says:

    I have just discovered my new favourite website (at least til Matthew gets round to covering Accelerate), Garfield has been removed from the Garfield strips to focus on the despair and existential crisis of Jon. It’s pure genius and I urge each and everyone of you to check it out for yourselves.

  2240. Ignis Sol Says:

    I actually have that site bookmarked. Quite hilariously devious and unnerving. Another favorite of mine is Cake Wrecks,

  2241. Rob Says:

    Wow! Cakewrecks is awesome. Personal favourites- the terrifying dinosaur on the happy fourth birthday cake and the darth vader it’s a girl cake.

  2242. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    “And I wasn’t gonna buy just anyone’s cockatoo
    So why would I invite a complete stranger into my house, would you?
    THESE DAYS…… are better than that
    THESE DAYS….. are better than that”

    (lyric from Breathe on new U2)

  2243. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    “Every beauty needs to go out with an idiot
    How can you stand next to the truth and yet deny it?”

    another gem, amongst many interesting though somewhat nonsensical, lyrics on new U2

    this is actually a very intriguing record

  2244. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    “Gotta stand up in this dizzy world where a lovesick eye can steal the view.”

  2245. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    “Gotta stand up to ego but my ego is not really the enemy,
    It’s like a small child crossing an eight lane highway on the voyage to discovery.”

  2246. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    yeah , this is a really good record, dynamic all the way through……no seemingly uninspired filler moments like Accelerate, although there are parts of Accelerate that do reach put and snag ya..I might have to give the advantage to U2 at this point. I wonder if REM still party with U2 ?….occasionally

  2247. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    “I got a head like a lit cigarette.”

  2248. Rob Says:

    Your thoughts on the U2 album are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter. Right now I’m listening to the Whispertown 2000 album which I picked up today. It’s a seriously good record, and if you need any more enticements then Gillian Welch, Dave Rawlings and Jenny Lewis all make an appearance. Also worthy of everyone’s attention is the Dark Was The Night compilation for the Red Hot Organisation, raising money for AIDS awareness. Great music and a great cause.

  2249. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    favorite song on the record is ‘FEZ–Being Born’

    (my newsletter?)

  2250. Rob Says:

    It’s a Homer Simpsonism.

  2251. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I’ve been there
    The Smithsonian

  2252. Melonie Says:

    My apologies, but I must vent for a couple of seconds…

    Dear fucking god/dess! Can we please, PLEEEZZZZE, stop with the 30 below zero shit and the nonstop bouts of illness?!?! Seriously, this is getting really, really old. Like, I’m almost thinking the climate change thing has got to be a myth because if this, THIS, is global warming, thank god/dess. Because if it wasn’t for global warming I’d hate to think what the actual temperature would be right now. Our carbon emissions may very well be staving off the coming of the next ice age. But enough now. Seriously. I’m done. Bring on the heat. Please. NOW!

    Okay, rant over. Carry on.

  2253. Paul Alferink Says:

    Drew Carey has a bit with a Cleveland person standing outside spraying an areosol can saying “Screw the Grandkids. I’m cold NOW!”

  2254. Ignis Sol Says:

    I watched Michael on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last night. Very charming. He gave Jimmy a gift of a bronzed camera. He made his eyes smile then he made his eyes smell. He was just there to chat with Jimmy, pretty much. It is, after all, a talk show.

  2255. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    made his eyes smell?

  2256. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Don’t be sticking your tongue on any flagpoles now….I mean if you have the energy and good humor for such nonsense. The thing that always kind of amazes me about the far northern reaches of this country, when they talk about the subzero weather in , say North Dakoyta or northern Minnesota …..and then you think about the fact that is the extreme SOUTHERN end of Canada, with 1000’s of miles of Canada extending north.

  2257. Melonie Says:

    What’s ironic is that there were several days this winter when the weather reports said that it was colder here than in those upper regions of Canada and/or Alaska. The cold front had shoved it down our direction, so they had the balmy 20-30 degrees above while we had their subzero stuff. I really don’t like sharing other kids’ toys.

    And I personally think those folks who live closer to the Artic are a special kind of crazy.

    And Paul, LOVE the Drew Carey bit. That was awesome!

  2258. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I’d like to welcome two new teams to the league:

    the Saskatchewan Sasquatch
    the Mogadishu Mujahadeen

  2259. Rob Says:

    Head over to HQ to check out Michael’s beard. I don’t know whether it’s awesome or awful. Maybe I’m just jealous, because I can’t grow a decent beard. And I’ve tried, dammit, I’ve tried.

  2260. Ignis Sol Says:

    Rob, he discussed his beard on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon (nee Conan O’Brien, nee David Letterman).

    Jimmy said he looked like a fisherman and Michael pleasantly agreed. It’s true, he looks like one of the guys who works on the docks here in Seattle. “…Mr. Fisherman to a less peculiar ground…”

  2261. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Just saw the beard on a Jimmy Fallon clip
    A fisher of men but not exactly an apostle

  2262. Rob Says:

    Well we all know what he thinks of those sad and lost apostles.

  2263. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I just heard the beginning drums of ITEOTWAWKI(aiff) in the middle of ‘Hello Susie’, by The Move

  2264. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    if you get a chance check out The Gospel Of Judas: fascinating what it implies as it’s central premise

  2265. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    really weird in the U2 song Breathe……just before he sings “these days”…he’s like , “there’s three things you need to know, three”…uncanny really…. Seems like a conscious call-out to REM..

    I just joined Facebook. Finding my way around ….If anybody wants to be my friend ? PLEASE PLEASE…

  2266. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I thought Facebook was supposed to be easy, freaking not

  2267. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    annoying the piss outta me

  2268. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I just saw footage on TV of Midnight Oil performing at a concert benefiting the fire victims.
    How are you doing? Are you still out there?

  2269. Ignis Sol Says:

    Hey, ChampionOfTheWorld, I will be your Facebook friend…
    Facebook was easier a few days ago. They went and changed the homepage or something. I am not liking it.

  2270. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    hey thanx Ignis that’s cool
    so far I’ve encountered two mind jarring blasts from the past as a result of joining Facebook–WOW
    I actually searched you using the Ignis Sol moniker, although I do remember from one of the postings that you use a different name …..or was that my space ?

  2271. Ignis Sol Says:

    no, not your i—magi —nation. My real name is Paul Torres. Look me up!

  2272. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    which Paul Torres is you ??
    there’s so many of them
    I don’t see a Seattle one

  2273. Melonie Says:

    You can be my facebook friend too. Look me up via my hotmail account address: blissflower1969

  2274. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    cool Melonie

  2275. Ignis Sol Says:

    Look me up by Paul Torres Seattle. I am the guy wearing the yellow shirt. When I did it I came up along with a fake doctor from Grey’s Anatomy, Dr. Callie Torres.

    I am not sure why my hometown is not showing up like others. Facebook is quirky.

  2276. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


    Matthew Hiler of San Diego comes up ????? And that’s it…..!!!!!!!

  2277. Rob Says:

    You could all be my facebook friends… if I had a facebook account. I don’t, and I don’t plan to just yet. But if I did you would all be welcome.

    I’ve been rediscovering my love of Now It’s Overhead over the last few days. They played here a few years back, I picked up their albums after reading that a certain Mr Stipe had guested on their 2nd album. I took my friend Kate to see them in a small club and we were both blown away. A few months later they opened for the REM boys and gave us a performance that was even better. I became obsessed for a while, which was reignited recently when I saw the gorgeous picture of Andy LeMaster on Thomas Dozal’s site. Wonderful Scar, Meaning To Say, Reverse and Hold Your Spin are all consumate popsongs that deserve attention, saying so much while alluding to so much more.

  2278. Rob Says:

    So… yeah. In summary I have added you all to the metaphorical facebook that exists in my head. It’s like a social networking site that exists only through ineffective telepathy.

  2279. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    sounds demonic to me 🙂

  2280. Kirsten Says:

    Wow, look how much I’ve missed! We’re too busy at work – I’ll have to get the internet at home, then I could get on facebook too. You could look me up under “Michael’s sexy new beard”. What a great name for their next album. To be honest, there is a touch of “I give up” about it. But ’cause it’s Michael, it’s sexy. Let’s face it, he could rip off all of his skin and I’d still think he looks good.

    Oh, and what happened to our icons? Where did they go?

  2281. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    yeah, he probably has sexy Golgi Apparatuses

  2282. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    BTW, Hi Kirsten, I should say “hi” at least before I start saying weird shit….Good to have you back

  2283. Ignis Sol Says:

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

    I was wondering why so many people are wearing green.

    I read that President Barack Obama is part Irish. So, today, that is President O’Bama!

  2284. Rob Says:

    His great-grandfather was from Co. Offaly, which is kinda cool.

  2285. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    there are no homosexuals in Iran

  2286. Rob Says:

    There were no homosexuals in Ireland until 1992 either. I’m joking of course, but that is when it became decriminalised wouldja believe?

  2287. Kirsten Says:

    I couldn’t believe I was the only one at work who remembered to wear green. I even listened to Green on the way home from work….

  2288. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    and you ran a carbon green test on your jaw when you got home………………..

  2289. Rob Says:

    Brian Cowen, the taoiseach (Irish prime-minister) was in Washington to meet Barack Obama for St Patricks day. He was about halfway through his speech before he realised that the autocue hadn’t been changed and he was reading the exact same speech Obama had made only minutes before. Talk about a national embarrassment…

  2290. Ignis Sol Says:

    the teleprompt flutters/the power surge brings/an easy speak message falls into routine

  2291. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I guess a few years back ……Joe Biden got caught plaigarizing a speech…….As if he needs to, I mean he’s a great, colorful speaker, prehaps too colorful at times…..

    I can’t believe these people that are making a huge deal of “a sitting president going on Jay Leno”………the GOP is grasping at straws….

  2292. Ignis Sol Says:

    Kick me! I missed Peter Buck playing at the re-opening of the legendary Crocodile — it was FREE! Along with Bill Rieflin, Scott McCaughey and Robyn Hitchcock (in town for another show with Venus 3) Kim Thayil from Soundgarden was there, too.

    i…………….am………….going ……… cry…now..

  2293. Ignis Sol Says:

    Also, our new soccer team, Seattle Sounders won their very first game against NY Red Bulls! 3-0

  2294. Rob Says:

    Oh Ignis… I feel for you. I saw Robyn and the Venus 3 shortly after the Ole Tarantula album came out and they were awesome, especially on old Soft Boy’s songs like Queen Of Eyes and Kingdom Of Love. Peter and Scott were signing things for fans after the gig. It was the second time I met Mr Buck, when REM played here on the 2005 tour I saw him on the street the morning of the concert and we had a short conversation about music.
    At the first of the Dublin rehearsal shows for the Accelerate sessions I was going outside for a cigarette (smoking is banned indoors here) and bumped into Scott McCaughey. He remembered me from the Robyn Hitchcock show. He is such a sweet and charming man and I have my picture with him framed and sitting on top of my television. The following week I was in the shop where I work, I went to serve the next person in line and it was a certain bespectacled bass player from this band I have a fondness for. Life can be sweet sometimes.

  2295. Rob Says:

    Oh, and I almost forgot about the time I met Ken Stringfellow at a Posies reunion show. My friend Tony for reasons known only to himself asked him if he’d ever kissed Michael Stipe. Ken’s response,
    “Not that I remember, so not when I was sober anyway.”

    Kirsten- please don’t think I’m trying to make you jealous. If I could then I would have the whole band and crew and associates hand delivered to your house for tea and cakes. Provided you were prepared to sign a legal document promising not to tie them up and do any weird shit…

  2296. Ignis Sol Says:

    Robyn and Venus 3 play tonight at the Triple Door (which I have view of from my office). I am supposed to go to some equinox party or something like that and if I do, maybe I can catch ’em smoking outside (smoking is banned inside here, too).

    Hell, I think I should go.

  2297. Rob Says:

    I urge you to go to that concert Ignis. Trust me, you won’t regret it. Robyn Hitchcock is a wonderful performer and his between song banter would put the majority of stand-up comedians to shame.

  2298. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    when I saw him , he comes out and deadpans, “Shame about the universe.” before ripping into a punk-assed number…
    showed Capitol Hill (Seattle) on this crime show I was watching last night, they wre talking about this female singer that was found murdered in the street back in the heyday of the grunge movement. she sang for The Gits.

  2299. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Hitchcock did Dylan’s Love Minus Zero/No Limit when I saw him, just him and his guitar, spot on..Might have been the highlight of his show for me.

  2300. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Mia Zappata was the poor lass’s name

  2301. Rob Says:

    I had completely forgotten til today, but after the Robyn Hitchcock concert me and my friend went for a couple of beers in this bar a few doors down from the venue. It was a Tuesday night in January and the only other people there were a small group of guys from California who were on holiday in Ireland. We got talking to them and they were surprised to hear that the Venus 3 had been playing. They were old friends of Scott McCaughey. They tried calling his mobile phone to see if he wanted to join us for a beer but couldn’t get through. I mentioned this to Scott when I met him again at the Olympia show, turns out he can’t get reception outside the States.

  2302. Ignis Sol Says:

    I walked down to The Triple Door and the ticket girl said they only had a few tix available for standing room only at 5:30. So, I could not see the show. I would have loved to see the show, but the stars did not align.

  2303. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    so Ignis , you’re like right in the city ? you can step outside of your apt. building and be right in the middle of things ? that kind of situation……

  2304. Ignis Sol Says:

    yeah, COTW, I live in Capitol Hill just in the heart of it all, near downtown (“walking” distance: Pike Place Market, Space Needle, soccer/football stadium and baseball stadium next door to that, many, Bruce Lee’s grave is a couple of blocks away, Kurt Cobain’s old house is a five minute drive to Lake Washington). I walk to work daily (accept when the weather is bad and my body is a-achin'(hangover, then it’s the bus).
    I walk out and it is all there. Pretty nice and my rent has stayed reasonable considering that the streets behind me are “stately mansions.”

    We have big changes coming, as reflected in my Facebook page. A block and half of Capitol Hill is being razed and tunneled through to build a new (and paid for) subway station connecting the new downtown stations (opening July 3) to the University (of Washington)District.

    If any of you all visit, I will give you the proper tour – and I won’t make you walk that much.:)

  2305. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    yeah , I really should head up that way sometime

  2306. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Sylvia Plath’s son committed suicide
    like mother like son

    I love SP’s stuff, always have……

  2307. Rob Says:

    Stop what you’re all doing right now, go onto You Tube and type in the keywords Michael Stipe Christmas Fairy. My first reaction is “what the fuck??”.

  2308. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Christmas Griping great too

  2309. Kirsten Says:

    Damn, I wish the work computer would let me on You Tube.
    Oh, and thanks for the offer about dropping them off at my door, but I simply cannot make that promise. I can only promise to TRY to be good….

    Venus 3 are in Melbourne tomorrow night. I want to go, but I have no way of getting there. Why can’t they come out here – a treat for the bushfire victims (OK, a treat for me!)

  2310. Rob Says:

    I picked up the new PJ Harvey&John Parish album today. It’s called A Woman A Man Walked By and it is AWESOME. And Kirsten- seeing as you can’t access You Tube allow me to explain the Christmas Fairy. It’s a sketch (I’m guessing it’s from Saturday Night Live) about a gay stripper going home for Christmas, but unable to get on with his father, played by Danny DeVito. That night he’s visited by the Christmas Fairy, played by Stipey, who shows him his father’s past, working as a stripper to support his son. The whole thing is a little weird and not particularly funny. Still I’ll forgive Michael this one…

  2311. Ignis Sol Says:

    Rob — what year was this? I also don’t have access to YouTube at work. And most SNL sketches are not very funny even in their classic days.

    Venus 3 sure is global! Seattle on Saturday, now Melbourne…

    I was at my watering hole – The Rosebud – last night and I overheard som e guy (trying and I think succeeding in picking up two women) talking about filming bands for his job. I just sat down at the bar when I he started talking about when it was time to film R.E.M. He said that R.E.M. brought their own film crew and would not need them. As soon as the band started, torrential-like rains began to fall and fell until Michael’s last note of the night.

    He also talked about the re-opening of the famous Crocodile Cafe (opened last week with a Venus 3 rehearsing) which was owned by Peter’s ex-wife (this guy said it was Michael — but I did not want to interupt his jovial boasting to correct him). He also said that they got married had two kids one after another (we all know they are twins) and high-tailed it from the scene to enjoy their riches. We all know Peter got divorced and they have had the kids since about 1995. No one is really sure why the Crocodile closed in December. He also mentioned filming The Cure and Flaming Lips. And, yes, he did end up going home with the two women to the bemusement of my bartender, Roman, and me.

  2312. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2313. Rob Says:

    Ignis- I didn’t see what year it was from, but it seemed pretty recent. Definitely within the last five years.

  2314. Ignis Sol Says:

    I finally watched it. It was from 1999! Michael looks great.

    I have been listening to a lot of The Minus 5 lately. “My Life as a Creep” and “Bought a Rope” are heavily played on my i-Pod.

    So, it was “lights out night” on planet Earth. It is a good thing. I do what I can to save energy, but our energy bills in Seattle are really low so saving money is not an incentive. The incentive is Planet Earth and all her magic she wields unto us.

  2315. Rob Says:

    Ah, the wonderful Minus 5, my personal favourites are The Rifleman, Retrieval Of You, With A Gun, The Days Of Wine And Booze and Cemetery Row with Colin Meloy on lead vocals.

  2316. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    happy bday Ignis a week early

    funny, Stipe has his recurring lyrical themes…..”tar” being one of them……I’m on a total Beck kick, he mentions garbage pails a lot…(?)

  2317. Ignis Sol Says:

    Thanks for the good wishes, Champion…

  2318. Kirsten Says:

    Thanks Rob. As long as he was dressed up as a fairy, it’d be worth it!

    I couldn’t go to see Minus 5, but I did get inspired enough to buy their first album over the internet. I haven’t got it yet, but I’m looking forward to hearing it.

    Great news at HQ – they’re going to release a CD from the Dublin Accelerate rehearsals later this year! Fantastic!! I was sooo jealous that I couldn’t go to them – all the reports were so good. I haven’t even been able to track down a bootleg, but I’m sure someone would’ve recorded it.

    Oh, and Happy Birthday for next week Ignis (just incase I’m too busy at work to say it then)

  2319. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I still say Accelerate is kinda lame…….except for a couple of songs……I really don’t know oh oh oh oh……. I really don’t know oh oh oh oh…..

  2320. Rob Says:

    Oh Champ, let us not fall out over this, because one year on from it’s release I still think Accelerate is awesome. C’mon- Living Well, Mr Richards, Houston, Man-Sized Wreath, Horse To Water- this is EXACTLY how an REM album should sound in the 21st century. And Kirsten- I was there in the Olympia for two of those (not a) shows and they were the best concerts I have seen.
    New Bob Dylan album coming soon, just in time for his show. Excited.

  2321. Rob Says:

    Oh yeah- Happy Birthday Ignis, and Kirsten- am I right in remembering that your big three-zero is coming up soon?

  2322. Ignis Sol Says:

    Thanks all for the wishes… I plan on having a very nice birthday with my friends and special guy.

  2323. Mr Cup Says:

    Permission to come aboard?

    Just back from a tour of NZ (you didn’t realise you missed me, but you did). I bought the M. Ward album a few days before going and it was on constantly. Also got the Dark Was The Night album which is damn fine also.

    I invented a game (while away) called “smallest man in the world”. Basically, you find the coldest river/lake/stream you can find and jump in (nude) for 2 mins . When you get out you are “the smallest man in the world”. Waiting for the Jackass crew to pick it up actually.

    Stipe with beard looks like my favorite (and his I think) living composer Arvo Part. The resemblance is uncanny.

    I’m not the only person in the world without a facebook page???

    Ok – back to sorting out 4000 photo’s.

    and Happy birthday Ignis – what date it is it??

  2324. Mr Cup Says:

    Do you like my wings? They’re Helmut Lang!


  2325. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I did a Facebook friend request about two weeks ago with Stipe…..I was stunned that he’s on there..(actually in a way I’m not that surprised). There’s about 10 Michael Stipe’s listed but I’m assuming this one was him because of the special layout….and the photo (which , of course any old Joe could post) and the address–Athens, Ga.-..With celebrity types , one cannot see who their “friends” are , I guess, unless one is accepted as that person’s friend.Anyway , he never got back to me ….What really mystified me was how the did fuck did Paul Torres (Ignis) manage to fanagle his mug and name onto the Michael Stipe listings search ???!!!!:) Check it out, if you’re on FB do a search for MIchael Stipe…..Ignis is listed amongst al the MS’s….:)

    new Dylan album called , Past Here There’s Nuthin’….really not even the Great Beyond.

    welcome back Cup. Lord Stanley Lord Stanley bring me the brandy

  2326. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    it’s called Beyond Here Lies Nuthin’
    that’s even better
    been listening to The Butthole Surfers
    warping my brain

  2327. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    oh wow , now there’s a John Michael Stipe on there , Athens , with that same celebrity format is not a photo of a person , but very REMesque….Did a request with that one. And Ignis’s mug is still there.?????:) And there’s a Michael Stipe of New Zealand…….

  2328. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Arvo and his minimalistic tintinnabulations

  2329. Rob Says:

    Welcome home, Sir Cup. I hope you enjoyed your travels. The new Dylan album is called Together Through Life. I’m going to see him on May 5th.

    I’m sure everybody’s aware of the recent trend of veteran acts performing classic albums in concert; Patti Smith plays Horses, Brian Wilson- Pet Sounds, Robyn Hitchcock- I Often Dream Of Trains, Public Enemy- It Takes A Nation Of Millions…etc.
    That got me thinking about what shows I’d like to see happen. These are my suggestions, I’d love to hear all of yours;
    REM play New Adventures, Throwing Muses- The Real Ramona, PJ Harvey- Dry, Grant-Lee Phillips- Mighty Joe Moon, Bjork- Vespertine, Sparklehorse- Good Morning Spider, De La Soul- 3 Feet High&Rising, Beck- Mutations and Eels- Electro Shock Blues.

  2330. Ignis Sol Says:

    my birthday is 4/4, cup…

    maybe i should sign up for all the Michael Stipe’s FB pages maybe one will be correct, if not, I will have a lot of new virtual friends.

    Some friends and me are planning to create a site connecting just virtual friends to see how they interact with each other.

    We will call it:

    Internetional Artificial Meetups [I AM}

    We plan to launch really soon. By combining the intellectual talented forces of tech and marketing savvy friends who either work or have worked at local companies like Microsoft,, Nintendo and Real Networks and galvanized by Seattle’s famously fickle weather that forces us to hunker down inside and tinker away and novel and innovative ideas, we plan to create a higly sophisticated and appealing product that will be embraced by mass culture.


  2331. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Am I missing something here ?????

    #1 The Dylan album REALLY is called Beyond Here Lies Nuthin’
    #2 Ignis REALLY is on the Michael Stipe friend searh pages of FB

  2332. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    shit, you might be right about the Dylan , Rob….now, where ,oh , where, did I see that at ???!!!!!!!

  2333. Rob Says:

    There’s a song on Modern Times called Beyond The Horizon, which I think contains the line “beyond here lies nothing”. It’d certainly be a great title for an album. Polly Harvey originally wanted to call the Uh Huh Her album Has Got A Bigger Car Than You, so the sleeve would read PJ Harvey Has Got A Bigger Car Than You.

  2334. Rob Says:

    Together Through Nuthin’. That would be a great title.

  2335. Kirsten Says:

    Happy Birthday for tomorrow Ignis. C’mon, how old are ya?? And yes as of a couple of weeks ago, I joined you at the age of 30 Rob (Happy B’day to you too). I’m almost as successful as Michael Stipe was at the same age…… 🙂

    Hope you had a nice holiday Mr Cup. I can’t believe no one has made a Nightswimming joke.

    I can’t befriend the Facebook Mr Stipe, it’s against the terms & conditions set by the court.

  2336. Kirsten Says:

    Oh, and good luck on the weekend Mr Cup. The one time both our teams are actually in with a chance to win!

  2337. Rob Says:

    Thanks Kirsten, my thirties bitch-slapped me on the streets of Glasgow, where I was visiting friends. There were no civilian casualties.

  2338. Ignis Sol Says:

    Thanks for the birthday wishes, Kirsten. I am ageless…. Let’s just say I am younger than Michael Stipe, but too old to date him. I can say that because my bf is 23. He is on my FB, for those of you who have it, if you look real close.

    I found FB to be more alluring as I am aging on. The ages of me are reflected in my most recent activity on that site. I found myself searching for old college friends and clicked and clicked when I found a bunch of them on one of my old friend’s Friends List. Now, they are responding back. One even has the same birth date as me, I quickly recalled. It’s funny you join social networking sites like MySpace and FB and find yourself reconnecting with people you have been trying to avoid all these years. But the years of avoidance (note for me: years of avoidance for a song title, hmm sound too much like Years of Refusal) are good because in that time away I grew independently. Now it is time to reconnect and reminisce for some good old mind soothing memories.

  2339. Rob Says:

    Happy Birthday Ignis. I just opened a MySpace account and sent you a friend request. Anyone else who’s on MySpace and wants to join me then look for Rob Wiles aged 30 in Dublin. I’m the one drinking a beer in the profile picture.

  2340. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I’m on it , Big Dog……….oh wait , that’s My Space , not Facebook……

  2341. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I wanna see what Cup looks like……I got a picture…..the antithesis of idiocy….

  2342. Melonie Says:

    Rob- I have a myspace but I have officially jumped ship and went over to facebook. I can’t even remember the last time I logged in. That’s so bad, but I have more friends on facebook than myspace.

    Ignis- I just have to complain. It’s our final season opener in the PillowDome, and your Mariners couldn’t even see to it to cut us some slack? At least give us the home opener. Seriously. It’s not our fault Baby Jesus Mauer is hurt.

  2343. Paul Alferink Says:

    Goodbye, PillowDome, and good riddance. Lenny concurs, I’m sure.
    Go, Cubs, Go! And I’m glad I’m not a St. Louis Fan. That bullpen is going to give Lenny an ulcer.

  2344. Ignis Sol Says:

    Sorry, Melonie to ruin your opening day. That’s how it goes! 🙂

    We need a successful sports team again (I know the Seahawks went to the Superbowl a few years ago, true), but we lost the Sonics to some other city, but we gained a great soccer team (The Sounders) who have managed to win their first few games. Excitement is high for the Sounders.

    In more sports news: both my sister and brother in law are MSU graduates (and live right near the campus), so they are kinda sad today. Nice job, Spartans!

    Melonie, I will be thinking of you as tonight’s game plays and we win again. 🙂

  2345. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    in that Zep boot that I have Plant mentions the Sanders–show’s in Seattle–and that was 1977 (??????)

    Hey Alferink

  2346. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    oh wait you said Sounders…..I think Plant says Sanders ….a soccer team….Listening to the Butthole Surfers–Electric Larryland, these guys are something else.

  2347. Melonie Says:

    How bout that 9th inning, huh Ignis? Walking the bases loaded usually not a good strategy. I’m just saying is all. Feel bad for all the folks who left early/turned off the tv thinking the game was in the bag.

    Neener, Neener, Chicken Deener.

    And Paul, I LIKE the pillowdome. Two reasons- first, opening day in Minnesnowta is going to suck ass (likewise any playoffs, should we ever get there) and second, I LOVE watching outfielders lose the ball in the roof. They look for it, look for it, look for it, and suddenly it drops down 10 feet behind them. It’s like an early Christmas- makes what would have been a pop fly into an easy double, possibly a triple if Go Go Gomez is on the bag. LOL!

    At least you’re a Cubs fan and not the White Sux. Thank goodness for small favors.

  2348. Paul Alferink Says:

    One: All well and good, but it’s an ugly, boring stadium.

    Two: I hate it even more for all the dirty tricks. The stealing of signs with a camera. The fact that they used to turn the out field AC full blast after the seventh if the Twins were ahead to discourage the opposition catching up. Plus, my second love, the Detroit Tigers (Led by should be HoF and current Cubs Bench coach Alan Trammell) lost to the twins and there accured stadium in the 1987 play-offs and crushed the dreams of a little 5th grader living in Illinois who never got to see Tiger games on the TV unless they were in the play-offs.

  2349. Paul Alferink Says:

    By the By, it’s no accident that the team I always choose to crush first when playing RBI baseball for the Nintendo was that stupid 1987 Twins team. Gladden, Hrbek, Gaetti, Puckett, Viola, Blyleven. Punks the lot of them.
    The year Jack Morris left Detriot to go play for them, that broke my childhood infatuation with baseball that stayed pretty dead until the Cubs reserrectted it in 1998.

    • lenny Says:

      Whoa. 18 months later and still going strong. I haven’t checked this site out for AGES (of you).

      Boy did I ever hate that 1987 Twins team. I’m right there with you Paul. How about those Cardinals this year? So far, only a few blown saves by the bullpen, and the starters have been better than expected, even without Carpenter, but he’ll be back soon. Too bad about Zambrano. Go to any Cards/Cubs games yet? I haven’t been to any games at all…


  2350. Mr Cup Says:

    Mr Perpetua is writing for Pitchfork!

  2351. Rob Says:

    Okay, Champion, we were both right. The new Dylan record has a song called Beyond Here Lies Nothing.

  2352. Rob Says:

    Happy Easter everybody.
    I’ve changed the link in my name above so it now goes straight to my new MySpace profile. Even if you’re not signed up you can still see what I look like (hopefully not too disappointing).

    Suggested new pseudonyms for Champion Of The World;

    Bisky The Doormat
    Bisky The Frisky Dormouse
    Hand To Mouthwash
    Shake Babycakes
    Snake Baby, Snake
    Enthusiast Jack Pruitt.

    Oh yeah, thanks for adding me Ignis. I’ll eventually sort out a facebook account, but dammit it’s confusing over there.

  2353. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I’m sure I’ll be very dissappointed in what you look like, Man, because my expectations are way off the chart. I imagine you as embodying the best attributes of Michael Stipe , Jim Morrison in the early days, and Richard Gere in one compact, svelte body. Blazing blue eyes topping off a snakeskin torso.

  2354. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    BTW, Bisky The Doormat is the only one I “get” 🙂
    I actually like that.

  2355. Ignis Sol Says:

    Today, I feel like the person in “Falls to Climb.”

  2356. Melonie Says:

    That can’t be good. I was listing to that song on the way in to work this morning, which is ironic on so many levels. My sympathies to you. Hang in there.

  2357. Rob Says:

    I’ve often felt like the guy in The Ascent Of Man. Not so much lately though…

  2358. Ignis Sol Says:

    I know what you mean, Rob. I’m not quite “Boy in the Well” yet and definately not “Everybody Hurts.” Pretty close to “High Speed Train” – is that a good thing?

  2359. Kirsten Says:

    Sometimes I feel like the guy from Diminished – ’cause I’m this close to killing everyone….

  2360. Mr Cup Says:

    I feel like Wendell G.

    Hope he tastes good.

  2361. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    my top three Butthole Surfers album titles :

    #3 Humpty Dumpty LSD
    #2 Brown Reason To Live
    #1 Rembrandt Pussyhorse

  2362. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    the music is so netherworldly
    but the band is so staid

  2363. Rob Says:

    Sometimes I feel like the Hollow Man when I want to run Electron Blue.

  2364. Melonie Says:

    Mr Cup: That was awesome. Nicely done

    I often feel either Hollow Man or Sweetness Follows.

  2365. Ignis Sol Says:

    starting to perk up now toward “Shiny Happy People” mode. If I get to see my bf tonight, I will be really shiny and happy.

  2366. Rob Says:

    Just saw In The Loop. I know it’s only April but it could be my movie of the year.

  2367. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    they play part of Shiny Happy People at the beginning of Marley And Me

  2368. Rob Says:

    Think I’ve got a sinus infection. They’re totally fucked and feel like they could explode any minute. Every time I blow my nose it’s like a scene from Ghostbusters.

  2369. Ignis Sol Says:

    bleck, Rob, so who ya gonna call?

    I like how Michael Moore uses “Shiny Happy People” in Fahrenheit 911. Makes the song sound a bit devious.

  2370. Rob Says:

    Ray Parker Jr is currently on an ad for British 118118 Directory Enquiries, basically singing a version of the Ghostbusters theme only relating to the services on offer, stuff like if you need a plumber- “Who you gonna call? 118”. There’s a great non-sequiter as he walks past a farm and sings “I’m afraid of no goats”.

  2371. Rob Says:

    Although my contender for the best ever non-sequiter has to be from the Hank Scorpio episode of The Simpsons;
    “You ever see a man say goodbye to a pair of shoes before?”
    “Yes, once.”

  2372. Ignis Sol Says:

    Sometimes life can be so sad. 🙂

  2373. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Marley & Me is sooooooo sad at the end…

  2374. Ignis Sol Says:

    yeah, i know, the dog die.

  2375. Mr Cup Says:

    Aww – you’ve ruined it!

    Ok – I wasn’t going to see it anyway. I like Owen Wilson, but, well…he’s kind of …consistent wouldn’t you say?

    Oh look over there – another Robin Hood re-make. Go Rusty!

  2376. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Cup, You’re a strange bird. Sometimes I think you’re almost as strange as me.

  2377. Ignis Sol Says:

    Yeah, you guys are strange. Unlike me. 🙂

  2378. Melonie Says:

    I’m going to apologize in advance. I can’t remember if this was a part of a discussion here or on facebook, but I remember reading it somewhere and it spurred something in me. So I’m sorry for taking the discussion back, but damn if I can find the original post.

    Someone was talking about orchestral versions of R.E.M. songs and how crappy they could be, but it got me remembering a concert series my mom went to in the early 90s. The Moody Blues did a tour where they joined up with local orchestras. The first half of the concert was their regular rock set, and then after an intermission they did a second act with the orchestra as backup performing some of their more elaborate songs. Of course they ended the show with “Knights in White Satin” but apparently there were enough other songs to qualify for a full 45 minute set.

    So my question is: knowing that R.E.M. has so many songs that include string arrangements, do you think they could mount a similar tour? If so, would that be something you’d want to see? I personally think it would be pretty cool and would want to see it, but I don’t know if that is just me. I’m kind of a geek like that.

    I didn’t see the Moody Blues one but I was told it was phenomenal. Now admittedly, knowing my mother’s taste in music, I can’t vouch for the validity of that statement. But in theory, it sounded like it would be an interesting show if it could be pulled off and done well.


  2379. Ignis Sol Says:

    Well, you are not a geek for appreciating how their music can transcend genres and cultural tastes. It is a testament to their talent.

    This was done with Metallica music and the results were mediocre. A full-scale live orchestral R.E.M. show does not appeal to me, personally. I want to rock out as much as one can rock out to R.E.M. songs. To my ears, it would seem like a pastiche rendition of the songs I like so much – almost akin to Muzak. I did not care much for that music-school version of “Nightswimming” with Mike Mills that they put up on HQ a while back. Something was off about it; some verisimilitude was lost as a sort of sophistication was seemingly being attempted.

  2380. Kirsten Says:

    If it was a joint-venture with the band, I’d go see it. An hour long instrumental show? Probably not. If they did it locally I might, but it wouldn’t be worth the drive into the city. I have heard that there is a CD out of an orchestra playing REM songs, I haven’t got it (believe it or not!) but I do intend to get it one day. It’s probably the sort of thing I’d listen to once, enjoy it, then put it away never to be played again.

  2381. Mr Cup Says:

    Agree – it rarely does anyone any favors. And I hate to see cellos reduced to little more than chugging riffs.

    A few years back, KISS played with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. The orchestra wore suits and applied make up in the style of their chosen KISS icon. The whole thing was an attempt at grabbing a larger audience for the orchestra.

    I only saw a bit of it on the teev, but it was pretty bland. An orchestra can rock hard too but I have a feeling that most rock compositions aren’t dynamic enough.

    There was a guy who sang with the Australian Chamber Orchestra a little song called ‘I’ve been high’. The intimate scale of the song and ensemble works a lot better, though I have to agree with Ignis about the Nightswimming performance.

  2382. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    there’s a Rhapsody thing with REM songs being played by a orchestra……..I wonder if that’s the same one.

    I agree with Ignis, when verisimilitude is lost, uh, it tends to the turgid.

  2383. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    it’s called The String Quartet Tribute To REM Volume 2……Drive, Pop Song ’89, Begin The Begin, The Lifting, Imitation Of Life, Driver 8, So. Central Rain, Orange Crush, Maps And Legends, Fall On Me, ……..and a thing called Athens.

  2384. Rob Says:

    I know that Bright Eyes played the Hollywood Bowl with the LA Philemonic (sp?) a couple of years ago, and Grizzly Bear did a similar show in New York recently. Both those shows sounded like they were awesome. As for REM, well if they played the whole of Up with an orchestra I think it might work, but I’m not sure about the rest of their songs.

  2385. Melonie Says:

    There’s a lot of songs I could hear them doing, Great Beyond and Sweetness Follows being top choices.

    I was just curious. Nice to see the list is still so active. Now if Matthew will just start in on Accelerate…

  2386. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    this morning the Eno textures are matching the sky textures
    low slung cathedral lofts the liguid sky in Algiers

  2387. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    parasites are crawling through the trenches
    forever scaling my defenses
    and compromising my heart

  2388. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I hope to eat each one of you and YOU ME had a hat put it down reached down spun around and preached and then I slapped it on my head all those people gathered spitting on the TV upon the walls of breach. I should go to the beach with me trousers rolled up to the knees. Shall I eat a peach?

  2389. Mr Cup Says:

    Hey Kirsten – congrats on the ANZAC win. Great to watch – especially the usual Malthouse dummy spit.

  2390. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    any swine flu over there in Aussie ville, I know New Zealand has some confirmed…..?

  2391. Mr Cup Says:

    I think are are awaiting confirmation on a few people, so as not to panic us too much.

  2392. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    no sex with pigs and you’ll be fine

  2393. Mr Cup Says:

    I heard you could sleep with them, just no kissing.

  2394. Melonie Says:

    You should still use protection. No way of knowing where else that pig has been.

    And in case you haven’t seen it already, this is great:

  2395. Melonie Says:

    Though we do have a confirmed case here in Minnesota, so I probably shouldn’t be laughing too hard.

  2396. Kirsten Says:

    I have been called a swine, but I don’t have the flu.

    Thanks Mr Cup, I’m the only one at work who tipped that one! {But I still only got 3 for the week}. I always tip Essendon. Do you always tip Freo, even though they suck?

  2397. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    song on new Dylan album called, ‘If You Ever Go To Houston’

  2398. Mr Cup Says:

    Should I have expected any less from a Victorian? Of course not.

    I had to give up footy tipping when i was soundly beaten by a dog. Albeit a dog who knew his footy, but still.

  2399. Rob Says:

    If you ever go to Houston, well I’ve heard that it’s full of promise. I also believe that Laredo’s a beautiful place. Enjoying the new Dylan album quite a lot. Going to see him tomorrow night. Excited.

  2400. lenny Says:

    (I posted this above as a reply, but who is going to scroll up to see that?)

    Whoa. 18 months later and still going strong. I haven’t checked this site out for AGES (of you).

    Boy did I ever hate that 1987 Twins team. I’m right there with you Paul. How about those Cardinals this year? So far, only a few blown saves by the bullpen, and the starters have been better than expected, even without Carpenter, but he’ll be back soon. Too bad about Zambrano. Go to any Cards/Cubs games yet? I haven’t been to any games at all…


  2401. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Fuck the Cardinals
    Fuck the Cubs
    Fuck the Milwaukee Brewers
    Fuck the Washington Capitals
    Fuck the Houston Rockets

    Bring on the Titans
    Let’s Rock
    ________________Affectionately, Scott M.

  2402. lenny Says:

    Oh, that explains it. I had a feeling this new name (Champions) that I didn’t recognize was Scott M. If I remember right, you were from Pittsburgh. That explains the hating of other NL Central teams, and the Capitals. Cardinals are stumbling a bit, but do you think the Pirates have a chance in this division? First series between them and the Cards was 2-2. Bring ’em on. Go Cards.

  2403. Rob Says:

    I was hoping for good things from last night’s Bob Dylan concert, but was not prepared for how heartstoppingly AWESOME it would turn out to be. We got Leopard-Skin Pillbox Hat, Masters Of War, Highway 61, Just Like A Woman, Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again and an astonishing version of Like A Rolling Stone. Still reeling…

  2404. Melonie Says:

    Apropos of nothing, I live right off of Highway 61.

    Oh look, a chicken!

  2405. Melonie Says:

    Just had a share a funny. The local talk radio station was discussing the possiblity of Bret Favre joining the Vikings (boo! hissss!) and had to take a commercial break. As they came back from break, what did they use as bumper music? ITEOTWAWKI. Very fitting, I thought.

  2406. lenny Says:

    I hope they stopped the music right after ITEOTWAWKI… they have to cut out “…and I feel fine.” Something just ain’t right about Favre in a Vikings uniform. That would seriously suck. I’m in St. Louis, so I shouldn’t really care, but that would be like a great championship winning Cardinal going to play for the Cubs…(oh crap, Jim Edmonds did that.)

  2407. Rob Says:

    I live just off the Rathmines Road. It’s fine, but I don’t think there will be any iconic albums named after it. He also played a version of Blowin’ In The Wind that had a Tongue/Ascent Of Man/last dance at a 1970s Iowa prom vibe to it. Another highlight was Ain’t Talkin’. And Lonesome Day Blues. And All Along The Watchtower. Dammit, I shoulda got tickets for tonight’s show too. At least I got a poster.

  2408. Rob Says:

    Oh, and afterward we went for a beer in a bar that was a boat on the Liffey.

  2409. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    interesting Dylan stuff..

    I just read something that blew my residual mind. The Brewers have beaten the Pirates 17 straight times, yeah you read that right, 17 !!!!!

    Satan in Penguins line-up tonight. Flying in from the Middle-east. Temporarily suspending clandestine operations there.

  2410. Mr Cup Says:

    Was Thom Yorke in that bar whilst writing ‘I float down the Liffey”.

    you know it makes sense.

  2411. Kirsten Says:

    Hey, funny you should mention the dog, Mr Cup. My rabbit is currently coming 7th in our footy tipping, beating me by 3. The first year he was in it he came 3rd. Humiliated my entire family (except 2). He almost always picks Melbourne. That’s his team.

  2412. Kirsten Says:

    Oh, and does anybody know if the R.E.M. Vinyl re-releases are going to be any different from the originals? If they change just 1 small thing, I’m going to have to buy them all again.

  2413. Rob Says:

    Mr Cup, that bar wasn’t open when Thom Yorke wrote that song- I think it only opened in the last couple of years. I remember reading an interesting thing about that song. It was inspired by a piece of advice (pep-talk?) Michael Stipe gave him when Thom was having a tough time on tour. A couple of years later Stipe told Yorke that he thought he might have ripped-off Radiohead for the Reveal song Disappear, only to told that he inspired How To Disappear Completely in the first place. Somewhere in the distance a snake ate it’s own tail.

  2414. Mr Cup Says:

    Oh yeah Rob, I recall hearing that now. Mutual appreciation society mutually appropriating…nay, inspiring one another in a game of ‘ideas for a song’ tennis.

  2415. Mr Cup Says:

    Kirsten, what is your rabbit’s system?

    The dog’s was to always pick his team (The doggies) and the underdogs (usually Freo). He hated Magpies as they would swoop him at the park, and then by association any other birds (Hawks, Eagles….especially Eagles. eGirls he liked to call them. Wet Toast.)

    Beyond that, whoever he wagged his tail for.

    And he beat me!

  2416. Kirsten Says:

    Ha! My bunny’s name is Forest – non REM I’m afraid, but I’m sure I can find a connection if I try hard enough. I put 2 sultanas on my hand, tell him which represents which team and the one he eats is his choice to win. He’s a good boy ’cause he went for the Bombers tonight even though we’re going to lose.

  2417. Mr Cup Says:

    Whattya mean you didn’t call him “Thumper”? Unheard of.

    I can’t see us winning again with 2 key midfielders out for the year. As they say…there’s always cricket.

  2418. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I am breathing water
    I am breathing water
    Oh, don’t you know a man has got to breathe ?

  2419. Rob Says:

    Ohhhhhh, mama, can this really be the end? To be stuck inside of Mobile with the Memphis blues again

  2420. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    He just smoked my eyelids and punched my cigarette.

  2421. Rob Says:

    Shame that Dylan didn’t play Wiggle Wiggle the other night;
    “Wiggle wiggle like a bowl of soup” Uh?!?

  2422. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    beyond here lies nuthin’ but the mountains of the past….

  2423. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    shake shake Mama like a ship going out to sea
    shake shake Mama like a ship going out to sea

  2424. Rob Says:

    “Knockin’ on the door, I say ‘Who is it, where you from?’
    Man says ‘Freddy!’ I say ‘Freddy who?’ He says, ‘Freddy or not here I come.’

  2425. Kirsten Says:

    Whoo-hoo!! GO UNDERDOGS!! Bombers & Freo BOTH WINNERS!!

    Lets enjoy it ’cause it’s probably not going to happen ever again…

  2426. Mr Cup Says:

    None more surprised than I.

  2427. Kirsten Says:

    You want to go out Friday and you want to go forever.

  2428. Rob Says:

    You know that it seems childish that you’ve dreamt of alligators.

  2429. Rob Says:

    You hope that we are with you and you hope you’re recognised.
    You want to go forever and you see it in my eyes.

  2430. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    what you want and what you need
    has been confused and confused

  2431. Rob Says:

    And your drifting off to sleep with your teeth in your mouth

  2432. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    what have you done what have you done ?

  2433. Melonie Says:

    She’s a sad tomato
    She’s three miles of bad road

  2434. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    He wants to be a goalie
    But first he’s gotta learn to count

  2435. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    BTW Melonie, I thought it was “she’s three miles up that road”

  2436. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Happy Birthday Bobby Dylan

  2437. Rob Says:

    Yes, sixty-eight today, and still so cool.

  2438. Kirsten Says:

    Ugly girls know their fate.
    Anybody can get laid.

  2439. Rob Says:

    Hey Ignis,
    I saw you put Cartoons And Forever Plans on your myspace page. Are you a big Maria Taylor fan? Azure Ray’s Hold On Love album is awesome. The other guy singing on Cartoons is Andy LeMaster, who is gorgeous (and gay) and fronts Now It’s Overhead, which Maria also plays in, and Stipey has collaborated with. If you don’t know them check them out. You won’t be disappointed.

  2440. Mr Cup Says:

    On the first day of winter I went to the beach. Not to be silly. It’s just been that sort of weather. Crazy.

  2441. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2442. lenny Says:

    Not that I’m an expert on Southern Hemisphere weather, but isn’t the first day of “winter” something like June 21st for you guys?

  2443. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    refer to Summer Turns To High thread

  2444. Mr Cup Says:

    We don’t like to think too hard so we change seasons on the first of the month. Winter being June 1, and last for around 3 weeks. No autumn.

  2445. Kirsten Says:

    They don’t call it Autumn in the US do they? On TV they always refer to it as Fall. It’s due to snow near here tonight and tomorrow. We even got 1.4 cm of rain over the weekend! It’s been sooo long…..

  2446. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    yes, they do call it autumn in the Land Of The Free And The Loaded Gun

  2447. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Fenway Park’s got the GREEN MONSTER. I never thought about that before. 🙂

  2448. lenny Says:

    Scott is somewhat right — you occasionally hear someone call the season Autumn, but MOST of the time, people here say Fall. The only time it makes sense to use Autumn is when you are using it as an adjective, “Autumnal”. Because “wintry” and “summery” make sense, but “fallish” doesn’t really work. Incidentally, what do people use for an adjective when it feels like Spring…uhh, Springy? Or is it Springlike?

  2449. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    yeah, the rabble say fall

  2450. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I have never heard anyone–be they the common rabble, the aristocracy, or REM themselves say “autumnal”……..:)

  2451. Mr Cup Says:

    The very avant-garde Australian electro pioneers, Pseudo Echo called their first album Autumnal Park.

    Pretty much says it all.

  2452. Rob Says:

    My best friend (or brother from another mother) uses Autumnal as an adjective all the time, to describe anything from Grant-Lee Phillips to the Decemberists.

  2453. Kirsten Says:

    Tell the sky – Don’t Autumn on me??

    It’s just not the same.

    Rule #1 in life: Michael knows best. If it’s fall for him – it’s fall for everyone.

  2454. Kirsten Says:

    It snowed in Kinglake the other day. Strange to think just 4 months ago it was 48 degrees and burning.

  2455. lenny Says:

    It feels like 48 in my office this morning. Oh wait, you probably mean Celcius (and burning). I’m freezing my a$$ off!

  2456. lenny Says:

    So, for you non-US folks, it’s like 9 degrees here. Inside. In June. 9.

  2457. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Looking forward to hoisting THE CUP tonight

  2458. Melonie Says:

    I will happily fall for Michael, seeing as how it would be hard to autumn for him.

    And I agree lenny. I was just saying to my DH last night that I think it’s ridiculous that it’s almost mid-June and I’m still wearing flannel jammies to bed and using a comforter. Bring the heat already!

  2459. Melonie Says:

    Damn solar flares (not of the early 90s). Or lack thereof.

  2460. Rob Says:

    Ever autumned in love with someone you shouldn’t autumn in love with? Ever autumned from grace?

  2461. Mr Cup Says:

    A comforter????!!!!

    Sounds risque – where do I get one? Oh what are they first. Don’t say hot water bottle.

    I’m thinking along the lines of ‘mothers little comforter’.

  2462. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    did you feel it when I hoisted you ?
    caressed your shiny surfaces ?

  2463. Mr Cup Says:

    The concrete
    broke your autumn….

    apparently, UP is the sound of someone autumning.

    Autumning for the people.

  2464. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Autumnings are over-rated
    I wanna be sedated

  2465. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    What an amazing coincidence……One of my stops in my morning computer ritual is Poetry Daily for the poem of the day; today it is a thing called Hawthorne On His Way Home….with the lines,

    A landscape now wholly autumnal
    Hawthorne wrote in his journal
    And perhaps he noticed how “now” means “then”
    As soon as it is written down.

  2466. Melonie Says:

    It’s not as exciting as it sounds, Mr Cup. A comforter is just a thick, heavy blanket type thing. Lots of padding. I think some places call them a duvet. At least I’ve seen advertisements for duvet covers, so I’m assuming that’s the translation. But up here they’re just called comforters.

    Wish I had something else clever to say, but it’s Monday. I got nothin.

  2467. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    that was plenty , and informative 🙂

  2468. Mr Cup Says:

    Thanks Mel. We call it a doona. First time I’ve written that word and doesn’t it look funny.

  2469. lenny Says:

    Looks funny to me.

  2470. lenny Says:

    …but not as funny as Sammy Sosa’s career home run total.

  2471. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Or Iran’s election results.
    Wasn’t there a cookie, by Nabisco, the Lorna Doona ?

  2472. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    oh, Lorne Doone was the cookie

  2473. Rob Says:

    If you pre-order the new Minus 5& Young Fresh Fellows cds together from the Yep Roc website you get 2 limited edition Scott McCaughey badges. Call me a sucker, but that sounds like a great deal to me.

  2474. Kirsten Says:

    We can reach our destination, but it’s still a ways away.

  2475. Kirsten Says:

    Can someone show me the way?

  2476. Melonie Says:

    She just wants to be somewhere
    She just wants to be

  2477. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    you’ll do fine
    you’ll do fine

  2478. Mr Cup Says:

    I’ve been there and I know the way

  2479. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I’m muddled in my intent
    Trying to bridge the schism
    Hog-tied and accepting of the struggle.

  2480. Melonie Says:

    Had to share a funny. A while back I made Miis of Stipe and Mills just for shits and giggles. Didn’t do Peter cuz he was just too hard.

    Anyhoo, I’ve been playing a lot of Wii Fit lately and the other day I had the Mikes on either side of me while doing step aerobics. They are both much better than I am.

  2481. Kirsten Says:

    Ha ha! I’m gonna do that tonight!

  2482. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I’m not sure I know what you mean, Melonie.

  2483. Melonie Says:

    If you have a Wii, you can create your own little avatars for game play. They’re called Miis, and once you create them, the system will use them for other games as background characters in scenes where there are other Miis. I created a Stipe Mii that’s scary good. I use him when I play Mario Kart online, which is fun. I’ve also had him as a partner for tennis and cheering me on in other games. It’s really fun. Once you create a Mii it will pop the head into other Mii spots randomly. Bizarre, but cool. My Stipe one is good, the Mills one is okay, and I just couldn’t make a Buck one at all. Which is ironic, but anyway…

  2484. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    is this to imply that Buck is the most complex of the three ? did you try a Berry ?

  2485. Rob Says:

    Last September I was visiting friends in Chicago&we went to the Hideout Block Party, a two day music festival headlined by Neko Case and the New Pornographers. One of the best acts of the weekend was Robbie Fulks’ tribute show to Michael Jackson, using his songs to tell his life story. It was funny, silly&irreverent. Above all else it reminded everyone watching just how amazing many of those songs are. Rest in peace Mickey J.

  2486. Rob Says:

    Are you under the impression this isn’t your life? Do you dabble in depression? Is someone twisting a knife in your back? Oh Wilco, Wilco, Wilco will love you baby.

  2487. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    some ex-member of Wilco just died from a drug overdose a couple of days ago (?)

  2488. Rob Says:

    Jay Bennett, their ex-guitarist. He was sacked from the band after the Yankee Hotel Foxtrot album was recorded. He died in his sleep a couple of weeks ago, aged 45. I’ve seen Wilco a few times, though after he had left. My best buddy saw them when he was in the band&says he had great stage prescence and was an amazing guitarist. If you want to pay tribute then play the Summerteeth album and play it fucking loud.

  2489. Rob Says:

    Great Scott McCaughey lyric number1;
    “I had six white russians tonight and two of them were people”

  2490. Mr Cup Says:

    Are you suggesting one should be excited about Wilco The Album Rob? Are ya?

  2491. Mr Cup Says:

    I’m cleanin the floor my beat is correct

  2492. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Beat It Beat It Beat It

  2493. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I personally believe that MJ was innocent of any molestation charges- I think he was truly the sweetest boyman ,so sweet he was strange– He would just say “I love you” out of the blue to staff and somewhat casual acquaintances, shit like that… So, why the hell did he pay the one kid’s family 20 million ?? Troubling.

  2494. Mr Cup Says:

    That would be like you paying $20 to fix a major problem. No brainer – just looks dodgy.

    Innocence assumed, of course.

  2495. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    in regards to the dress rehearsal footage thing:

    love it when he has his hands by his sides and he shakes them (after the he claps them, after the spin move thing) …..the way he shakes his hands then…one of those moves that has a strange transcendent effect……that takes you to a different place the way those certain moves of great performers do…something about that moment….sends chills up my spine…….makes you realize how great he was as a despite his absolute oddness (shit, maybe that’s WHY he was so odd)

  2496. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    …….how great he was as a performer despite his absolute oddness…….is what I meant to write.

  2497. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    perihelion in 2008 was January 4th. Stipe’s birthday.

  2498. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    summerteethin’ it today (and)
    I’m gonna make it back someday

  2499. Rob Says:

    OK, so the new issue of Mule Magazine is now available to view at You can read more music reviews by myself (only two pieces this issue) and there’s plenty of other interesting stuff there too. It should be hitting the stands pretty soon, so if you’re in Chicago or New York, Nashville or Seattle, Athens or even Dublin then keep an eye out. And please let me know what you all think. Thank you.

    Right, that’s enough shameless promoting for the day. Time to get something to eat…

  2500. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    fascinating offshoot of Facebook–a link called, The Beachgoer, currently approaching 500 photographs posted by folks all over world…..Shoreline scenes and sunsets, and beach skies and vacation vantage points, and such…Check it out. Pretty cool.

    Ignis , are you still out there ?

  2501. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


    Ain’t nuthin’ wrong with self-promotion if you got something worthy of promoting 🙂

  2502. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    One more cup of coffee for the road
    One more cup of coffee before I go
    …………..To the valley below…

  2503. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I liked the If Ever You Find Yourself In Tennessee, I once found myself in Tennessee. I did not see your work, but I did not look that hard.

  2504. Rob Says:

    Yeah, the people who publish the magazine are all from Tennessee. I wrote a couple of pieces in the reviews section, not as much as I did for the previous issue, but I’m very happy to be a part of what I think is a great magazine.

  2505. Kirsten Says:

    Whoa, been flat out at work lately and missed a bit, so sorry, but I’m just going to drag the conversation back a couple of weeks…
    I did my Michael Stipe Mii, but he ended up looking like my husband (yeah – lucky me!), so I did Mike. (That’s the long-haired Mike, not the young short-haired one) Dead ringer for him. I gave him a green shirt, like in the Kenneth filmclip. I agree that Peter and Bill were both too hard, so I left them. Now I am free to do as I feel to him {Insert evil laugh here}

    Michael Jackson – Proven innocent in a court of law. End of story. The world lost a great legend. Hopefully he’ll be remembered for all the good things he did, not the controversy of the last 10 years. Our gereation’s Elvis – maybe REM should write a song about it? RIP MJ.

  2506. lenny Says:

    I have to disagree with you there, Kirsten. Not the end of the story. Unfortunately, there is what can be proven in a court of law, and then there’s what really happened, and those aren’t always the same thing. But, you don’t pay out millions of dollars in settlements if you’re 100% innocent. In my mind, the guy was a sicko, plain and simple.

    I heard it put a great way on ESPN radio (of all places) this morning (probably because they were talking about Steve McNair’s murder). If you’re going to look back at a public figure after their death and give them adulation for their accomplishments, you also have to acknowledge the negative aspects of their life, including any alleged crimes or strange behavior. You can’t separate them out and pretend that one side or the other wasn’t there. Personally, I’ll always remember how BIG he was in the 80’s, and how crazy everyone was about Thriller and his videos and dancing. But, his behavior towards the end of his life completely ruined my opinion of him as a person.

  2507. Kirsten Says:

    You don’t accept millions of dollars if your child has been raped. How does that help to right the wrong?

  2508. lenny Says:

    I never said that the money made things right, and I can’t speak for those parents. But the settlement sure does make him look guilty. That’s all I was saying.

  2509. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Weird thing happened to me on Friday morning, for a few minutes I swallowed hook, line , and sinker the rumor that was circulating around the net that MJ’s first accuser had stepped forward and admitted that it was all a lie, coaxed on by the accuser’s father……I REALLY believed it until I looked it up. I was really surprised by how happy I was, although that would have made his death even more tragic. But, honestly, I truly don’t think he did it–I don’t know why but–I just do. Just hearing things that those close to him say. I truly think that he was genuinely an extraordinarily sweet human being, who is just not the monster who would do that. Call me crazy if you want……

  2510. Mr Cup Says:

    you’re crazy!

  2511. lenny Says:

    OK. I can understand friends calling him a sweet human being, and I could even understand why someone hearing this could believe that he never did anything physically inappropriate. But grown men do not share beds with children that are not their own. Period. Whatever happens beyond that point is pretty much irrelevant, because the appearance of creepiness is too great to ignore. I don’t care or want to know why he did this — but you’d think that a friend or family member would have advised him against that behavior. Or if you’re really generous, and consider pedophilia to be an illness, he should have gotten help for it.

  2512. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Cup, you were right on top of that one !!!!!

  2513. Mr Cup Says:

    It was an easy kill – and soft targets are my specialty. Don’t like to work too hard.

    I’m digging Wilco. Sunset Rubdown. Struggling to see the fuss in Grizzly Bear.

  2514. lenny Says:

    Hey thanks for changing the subject, Cup! It was about time. Man, everybody seems to be talking about this Wilco album, too. Did you know that the band comes from my part of the world? Yet, oddly enough, I think the only album of theirs that I have is “A.M.” An oldie but a goodie!

  2515. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    “I stayed up for days in the Chelsea Hotel writing Sad-Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands for you……Sara……oh Sara..”

    I went away, so far away
    Astray inside an ashtray

  2516. Kirsten Says:

    >>Or if you’re really generous, and consider pedophilia to be an illness, he should have gotten help for it.

    People use to say that about Homosexuals. It’s not a desease, it’s a sexual preference that is natural to those people.

    {awaiting the abuse…}

  2517. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I have not enough abuse in my arsenal
    To inflict upon thy deserving head
    If thou meanest what thou just said…

  2518. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    🙂 I mean, are you saying that pedophilia is just a misunderstood sexual preference that will one day be accepted, sort of following the same pattern as homosexuality ? !! Or are you saying that’s what some people think ?

  2519. lenny Says:

    I, on the other hand, have no abuse for you. In fact, I find that to be an interesting comparison. But, like Scott, I doubt that pedophilia will come to be accepted to the extent that homosexuality has. What’s your solution for people with that “preference” which happens to be illegal? (You know, some homosexual behavior happens to be illegal, too, and they somehow manage to avoid getting any trouble over that. Is it because heterosexuals have been known to do some of those things, too?)

    (* imagining everyone with fingers in their ears saying, “la la la la…i can’t hear you” *)

    Besides, I wanted to talk about Wilco, and how they grew up 10 minutes away from where my Dad did. I also like Son Volt, the other offshoot from Uncle Tupelo. Does any of that mean anything to you Kirsten? I just didn’t know if these groups were ‘world famous’ or not.

  2520. Rob Says:

    Please let’s not compare homosexuality to paedophilia. Ultimately it comes down to sexual maturity, consent and whether or not there is a vulnerable victim being abused. Personally I would like to think Michael Jackson was innocent, that is only my opinion which may or may not be naive.

    I’ve previously shared my opinion of the new Wilco album, but it keeps getting better the more I listen to it. Bull Black Nova is an awesome song.

  2521. Mr Cup Says:

    Pedophilia seems to be its own sexual genre. the practice of which is also what we know as rape. It is non-consensual.

    Wilco are bigger than Def Lepperd.

    OK. not really.

  2522. Kirsten Says:

    Please let me make it clear that I was not condoning any sort of illegal behaviour, and I am aware of how much damage things like that can cause a child. And Rob, I certainly wasn’t suggesting that homosexuals are pedophiles. I was mearly pointing out that no-one can help who they are sexually attracted to. I believe there are 2 types of pedophiles: those who want to hurt and those who want love. If Michael Jackson was guilty, I believe he was the latter.

    I doubt it will ever be wildly accepted, because when it’s a 2 year old there’s no way they are able to make their own decision on that. However, there’s that many pregnant 15 year olds that you’ll probably find in years to come that the legal age will drop and that might become more accepted.

  2523. Kirsten Says:

    Now on a happier, less-wierd note:

    No, I have no idea about half the bands you guys talk about! But I think it’s just my sheltered life, ’cause Mr Cup seems to know who they all are.

  2524. Mr Cup Says:

    From the worlds most isolated city – who’da thunk?!

  2525. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Country Disappeared

  2526. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Bad Co. the song on
    Bad Co. the album by
    Bad Co. the band

    and now Wilco does it

    imagine if REM had a song called REM

  2527. Kirsten Says:

    I bet it’d be great.

  2528. Melonie Says:

    Hey Kirsten, don’t feel bad. 9 times out of 10, I have no idea who they’re talking about either, and I’m here stateside. The only reason I even know about Wilco is because 1) Geek Monthly had an article about them, and 2) I saw their CD at Target (Target!?! Of all places?!?)

    I’m staying out of the whole other discussion.

  2529. Rob Says:

    Hey Kirsten,
    if you don’t know Wilco, well now’s the perfect time to get to know them. They’ve toured with REM extensively on the ’99 and ’03 tours, with Peter Buck and Scott McCaughey often playing with them and have played on numerous Minus 5 songs. For once the new record Wilco (the album) is a perfect place to start. As is Yankee Hotel Foxtrot and Summerteeth. Happy listening, and I’ll gladly hit you up with more recommendations if ya like. Such as Dignity&Shame by Crooked Fingers, god that’s an awesome record…

  2530. Rob Says:

    I’ve also been enjoying Summerbirds In The Cellar recently. Think they might have opened for the REM boys a couple of times last year. That’s opened as in played the opening slot, not opened emotionally or physically…

  2531. Kirsten Says:

    I finally got internet at home! It had to be done, my boss keeps expecting me to work instead of talking to you guys! So this is just a quick test to see if it all works ok. I guess I’ll have to wait a day for it to go through. Shame we haven’t still got our icons, I’d love to see my new one!

    Anyway, gotta go now – So much REM to download!! 🙂

  2532. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Everlasting everything
    Oh, nothing could mean
    At all

  2533. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    And every moment’s a little bit later
    And every moment’s a little bit later

    ah nah nah nah
    ah nah nah nah

  2534. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I’ll see you in heaven if I make the list.

  2535. Rob Says:

    So you’re back in your old neighbourhood. The cigarettes taste so good.

  2536. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    The ashtray says you were up all night.

  2537. Mr Cup Says:

    there’s something in my veins, bloodier than blood
    there’s something in my veins, bloodier than blood
    there’s something in my veins, bloodier than blood

  2538. Rob Says:

    searching for a home,
    searching for a home,
    searching for a home via Chicago

  2539. Mr Cup Says:

    am trying
    to break you heart

  2540. Rob Says:

    The saxophones started blowing me down
    I was buried in sound and taxi cabs were driving me around
    To the handshake drugs I bought downtown

  2541. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Tweedy sings about cigarettes an awful lot……

  2542. Rob Says:

    Almost as much as Stipey sings about coriander.

  2543. Mr Cup Says:

    They seem to be a comfort food.

  2544. lenny Says:

    Roll another number for the road;
    You’re the only sober person I know.

  2545. Rob Says:

    Has anyone else been following the hilarious story regarding Mr Stipe and various other Athens scenesters and the pictures that were uploaded onto the guys with i-phones site? Warning: if you are of a sensitive disposition or using a computer in a public place then DO NOT click onto the site itself. While the pictures of Michael and friends are relatively tame, some of the other pictures are pretty explicit. Anyway, looks like they were all at a party and goofing around. It’s funny stuff.

  2546. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Oh OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH—AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa- aaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-Al
    So, I’ll stop when I can
    To get some fried eggs and country ham
    I’ll find somewhere where they don’t care
    Who I am……….

  2547. Ignis Sol Says:

    How is everyone?

    I hope all is well with your summers!

  2548. Kirsten Says:

    Hi Ignis!
    I (finally) got the internet at home and I posted a message about a week ago, but it hasn’t come through. Guess I’ll just have to stay restricted to fitting this in during working hours.

  2549. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    what an incredible coincidence!…I just saw a film clip where-in Cream says that Tales Of Brave Ulysses was directly influenced by Leonard Cohen, Suzanne….I noticed the similiarities back when we were talking about Hope, although it seemed so odd because they’re such different songs……Hey Ignis ,How are you ?

  2550. Rob Says:

    Hey Ignis,
    welcome back. Just spent a few days visiting friends in Scotland, and the weather was alright, considering the part of the world I was in.

  2551. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    how funny, jimjos
    just realized where you got that , “Call up room service and have ’em send up a room…” quip.
    Listening to Love And Theft, an album I’m not that
    familiar with.

  2552. Ignis Sol Says:

    I’ve been great. thank you.

    I’ve been writing and enjoying a lot of activities. I deleted my Myspace and Facebook accounts to make my life a bit more clutter-free.

    How you all doing?

    Rob, how is Scotland? I’ve never been there.

  2553. Ignis Sol Says:

    I just remembered some of you are in winter! I hope your winters are going well.

  2554. Kirsten Says:

    Happy Birthday Billy! {insert millions of birthday kisses right here!}

    I downloaded some REM drum music last week – this man is a freak!!! He’s like a bloody octopus, ’cause you need that many arms & legs to play the way he does. 🙂

    Love you Bill, honoured to be the first one to wish a great birthday.

  2555. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    listed it the local paper under celebrity b-days as, “rock musician”

    might be a bottle of whiskey
    die before I turn senile

  2556. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Fatboy Slim is 46 today, and Mark Cuban is 51, the mayor of Fresno is 57

  2557. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    every moment of existence seems like some dirty trick………

  2558. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    just watched Milk, fascinating. fucking Dan White, what a fucking coward loser

  2559. Rob Says:

    Ignis, Scotland is really nice. Many of the photos on my myspace page are from my first trip to Glasgow back in February, including the cemetery and the floating heads which are in Kelvin Grove, a crazy/awesome museum. This time we took a train to Edinburgh for a day, a really picturesque city- like something from a storybook. Glasgow’s a little more rough ‘n ready, but a whole lot of fun, and a night on the town is gonna hit you up pretty hard- especially if you’re a sloppy drunk/shandy lightweight like myself.

  2560. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I’m gonnna give a stump speech but first I need to find a stump.

  2561. lenny Says:

    Do you live in the desert or something? You’d think that Pittsburgh would have some dead trees somewhere.

    If all else fails, try standing on a soapbox.

  2562. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I’m in San Diego , Man…although the champions are in Pittsburgh……I wonder where Stipe is at this precise moment ?

    Going to the Grand Canyon in a couple of weeks. Gonna walk out on that new glass-bottom overlook. Maybe I’ll give my stump speech from there 🙂

  2563. lenny Says:

    Those are some fine baseball “champions” they’ve got there in Pittsburgh. Cardinals win again, woo hoo!!

  2564. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    well, the Pirates are champions too, champions of inept consistency. I’m rooting for an Angels Giants World Series.

  2565. Rob Says:

    I’m sure that many of us here used to check out Michael Stipe’s photo blog on when he was posting throughout 2007. Well if you head to the July page you’ll see various pictures of where I work, namely the Berkley Library, Trinity College. (Actually, if I’m gonna be totally honest I work in the Old Library adjacent to it, but all the admin is done in the Berkley). Can’t think why I didn’t think to share this information before, but now that you’ve seen my holiday snaps…

  2566. Rob Says:

    Oh, and have a great time at the Grand Canyon, Champ. Don’t go doing a Thelma and Louise on us.

  2567. Mr Cup Says:

    It’s a mighty slab of concrete, Rob!

  2568. Rob Says:

    Yeah and it sits in contrast to the other buildings, especially the Old Library, which dates back to the 1770s, and currently has big lengthy queues of tourists all day just waiting to get in.

  2569. Mr Cup Says:

    My university was a slab of gray concrete with dirt surrounds when I was there. Horrible.

    The main uni is 100 years old with mature trees and lawns everywhere, ivy, that sort of thing. Also a stones throw form where I have mostly lived. Sadly, it was best to go to the newer facility.

    It was going to be called the Curtin University of New Technology – can you guess why they changed it to an Institute???? Can ya????

  2570. Rob Says:

    I went to university in London ten years ago. Now I work at the Book of Kells exhibition at TCD. I’ve got to meet some interesting people working here though, including Jimmy Carter, Michael Moore, Neil Young and a certain Mr Mike Mills. I’ve also seen Bruce Springsteen, Lou Reed and Tom Waits come into the building, though didn’t get a chance to speak to them. Most surreal moment was when the Queen of Belgium came over to introduce herself to me. I suddenly became extremely conscious of the fact that I wasn’t wearing socks.

  2571. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I don’t know , Cup, cuz’ those who go there are inevitably institutionalized ?

    Rob, what did Neil have to say ? Was he dark and mysterious ?

  2572. lenny Says:

    Scott, you really didn’t get the reason for the institute name change? Try looking at the acronym for the original name. I looked something up online, and there was also a place that was going to be called the “Western Australian Institute of Technology and Commerce” or the “WAIT and C” 🙂

  2573. Rob Says:

    I would love to see T-shirts for the Curtin University, “See you next Tuesday”. Champion- Mr Young was really friendly, he came in with his family in 2003, slightly incognito in ski hat and sunglasses.

  2574. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I’m sorry . I don’t use that word.

  2575. Rob Says:

    Don’t apologize. I have a friend from the States who was shocked (and kinda amused) when he found out how often that word is used in Ireland.

  2576. Mr Cup Says:

    I remember them using it on Sex and the City (it was my only view of New York so shut up) and I was sitting there for 10 minutes trying to work out if I’d just misheard it.

    Sometimes it just sounds like you are saying can’t. Sort of.

  2577. Rob Says:

    The most jaw-dropping (and hilarious) use I’ve seen was in the ‘Beloved Aunt’ episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. And that’s probably the reason that it’s one of the only sitcoms I’m aware of to have an 18’s rating on dvd.

  2578. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Shakespeare even underhandedly uses it in the comedy Twelfth Night : Malvolio speaking, “By my life, this is my lady’s hand! These be her very c’s, her u’s, and her t’s….”

  2579. Mr Cup Says:

    The great aussie bush Balladeer, NIck Cave has used a few times. Think he described Pj Harvey’s as twinkling in song. In the right hands, as an impact word, it can have a lengthy fuse.

  2580. Kirsten Says:

    Maybe Scott just doesn’t work with a bunch of useless “Curtin Universities” like the rest of us…

  2581. Melonie Says:

    Ugh. Bret Favre is a Viking. I think I just threw up in my mouth.

  2582. Mr Cup Says:

    Anyone seen The Limits of Control?

  2583. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    no, Cup, never heard of it

    and T.O.’s a Bill
    and Vick’s an Eagle (hide your beagle)

  2584. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


    Minnesota at Green Bay– Nov. 1

    guys on ESPN seem to think this acquisition makes the Vikings the best team in the NFC by a wide margin (?)

    looks like another Super Bowl rematch is in the works

  2585. Melonie Says:

    No comments about the upcoming Dublin sessions CD? I am shock-ed.

  2586. Rob Says:

    OK, Melonie, can I be the first to say I’m really excited about them being released. Should be awesome.

  2587. Rob Says:

    Although Feeling Gravitys Pull didn’t make it onto the album and it was one of my highlights of those shows, but it’ll be great to properly own Staring Down The Barrel Of The Middle Distance.

  2588. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    been a long time since I heard Stipe’s voice, REM is always so extra powerful when you haven’t listened to them for awhile…..and then one day you do…..where shall I start ? this might be the longest I’ve gone without listening to REM since I got into them…

    I’m assuming the Dublin thing is on Rhapsody.

  2589. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    listened to the four song Reckoning Live At The Olympia, Pretty Persuasion is “not a family story, though true”

  2590. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    when is the Dublin thing being released ?

  2591. Rob Says:

    The “Dublin thing”? Are you referring to me? I am hoping to be released into the wild sometime before nightfall. In the meantime we can expect REM’s Songs From The Olympia at the end of October.

    Saw Wilco last night. They were some kind of transcendent wonderful. Highlights included Bull Black Nova, Misunderstood, Spiders (Kidsmoke), Can’t Stand It and I’m The Man Who Loves You.

  2592. Melonie Says:

    October 26th.

  2593. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    oh, so The Olympia is those Dublin shows ? I thought I was listening to something from , say, 1984,,,,Which is good, I guess……..

  2594. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    reading Portrait Of the Artist As A Young Man as preparation for Dublin release

  2595. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    breaking news :

    at the age of 68
    Charlie Watts has quit the band

  2596. Melonie Says:

    So does this mean that at a certain point people actually CAN get too old to rock ‘n’ roll?

  2597. Rob Says:

    If you are reading this then stop right now, head onto You Tube and type in the keywords Chris Morris REM Parody. Endorsing whale meat? That’s not the REM way…

  2598. Kirsten Says:

    I’ve been trying not to think about it too much. I mean October?? It’s so far away the stress will kill me!!!!! So can’t wait. From what I’ve heard from those of you who were there it sounds awesome. And DVD too?! Heaven. I’m also looking forward to “Middle Distance” as I haven’t heard it yet and it just isn’t good enough knowing that there’s an REM song out there that I don’t know! Can’t let the obession (or my reputation) slip. I also haven’t heard “On The Fly” (is that even right?). Does anyone know if that is on there?

  2599. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    can’t help you with that, Kirsten, although I might be able to help you with other things, within reason….

    Hey, is it true that Van Jones resigned ? Good riddance , I say, if it’s true. That cat’s gotta go, not good at all for the Obama administration.

    A Portrait Of The Artist As A young Man is exquisite. I wish I would’ve read it as a young man. The Catholicism thing in it is something I can really relate to, words like “monstrance”. And really paints a vivid picture of Dublin and beyond. I’m waiting for the part when REM comes to town.

  2600. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    nothing about the blowhole in whale meat video

  2601. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2602. lenny Says:

    You beat me to it, Champ. I’m going to listen to track #9 of Murmur at 9PM tonight.

  2603. Melonie Says:

    Woot! Got a babysitter so we’re going to see Peter with Minus Five et al tonight! YAY!

  2604. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    How was the show , Melonie ?

  2605. Melonie Says:

    It was fanfuckingtastic!! I mean seriously, WOW!

    Peter played bass for most of the gig, but he did bring out the Rickenbacker for a couple of songs. Scott McCaughey was awesome too. And Linda’s drumming blew me away. I actually videotaped a small segment to show my daughter, who is taking percussion lessons right now. She was really impressed to see a chick rocking out on the drums.

    They did two sets, and for the second set they just kept playing and playing. They had gone through their entire set list and started doing improv and just jamming to whatever song someone knew.

    We had originally been concerned that it would be hard to get in. I almost pre-purchased the tickets online through Ticketmaster and didn’t when they wanted to charge me an additional $12 in various service fees. We ended up being able to buy three beers with what we would have paid those bastards. But the worry was for naught- there couldn’t have been more than 200-250 people there. For the second set we were right up front. And they came into the bar through the front door, so Peter walked right past our table. It was very cool. And he is much taller than I expected.

    If they make it to anyone else’s neck of the woods, you have to go see them! They were just awesome! I’ve had “Ted Fucking Williams” stuck in my head all day. Gonna have to download it from iTunes.

  2606. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I was struck also by Peter’s size when I saw the Minus Five here a few years ago, played a lot of bass that night too..

  2607. Rob Says:

    You can colour me jealous, Melonie. When we saw Robyn Hitchcock&the Venus 3 me and my friend where trying to persuade Scott McCaughey to bring the Minus 5 to Dublin when we met him after the show. He didn’t think it was very likely that they’d be able to do it. And despite knowing next to nothing about baseball I love the Baseball Project album. Still I’m going to see Whispertown 2000 next week. Their album is one of my favourites this year.

  2608. Melonie Says:

    I have Hyena as an earworm. Could be worse things, I suppose. But it’s not one I would have chosen.

  2609. Rob Says:

    Had a bad case of insomnia last night. Was awake from 2am until an hour before my alarm went off. Today I feel like the guy from Daysleeper. Everything’s all headache gray and stretched out like a time-lapse photograph. Dealing with this during a busy day at work both sucked and blowed. It blucked.

  2610. Rob Says:

    This week I am hugely excited about Derren Brown’s upcoming tv show. Don’t know if he’s known in other parts of the world but he uses psychology, science, mathematics and probability to pull of the most awesome stunts. Last week he predicted all six winning lottery numbers in a show that was broadcast simultaneously with the live lottery draw. This week he is showing a short film containing subliminal messages that will leave the viewers at home unable to stand up for a few minutes after watching. I’ll be watching and I’ll let you know how I get on.

  2611. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I saw in the paper today. Jim Carroll died of a heart attack last Friday in Manhattan at the age of 60. He was sitting at his desk writing. That one really stung me.

  2612. Kirsten Says:

    Melonie, I can’t believe you let Peter just walk on past you! OK, you may not have wanted to talk to him (in fear of saying or doing something stupid that you might regret), but at least extend your arm or something so he’d have to brush past! I can’t condone ass-grabbing, but I’d understand if you couldn’t resist the opportunity. 😉

  2613. Rob Says:

    I once shook hands with Peter, but I ain’t never grabbed his ass.

  2614. Ignis Sol Says:

    Hi all!

    Peter’s bands have played across the street from my office and at nearby Seattle Center and I missed them. Kudos to Melonie for supporting our favorite guitarist and his projects.

    I have been a bad, bad fan.

    It looks like this is the lull before a new R.E.M. album (other than the compilation/live/re-issues that I can’t keep up with). What’s next? The Best of R.E.M.’s Phone Messages to Friends and Loved Ones?

  2615. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    one of these days is none of these days

  2616. Rob Says:

    Tonight is the night that Derren Brown hopes to control those of us watching his show through our television sets, making us unable to stand up. Sorry to keep going on about it, but I am hugely excited by this. If you are interested you can find out more information at I’ll let you know tomorrow how I got on. And yeah, I’ll make sure that I pee before the show starts.

  2617. Rob Says:

    Sadly the subliminal messages through the television failed to work on me and I was fully able to stand. Saw Whispertown 2000 tonight. They were awesome and I got to meet them afterwards. Really nice people, really great band. Their album is called Swim and it comes highly recommended from me.

  2618. Mr Cup Says:

    He lied to you through TV!!!!!

  2619. milesy Says:

    Still going strong! I just thought I’d pop by to check on accelerate. No such luck, yet…
    Greetings to all from sunny England.

    ‘Best of REM’s phone messages…’ LOL Ignis.

    I saw Derren Brown, Rob, no effect. Also the lottery one. Can’t work out what the con was, but don’t doubt that there was one– he didn’t let the people in the group see or calculate the numbers in advance; and he didn;t reveal his humbers until after the draw. And you can’t predict the lottery!!! I think he started pulling a fast one right from the moment at the beginning when he said there were three ways of doing it. There must be at least four. But I can’t think of the fourth.

    Call me mr cynical

  2620. Melonie Says:

    @ kirsten
    I did have a “brush-up-against” moment during the evening- the bathrooms were right next to the stage, and so we bumped into each other as I was on my way in. I even apologized, though I’m not sure he noticed. I had wanted to stay after because I wanted a chance to ask if he was related to the Bucks that I’m related to, but I probably would have chickened out because it’s such a weird question to ask. “Do you happen to be related to Orville and Ida Buck?” Who asks that?

    But Scott walked past me a couple of times and we exchanged smiles and a hi. And Linda grabbed my shoulders as she rushed past to get back on stage for the encore. All in all, pretty cool. Couldn’t get over the fact that these guys were playing in this teeny tiny bar in a shitty part of town. But yay for doing it! And now I have The Baseball Project downloaded on the iPod. It’s all good.

  2621. Melonie Says:

    Oh, and a belated Happy Pirate Day to all. I was at a derby tournament all weekend so I didn’t get a chance to get online at all. Pastafarians unite!

  2622. Kirsten Says:

    Wouldn’t it be easier to just ask your ralatives if they are related to Peter?

    If Peter shook my hand, I’d never wash it again. I’d also fall to his feet sobbing.
    I went to Melbourne Airport once to pick up some family from interstate and all I could think about was ‘REM may have walked on this very concrete at some point in time’. I was tempted to lick it, but being unsure as to exactly where they may have stood, I decided against it.

  2623. Melonie Says:

    Yeah, licking random bits of an airport floor probably not ideal.

    And it would be easier to just ask, given that any were still alive. Unfortunately I am the only one left, so unless I do a lot of geneology research and/or hire a psychic to “crossover” to the other side, the only way I’ll find out is to ask him myself.


    Normally I wouldn’t even think that someone would be, because I’ve never met another Buck I’m related to. But Peter’s dad’s name was Lawrence, and my grandfather had an estranged brother named Lawrence who lived in California. I never heard much about him other than he shunned the family and moved to Cali, so I don’t know if it’s the same one or not.

  2624. Rob Says:

    Well Melonie, you could always tell everyone that they are one and the same person. I used to believe that I had made out with Stephen Merritt from the Magnetic Fields (of 69 Love Songs fame) in a nightclub in London ten years ago. These days I reckon it was just someone who looked a little like him. I hasten to add that at no point did this person actually claim to be the man himself, I think I was jumping to erroneous conclusions.

  2625. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Kirsten, you’re outta control 🙂

    I just had the most amazing REM moment. Was doing a bit of research for class on the provocative quirky short story, ‘A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings’, and it says on Wiki that the REM Losing My Religion video is loosely based on it! Damn, I can definitely see the influence. Interesting…….(forgive my senility if someone mentioned this a long time ago)

  2626. Rob Says:

    I finally heard from someone who was unable to stand after the Derren Brown show last week. A guy I work with was channel surfing and started to panic when he couldn’t get up. Tonight’s show sees him attempt to project the same image into the heads of everyone watching. Let’s see how that works out. Perhaps he could get everyone in Melbourne Airport to kiss the tarmac so Kirsten doesn’t feel out of place.
    Before the show I will be pouring myself a glass of red wine and listening to the Monsters Of Folk album, which was released here today.

  2627. Rob Says:

    OK. It worked (sorta). The basic setup for the programme was that a volunteer had drawn a simple picture and only she knew what it was. While they showed a close-up of her eyes viewers were invited to draw whatever came into their heads. At the end of the show the picture was revealed to be three concentric circles, which was supposed to represent Stonehenge. While I hadn’t drawn the circles one of the first doodles I did was of horizontal slabs with a vertical slab on top of them. Just like Stonehenge…

  2628. Kirsten Says:

    Through lack of evidence Melonie, I’d just claim it to be fact. I’m sure Peter’s not really gonna care, and if he does then it’s down to him to disprove it. State it with enough conviction and we’ll all be none the wiser. I’m still waiting for one of you to admit that you are really Mike Mills in disguise…

  2629. Rob Says:

    Do you think Mike Mills might be one of Champion of the World’s personalities?

    I was reminded of a weird encounter I had at work whilst wearing an REM t-shirt a while back. As I’m sure you’re aware we get tourists from all over the world coming into the exhibition. An American guy was standing halfway down the line I was serving and copped my shirt.

    Him: “REM. Cool!”

    Me: “Yeah, I’m a big fan.”

    Him: “What?”

    Me: “I’m a big fan of REM.”

    Him: “What’s REM?”

    Me(getting confused): “They’re a band. From Georgia.”

    Him: “You’re from Georgia?”

    Me: “No.”
    Uncomfortable pause
    Me: “Next please…”

  2630. Mr Cup Says:

    “Oh wow – you’ve got my favorite sleep state printed on your t-shirt. Cool.”

    I just saw that a mountain bike company called Santa Cruz have just released a new model bike called….Driver 8.

    When they come out with the Wendell Gee, I’m going to buy 3 of them. The Driver 8 would be OK, its just designed for downhill riding which really isn’t my style. Could just hang it on the wall though. I’m not that type of fan. I’m already wondering what Kirsten is thinking of doing to the bike seat. Oh jeez….

  2631. Rob Says:

    Surely a Feeling Gravitys Pull bike would be better for downhill racing. You could get a So. Central Rain for cycling through adverse weather in specific geographical locations. And to keep in good health while training be sure to stock up on Living Well Is The Best Revenge multi-vitamins. Of course if a horrible accident occurs while cycling then be mourned in style with a Man-Sized Wreath.

  2632. Melonie Says:

    I would so buy Living Well is the Best Revenge mulit-vitamins. That’s filled with win, dude.

  2633. Mr Cup Says:


  2634. Kirsten Says:

    Rob: WTF?? 🙂

    I’d buy an Auctioneer (Anther Engine) bike. Not only does it have an engine, but it goes really fast trying to get to the train on time….

    I’ve got a bootleg from ’85 (I think) where Michael was talking about how he had his bicycle stolen. So at least at some point in his life, he rode a bike. It’s these little snippets of information that makes the difference between being a fan and being obsessed. Glad to share.

  2635. Melonie Says:

    Mmm, I think I’d buy the Auctioneer bike IF it had the added feature of taking nickels and making them dimes…

  2636. Mr Cup Says:

    …and they were used as spokey dokeys!

  2637. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Just bought a FUJI Cross
    I probably spent too many nickels and dimes
    Good to be back on the horse

  2638. Kirsten Says:

    I thought you bought a bike…..

  2639. Mr Cup Says:

    Lucky you don’t have to buy a bike here Bisky. There is a $2500 discrepancy between the US and Oz price for the bike I want – that’s with the exchange rate factored in.

  2640. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    why, Cup?

  2641. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    what if you wanted to buy a horse?

  2642. Rob Says:

    Please forgive my ignorance, but what’s a fuji cross? Is it a type of bike?

  2643. Kirsten Says:

    It’s a cross between a bike and a horse. {which we treat & feed well)

  2644. lenny Says:

    Scott, that’s not the end of the world, as I know it…

  2645. Mr Cup Says:

    Giant have a bike called ‘Reign’.

    I’d like one so that when people asked what bike I was going to ride I’d say
    ‘I’ll take the Reign’.

  2646. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    did you non-USA residents get wind of that Balloon Boy story ? what crap. those parents should be shot and then be forced to pay for all the people that scrambled on their behalf

  2647. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    As heard on CNN last night : REM, Pearl Jam, Nine Inch Nails want Bush-era documents released, concerned about their music possibly being used in sustained psychological breaking down of Guantanamo detainees….

  2648. Melonie Says:

    @Champion- that’s weird. Seems like it would have the opposite effect.

    Odd moment I had to share with my friends who would appreciate it. DH texted me that it was snowing on his side of town. As I was replying that it was still just raining here, iPod starts playing I’ll Take the Rain. Heck yeah, I’ll take the rain. It’s not even Halloween and I’m already sick of snow. Going to be a loooooong winter.

  2649. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    and you guys will be playing baseball outside in April at home………baseball outside in November at home next year if you make it to the World Series………

  2650. Kirsten Says:

    I heard that REM story on the news. I never wanted to commit a crime and get caught so much in all my life. Why kind of crazy country do you live in over there?? REM all day, every day = torture??? Try heaven….

  2651. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    maybe hell is Burning Hell for all eternity

  2652. Rob Says:

    Hi everyone,
    Just wanted to share a few thoughts with you.
    1, Live At The Olympia is AWESOME. Not only does it bring back happy memories of that summer week two years ago, it sounds fantastic too. It’s the best live document of REM yet, even better than Tourfilm. And it’s great to finally have a copy of Staring Down The Barrel Of The Middle Distance.
    2, I’m just back from a few days in Cardiff. I’d been through Wales before to get the ferry to Ireland but never spent any time there. It’s a nice place. I had the best Indian food I’ve ever had there.
    3, If I had to have a one night stand with a superhero I would choose Spiderman.

  2653. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Really looking forward to taking a listen, I see a song called Disguise, hmmmmmmnnnnnnn…..39 songs total

  2654. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    er, that’s Disguised. I really like On The Fly, it’s haunting (like Halloween)….

  2655. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    These Days is on it

  2656. Kirsten Says:

    I’ve ordered mine but it hasn’t arrived yet. Damn living so far away….

  2657. Rob Says:

    Wow! Though given Single Cells previous track record there’s bound to be a level of sweet subversion to the movie. It’s certainly not weirder than Bono and The Edge writing a Broadway musical about Spiderman. In fact I’d forgot about that musical when I posted my last comment. I might have to revise my opinion.

  2658. Kirsten Says:


  2659. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I write the songs that make the whole world sing
    I write the songs of love and special things
    I write the songs that make the young girls cry
    I write the songs I write the songs

  2660. Kirsten Says:

    I can’t say I’m fearful
    I can’t say I’m not afraid
    But I am not resisting, I can see.

  2661. Rob Says:

    So has your CD arrived yet Kirsten? If it has then what do you think of Middle Distance and On The Fly?

  2662. Mr Cup Says:

    I listened to Chronic Town walking up to the shop last night. Somehow it was just so right.

    Oh yeah – I have knee pads.

  2663. Kirsten Says:

    It FINALLY arrived last week. Unfortunately, I’ve been way to busy to listen to it all. I got the LP/CD/DVD version and listened to the first 2 records, so I’m about half way through. When Second Guessing and Letter Never Sent came on I was jumping around screaming at the top of my voice. It was fantastic. Oh, and Circus Envy – that was a bit of a surprise! And Mike’s B-Side/MP3 comment had me laughing all week (yes, my life is that sad). So far – brilliant! Have Wednesday afternoon off work, so all going to plan, I’ll be listening to the other 2 records then. Then I’ll have to find the time for the cds and dvd – So much to look forward to! Oh, and in answer to your question – On The Fly was my favourite out of the two. Instant Classic. I think I had higher expectations of Middle Distance ’cause I really liked the name. I’m not saying I didn’t like it, it just didn’t grab me on first listed like On The Fly did. My opinion may change as I get to know the songs better.

    Knee pads, Mr Cup?

  2664. Rob Says:

    The night the B-side joke was made- I was there! And the night they played the batch of songs from Fables. It was a week I won’t be forgetting for a long time, and on the following Saturday I was in work, and went to serve the next customer in line was a certain Mr Mike Mills.

    I recently came across an old magazine article that had reprinted some of the more (ahem) expressive customer reviews from;
    The Diary of Anne Frank, “Why should students read about a young girl who does only one thing, complains. It is like reading a broken record.”

  2665. Rob Says:

    Citizen Kane, “It was a bummer that it was in black and white and all the guys looked the same cause they all wore suits.”

  2666. Rob Says:

    Nevermind by Nirvana, “I decided to follow my friends by buying this album. But what do I get? Some dead guy screaming about mosquitos, rapists and other common household items.”

  2667. Rob Says:

    Abbey Road by The Beatles, “Ever heard of a word called ‘Porduction’, lads.”

  2668. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Chinese Democracy ?

  2669. Rob Says:

    Sadly the article predates the release of Chinese Democracy, but I’ll look up some of those reviews myself, there could be some choice cuts. Meantime…

    Jaws: “The serious ‘shark bashing’ I saw in this movie sort of made me mad.”

  2670. Rob Says:

    Horses: “If only Patti would loosen up a bit, get some vocal coaching and a bit of lipstick wouldn’t go amiss now and again.”

  2671. Rob Says:

    One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest: “This is just a sloppy tyrant movie that doesn’t portray mental institutions correctly (I know because I was in one 6 years ago.)”

  2672. Rob Says:

    Animal Farm (spelling and grammar reviewer’s own): “This is a week book it do not make sciens to how can some shitty pig take over a fram if i was a boxer i would kick the shit out of them to me the animal is the stupit animal in the whole wide world.”

  2673. Kirsten Says:

    I’m gonna meet Mike Mills.
    One day.

  2674. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    So, the obvious question is what do these reviews say about the REM records ?

  2675. Rob Says:

    I looked for one star reviews of both Murmur and Automatic For The People, and while I’m sure many of us would agree that not liking either of those albums is crazy in itself I couldn’t find any laugh out loud lunacy in them. Unlike…

    The Wind In The Willows: “I had trouble believing that Toad could look like a human washerwoman.”

  2676. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I’m kinda amazed how kick ass Chinese Democracy is, uh, the musical kind.

  2677. Ignis Sol Says:

    I plan on buying the new live album soon because you all seem to like it, really like it.

    The idea of Manilow and Stipe collaborating is weird because their musical styles are so different. I guess that is what would make a film compelling.

  2678. Rob Says:

    Okay, I’ve finally got to grips with facebook (I think). If any of you want to add me just search for me by my email address, . Be sure to send a message so I’ll recognise you. Thanks.

  2679. Mr Cup Says:

    3K = me


  2680. Mr Cup Says:

    Just 299 more to go.


  2681. Mr Cup Says:

    Just to get away from the fact that me and maths are incompatible… is the live album available in here Kirsten? No-one has it.

  2682. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Rob, I sent you a friend request. Really fascinating to me that you’re in Ireland………

  2683. Rob Says:

    Right now large parts of the South and West of Ireland are flooded while the entire public sector (including myself) will be on strike tomorrow. That’s Ireland in the year 2009.

  2684. Mr Cup Says:

    Wise men build their words upon the rocks, Rob.

  2685. Rob Says:

    But I’m not bound to follow suit, Mr Cup

  2686. Rob Says:

    For those of you who haven’t already seen it check out this link. I normally hate this song but this is absolute genius.

  2687. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving
    A truly unique American holiday

  2688. Kirsten Says:

    I am yet to find anyone who sells it. I guess they’re just not that popular here. I bought mine through JB HI-FI on the internet, and the special Vinyl edition I bought through the link on REMHQ. (US $)
    I hear they’re working on a new album. Sounds like an excellent excuse to tour Australia.

  2689. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Is there a kookaburra to be had in the outback to present to Stipe backstage ?

  2690. Kirsten Says:

    I’ll give him whatever he wants.

  2691. lenny Says:

    Love that muppet video, Rob. That’s worth another look every time that I see it posted! Awesome.

    I haven’t been around here in a long time… I’ll have to keep an eye out and try to be Mr. 3K!

  2692. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    The kookaburra is sometimes referred to as
    The Laughing Jack-Ass Of Australia

  2693. Melonie Says:

    Happy Birthday “Cousin” Peter!

    And apologies for my absence. For some reason I can’t comment here when I’m logged into my blog. It keeps waiting for approval, so I’m stuck in some comment purgatory.

  2694. Rob Says:

    Ah yes, Mr P. Buck. 53 years young. How was the 40th Melonie?

  2695. Mr Cup Says:

    Fianlly got the Olympia CD. Watched the DVD an gleaned some new lyrics ‘we ditched the books with the middles cut out’ from Harborcoat.

    The local paper mentioned The Muppets clip in their what’s hot section. Must be big!

  2696. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    hey Melonie, Brett Favre is talking to Chris Collinsworth about bridging the schism

    Hey Cup

  2697. Mr Cup Says:


    My CD skips through out Maps and Legends! Dang!

    So they are recording in New Orleans – tantalizing.

  2698. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    New Orleans Instrumental #?

  2699. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I lay right down———-WHOH !!

  2700. Rob Says:

    Where The Wild Things Are rocks. It’s visually beautiful, the young actor playing Max is incredibly good and the soundtrack is fantastic. I highly recommend it.

  2701. Melonie Says:

    Hey Rob. 40th was fine. Don’t feel much different, other than a compulsion to listen to “She Just Wants To Be” and cry. But that could be winter as much as aging. Lack of sun does funny things to me.

  2702. Rob Says:

    I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Before I hit 30 last February I got a massive compulsion to listen to Hollow Man on repeat over and over. Funny thing was that before that it was always the track I would skip.

  2703. Rob Says:

    I’m gonna go right ahead and declare my joint favourite albums of 2009 to be Monsters Of Folk and Wico (the alum). I’m excluding Live At The Olympia because it’s a live album of previously released songs, though I do love it so. Love to hear what everyone else has been listening to.

  2704. Rob Says:

    Happy 51st Birthday to Mr Mike Mills.

  2705. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I’m in a barrel over Niagara Falls……

  2706. Rob Says:

    Happy Christmas everybody.
    Talk to you all in 2010

  2707. Mr Cup Says:

    Happy Festivus everyone.

    I’m off to ride my new bike. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

  2708. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Stipe turns fifty in a week. I wonder what his plans are for that day.

  2709. Kirsten Says:

    Happy Birthday to both Peter & Mike! I might not have been here, but trust me,,I didn’t miss it!

    And best of the season to everyone. Have a safe new year. I’m off to steal Mr Cup’s new bike. Sweeeeeeeeeeet!

  2710. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    The Grateful Dead
    Steal Your Face

  2711. Kirsten Says:

    Wow, I got my Fanclub Holiday Package last night. Love the Bird theme (’cause I love birds) – might be a hint towards the new album. I like to think it has something to do with my 2 birds that were named in their honour – Billy and Kenneth. 😉

  2712. Kirsten Says:

    Oh, and good to see Bill Berry back in action on the Fanclub CD!

  2713. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    new decade
    I’m outta here

  2714. Kirsten Says:

    Happy New Year Everyone!

    We’ve been watching the storms come across tonight – this light show beats any fireworks!

  2715. Rob Says:

    So, so sad to hear about Vic Chesnutt. I’ve been listening to his records since I was eighteen years old. He rarely came to Dublin to play but I did see him once in December 2007. It was a wonderful concert and he will be sadly missed.

  2716. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    looking him up now, Rob

  2717. Rob Says:

    If your looking to pick up any of his albums then About To Choke, Is The Actor Happy? (featuring a duet with Stipey), West Of Rome (produced by Stipey), Silverlake and North Star Deserter are all good places to start. I picked up About To Choke not long after it came out eager to hear this offbeat artist that Michael, Kristin Hersh and Patti Smith had all been showering with praise. The album burrowed under my skin and stayed there. I spent much of that summer trying to track down his records and was thrilled when I found a signed copy of his debut Little in the racks of the Virgin Megastore in London. I was eighteen years old and these songs were like windows into another world. As caustic and scathing as his songs could sometimes be I found great warmth and humanity in his voice and unique turn of phrase.
    When my friend texted me to tell me had died my stomach sank slowly like a bowling ball sinking through a large sponge cake.

  2718. lenny Says:

    Long time no see everyone — sorry that it’s in the wake of sad news. I also was not aware of any connection VC had to REM. RIP.

    On a lighter note, Rob — I finally got around to listening to some Wilco besides the only CD I had when it came out (A.M.). You’ll be happy to know that I now have my 3-year old daughter chanting “Yankee.. Hotel.. Foxtrot” at odd times and places, like in the bathtub.

  2719. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    He’s on Rhapsody. Thirteen records including one titled Drunk. This may be a voyage of discovery to compare with when Cup turned me on to Leonard Cohen. The similarity being that I really know nothing about the guy, have never heard one thing by him as far as I know of…just like with Cohen. (Actually, Cup introduced me to Nick Cave too come to think of it.)

  2720. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Rhapsody calls his music “urban folk”, contemporaries listed are Luke Bloom, Grant Lee Buffalo, John Lesley Harding, Hayden, Daniel Johnston, Freedy Johnston, Suzanne Vega. Influences–Elvis Costello, Bob Mould, John Prine, Tom Waits, Warren Zevon.

  2721. Kirsten Says:

    Happy 50th Michael!
    Celebrating on long into the night without you….

  2722. Rob Says:

    Happy 50th Mr Stipe. Patti Smith has written a really nice tribute on her website, but then she was always more eloquent than me.

  2723. Rob Says:

    And welcome back Lenny. That’s so funny about your daughter.

  2724. Ignis Sol Says:

    Happy Birthday Michael Stipe.

    A well-lived half century, indeed.

    Thanks for the music, inspiration, and entertainment.

  2725. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I’m cranking Monster to mark the occasion
    Rocking out with my cock out

  2726. Mr Cup Says:

    Happy fiddieth Stipe, sorry I missed it – invitation must have been caught up in the mail being a busy time of year.

    I will thoughtfully rock out in your honor. Maybe with my pants on. Who knows.

  2727. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    thoughtfully rock out
    with your medulla oblongata out

  2728. Melonie Says:

    LOL! That was awesome!
    Happy belated bday Mr. Stipe. May you(and we!) enjoy many, many more!

  2729. lenny Says:

    Thanks, Rob. It’s great to have a young, impressionable mind in the house. I think she’s pretty smart since she can remember nearly all the words to Weezer’s “The Greatest Man That Ever Lived”. Now, that’s fun to hear. I’ll give her another year, and then we’ll start working on “It’s the End of the World as We Know It”.

  2730. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    don’t ruin her naive youth with such concepts, lenny

  2731. Kirsten Says:

    Just don’t teach her anything from Monster. She’s too young to know about being that sexually screwed up. Try Stand. Poppy enough for her to love, then when she gets a bit older it might start to mean something.

  2732. lenny Says:

    Really? Because I’m much older than her, and “Stand” hardly means anything to me, and never did.

    [So, then I proceeded to re-read Matthew’s assessment of “Stand”, and I still don’t get it. Seems like a stretch: “Stipe only attempts to highlight the absurdity of ignoring one’s place in their community, or their responsibility to the place where they live.” ?!?!?!]

  2733. Kirsten Says:

    Confussed by an REM song, Lenny?? Surely not!
    If you’re not sure, I suggest you listen to it over and over again – still might not make any sense, but at least you’ll have fun (and don’t forget to do the dance!) 😉

  2734. Ignis Sol Says:

    Question: Does the daysleeper go nightswimming west of the fields?

  2735. lenny Says:

    No, but the daytripper is fixing a hole in a yellow submarine.

  2736. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    well, up until all the right friends reveal where to find the river in Texarkana and her interest in that spot is subsequently diminished

  2737. Ignis Sol Says:

    They are diminished because she just wants to be sitting still, but she must get up and take a stand and get over the fact she has always been the wrong child with the worn hairshirt.

  2738. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    She’s thinking , “No wonder those kids are laughing at me. It’s this fucking hairshirt.”

  2739. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    lenny, ever hear Cheap Trick do Sgt. Pepper live ?

  2740. lenny Says:

    Nope. But I have seen Cheap Trick live. Regrettably, not before the year 2000-something. By this time they were nothing to write home about. I would have loved to see them in the early 80’s if I was maybe older than 8 or 10 years old at the time.

    But I’d much rather have been there in 1967 when Jimi Hendrix played Sgt. Pepper in concert just days after it was released by the Beatles. Wow. Now that’s impressive.

  2741. lenny Says:

    What if they walked and swam, hunted, danced, and sang in Texarkana instead of Cuyahoga?

  2742. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2743. Mr Cup Says:

    I lost my iTunes library.


    Oh, hi Lenny.

  2744. lenny Says:

    If Texarkana is on the border of Texas and Arkansas, do they have a name for the area where the 4 states come together in the Southwest?


  2745. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Four Corners

  2746. Mr Cup Says:


  2747. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2748. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I befriended this intriguing chick on Facebook who lives in Australia an goes by the moniker White Raven. She has some really photos on there of some very interesting characters…..I have this sneaking suspicion that one of these cats might be Cup….just a hunch….I feel like it’s really possible.

  2749. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    some wild looking females too, maybe I’m looking at Kirsten…..

  2750. Mr Cup Says:

    Who you calling interesting????

    I am wallpaper.

  2751. lenny Says:

    “I am wallpaper” was actually the second choice for the closing song on Life’s Rich Pageant. (In case they couldn’t get the rights to Superman.)

  2752. Ignis Sol Says:

    Any reports on R.E.M. working on their album? We have Peter in Portland & then Chicago, Mike doing Warren Zevon covers with Widespread Panic, Michael doing photography stuff.

    Winter is a great time to get in the studio and create! At least release some singles Morrissey-style.

  2753. Ignis Sol Says:

    My Google gmail alerted me that “Everybody Hurts” will be the song for his Haiti earthquake charity event.

  2754. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    cool, Ignis. thanx for the info…

    Mick Jagger chimed in on the Haiti catastrophe Monday Night during Larry King’s special Relief Effort show via Skype. I’m not sure if he was coming to us live from his French chateau or his fifty million dollar New York City apartment or perhaps his posh London digs.

  2755. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    or maybe it was his Mustique hideaway , just down the road from Haiti……

  2756. Ignis Sol Says:

    The Cowell thing is good news for a great song by a great band.

    Now, this great band needs to hit the studio and work on their next great album. We all know what happens when they start breaking up their recording sessions, Around the Sun anyone?

    Come, on boys, get..

    It would be awesome if they did a tour of songs they hardly ever sing…like open up with Pop Song 89 then Bittersweet Me, Bang and Blame, Shiny Happy People, Hope, I Remember California, Monty Got a Raw Deal, an Endgame/New Orleans Instrumental #1 medley, Low Desert, etc……

  2757. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I still say that Around The Sun is much more compelling as a whole than Accelerate despite a clunker moment or two –Wanderlust :)–I still say that it is a very interesting album. Maybe it’s just that it corresponds to a specific period of my life–you know how that sometimes works ?–I arrived in California on a wing and a prayer without a concrete plan really in August of 2004; ATS came out that early autumn, a time when I was just feeling so good about things, surprisingly established in CA with a steady job and a cool place to stay, just so blessed and continuously tingling all over , just loving the new magic land that is California….Maybe that’s why the record is so special to me. I suppose that’s part of it, but I still say it is a marvelous record, a fascinating variety of songs including some really good ones. I realize now more than ever just how gorgeous Leaving New York is and that is one that I really didn’t dig all that much at first…….Anyway, just saying….So, I wonder what the Cowell Everybody Hurts thing is going to sound like ?

  2758. Ignis Sol Says:

    I am not disputing Around the Suns virtues, it works on a much deeper and profound level. I really like “High Speed Train,” “I Wanted to be Wrong,” “Aftermath,” and “The Ascent of Man” among others. For me, it is missing the instant electricity, magic that their other albums have. That’s not a bad thing. But, this is combined with the fact that it took a long time to come out.

    A “bad” R.E.M. record is a great album for any other band. Even U2.

    Oh yeah, let’s add “The Wrong Child” to the list of songs they should sing live.

  2759. Rob Says:

    Gotta agree with you there Ignis. For me Around The Sun is both deeply underrated and still REM’s weakest album. Not an enviable position to be in. It’s charms take time to reveal themselves yet Electron Blue, I Wanted To Be Wrong, Boy In The Well and The Ascent Of Man are all fantastic songs, though the whole album could use a little oomph in the production. I have high hopes for the next album.

  2760. Ignis Sol Says:

    Just read my R.E.M. Google Alert. Mariah Carey is lending her voice to the “Everybody Hurts” charity single.

    There is something deviously humorous about Mariah Carey singing an R.E.M. song (or any mainstream artist for that matter) and R.E.M. never having to sing a Mariah Carey song.

    It’s for a wonderful cause and hope the song can inspire people to help Haiti.

  2761. Ignis Sol Says:

    Oh yeah, I am about to take off to see Patti Smith lecture downtown tonight.

  2762. Rob Says:

    Patti Smith lecture downtown? Is she just hectoring passers-by as to where they are going wrong in their lives?
    Seriously though, the situation in Haiti is incomprehensible. I’m not sure that the new version of Everybody Hurts will be an artistic triumph, but fuck it- the point is to try and raise as much money as possible and I sincerely hope it achieves that goal.

  2763. Ignis Sol Says:

    Patti Smith was in for a reading her new book about her and Robert Mapplethorpe, Just Kids. She read her poetry, too. Her tales about her and Robert, Allen Ginsberg, W S Burroughs and more were funny and touching.
    Below is my own remark I cut and pasted from the review my local weekly, The Stranger did in their blog, called Slog. I call myself Common Knowledge on that site.

    –I had a great time, Patti is wonderful. I didn’t realize how humorous she was. I like how she kept saying “sowry…” when she slipped up. The crowd sing along of “Because the Night” was a great way to end the night.

    I also liked how she kept saying “writ” for wrote. We all know she knows it’s “wrote.” and she is just comfortable enough to speak her nature. She creates her own language this way

    I loved her touching stories about Robert Mapplethorpe and her struggling in New York (and the details of when they took that iconic picture — so sweet) and how Allen Ginsberg met her and thought she was a cute boy. Oh and William Burroughs’ locked medicine cabinet.

    Now, I’m gonna listen to “People Have the Power!”

  2764. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    The “government” in Haiti is an absolute disgrace. At least they could put dirt over the bodies of the poor people who are thrown like discarded trash in the makeshift graves outside of town. Almost reminds me of photos of the stacked bodies of the Holocaust…Just the most awful thing, I couldn’t imagine being on the ground there. (oh yeah, Hugo Fucking Chavez put out a press release saying the earthquake was the result of a test run of the USA’s Earthquake Weapon, the one we plan on using on Iran. He also says that we are occupying Haiti under the guise of helping them. The saddest thing is that there are people out there who believe this stuff.)

  2765. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I just saw the most amazingly fascinating show on VH1, about the alternative rock scene, it’s origins and such, REM and Nirvana being the featured players. So fucking good. Showed Scott Litt at the mixing console talking about Losing My Religion, he turns the mandolin way down and brings up sounds that were really buried in the mix……….including an electric guitar. Who knew that there was an electric guitar in that song ? Apparently, REM was the last thing that Kurt Cobain listened to , according to what was found at the scene, although it wasn’t specified as to what it was. REM and Nirvana were extremely tight, in the last days of KC, Stipe had invited him to come to Athens to collaborate on a project–Stipe had initiated this project “to get KC out of his dreadful mental place”, made him come to Georgia “in order to force him to get on a plane, meet a deadline” try bing him out and into something, to save him. But sadly ,it did not work. It was an incredibly interesting show.

  2766. Rob Says:

    I think I might’ve seen the same show a couple of years back. Were Henry Rollins&Dave Grohl interviewed for it, and Mike Mills plays Nightswimming at the end?

  2767. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2768. Rob Says:

    That was part of a BBC series called The Seven Ages Of Rock. The episode on punk was pretty impressive too. It was about how the New York and British scenes influenced each other. Lenny Kaye was interviewed for it.

  2769. Rob Says:

    Started reading Just Kids by Patti Smith today. OK, so I’m only about 60 pages in but Wow! So far it’s just about the best book of its kind since Dylan’s Chronicles. So beautifully written with a gritty romanticism that infects nearly every sentence.

  2770. Mr Cup Says:

    The Seven Ages of Rock started here a few weeks ago. Just saw the metal episode. It’s enjoyable. Not thorough, but enjoyable.

  2771. lenny Says:

    3 days since last comment posted — what’s going on, people?

    Here’s an interesting one — I was listening to Reckoning the other day and I kept thinking someone had a crazy ringtone going off nearby my desk. It took me a while to figure out what was going on (a few times taking headphones out and putting them back in). I replayed the 2nd verse of “CamerA” and realized that the low, dull, bell ringing sounds were coming from the headphones, and not elsewhere in my office. How could I have never noticed these bells before? Anyone else know what I’m talking about? I love the album, and like that song a lot, and now I like it even better somehow! (It’s the strangest thing — as if you’d have to be listening for the bells specifically in order to hear them.)

  2772. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    got mashed potatoes
    got mashed potatoes
    ain’t got no T-bone
    ain’t got no T-bone

  2773. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    haven’t listened for that yet, Lenny, but I will…….You’ve heard the heavy bell at the very end of The Wrong Child, I presume ?

  2774. Mr Cup Says:

    Well gag me a spoon – now that you point it out lenny…its almost as if listening to a remix. The Watery Gong remix.

    Game on. looking for buried treasure. buried in the mix that is.

  2775. Mr Cup Says:

    with a spoon

    gag me with a spoon

  2776. lenny Says:

    Ha! Glad you liked that. I’m guessing that all those years I had the Reckoning audio cassette playing on my crappy component stereo system, I just couldn’t pick up the finer details. Ah modern technology — I guess things get ‘remastered’ for a reason.

  2777. Mr Cup Says:

    reece with a spoon?

  2778. Mr Cup Says:

    Yeah it must have been hard knowing that all these little details were going to become negated through the ambient hiss of the cassette. Played through $20 speakers.

    A good set of headphones is a sound investment, (oh I’m on fire) especially for ipods et al. Had some really good canal buds which were great – but they make my ears ache after short periods. great for picking up detail even in mp3s.

  2779. lenny Says:

    Yeah, I’d be careful with anything involving noise and your ears that uses the word “canal” in its name. They really go all the way into the canal of your ear? Is that the inner ear, or just the middle ear? Ouch. (ha)

    This is not exactly 100% related, but it is somewhat; I finally got some more of the Beatles on CD (instead of casette or record…you wanna talk about ambient hiss!), and I’m hearing some different sounds there, on the remastered versions. Like you said, good headphones help a lot. But somehow, I break mine too easily, so I still get the same cheap pair from Sony that hang over my ears, but I’m amazed at their sound for the price.

  2780. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Enter the canal..Flow past the eardrum…The hammer, anvil, and stirrup……then the crossroads. Take the wrong road and you wind up in the Eustachian tube and back in the mouth, a nasty place where you don’t want to be.

  2781. Kirsten Says:

    Hey Lenny, without listening to it, is that the noise that sounds like a metal pan filled with water being tapped? It happens sometimes when I wash the dishes and it always reminds me of Camera.

    I’ve really been enjoying Seven Ages Of Rock. I was looking for it on DVD, but couldn’t find it. I missed an episode the other week. I hope it wasn’t the REM one.

    Around The Sun (the song) is one of my favourites. Gives me strength when I feel I’m too sick/tired to fight anymore.

    Everybody Hurts. Kylie Minogue too. I don’t think just because the people of Haiti are suffering that we all have to. I hope I never have to hear it.

    And Kurt Cobain. Did anyone think maybe he killed himself ’cause he didn’t know how to tell Michael he didn’t Want to do anything with REM? Apparently Michael was the last to talk to him…. (Except of cause his killer – jury’s still out on that one)

  2782. lenny Says:

    I didn’t quite know what to say in response for a couple of days, Kirsten, but all I came up with is, that’s impressive. Not only did you know what sound I was talking about, but you’ve heard something ring like that and it made you think of the song. What else can I say about that… you are a hard core fan.

    One more thought on a previous Mr. Cup comment… when I first read “watery gong remix” I did a double-take because I thought it might have said “watery bong”. Ha! That would have ended up sounding more like “King of the Road” in that case. Nothing beats drunken / stoned remixes.

  2783. Ignis Sol Says:

    Wasn’t Michael singing holding a wok of water during “Camera”?

    I am sure if Kurt didn’t want to sing with R.E.M., he would have told him. He had enough other problems. It’s been a while since I drove by his old house…. I should go there, soon, but I think I should bike it.

  2784. Ignis Sol Says:

    Oh, fuck, I just realized I am the one who said that in the initial entry for this song on this blog.

    Has it been 3 years?

  2785. Kirsten Says:

    I want to get number plates for my car that say “STIPEY”, but my husband wont let me. Now THAT would be hard core! I do still have my “IT’S A MICHAEL STIPE THING, YOU WOULDN’T UNDERSTAND” keyring though…

  2786. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I have “vote for stipe” taped to my truck window, from a newspaper headline, “….something something vote for stipend something something….” It’s small which adds to it’s coolness.

  2787. Kirsten Says:

    I rock and I vote.

  2788. Mr Cup Says:

    Wasn’t there a band called Bongwater?

    The last episode of 7 stages of rock was great as it was the REM special (ok, there were a few other bands). Should be required viewing for all the kiddies as it puts into perspective their massive influence on the musical landscape.

    I also have to laugh about the adornment of studs and leather in the metal uniform which came directly from the guy in Judas Priest frequenting S+M clubs. hahahahahahahaha.

    He always reminds me of Tim Brooke-Taylor.

  2789. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    strumming my acoustic very softly, minor chords ,singing These Days in a slow melancholy sorta way, surprised by how it kinda took on a life of it’s own, open to this sort of interpretation, think of the beginning of The One I Love in Tourfilm

  2790. lenny Says:

    Totally unrelated to anything, other than the fact that I know a couple of Australians are on here: Wow, what a performance by Torah Bright in the Women’s halfpipe! From what I have read and seen about her, she is beyond cool. Couldn’t happen to a nicer girl. Way to go. What time was it in Australia when this took place, and were you watching (Kirsten and Mr. Cup)?

  2791. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    USA womens’s hockey team is kicking ass, I think Satan is playing for his motherland Russia in the men’s competition

  2792. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    The Tiger is neutered
    The Tiger lost his stripes

  2793. Mr Cup Says:

    Good question Lenny. Living in Perth, times are delayed at broadcasters discretion. It says ‘live’ on the top right of the screen, but scrolling across the bottom “perth delayed telecast”. Visitors here may think that is in fact the name of this town!

    I was watching when it was broadcast and it was pretty amazing. The most frustrating thing here though is that they mostly focus on the Australians. the fact that there are other countries (a lot of them) competing is brushed aside. They focus on the 35 and 36th placed ‘brave’ aussies who can’t ski down a hill as fast as the better skiers in the world. Aside from this – winter olympics are a welcome respite from the furnace outside.

  2794. Melonie Says:

    Don’t feel bad, Mr Cup. US coverage does the same thing. We don’t see as much of the events that the US isn’t doing well in. Thank goodness we’re high in the medal count so we get to see most of everything.
    As a side note, yay for all the Minnesotans competing! Skier Vonn is from our area, and I think over half of the curling team is from St. Paul. I love the Winter Games, although I do miss Eddie the Eagle. *sigh*

  2795. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    the curling is kinda bizarre
    how frantically they sweep

  2796. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Happy Birthday Rob. When are you gonna post those Dublin pics ?

  2797. Rob Says:

    Thank you Scott. I just checked my hard drive& it turns out I don’t have any pictures of Dublin. I’ll take some&upload them as soon as I get my other pictures developed. Meantime if you go to you can see where I work. Or if you have the REM Hello book there’s a great picture of seagulls at the River Liffey on page 63.

  2798. Rob Says:

    Hey Scott I know I’ve been a little slow in getting around to posting pictures, but I found this promo video of the exhibition I work at. If you can ignore the slightly twee presentation it should hopefully satisfy your curiosity.

  2799. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    towards the end what’d that say “Ireland’s Oldest_____? “…Who is the statue of at the beginning ? ……….it’s impressive it’s austere it screams erudite it whispers ancient texts the impression that I get

  2800. Rob Says:

    It’s Ireland’s oldest harp- the national symbol, the one that’s on the coins. Kinda like the maple leaf for Canadians (though we don’t wear pins or sew-on patches of it every time we go abroad).
    Most of the statues are of former provosts (or deans) of the college. I’ll have to check on who the guy at beginning is. The modernist sculpture you see about halfway through is by Alexander Caulder and represents a cactus (probably not trying to be a canoe).

  2801. lenny Says:

    For some reason, that last comment makes me want to drink some Irish and Canadian beer!

  2802. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    the Toronto Maple Leafs are a grammatically incorrect team

  2803. lenny Says:

    Good call. The Maple Leaves would make more sense.

    That reminds me — if certain college sports teams and mascots were racially insensitive (Miami University, formerly the Redskins, and University of Illinois, who had to get rid of Chief Illini), shouldn’t they remove the team names that are natural disasters… San Jose Earthquakes, Carolina Hurricanes, Iowa State Cyclones, etc? Why stop there…what about animals? Think of the bad rap that Wisconsin gives the “Badgers” and Arizona gives the “Diamondbacks”. I’m sure PETA would have something to say about this… but then again, when DON’T they?

  2804. Melonie Says:

    Ironically enought, they protested U of Georgia to get rid of the bulldog mascot. They would have a conniption over Bevo, the UT mascot. Rumor has it when he retires they BBQ him for a Texes Exes fundraising event.
    And let’s not forget the Devil and Demon teams that have to change their names due to fundies getting all bent out of shape.
    The ISU thing is weird too. Their recent logo includes a tornado at the bottom of Cy, but their mascot is really Cy the Cardinal. What’s that about? No matter- at least it’s an alternative to the Hawkeyes. I hate the Hawks.
    Has anyone else had problems with typing on this lately? Seems like I have to wait forever for the text to appear after I type.

  2805. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    The Washington Bullets were changed to the Wizards due to the high murder rate in DC, gun violence ………..and then a Wizard is stupid enough to bring a loaded gun into the locker room. Go figure. Maybe Bullets was more appropriate after all.

  2806. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Melonie, no problems typing
    Lenny, how does Wisconsin and Arizona give their respective mascots “a bad rap” ? I don’t follow your logic, are the teams that bad ? In a related development, Pirates has become a hell of a lot less appealing……..these days…….

  2807. lenny Says:

    The animal mascots are portrayed as fierce and menacing. This is supposed to make their opponents so afraid that they won’t be able to compete. Watch out or the evil, ferocious badgers or the venemous, deadly diamondbacks are going to kick your team’s butt. But shouldn’t we be more sensitive to how the actual animals feel? (*smirking*)

    I was just having fun with the idea — because it seems like mascots cover every thing possible out there that someone could be offended by. But guess what…they’re playing a game, and they don’t ever intend to insult or stereotype anyone or anything. I was just joking about how bent out of shape people get over things (like a team called the bullets or devils, or whatever). I guess I’m the only one laughing… hee,hee.

  2808. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    soooooooooooo comical how the Arizona Cardinals changed their docile tweety bird to a leaner meaner redbird about five years ago. comical because it seems to have worked. the Saints won with God on their side. who’s next, the Padres ?

  2809. lenny Says:

    Oh yeah, don’t get me started on athletes thanking God for their big victory… as if God didn’t have better things to do than worry about who wins a game. (What’s wrong, did the other team’s players not pray hard enough? Ridiculous.)

  2810. Rob Says:

    Once again another talented musician takes his own life. Mark Linkous created wonderful music with Sparklehorse. I’ve been a huge fan since that debut album came out in 1996 and saw them live on several occasions, even getting a chance to briefly talk to him after one show when I accidentally (and slightly drunkenly) walked into the backstage area looking for my friends. He will be sadly missed.

  2811. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2812. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    my least favorite Stipe persona

  2813. Rob Says:

    I dunno. I found it kinda fascinating, cause aside from the Sesame Street clip I thought that song had never been played live. I liked seeing them perform with Kate Pierson and laughed out loud at them replicating the dance from the video. OK I’ll admit that the suit is gross though.

  2814. lenny Says:

    Re: the video…

    I don’t get it… Are Michael and Kate singing a song, or are they performing aerobics?

  2815. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Mills is thinking , “I’m so happy I could just shit.”

  2816. Rob Says:

    I can’t believe we’ve lost another of our greatest musicians, Alex Chilton. I’m sure everyone here is aware of how big an influence Big Star were on REM. If not, well you’ve got some great albums to check out. I’m gonna put on my headphones and play Thirteen and September Girls fuckin’ loud.

  2817. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I know of the Big Star influence, yes, but never really listened to them……..

  2818. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    listening now to September Girls, Holocaust, and Jesus Christ……….and looking up the circumstances of this cat passing through the veil

  2819. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Replacements gotta song called Alex Chilton

  2820. Rob Says:

    and it’s a great fucking song too. Just saw that tomorrow’s scheduled Big Star show at SXSW is going to go ahead as a tribute show, with Mike Mills joining Jody Stephens, Jon Auer and Ken Stringfellow. Here’s hoping they give him a helluva send off.

  2821. lenny Says:

    OK, so I’m lost, having never heard of Big Star (I guess Rob’s assumption was wrong). Were they a current group, or one from a while ago? The only thing that pops into my head was from the 80’s, but crap, that was “Big Country” not “Big Star”. Of course, REM would have never been influenced by them. Sorry guys, I guess I’ll have to look them up…

  2822. Rob Says:

    Hey Lenny,
    Big Star were a cult band from 1970s Memphis, one of those bands that went unappreciated in there own time, but became more popular firstly when bands like REM and The Replacements cited them as a big influence, and then later when Glasgow bands such as Teenage Fanclub did likewise.
    Alex Chilton and drummer Jody Stephens reformed the band in the late 90s recruiting The Posies’ Jon Auer and Ken Stringfellow as permanent members. Sadly their original guitarist Chris Bell (who only played on their debut) died in a car crash in 1979.
    You’ve probably heard at least two of their songs, as both Elliot Smith and Magnapop covered Thirteen, while In The Street was used as the theme tune to That 70s Show.

  2823. Rob Says:

    Interesting side-note:
    During periods of musical inactivity Alex Chilton had worked as a janitor, bartender, dishwasher and cab driver. He was working in one bar that REM played in the 80s and, according to Peter, drank every beer on their rider while the band were onstage.

  2824. lenny Says:

    Wow… as I watch that clip and others that I found on Youtube, I have to honestly wonder why all of these “cult bands” are so influential to bands that ultimately made it bigger. I’m really left speechless. If they were so influential, why weren’t they the bands that made it big? Can anyone explain this? I could offer an answer, but I don’t want to trample the grave, or offend anyone who is a true fan. Sorry, but I still don’t get it. Their music just didn’t appeal to me at all.

  2825. lenny Says:

    …BUT that’s not to say I won’t give them a 2nd chance. I just remembered that a friend from work gave me a CD with some random MP3’s and I think some Big Star is on there… but it was just before my skiing vacation (got back today), so there’s a big gap in my memory of all things back home in the normal life. I’ll look into this further…

  2826. Rob Says:

    Circumstantial situations. After all weren’t REM a cult band who happened to get lucky. Sure they were more determined to put in the hard work with all the touring they did in the 80s, and they had a label that was prepared to support them so that when they were ready to sign with a major they had built up enough of a following to do so on their own terms. Then there was that moment of sheer luck in the early 90s when the people who buy maybe three albums a year decided that REM was what they wanted to listen to. How many of those people would be interested in a album like Murmur? Or New Adventures In Hi-Fi for that matter?
    And being popular and being good don’t always go hand in hand. In a recent tribute to Vic Chesnutt Lambchop’s Kurt Wagner wrote that his music wasn’t for everyone, but for the people it was for it meant the world.
    Personally I can’t understand why Kings Of Leon are so popular right now. Nothing against them, but I just don’t get it. And aside from Boy In The Bubble I just don’t understand why anyone would want to listen Paul Simon.
    But that’s the beauty of music. Personal opinion is everything, and everyone is of course entitled to their own. After all isn’t that what a website like this one is for?

  2827. Rob Says:

    Sorry for rambling on a bit there. Hope your skiing trip was fun.

  2828. Mr Cup Says:

    A friend gave me a compilation tape (i know – dating myself here) when I headed of backpacking back in 93. He put on 2 Big Star songs nighttime and kangaroo.
    Nighttime became my theme song being stuck in a long grey winter. Great songs.

    Just coming back from NZ to Perth yesterday…shared the plane with Lyle Lovett. He even recognised me.

    na….just kidding.

  2829. lenny Says:

    Both great points, Rob and Mr. Cup. You summed it up great in your last paragraph, Rob… love of music can be a really personal thing. There’s nothing quite like finding that great band or great album, and loving it to death — feeling like no one else might understand it the way you do, and you don’t always care if other people do or not. Good and popular are sometimes far from the same thing, and that’s fine. I guess I should just accept it when someone calls something great or awesome and I might not share that opinion. Just because I don’t see it or “get it” doesn’t mean it’s not there.

    And you’re right, Mr. Cup, timing is everything. Music can mean something different at different times of your life. Everyone who loves music has to have a story for that one song or one album that got them through a tough time. I still put the 6 CD’s in the old fashioned CD-changer that were our favorites through the college years. They’re not all favorites, now, but they were the ones that we’d sit around listening to, playing cards, drinking, etc… That’s what makes music priceless.

  2830. lenny Says:

    Yes, the skiing trip was great. The snow wasn’t the best, but I still had a blast. Funny thing that you mentioned Elliott Smith, Rob. Since I didn’t know anyone on the ski slopes, I especially didn’t care if they liked the music I was listening to in my headphones…on one particularly great run, I had a particularly great Smith song on, and I suddenly felt like singing along at the top of my lungs. I got some funny looks from the chairlift that I skied under, but I didn’t mind a bit. I was just moved by the moment, I guess.

    It probably seems odd for me to be skiing to Elliott Smith, but that’s what I’ve listened to a lot lately. But as far as the best music to ski to that fits the mood of the slopes, and the way I ski? That would be Jane’s Addiction — the album called “Strays”. Holy crap was I skiing like a maniac to that shit! It freaking rocks!! Seriously.

  2831. Mr Cup Says:

    Freak storm. House flooded. Dang.

  2832. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    got boots ?

  2833. Rob Says:

    Aw shit. Sorry to hear that.

    Where is Kirsten ‘these days’?

  2834. Mr Cup Says:

    Saw the Pixies play the Doolittle show on the weekend.

    farking awesome. all is good again. except for the shit.

  2835. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Where is your mind ?

  2836. Mr Cup Says:

    Philosophical question of the last century.

    I’d posit that it is way out in the water. Which thankfully is no longer in the lounge room.

  2837. lenny Says:

    Going back to my last post… here’s a quote from that Jane’s Addiction album I was skiing to. It just seemed appropriate for a beautiful spring morning (or hopefully a beautiful autumn evening? for some of you).

    “I’m happy that the sky is blue and that the earth is green, and that there’s lots of fresh clean air sandwiched in between. I love watching as the snow makes brushes out of trees, and swinging from the tops of all my guarantees.”

  2838. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    these bodies stall only once in a lifetime

  2839. Mr Cup Says:

    Probably won’t be hearing from Kirsten for a while longer…her team (essendon) was resoundly beaten by my team (freo). Oh the shame, losing to Freo on their home turf.

    [insert evil laugh]

  2840. Rob Says:

    It was thirty years ago today…

  2841. Ignis Sol Says:

    Congrats to R.E.M. and 30 years of great music!

  2842. Mr Cup Says:

    I’ll drink a little toast to thee!

  2843. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    a dizzying swig of rotgut
    still crazy after all these years

  2844. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    so, what exactly happened thirty years ago ?
    the church show ?

  2845. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Happy Sunday Morning. I wonder what Stipe is doing right now. He could be anywhere.

  2846. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I think Ann Wilson is having multiple orgasms in Rocking Heaven Down. Man is she belting it out. I never.

  2847. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Pittsburgh Pirates right smack in the thick of the Wildcard race.

  2848. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Millzy’s Braves down 11-0 in the fourth.

  2849. lenny Says:

    Mark your calendar, Champ. May 7th. First meeting between my Cardinals and your Pirates. You think the Bucs will still be in the race by then? (Just kidding.)

  2850. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    In answer to your question Lenny, I have my doubts.

  2851. Rob Says:

    R.E.M. back in the studio again. Let’s hope the resulting record is a barnstormer.

  2852. Kirsten Says:

    Stipe’s with me – where do you think I’ve been???

    Nah, I’ve had no computer for about a month. Bloody thing died on me. That’s interesting – I could’ve been dead and you would have never known. In fact, I could BE dead, and this could be someone else, and you’d never know.

    Mr Cup, when we lost to Freo, you and your inevitable gloating was the first thing I thought of. Oh, the humiliation.

    I have some comments on some of the stuff you guys have been talking about, but my computer’s struggling, so I’ll try again in a few days.

  2853. Melonie Says:

    That’s kind of trippy, when you think about it. We’ve become this little group of friends, but with the exception of those that are connected via facebook, we really don’t know what’s going on in each other’s lives. And yet there’s this connection…
    Glad to see you (or your ghost) is alive and kicking. And it just makes me want to say that I enjoy conversing with you all, and I’d be very sad if something happened to any of you.

    Okay, sappy stuff over. Bring on the razzing. I’m used to it. I’m pretty sentimental all the time anyway. Fire away!

  2854. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    just finished reading Toni Morrison’s ‘The Bluest Eye’ . the main character Pecola got her name from the movie Imitation Of Life. Stipe has the bluest eyes; am I reading to much into this ? Probably so.

    Kirsten, your comment about being dead and no one would know sounds like something I would’ve said 🙂

  2855. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    we need to create back-up systems so that someone close to each of us has the responsibility of going to our social network sites to inform our friends in case of being deceased

  2856. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    new Natalie Merchant record called Leave Your Sleep, 26 songs including The Walloping Window Blind

  2857. Ignis Sol Says:

    I bought the special Chronic Town for Record Store Day. It was the last copy (I think they only had a few) at this particular record shop.

    I don’t want to open it.

    The cute record store dudes agreed it is a good buy. One guy said it was the best debut ever, the other just heard of “Gardening at Night” and loves Murmur.

    I went for brunch (screwdriver, y’know cuz it has OJ) and the group of people on the sunny patio asked about my Everyday Music bag. They all were impressed and made comments about how beautiful Michael is with his hair on the back cover.

  2858. lenny Says:

    It seems to be the week for changing the subject, so…

    I saw an incredible concert by OK Go last night. Those guys are highly talented, creative, and hilarious. Great combination for a live act.

    I took a video from my phone, but the quality was crap, so check this link for one of the more interesting moments, which was also repeated at our show:

  2859. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    tin-tin undulation and mirth
    abbreviation is such a long word

  2860. Melonie Says:

    Wow. Color me jealous, lenny. I love OK Go.
    Although I got to meet Neil Gaiman on Sunday, so I think it’s a fair trade off.

  2861. lenny Says:

    OK, I’m happy for you, too. But who the heck is Neil Gaiman? I talked to OK Go’s drummer before the show; he was having a smoke by the bus. There was no smoking inside the venue, which was excellent.

  2862. Kirsten Says:

    Flicking radio stations last night and stumbled across Radio Song! Not something they play on the radio very often so it made my day. Then Michael Stipe talked about safe sex and then they played Shiny Happy People. That’s right – I had stumbled across an REM special! I grabbed a cassette tape to record what was left of the show. Then Bill talked about the SHP video – he’s so cute – and then that was the end! I was so pissed that I hadn’t turned on the radio earlier, I can’t imagine what I missed. Still, it was really exciting, and lets be honest, the best thing that’s happened to me this week. What I love most about stumbling across something like that is it takes me back to the start of the REM experience. When it was all about the songs, not demos, live versions, alternative versions and rare songs. Makes me love them even more when you strip it back to the bare essentials – the music. So through all the times that I go on about how much I love them, I really just have one thing to say – thank you guys for the music.

  2863. Melonie Says:

    @lenny- You don’t know Gaiman? Wow. Usually I just mention the name and people go ga-ga. Good Omens? American Gods? Neverwhere? Stardust? The Sandman comic series? He does a bunch of kid’s stuff too. Won the Newbury last year for The Graveyard Book. Check him out. If you aren’t a fan now, you’ll become one.

    @Kirsten- Cool! Do you know if it was one of the old Westwood One interviews? It sounds vaguely familiar, like one I may have heard in college.

  2864. lenny Says:

    Hey Scott, if you had any doubts about the Pirates remaining as good as they were for the first week of the season, I think you had them confirmed yesterday. 20-0 loss to Milwaukee. Ouch. I feel your pain though, because I really hate the freaking Brewers. I hate to see anyone humiliated like that, but especially if the Brewers were the ones responsible. That googly eyed Braun and fat-phuck Fielder can kiss my ass. They finally got a lead that Hoffman couldn’t blow in the 9th inning! I think it’s funny that they had him pitch in that game. (He had 2 blown saves out of 3 games with the Cardinals. Somebody is past his prime.)

  2865. lenny Says:

    OK, Melonie, I’ll look him up. When you say “kid’s stuff” what age do you mean? My daughter is 3.5 yrs. Sorry, never heard of the other stuff you mentioned, but I’m not much into comics/fantasy fiction.

  2866. Kirsten Says:

    Sorry Melanie, I have no idea. Like I said, I unfortunately came in at the end of it. Still really cool though.
    Mr Cup – Freo better not let me down this week!

  2867. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Can you all see this ?

  2868. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    ok, it’s there. I switched back to ScottMalobisky and my comments have been “in moderation” for days :0

  2869. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    lenny, the Brewers have beat the Pirates 22 TWENTY-TWO games in a row, 23 after tonight !!!!!!! yeah , you read that right 🙂 startling.

  2870. lenny Says:

    Not so fast, Bisky… Bucs win! Bucs Win!

  2871. Kirsten Says:

    I wonder if the songs left off Accelerate will be on the new record?

  2872. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    What will the new record be called Terminal Velocity ?

    yeah Lenny, an unbelievable turn of events with the Pirates ! Trevor Hoffman blows two more saves the last couple of days, to think that he got a “win” in the stats in that Sunday night game against the Redbirds–he comes on in the ninth with a lead and proceeds to give up two prodiguous blasts losing the lead but gets the W in the stats because Milwaukee wins it in the bottom of the inning ……I hate that statistical rule……Another statistical rule that I really hate is how a guy can be batting .000 after ripping ten scorching line drives and going 0 for 10, or on the flipside, a guy can be batting 1000 after going 10 for 10 with an assortment of nubbers, dinks, and bloops. There should be a batting average sub-category that takes into account how hard a guy hits the ball……

    BTW, I think terminal velocity is 9.8 meters per (second squared)=9.8 m/s squared….or…..Maybe I’ll go test it out on that new highest building in the world in Dubai. I’ll flail like an antelope that jumped from a building.

  2873. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    say, haven’t you noticed ?
    I ate the lotus

  2874. lenny Says:

    “In this webisode of ‘ask the engineer’, we’re talking about terminal velocity…”

    “Thanks… now to the question of the day… just so you know, Scott, terminal velocity would be expressed in meters per second. Meters per second squared would be an expression of acceleration, not velocity. I think you’ve got the wrong REM album, but thanks for your comments. To be precise, 9.8 meters per second squared is the acceleration present when you are feeling gravity’s pull.”

  2875. Rob Says:

    Can you see this?

  2876. Rob Says:

    Oh, great. I can post again. Was stuck in moderation limbo for a while there. Moving into a great new apartment on the 21st. Can’t wait.

  2877. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    so, how fast is terminal velocity for a typically sized human ? might as well establish this fact since it’s the title of REM’s next album.

  2878. lenny Says:

    From what I’ve read, 160-200 miles per hour. It depends on the denisty of the air (which depends on altitude) and the area of the object perpendicular to the direction you are falling (i.e. down).

    “The reason an object reaches a terminal velocity is that the drag force resisting motion is approximately proportional to the square of its speed. At low speeds, the drag is much less than the gravitational force and so the object accelerates. As it accelerates, the drag increases, until it equals the weight.” — from Wikipedia.

    So, when the drag force equals the weight of the object, viola, no more acceleration. Hence, your terminal velocity is achieved. But, you can reduce “your area” by changing position in the air, and increase your speed further. The world record for a skydiver at high altitude is over 600 mph!!!

  2879. Rob Says:

    For those that might care I happen to think that The National’s new record is a strong contender for album of the year. Sometimes a cult band will have that REM circa Document era moment where everything that made them brilliant seems ready to connect with a mass audience. Bright Eyes did it with I’m Wide Awake It’s Morning, The Hold Steady did it with Boys And Girls In America, and now The National have done it with High Violet.

  2880. Ignis Sol Says:

    That’s cool information, Rob. I will have to give those a listen.

    It sounds like the new album maybe a while away. This is the time when the record company releases some greatest hits piece or concet dvd, right?

  2881. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    we all live in a yellow submarine
    yellow submarine yellow submarine
    we all live in a yellow submarine
    yellow submarine yellow submarine

  2882. Rob Says:

    Ignis, I think the Fables reissue is due next. That’s one album that will sound killer remastered.

  2883. Rob Says:

    Aw shit, it didn’t post the link. But Mike Mills can smell ants. Who’da thought it?

  2884. Ignis Sol Says:

    I don’t live in a yellow submarine.

  2885. Rob Says:

    I will soon be living in a beige mezzanine.

  2886. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2887. lenny Says:

    Speaking of good music (aren’t we always?)… Definitely go pick up the new CD by Tonic. They seriously rock and always have, and they have some cool mellow tunes, too. It’s been 8 years since their last album, but whatever it takes to make strong pop/rock record, they have it and never seem to lose it. I saw them in concert in 1998(I think?) and 2003, so it’s about time they came back to St. Lou.

  2888. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    documentary about The Doors tonight on PBS, I don’t know if it’s a national thing…….

    I love that one song by Tonic, “If you could only see the way she……..”

  2889. Rob Says:

    Ah Tonic. I meant to check them out years back when one of the guys joined Grant Lee Buffalo after Paul Kimball left. I never did and subsequently forgot about them. Til now. Might just have to take your advice Lenny.

  2890. Kirsten Says:

    Surely they’ll do something for the 30 year anniversary. And let’s face it, whatever they decide to do, they’ll make money out of me.

    Just read the news on HQ with the photographers – great story, great memories, great pictures.

    I’ve got to fall in another direction….

  2891. Mr Cup Says:

    I just put “bridge the schism” into my theory essay! Thematically, putting lines from a pop song into it just works so well.

    It is friday.

  2892. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    You want to go forever.

  2893. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2894. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Kirsten, I ain’t been to HQ in ages. Thanx for the reminder.

  2895. Rob Says:

    Can’t see the wood from the trees right now. I’m at that stage of packing where you just want to throw your hands in the air and scream ‘fuck off’ at the piles of cardboard boxes.
    Don’t get me wrong, its going to be fantastic when I do move in to my new place, but right now I have that exhausted feeling that is like jetlag topped of with seven espressos.

  2896. Mr Cup Says:

    Amazing how one accumulates is it not?

  2897. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    new REM album, Accumulate

  2898. Rob Says:

    Appropriately enough I am falling in another direction.

  2899. Ignis Sol Says:

    Well, Rob, don’t fall on me!

  2900. Rob Says:

    Don’t ask me Ignis, ask the sky.

  2901. Kirsten Says:

    New old album out soon – can’t wait!

  2902. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    It is so young and old.

  2903. Rob Says:

    Spending the first night in my new home. Piles of books, cds, dvds, clothes and other assorted shit all over the place but for now I’m calling it a night. I’ve turned down invitations to two separate parties cos I’m gonna need my energy reserves for cleaning my old apartment tomorrow, so now its time for a glass of wine and Bon Iver on the stereo.

  2904. Ignis Sol Says:

    This may be a lit invention.

    Today, I feel like that guy in “Sad Professor,” but not drunk.

    a little R.E.M. lyric mixUP,

    It’s late afternoon the house is hot
    The voices talking somwhere in the house
    House in order

    Now someone out there take the word “sleeve”

    Guys,this is very tedious…

  2905. Mr Cup Says:

    Fables deelucks announced!

    Including “Throw those trolls away”. Now who’s excited?


  2906. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    cheers !
    had an REM moment yesterday
    rode a train through Reno
    wore it on my sleeve

  2907. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    huh ?

  2908. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    not everyone can carry the weight of the world
    especially the sleaveless in the midst of a leave
    easier to leave than to be left behind
    in case of rapture can I have your car ?

  2909. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    the Exile on Mainstreet re-release bonus tracks (from those same sessions) include ‘Pass The Wine(Sophia Loren)’ and ‘Following The River’….The Stones had already found the river while REM were still looking for it (?)………

  2910. Mr Cup Says:

    Weren’t they living on the river at that time, exiled as it were? Or was it the ocean?

  2911. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    more like outer space, living on rocket fuel, somewhere between Rhea and Epimetheus

  2912. Kirsten Says:

    OK Ignis, this is the best Sleeve Poetry that I could do:

    There’s nothing up my sleeve
    Eleven gallows on your sleeve
    Try to put that on your sleeve, it’s all wrong, all wrong
    You may as well had “kick me” fastened on your sleeve
    We’re sick of being jerked around, wear that on your sleeve
    There is nothing up my sleeve

    We’ve got Man On The Moon, Perfect Circle, Pretty Persuasion, All The Way To Reno, Bad Day and The Great Beyond. I have a feeling there’s one more, but I can’t think of it.

  2913. Rob Says:

    That’s what keeps me
    That’s what keeps me
    That’s what keeps me down
    Sleeve it all behind.

  2914. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I had too much to drink
    I didn’t think
    I didn’t sew my sleeve

  2915. Melonie Says:

    So with the rash of perfect games as of late, do you think the Baseball Project will have to do a new version of Harvey Haddix to include everyone? Course maybe they’ll have to write a song just for poor Galarraga. Dude got a raw deal.

  2916. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    crazy crazy world
    crazy crazy times

    I watched that unfold live on ESPN
    seems to fit right in with the utter instability of everything these days

    and coming after the Willie Mays like defensive gem of the center fielder on the first batter of the ninth

  2917. lenny Says:

    Oooo, I know what you mean about that catch — that was SO much like the catch made to start the 9th inning of Mark Buerhle’s perfect game last year. And did you notice the real reason why Galarraga didn’t complete his perfect game? He allowed a grounder to the right side (his left). Didn’t anyone notice that all 3 of the most recent perfect games ended with a grounder to shortstop or a third basement playing in the normal shortstop position? That’s how you’re supposed to do it, and that’s where Galarraga went wrong.

  2918. lenny Says:

    Uhhh… that’s third BASEMAN.

  2919. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    oh, Harvey Haddix is a song by The Baseball Project…?

  2920. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    as is Ted Fucking Williams and The Closer

  2921. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    the brief instrumental break in HH kind of reminds me a bit of the organ at the end of Let Me In, just before “The search for perfection is a funny thing”….

  2922. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    well, at least the Lakes gave me a reason to retain my moniker……

  2923. Mr Cup Says:

    We have a female Prime Minister. K-rudd did the right thing in stepping aside. The egotistical fool.

  2924. Rob Says:

    In theory I am all in favour of female Prime Ministers. Then I remember Thatcher (shudder).

  2925. Mr Cup Says:

    Here’s hoping history doesn’t repeat.

  2926. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Well, I guess MJ can’t die twice, so it probably won’t..

  2927. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    What did the egotistical fool do ? Is he now a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard ? Is his name Al ? Were there incidents and accidents and hints and allegations involved ?

  2928. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Hey xman, are you out there ?

  2929. Mr Cup Says:

    He was a boy in a bubble…and it burst

  2930. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    that kind of thing is easier to say than do

  2931. Dark Bob Says:

    Again, RZZZZ!

  2932. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2933. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    reading Patti Smith’s ‘Just Kids’
    damn, it is so good

  2934. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    page 113, ..talking about the Hotel Chelsea, That Creative Hub, where she ended up living through a remarkable turn of events, and lucky turns, when she was a broke intensely artistic nobody.. “So many tragic souls had espoused, made a mark, and succumbed here.” (a call-out to REM, “succumb” lol) “The Chelsea was like a doll’s house in the Twilight Zone, with a hundred rooms, each a small universe.”

    page 114, “We talked about everything, ranging from the tree of life to the pituitary gland.” that’s funny, no doubt a humorous reference to the pituitary gland lyric on Horses…….

  2935. Rob Says:

    Read it back in January. Such a beautiful evocative book. It made me an even bigger fan than I already was.

  2936. Rob Says:

    By the way check out HQ for great photos and a short Youtube clip of the REM boys joining Patti and her band onstage in Berlin last night. Looks like Michael’s beard is here to stay.

  2937. Kirsten Says:

    Beard’s OK – Just say no to the mo!

  2938. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    mohawk ?

  2939. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  2940. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    More call-outs : “His mission was not to REVEAL, but to DOCUMENT an aspect of sexuality as art.” (speaking of Mapplethorpe) and “William Burroughs was simultaneously old and young.” I guess young and old woul’ve been too obvious:)

    Learnt something too, she writes “So and so was a Factory Girl”. I always thought that when Mick Jagger was singing, “…..Waiting on a factory girl…”, that he was donning the persona of this guy waiting for his woman who was a very blue collar woman who worked literally in a factory or something (Officer And A Gentleman, great example), BUT apparently that’s not what he meant at all. He means a Factory Girl as in The Factory that hip NYC late sixties art scene thing what ever you wanna call it……..uh, avante garde,or whatever.I think that is what PS is telling me there with that simple phrase, without coming right out and saying it. 🙂 DUH.

  2941. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    oh it was Andy Warhol’s original NYC studio. DUH.

  2942. Rob Says:

    I’m moving house AGAIN!! The current place turned out to be a shithole. So for the second time this summer I’m packing all my stuff back up. This time I know that the apartment I’m moving into will be just fine as my friend used to live there.

  2943. Rob Says:

    And if you’re interested you can check it out here.
    Though check before next Tuesday when I move in. Have to say that the pictures don’t really do it justice.

  2944. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I wanna come visit you , well, not you so much as I need a free place to stay while I explore Dublin……er, . 🙂

  2945. Rob Says:

    Ha! At least let me get settled and give me time to recover from my imminent nervous breakdown first.

  2946. Mr Cup Says:

    Wooden toilet seats – I thought they were an Australian thing. Well there you go!

    Known to absorb odours so just be careful.

  2947. Rob Says:

    Thanks for the advice, Cup. I spent some time in Germany as a child and all the toilets I encountered there had little platforms were your waste would collect before flushing. I guess so you could check that you were getting enough fiber or something. I’d choose wooden seats over that anytime. Personally I prefer the forceful flush you get from American toilets. Anyway, perhaps someone wants to steer the conversation away from such matters…
    Moving on Tuesday, and it honestly can’t come soon enough. If only there was someway of projecting myself into the future- maybe a month down the line when everything is sorted and settled. I’ve even put off buying the Tired Pony, Dark Night Of The Soul and Fables reissue CDs so I can enjoy them in appropriate surroundings.

  2948. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Piss Factory Turd Oo The Run

  2949. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    voluptuous disease

  2950. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    That’s piss factory turd on the run. Startling that I feel the need to clarify that, huh ? At least on Facebook you can delete your comments, and start over.

  2951. Mr Cup Says:

    I remember those toilets from a trip to Holland – they puzzled me as well.
    I used to think I was logically challenged but I see it’s a universal human condition.

  2952. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    untoward , those toilets

  2953. Rob Says:

    I have moved! Went so much smoother than expected. I have barely started to unpack (I’m too fucking exhausted) but already I feel completely at home. Aw, shit I love my new apartment.

  2954. Rob Says:

    This is shaping up to be a helluva week. First there was the big move on Tuesday, and then shortly after midnight this morning my nephew Jack was born. My sister and her husband live just outside of London so it’ll be a couple of weeks before I get to meet him, but I’m super-excited.

  2955. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Jack Michael ?

  2956. Rob Says:

    Ha,no ‘fraid not. His middle name is Timothy as is mine, and it’s my dad’s first name.
    Y’know even before I was an R.E.M. fan Michael was one of my favourite boys names. When you’re raised catholic you have to have a confirmation ceremony when you are 12 or 13 years old and you choose your confirmation name. I chose Michael, didn’t even know who Stipe or Mills were at the time.
    Sidenote- even though I was raised Catholic I haven’t kept the faith. Smart move I think given all the recent revelations, and the current pope.

  2957. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I’m a Catholic Boy
    I live for pain not for joy

    ……My confirmation name was Paul. And oh the hell I went through being raised a Catholic, damaged me, truly did……..

  2958. Rob Says:

    So according to Ken Stringfellow the next R.E.M. album is “definately rock, a couple of mellow songs but mostly hi energy toonz”, he didn’t say whether he has played on it or not though…

  2959. Kirsten Says:

    Congrats on the little nephew, Rob. My brother & his partner had a baby last month (the first on my side of the family), so I am now an Auntie to little Caile. (Pronounced Kale – poor kid’s gonna spend his life telling people how to spell it and how to say it.) Oh, and good luck in the new apartment. I bet Michael Stipe’s toilets are made of gold….

    Has anyone got the new REM CD yet? My still hasn’t arrived, the anticipation of a new song is killing me!

  2960. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I bet his turds are speckled with emeralds, and his piss shimmers with diamond dust

  2961. Rob Says:

    Thanks Kirsten, Jack is the younger brother to Hannah who is 3 1/2years old. When she was first starting to talk she would pronounce Uncle Rob as Ah Gog and the name has stuck. To those two children I will most likely be known as Ah Gog for the rest of my life- and y’know I’m pretty happy with that name.

    Picked up the Fables reissue last week. I wouldn’t get too excited about Throw Those Trolls Away- it’s pretty much an early version of I Believe. However the remastering on the main album is magnificent. It brings out sonic subtleties not immediately clear on the CD version I had before.The backing vocals on Maps And Legends are fantastic and Wendell Gee reveals itself as something of a mini-masterpiece.

    Oh, and I love my new apartment, so thanks. And I really like the name Caile.

  2962. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    is their a second “banjo from hell” buried in the mix ?

  2963. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    banjo like a “chicken from hell” ?

  2964. Rob Says:

    “Banjo banjo man,
    I wanna be a banjo man”

  2965. Mr Cup Says:

    tsk…it always was a masterpiece to some ears!!!

    Heard the ‘trolls’ song. Now there is an example of turd polishing done well.

    Rob – have you heard of the Oz band, Custard? they have a song called Apartment. Dig it.

    I have a flu if anyone wants it. Slightly used.

  2966. Rob Says:

    I hadn’t heard of the band or the song, so I just checked it out on You Tube. Gotta say I like it a lot.
    My favourite album so far this year has to be Dark Night Of The Soul by Sparklehorse and Dangermouse. As sad as it is to listen to what will most likely be the final new music by Mark Linkous and Vic Chesnutt it is seriously good shit. Guest vocalists include Frank Black, Iggy Pop, David Lynch (yes that David Lynch) and Suzanne Vega on the awesome Man Who Played God. I’ve been boring my friends to tears over how great I think this record is.

  2967. Kirsten Says:

    Crap, I already have an early “demo” version of I Believe. I hope it’s not the same – I need something new to hold me over until the new album next year! It was mailed out on Monday – where the hell is it! Damn you Australia Post!

  2968. Mr Cup Says:

    I didn’t hear any similarities other than some of the lyrics. Not really the same song to be fair.

    Flu is going to eBay. You all had your chance.

  2969. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I haven’t had the flu since 2004, haven’t been that kind of physically sick in so long..strange really…of course, there’s the other sickness , the chronic one, that I can’t quite put a finger on.

    And , I’m moving to the beach ! About a hundred yards away as the crow flies. Quite the development 🙂

  2970. Melonie Says:

    Sorry I didn’t take you up on the flu offer, Mr Cup. I’ve ben fighting an inner thing myself, so I thought it might be overkill. Plus I get it at least once a year anyway, so I didn’t want to be selfish.

    Congrats on the new place, Rob. Although I don’t envy the moving again. Nice thing about a thirty year mortgage- you’re pretty well locked in for while.

  2971. Melonie Says:

    Ugh. I meant I’ve been fighting an inner ear thing.

    Seriously, no one else has a problem with a delay in writing when they post? I type a word and it takes 12-15 seconds for it to appear and it stalls out while I’m waiting. I thought it might just be my work computer, but I’ve tried both my huband’s and daughter’s computers and they still take forever. Any suggestions on how to fix this? I started writing this as soon as I posted the last one and it has taken a full ten minutes to write this little bit.

  2972. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    you mean you have this problem with just this popsongs site , Melonie ? or others also ?

  2973. Rob Says:

    Thanks Melonie. Yeah a mortgage might be nice though right now I’m happy to remain a rent boy. The moving actually went much smoother than expected. I’ve been framing and hanging pictures, and getting excited at the prospect of buying new bookshelves and plants. Tonight however is set aside for burritos, South African Shiraz and the new Arcade Fire album on the headphones. Sweet…

  2974. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Ugg boots for Miss Universe ?

  2975. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Steven Tyler an American Idol judge?

  2976. Kirsten Says:

    I never get sick. I do have an Autoimmune disease, so I get to spend the next 20 years in great pain before I die, but I never get the flu…..

    Happy Birthday to Bill for yesterday! LOVE U 🙂

    Melonie, mine hasn’t worked properly for months. I key what I want to type in word and cut & paste it.

    And congrats to Champion – 3000th entry!

  2977. Mr Cup Says:

    South African shiraz for the rent boy????

    Heard of Awestaeyleeyah? Get some!

  2978. Mr Cup Says:

    I like the symmetry of


  2979. Rob Says:

    “South African shiraz for the rent boy” sounds like a Stipe lyric.

  2980. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    “Saturn is orbiting nothing” might be a reference to a black hole. Black holes are inferred–one has never actually been verified, though theoretically the evidence is solid–by the fact, for starters, that a star is apparently “orbiting nothing”, something unseen has captured the star in it’s gravity………..A star would not, could not of course, be orbiting nothing. There must be something there, an invisible astonishing something in the case of a black hole.

  2981. Kirsten Says:

    The CD Finally arrived. Trolls isn’t the same as the demo I have for I Believe. The Demo I have is the same tune as I Believe, but Michael just hums the verse and sings the chorus – I guess he didn’t have all of the words yet. I do have a couple of live versions of Trolls from ’85, but I’ve got them named “When I Was Young”. I’ll have to change it.

    Saturn is still one of my favourites.

  2982. Rob Says:

    If Toy Story 3 is not cinematic perfection then dammit it comes pretty close.

  2983. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Toys Toys Toys……… In The Attic

  2984. Rob Says:
    Is it time to start getting excited?

  2985. Rob Says:

    and in a display of devotion that might shame Kirsten, I can tell from Michael’s shirt and wristband that the picture for the article was taken at the REM show I saw in Earls Court in London for the Up tour in 1999.

  2986. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Hey, I’m excited. Mills living in Paris now, eh?

  2987. Kirsten Says:

    Definitely time to get excited! And I am very impressed Rob, even a little jealous. Not only are you more obsessive than me, but you got to see them in 99!
    Michael looks good in yellow.

  2988. Kirsten Says:

    cotton candy, caramel apple.

  2989. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    great opportunity

  2990. Rob Says:

    Good morning and how are you, the weather’s fine the sky is blue

  2991. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Man, I got fired today……So much going on……Live through this…….Could be a positive….Definitely unnerving at the moment.. just moved to a more expensive situation.. in school full-time………Who knows what will happen next ?

    yeah, Having a strange problem with my laptop. I never go to this site on it cuz’ I can’t seem to be able to quickly scroll to the bottom of all these entries, whereas ground line computers take me right to the latest entry.. Frustrating cuz’ I been using my laptop lately.

  2992. Kirsten Says:

    Sorry to hear you lost your job, Champion. I guess the GFC isn’t quite over in the US?

  2993. Rob Says:

    That really really sucks.

  2994. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    brief moment on a ground line : GFC ?

  2995. Rob Says:

    More exciting news from HQ on the new album. Patti Smith and Lenny Kaye have contributed to the record. Mixing has just finished in Nashville and Anton Corbijn is taking the photographs. March can’t come soon enough.

  2996. Kirsten Says:

    DVD out in couple of weeks too!

  2997. Kirsten Says:

    If Facebook was a person, I’d stab it to death.

    Summer’s here, the light is raising hopes and dragonflies
    If those hopes are overshadowed,
    cotton candy, caramel apple.

  2998. Melonie Says:

    @Kristin- LOL! I go back and forth with it like a bad relationship. When I’m off, I’m off for a while. But when I’m on….damn. What a colossal time suck. Oh facebook, I just can’t quit you.

    On a random side note, I had my teeth cleaned yesterday. Which may not seem like a big deal, but for someone like me who is terrified of dentists, it is. The fact that I have been to the dentist twice in the last year is pretty major. Usually it’s once every 6-10 years. And even then, only to have something repaired or pulled. What does this have to do with R.E.M.? To help soothe my nerves, I brought my iPod. And they gave me nitrous oxide. Let me just say, as profound and moving as the lyrics and music (particularly Peter’s guitar solos- yowza!) are in general, multiply that by 200,000 while under nitrous. Mind blowing. Truly. If anyone has a dental appointment coming up, I highly recommend it.

    That is all.

  2999. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    with your teeth in your mouth……….

  3000. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    FB has definitely lost it’s thrill for me too, although I still dabble in it…So Melonie, what songs DID you listen to under the influence ?

  3001. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Endgame is a play by Samuel Beckett, I’m trying to recall if that was mentioned in the Endgame thread.

    How’s about them Steelers ?

  3002. Kirsten Says:

    Mike has got shocking teeth. No excuse with his sort of money. 🙂

    Mr Cup – Bad luck in the footy finals the other week.
    Carn the Sainters!!!

  3003. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    this is like the old college basketball stall tactic

  3004. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    “the wait is the hardest part”_____Tom Petty

  3005. Rob Says:

    Bertis has let it slip out that the next album will be called Collapse Into Now.

  3006. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    really ? that’ll make two records in a row with physics/scientific overtones in their titles……

  3007. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  3008. Kirsten Says:

    I’ve just been on HQ for the first time in a long time (to check the release date of the new DVD), so I’ve only just found out the news!! Collapse Into Now – sounds cool.

  3009. Kirsten Says:

    My husband’s back from interstate after 10 days tomorrow and the DVD still hasn’t arrived. Damn it.

  3010. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  3011. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  3012. Paul Alferink Says:

    I’ll take a quiet life,
    a handshake of carbon monoxide
    no alarms, and no surprises please.

  3013. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    …..whens the last time you won the World Series, 1954, drink some champagne now, fall to the floor

  3014. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Albert Camus died suddenly in a car accident in France, –January, 4, 1960

  3015. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  3016. Rob Says:

    The tracklisting for Collapse Into Now has been released. Some interesting song titles. I’m particularly looking forward to hearing Alligator Aviator Autopilot Antimatter, Mine Smell Like Honey and Me, Marlon Brando, Marlon Brando And I.

  3017. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Be long

  3018. Kirsten Says:

    Yeah, the song names sound great. Always good to have the strange and wonderful names of the past. Anyone heard any hint of a tour??

  3019. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    those might not be real titles

  3020. Rob Says:

    Well according to remhq they are all real, the full tracklisting has been posted there.

  3021. Kirsten Says:

    Ooh, you think they might by working titles?? Cool. They were also listed in the fanclub newsletter.

    Happy B’Day Peter! Loooooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeee uuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!

  3022. Kirsten Says:

    I will rock to REM tonight in Pete’s honour. What a legend.

  3023. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    And his wife is a map.

  3024. Rob Says:

    If you haven’t already then head over to hq. They have a link where you can download Discoverer from Collapse Into Now. After two listens it sounds pretty freakin’ great.

  3025. Paul Alferink Says:

    I listened to the new song. I really hate it. Lyrically and vocally, it reminds me of E-bow. Both sound like they are trying to sound like a Patti Smith Song. Only this one sounds way worse.

    Maybe I’ll change my mind. I hated “WtFK” the first time I heard it.

  3026. Kirsten Says:

    I’ll have to check if I have got the technology to do that. A lot of REM takes a few listens to really appreciate. I think sometimes I try too hard to love it straight away (worried that I might not like an REM song!) and it’s not until later that I can really get something out of it. Most of Reveal for example I didn’t hate, but it washed over me (to quote from it). Years later I see it as the masterpiece that it really is. But some songs never grow on you and maybe they just suck (you know who you are).

    I got my Holiday Gift from REM today – Mike’s birthday, but I get the present!! Gonna go and listen to the Christmas CD now.

    Happy Birthday Mike! mwah

  3027. Rob Says:

    You can hear it here Kirsten. Personally I love the almost conversational style of the vocals, while the music reminds me of Sugar or the Screaming Trees.

  3028. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    very upbeat and optimistic that’s for damn sure.vocal is a bit awkward to say the least. makes me wonder wht happened that vodka and espresso night. reminds me a bit of SJWTB with the listing of things in the vocal. Houston again, huh?….

  3029. Kirsten Says:

    I was able to download Discoverer. On first listen, I quite liked it. I’ll have to listen to it again a few more times to develop a real opinion of it, but if it is a rough representation of the whole record, I’m happy with that.

  3030. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    we digress

  3031. Rob Says:
    Another new song has debuted online. It Happened Today with Eddie Vedder on backing vocals. Getting pretty excited about this record now.

  3032. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    going to listen right NOW

  3033. Rob Says:

    The official trailer for Collapse Into Now with snippets of a few songs. OK, so they are just snippets but I’m getting a strong feeling that this could be the best REM album since New Adventures In Hi-Fi.

  3034. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  3035. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Discoverer indeed. Damn, I can’t believe the things I been discovering 🙂

  3036. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    And Stipe is now a Facebook friend. Blew my mind around Christmas time. He responded to a friend request to a John Michael Stipe that I made, like, a year ago and had kinda forgotten about……He’s not THAT into FB, I’m sure he has much more stimulating things to do, but it’s really fun to be able to comment on his photos, say stupid, hopefully not too predictable, shit to him…. 🙂

  3037. Rob Says:

    That’s so cool Scott. Might have to put in a friend request myself.

  3038. Kirsten Says:

    Happy Birthday Michael!

    I believe in what you do.

  3039. Ignis Sol Says:

    It happened today…Michael Stipe was born…hooray! I am eating birthday party cheesecake with the initials LB on it!

  3040. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    and Albert Camus died, “It’s like this dead Indian just jumped into my soul, Man.”

    Congrats to the 7-9 Seahawks for being the first under .500 team to make the play-offs….Anythng can happen now.

  3041. Ignis Sol Says:

    Yeah Champ, even in Seattle, the Seahawks are the talk of the town.

  3042. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I didn’t wear glasses ‘cuz I thought it might rain
    Now I can’t see anything

  3043. Ignis Sol Says:

    Another song out, now it’s the official first single, “Mine Smell Like Honey.” Sounds great! Is there an official video?

    At this rate, R.E.M. will be releasing singles from their next album!

  3044. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Are our Aussie friends breathing water ?

  3045. Mr Rain Says:

    Irony is we are pretty much in drought on this side of the desert. The other side was a bit too, then it just dumped on them…still is in some areas.

    think Kirsten is OK????

  3046. Kirsten Says:

    It’s great, It’s just like So. Central Rain down here! Except for Mr Cup, he’s still in drought and bushfires.

    I love a sunburnt country,
    A land of sweeping plains,
    Of ragged mountain ranges,
    Of drought and flooding rains

    More importantly, where can I get a hard copy, that’s right an actual CD of Mine Smell Like Honey??

  3047. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

  3048. Mr Rain Says:

    Anyone listened to Uberlin?

    Makes me happy and sad simultaneously…don’t know how they do it.
    Most of the new songs are hugely infectious. I’m getting a New Adventures For The People vibe…and I likes it.

  3049. Paul Alferink Says:

    Like the other songs a lot better than discoverer. Micheal might be a little lost with the lyrics and melodys at times, but everyone else sounds great.

  3050. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Heard Mine Smell Like Honey while driving yesterday. Not sure what to make of it, sounded a bit muddled….

  3051. Rob Says:

    Today I found out that the reformed Grant Lee Buffalo are playing here in May. Got my tickets booked and very excited about it. Almost makes up for REM not touring the new album.

  3052. Mr Rain Says:

    Is that with original bass player? They were fantastic live.

  3053. Rob Says:

    Um, I think I meant re-formed, not reformed. As far as I’m aware Grant Lee Buffalo are not felons.

  3054. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    well, you could be reformed , but not a felon . you could be a reformed Packers fan , for example

  3055. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    there’s something going on that’s not quite right

  3056. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    these days
    they bleed the same

  3057. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    It’s been a long long long time
    How I love you

  3058. Mr Rain Says:

    hey thanks!

    Dig the new radiohead clip. So simple yet compelling.

  3059. Mr Rain Says:

    So I have the new album…I like it a lot. Much more consistent than Accelerate.
    Loving Uberlin and Blue is a great ending with a conceptually nice ending. Headfuck the first time you hear it.

  3060. Mr Rain Says:

    I got my copy of Collapse yesterday…I like.

    I think they have been listening to the Archies or something – there is an odd happiness on some songs.

    Bliue is great.

  3061. Rob Says:

    I’ve been spending the afternoon digesting Collapse Into Now, which was released here today. Yeah, it’s great. The only song that seems a bit meh at the moment is Walk It Back, and even that is growing on me. Standout tracks- Discoverer, Blue, It Happened Today, Uberlin, Alligator Aviator Autopilot Antimatter and Me, Marlon Brando, Marlon Brando And I.

  3062. Melonie Says:

    Ours doesn’t come out until next Tuesday. I’m hoping to be able to download it onto my iPod before I leave for the airport so I can devour it on the long ass flight. We’ll see how crazed and stressed I am.

  3063. Melonie Says:

    It did get a pretty good review in Entertainment Weekly this week though. Yay!

  3064. Melonie Says:

    Oh, and Kristen? remember how you and I were complaining about the delay in typing? Switch to Google Chrome. I’ve had no issues since I started using it.

  3065. Kirsten Says:

    Thanks Melonie, will have to try that.

    I also got Collapse Into Now yesterday (although I thought it wasn’t being released here until next week either) and on the first couple of listens I think it’s an album that I’m really going to get into. Rob, I’m going to have to disagree with you. I really liked Walk It Back. To me the stand-out was Oh My Heart, but Walk It Back was the other one I really liked along with one other stand out, but I’m ashamed to say I can’t remember which song it was! I’ll have to go listen to the CD again……

    Oh, and anyone else find the poaching of lyrics from previous songs just a tad annoying?? (But I still love you guys!!!)

  3066. Mr Rain Says:

    I can’t stop playing it.

    Iron and Wine, Radiohead, REM, Fleet Foxes…Happy as a pig in s**t!

    Uberlin carries me everywhere I go at the moment

  3067. Mr Rain Says:

    Plus I just sold a major sculpture…that feeling carries me like a wave

  3068. lenny Says:

    Wow. 3+ years and still going strong. And I don’t think I’ve been on here for about a year. I just checked — it was last June. How is everyone? Well, I have a confession to make, and it sort of explains my recent absence…

    The real truth is that I guess I was getting tired of letting people think that I still loved REM in its current form, when in reality, I haven’t really been interested in anything they’ve released since Monster. Sadly, there it is. Let me be clear, though — I’m not being critical of the band or any of you at all. I’ve always been very impressed with all of you for your musical knowledge, devotion to the band, and just generally being a good group of people to chat with from around the world. It was really fun, but I guess I’ve just been a little dishonest in the past, and I apologize. It’s not that I lied — but I just let people believe I was one of the gang. In reality, this lengthy blog page stems greatly because of the love that we all have for one of the greatest songs on one of the greatest albums on the planet, which has now been out almost 25 YEARS.

    So, in summary… I ask you… is there anything we could all be a little more honest about? I’ve said my peace, and I wonder… does anyone really think REM is anywhere near the band that they used to be 17 to 27 years ago? I admire them for soldiering on, and never quitting, but it got to the point where there was just something a little sad about trying to keep up with a band that really had their best days and years a long, long time ago.

    I’ll be checking out for a while. I know I may incur some wrath here, but I wanted to be honest, for what that is worth. I really enjoyed this spontaneous, yet enduring journey we’ve all been on here. I guess I just moved on, that’s all.

    Peace to you all. Take care.
    — LENNY, a.k.a. John

  3069. Kirsten Says:

    Lenny, Lenny, Lenny. Blasphemy! But, you’re not wrong. Their best work has probably been done. I mean, I still claim Murmur and Chronic Town as my favourite albums. But that doesn’t mean the new albums are no good – they’re just different. Monster? I’d say New Adventures. But EVERY album has at least a couple of amazing songs on it that I feel honoured and privileged to have as part of my life. Honour. That’s it, that’s how I feel about REM. I’m so grateful that they do what they do and that I get to be a part of it. I am nothing to them – I am no one, but Michael, Peter, Mike and Bill are everything to me and I don’t know what I did to deserve them in my life, or why I get their bad sense of humour, or their kinkiness over other people, but I am proud to be an REM fan. But, we are all nostalgic for the past, and if you’re reading this Michael, my only wish is you get back that gorgeous southern accent!!
    After owning Collapse Into Now for a week, I can honestly say that it is the easiest album to love straight away in about 10 years. Lenny, you have to buy it! Don’t get me wrong, I love all of their albums, but they can take a fair bit of effort and sometimes years for me to love. I listen to Accelerate, and enjoy it when I do, but I rarely get excited in anticipation of listening to Accelerate. This one, however, has got me hooked from the start. I have 3 or 4 favourites already, and nothing that I don’t really like. I’ve listened to it over and over, and haven’t tired of it and don’t feel like I’m trying too hard to like it, I just do. It has me very excited about where REM are now.
    Also, my husband brought me a newspaper cut-out of an interview with Mike Mills about Collapse Into Now (even he has given up trying to stop the obsession). In it Mike was saying how hard it is to make money these days due to illegal downloads. All I can say Mike, if you’re reading this, is release Oh My Heart in Australia, New Zealand and Japan NOW!! It captures exactly how we feel and the money will come rolling in… Or what about another DVD with video clips from singles. I have money and I want to give it to you.
    Oh and Lenny’s really John? Just like Michael. Cool. What’s made you come clean?

  3070. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    damn, haven’t even gotten the record yet, too swamped with bullshit, some of the songs have an “odd happiness”, eh ? hmmnnn……

  3071. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    saw it at Barnes & Noble today , for $18.99. just couldn’t buy it for that amount. hard to believe there’s a new REM record out there that I haven’t heard yet. one of the featured records of the month on the local radio station, they’re saying it’s THAT GOOD, best since “at least NAIHF, maybe even AFTP”….intriguer.X

  3072. Mr Rain Says:

    It’s good. You won’t regret it.

  3073. Kirsten Says:

    You’ve gotta get it – it’s fabulous! I’ve been in the office by myself a lot at work lately, so I changed the radio station to something decent, and they’ve been playing “My Smell Like Honey” every day. In fact they played it twice today! I’m in heaven…

  3074. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    not in heaven , near wild heaven…
    OK, you convinced me
    I’m picking it up this weekend…
    curious about the new Radiohead too
    with its ultra-weird title

  3075. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    OK you convinced me 🙂

  3076. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    “please ask Neil I need to pow wow, now”—-probably a reference to Neil Young’s song on Rust Never Sleeps, the one about him sitting around the campfire with Marlon Brando and Pochohontas—–this song has really grown on me; I’ve listened to the record about eleven times now…….it is quite good. many moments remind me of previous REM songs but that’s quite alright….the beginning of Blue/ Country Feedback , the “tick tock clock” etc…I think my favorite on the record at this time is All The Best.

  3077. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    clever, “The storm didn’t kill me, and the government changed”……..And why does Stipe pronounce Houston like that ?

  3078. Kirsten Says:

    Told you it was good. I picked up on Blue/Country Feedback as well. Can’t pick a favourite, can’t even pick a least favourite. At the moment my favourite’s probably Everyday Is Yours To Win. Alligator_Aviator_Autopilot_Antimatter is another one I keep putting on. But then there’s Oh My Heart, Walk It Back, Blue, UBerlin, My Smell Like Honey – Oh God, How do I choose???!! Can I just claim them as my favourite 7, depending on my mood….

  3079. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    the very first note of Walk It Back sounds like Everybody Hurts, the first couple of notes remind me of the beginning of Elton John-Kiki Dee ‘Don’t Go Breaking My Heart’, All The Best brings to mind These Days at times…….sent Stipe a message thru Facebook asking him why he pronounces Houston like “Huston”…Silly me.

  3080. Kirsten Says:

    Doesn’t he pronounce it right? I’ve never noticed. I’d say it Hewston, is that right? That’s how I’ve heard Michael say it. Could be an accent thing….

  3081. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    right, everybody says “Hewston”, but he sings “Huston”, in Discoverer, quite odd actually; I asked him if it was some sort of “Southern idiosyncracy”….

  3082. Rob Says:

    I heard (but don’t know for a fact) that Houston Street in NYC is pronounced “House-ten” by locals. I figure it’s another New York song.

  3083. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    you guyz ever listen to Pandora Internet radio ? pretty cool, you put in an artist or a song, and it creates a station based on what you put in. you never now what’s coming next. and it’s free.

  3084. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I put in REM, and the first song they played was Orange Crush. The second, Dreams by The Cranberries. I wonder what’s coming next ?

  3085. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    U2___Pride (In The Name Of Love)
    “One man come under barbed wire fence, one man he resist…”

    followed by some Pearl Jam

  3086. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Then came Fall On Me. Nice.

  3087. Kirsten Says:

    On Monday night, our beautiful little bird Kenny past away. The last thing I sung to him was UBerlin. That song now has a whole new meaning to it. I haven’t been able to listen to it since.

    This morning our beloved Labrador Chelsea was diagnosed with Cancer and given about 6 months. So devastated, words cannot express. My whole life destroyed in less than a week.

    RIP Kenny.

  3088. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    So very sorry , Kirsten. What’s the frequency in heaven ? Sweetness follows…….

  3089. Kirsten Says:

    Our next door neighbour died earlier this year, and Chelsea absolutely loved him. Nice to know she’ll have someone waiting for her. We spent $5000 on an operation which should’ve given her 18 months, but they’ve just told us there’s still cancer there and she needs radiation. That’s another $4500, which we don’t have, and still no guarantees. We find out on Wednesday how long they think she’ll have now.
    And poor Kenny, we spent all of our money on Chelsea, so he’s still in the freezer until we can afford to cremate him…..

  3090. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    “that’s great it starts with an earthquake”………Mr. Slinky rocks !
    and the kids are having so much fun

  3091. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    So over me
    So pie
    In my face

  3092. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    Interesting, I just noticed that the last thing Stipe says in his Blue recitation rant is “collapse into now”

  3093. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:


  3094. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I was moving my bookcase. Kind of a daunting task. Listening to Collapse Into Now. First time in about a month. I had my arms around it, accepting of the struggle. Then I heard these words in my left ear, “Walk it back.” Nice and easy. Great timing.

  3095. Ignis Sol Says:

    Sad day, but I did expect it. I am a bit relieved they are going out on high notes.

    R.E.M.: Remember Excellent Music!

    Looks like I missed you Champ!

    Look me up at if you or anyone is in town!

  3096. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    It’s been a sad day, please don’t take a picture

    REM : Remember Extraordinary Music

  3097. Melonie Says:

    When my husband called me at work to tell me, at first I thought he was just fucking with me (he has a tendency to do that- I’m pretty gullible) but when I click Google I saw it was true. Glad I did get to see them live a couple of years ago, but super sad that I came so late to the party. *sigh*

    Anyone know how Kirsten is taking it?

    It was so nice to meet all of you, and get to know some of you better on facebook. We’ll always have Pop Songs. Thanks for letting me hang with the cool kids. 🙂

  3098. Mr Rain Says:

    Everybody hit the ground
    Everybody hit the ground
    Everybody hit the ground
    Everybody hit the ground

    (repeat to fade)

  3099. Kirsten Says:

    It’s the end of the world as we know it.
    This has been one of the hardest years of my life. And I feel fine.
    Firstly, I don’t believe them. You can’t love something that much and never do it again. There will be another REM album, maybe 10 years from now, but there will be one. Secondly, it was a friendly decision – no fall outs, no bitterness, no one died. That I couldn’t live with. Strange timing though. CIN was only released a few months ago, and it’s not like the quality has dropped – it’s a brilliant album. Unfortunately for me, I’ve linked it to a tragedy in my life, but I’m just starting to listen to it again (even though it still hurts) ‘cause it’s such a brilliant album.
    I feel honoured to have had you in my life. I’m proud of everything you’ve achieved – I gloat like a proud Mum every time your CD’s or songs get in the charts, when I hear one of your songs on the radio, or even just your names in the paper. The day I saw you play live was the best day of my life, I felt privileged to be there with you. Brilliant show. Not a day has gone by in 20 years that you haven’t been involved in my life, and that’s the way it will be forever. You should all be proud of what you have achieved. Thank you for helping me and giving me the strength that I need to get through hard times. But most importantly, thank you for all of the wonderful music. Best of luck with everything you guys choose to do from here.

  3100. Rob Says:

    Kirsten- so sorry to hear you’ve been having such a bad time this year. One thing I have always taken from R.E.M.’s music is that there is hope through the darkness.
    As fans this shouldn’t be a sad time, rather a chance to celebrate an extraordinary back catalogue of music, of our own personal memories both joyful and painful that have entwined with all the albums and songs, the live shows and videos, and the Pop Songs blog that brought us all together.
    I will hold my breath until all these shivers subside. Don’t look in my eyes.

  3101. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    “It’s just like me to NOT overstay my welcome, Man.”

    oh my heart
    oh my heart
    oh my heart

    So, I wonder when the surprise impromptu reunion jam will be, and where ? Some small club somewhere in a couple of years…

  3102. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    “Lay me down down down
    Lay me down down down….”

    There’s something really haunting about that song. It really gets to me. It did right from the start. Even more so now with the band calling it a day.

    I think the song on CIN that has grown on me the most is ‘It Happened Today’, the last part after the lyrics end .

  3103. Kirsten Says:

    It Happened Today is great. I also love the harmonies in the second half of the song – that’s what got me hooked too! But there’s no point me going on, I love everything on Collapse Into Now. Glad they ended on that rather than Accelerate, that would’ve left me disappointed. When CIN was released a few months ago, Mike was saying that there was no money in it any more (mostly to do with the internet.) He honestly sounded really pissed off. Wonder if that had something to do with their decision? I don’t see why they had to “officially” quit. Apart from increasing sales of the new ‘best of’ (great title by the way guys!) they could’ve just not done anymore albums, but given themselves a bit more freedom to release something in the future if they felt like it.
    Champion – It’ll be in Australia!! This is where all good bands go years after fame and the money starts running out. We’ve had an influx of 80’s bands lately. Bret Michaels was seen in Sydney taking a bus to his latest gig….

  3104. Kirsten Says:

    You know what I’m gonna miss most? It’s the anticipation of reading the song titles and wondering what it will sound like and what it could possibly be about. Wolves Lower, Carnival Of Sorts, Old Man Kensey, Supernatural Superserious, Disturbance At The Heron House, Oddfellows Local 151,Feeling Gravitys Pull, Life And How To Live It, Mine Smell Like Honey, Alligator_Aviator….. the list goes on. Never disappointed.

  3105. Mr Rain Says:

    Personally I hope they change their name and record weird, little fucked up things without the expectation of being REM anymore.
    That would be a good result.

    Me Marlon Brando….somehow became my surfing song. When waiting for the waves, between sets, it just creeps in and turns everything into this beautiful shimmering moment.
    Just beautiful.

  3106. Kirsten Says:

    New single coming soon!! Excellent!!
    What about a DVD with the film clips to match the songs from Part Lies? Oh, and why do they keep insisting that New Test Leper is one of their finest? It does not belong on the CD. How did that song make it but not These Days?????? There are a couple of others which shouldn’t be there, but I guess they’ve gone for a few hits over the better songs. I won’t list all the fantastic songs that should have made it – maybe it should be a 3 or even 4 disc album? What the hell, the only way to make us all happy would be to bundle up everything they’ve ever done!!

  3107. Kirsten Says:

    Pre-Ordered Part Lies Part Heart Part Truth Part Garbage today! Can’t Wait!!!!
    Also, does anyone know if you can get a CD copy of the new single? I’ve downloaded it on iTunes, but I’d love a hard copy.

  3108. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    no I don’t know

  3109. Kirsten Says:

    I must be the only one who buys like that anymore. I just want to add it to my collection. 😦

  3110. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    what is it, a bio of the band ?

  3111. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    and what new single dost thou speak of ?

    Happy 11:11:11:11:11:11 to you. It only happens for a second and then its gone.

  3112. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    and then it happens for another second in the PM and then its gone.

  3113. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    My Bad. Tonight will be 11:11:11:23:11:11.

  3114. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I’ve been high.

  3115. Kirsten Says:

    Our beautiful Labrador Chelsea finally lost her battle with cancer last week. My husband also lost his job 3 weeks ago.
    This year I’ve lost 3 of the biggest loves in my life: REM, my bird and my dog.
    Oh My Heart.

  3116. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I can hear the groan at the beginning of Country Feedback resonating through the Outback………………I saw an ad for the University of Georgia during a recent football game, and the soundtrack was Oh My Heart…..Make sure you keep your husband…………………………………………….Bought King Of Limbs; it’s very………………..uh……….weird….

  3117. Kirsten Says:

    I’d rather have REM…..

  3118. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    I concur (while sitting at my table waging war on myself).

  3119. ChampionOfTheWorld Says:

    HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!:)

  3120. Kirsten Says:

    Wow, first comment of 2012. No-one even acknowledged Michael’s birthday. (Online anyway – I know I celebrated with the usual REM onslaught.) That’ll teach them to leave us. What am I suppose to do now??

    2011 go to sleep, really deep. We won’t blink.

  3121. lenny Says:

    Are comments still going through? Funny story, I just noticed that the brains behind Pop Song 07-08 (and beyond) is writing for Buzzfeed! Check it out!

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