The Apologist

May 13, 2008

The character in “The Apologist” is a monster. This isn’t apparent in the first verse — he seems contrite, and genuinely remorseful. As the song progresses, the truth gradually slips out: He’s a delusional narcissist who cannot comprehend why he can’t just be forgiven for his past misdeeds simply because he’s come around to apologizing as part of some 12-step ritual. He’s only concerned with his own emotional well-being, and can’t help but to transform prayer and rehabilitation into a grotesque mockery of atonement. It’s always tempting to go a bit overboard when writing songs from the point of view of toxic hypocrites, but Michael Stipe’s lyrics are nuanced and understated, and are written in such a way that I can imagine that some listeners may even relate to, or at least feel pity for, the character. The tone of the song is rather grim, but there’s a sense of half-formed sadness in its drones and minor key chords that hints at conscience muffled by self-serving insincerity.

A title note: I briefly considered calling this site The Apologist, but decided against it, mainly because I felt it was far too self-deprecating and defensive.

65 Responses to “The Apologist”

  1. Elliot Says:

    Congrats on completing your first album. At least, I think this is the first album…

  2. Paul Alferink Says:

    This song came out around the time of Lewinsky. I have always paired it, fairly or unfairly, with Bill Clinton, (or to a lessor extend, every politico who gets there hand caught in the nookie jar and that apologetic press conference they hold afterwards).

    I understand that’s not specifically what it’s about, that it’s far more personal a relationship, but god damn it, it fits.

    Best Lyric:
    you think this isn’t me?
    that’s so sweet.

  3. sonneta Says:

    True story: I used this song for an (insipid) assignment in high school. It was a poetry unit, we had to bring in a poem or song, and discuss the different “poetic elements” within or something. The album was just out.

  4. Timb Says:

    Not quite complete – still hanging out for ‘Walk Unafraid’ 😀

  5. Tim Says:

    Love this one…in my top 3 favorites from UP.

    This was one of the few that I liked immediately on my first listen of UP


  6. psarog Says:

    Great song! Great analysis!!
    Good job…It made me search for the lyrics and find the elements you describe…

  7. milesy Says:

    It’s striking how the cynical ‘I’m so sorry’ of this song contrasts with the wistful, even nostalgic ‘I’m sorry’ from So. Central Rain.

    Also a clever title in the sense of an apologist being someone who says sorry, or alternatively someone who defends a premise, in this case the premise presumably being the character’s own self-righteousness.
    Like the political angle, Paul. I’m also reminded of certain televangelists.

    MP, you are indeed an apologist (in the best sense) for REM’s music; but Pop Songs was a good choice of title 🙂

  8. Clare Says:

    I have this one in my top 4 off Up too. I agree with you Milesy how the use/tone of the word “sorry” couldn’t be more different between those 2 songs where the phrase appears repeatedly.
    On first listed Matthew is right it does seem the lyric insinuates genuine regret over causing distress/hurt but Stipe’s lyrics are laced with malice & cynicism & devoid of any real emotion (he does egocentric twisted narcissist so well!)& any regret he feels appears to be directed at himself for missing chances of further self gratification.

    At the end where he is saying “thank you for being there” it is a kind of mocking sentiment, like “yes you tried to help me, but no thanks i’ll carry on being a sh@t!!”
    Love it
    “Don’t be weak, there I go, i’m so sorry”

  9. maclure Says:

    I read at the time that Stipe had heard about the notion of an Apologist – in the sense of someone who defends a premise – but misunderstood and started to construct a character whose job it is to say sorry. I find it hard to believe Stipe didn’t know about the first meaning of Apologist but there you go.

    I just realised I thought the words were “complex sweeps” not “sweets”. And, I even had the lyric sheet for this album before me the whole time.

    Reading the lyrics cut from the music I feel its possible that you could interpret this character in a more positive light than a “monster”. But, as you say, the droning music, the minor chords give the words an air of falsehood… for example:

    I’m good, all is good
    All’s well, no complaints.
    When I feel regret,
    I get down on me knees and pray.

    The music at that point leaves us in no doubt this guy is, er, a hollow man, when the lyrics could have taken us in another direction.

    Anyway, it’s also another example of an UP character preoccupied or meddling with spiritual ideas or themes. UP is REM’s “spiritual” album, imho.

  10. adam Says:

    UP is going to be judged so differently as time goes by.. loved this record at the time.. now it seems almost classic… truly great how the band (though all accounts have them in much turmoil) managed to form art out of chaos.. this was a beatiful, messy pop song..

  11. Mike Says:

    On the MTV Uplink special in 1998, I really got a kick out of the band launching into “So. Central Rain” immediately after “The Apologist,” with Michael saying ” just to show you, we’re still as sorry as we’ve always been..” I think it’s great that Stipe wasn’t too shy to not point out the lyrical similarity but capitalize on it. Also just one of those moments made for long time fans who love references to songs written in 1983!

  12. Beethoven Was Deaf Says:

    I also always associated this song with Bill Clinton.

    Always thought a great video for this song would have been Clinton singing the lyrics at a press conference he’s called to express regret for misdeeds. He is sitting at his desk in the oval office, the press is there, he seems sincere, and then, as the song ends and the camera goes to widescreen and pans out, just before going black we can see the legs of a young woman sticking out from under the desk. Too politically charged to have been done for real, especially to a Democratic President, but still think it would have been a cool video.

    For some reason I have always associated this song with Sad Professor as well, companion pieces of a sort.

  13. 4trak Says:

    This is one of the best ones from Up. There’s also that element in the lyrics (and the music, actually) of how fractured the band was; when Stipe sings “thank you for being there for me, goodbye” it’s almost like he’s anticipating The End.

  14. Paul Alferink Says:

    I also, it should be said, upon first listen, associated the line “And the intern was a mess” from “Hope” with Clinton and Lewinsky, as did a friend of mine. Of course, further listening makes it obvious that’s not the point, but it probably goes to show how much that scandal was on my mind at the time. . .

  15. davegassner Says:

    I’ve always felt sick with myself for understanding this character so well.


  16. Ignis Sol Says:

    In the era of “how the mighty do fall” this song is the anthem. Again on Up(like on Sad Professor, Diminished, Falls to Climb), Michael is able to appropriate a character voice that comes off as genuine and sincere. The marshy musical arrangement raises and lowers but never relieves. It is like a humid day in Georgia, USA.

    Sometimes fragments of the swelling music in this song and the opening of “You’re in the Air” mystically pop
    into my head. This is when I know I must listen to Up. Almost ten years on, I always keep it close to stereo.

    I like the idea of this album being a spiritual journey as stated by maclure (which seems wonderfully natural for what I know of maclure). The album begins with a lift off with “Airportman” up into the air…off to a spiritual place, a journey. Reveal uses a similar lift-off motif with, well, “The Lifting.” Then he seeks out enlightenment with “I’ve Been High.” Maybe the enlightenment for Up occurs after ingesting the “Lotus” (a kind of act of contrition before spiritual reconciliation?).

    I am in total agreement with adam about how now Up is now judged differently. A near masterpiece. My new room mate (a R.E.M. novice of sorts) loved this album upon first listen. He is impressed with its melodies and overall musical sound.

    As Kirsten has said, it is still an album to listen to late at night while lying on the floor with the lights out (and a slight buzz).

    Ok enough from me

  17. Andy Says:

    I figured this was Matthew’s apology for taking so long on the next post…

    I didn’t really care for this song on the album, but after hearing a live version, I had to rethink it. Now, it’s among my favorite more recent tunes.

  18. Ha, that wasn’t my intention, but that works well enough for me, Andy.

    I am sorry about not having anything for a little while — believe me, it’s not for a lack of trying. I’m just in a phase of this site now where I simply can’t rush through things, and if I don’t have the time, energy, and inspiration necessary to execute a post to my liking, I may as well put it off.

  19. kirkl100 Says:

    been waiting for this one…no apology necessary.
    well said m.p.

  20. Kirsten Says:

    Ha! Well, I give up. Another one of my all time favourites and I’ve apparently got it completely wrong.

    I’ve always seen ‘The Apologist’ as a victim of sorts of an emotionally abusive relationship. The “I’m Sorry’s” are said in a sarcastic tone, as well as “Thank you for being there/listening”, when infact they weren’t/didn’t. I mean – I Wanted To Apologize For Everything I Was?? I’m not perfect, I don’t fit into the mould you want me to and this is all my fault?? Go fuck yourself. In a way, it’s a sign of strength that they can now, at the end of this relationship, stand up and say I’m better than this – I’m better than you. Goodbye & goodluck.

    I know that I’ve got it completely wrong, but the tone in Michael’s voice when he says “I’m Sorry”, to me, fits in with my idea. It’s so angry and sarcastic.

    I also agree with BWD in associating it with Sad Professor – but not sure why.

  21. Dave Greenlizard Says:

    Take all the time you need, Matthew. I kind of like stretching this thing out, anyhow….

  22. Andy Says:

    That’s true, Dave. It’s definitely worth stretching out.

    The end is near!

    (Which makes me think I know the last song:
    It’s the End of the [blog] as We Know It?)

  23. maclure Says:

    I think the issue of UP’s legacy is an interesting one. I remember quite an interesting article in a magazine once (again, I can’t cite where, sorry) in which musos or journalists wrote about the unsung great albums that they enjoyed, the albums that fell off the radar for everyone else but that they cherished. Anyway, UP was somebody’s choice (I wish I could remember who now!).

    As several have you have said, it is a classic, but a flawed classic. I actually think that’s part of it’s appeal and suits the themes of the album. It’s not as polished or complete as Monster or AFTP but it’s kind of an uncut diamond, rough round the edges…

  24. 3d Says:

    this song has fantastic rhythms and textures, it’s unlike any song i’ve ever heard in terms of dynamics and composition. it’s an awkward and disturbing number but that works in its advantage. it feels strange, alien and cold, and has an eerieness not unlike many songs off “supposed former infatuation junkie”. it does not stand out on the album for me, but every time i hear it i discover again just how great it is.

    i agree that “up” is a diamond in the rough. it’s a difficult and labyrinthic album that, for some reason, feels like a blind spot in the music world. strange that such a gem can be so unfairly overlooked by many.

  25. Bruno Says:


    Been gone for awhile – Hi REM ers

    Listened to some stuff tonight that makes my cat jump (if you know what I mean).

    Reminded me of this here blog

    Like-minded forces unite – where would we be without this topermost spacious! And where will we be once it has gone.

    Will we just drift around the far reaches of cyberburg?

    I just love them dammit. And all these fine furry feathered folksters join together – now is the time!

    Here we are.

    Just sayin’

  26. jim jos Says:

    Man, I hope Up gets judged more favorably in time. It deserves to be, for me, as AFTP is about Life and Mortality, Up is about Life and Depression. And the things people are critical of about it, I think add up to its overall feel (though I still agree with those who feel that it should be condensed some).

    So, since that’s the way I view the album, I view the Apologist’s refrain of “I’m sorry” as being insincere, sure, and, yes, mocking. BUT….

    I do think there is an underlying element of real sadness there. Kind of a depression shield of “I’m good, all is good” thrown up as defense. “I live a simple life, unfettered by complex sweets” seems to be the main refrain here and how you take that line ties in with how you take the rest of it. Maybe its the one real moment of honesty. “I am a good person, I don’t do anything “wrong”, I really don’t deserve this misery” or maybe unfettered is more liberated, “my life is simple, unfettered sweets (sex, drugs?) are simple for me and I find them to be uncomplicated and enjoyable.
    “thank you for being there for me, thank you for listening, goodbye” Smug kiss off or is he really going to jump off a bridge there?

    Maybe that’s for the listener to judge, one thing is for sure, the Apologist has put up so many walls and hides his own emotions to such a degree, that we can be forgiven (pun perhaps intended) if we are not sure where he is coming from, because he himself might not know.

  27. Rob Says:

    I was thinking about this song recently, and in fact thinking of Up as an album in and of its self. I really like the way that the songs sound so different live than they did on the album. Obviously it would be difficult to pull off all the studio trickery from the recorded version, but it also proves that there is no definitive version of the songs. The Apologist and Walk Unafraid rock really hard in concert, yet the slightly woozy feeling they have on record works just fine for me to. Like Wilco’s recent live reinterpretation (sp?) of Via Chicago which made for an amazing moment in concert, but might not have sounded right in the context of the Summerteeth album.

    Anyone else had problems with their posts appearing over the last few weeks?

  28. jft Says:

    a great song, nothing much to add.

    just wanted to leave some words about the album. “Up” was the last R.E.M. album I bought (well, before “Accelerate – I began in 2003 with In Time, ATS followed 2004, AFTP 2005 and all the others 2006) – and this was a) because it was the only album I couldn’t find in 4 or 5 different cd shops and b) because I heard so many bad things about it that I wasn’t really expecting that much of it. so, in the autumn of 2006 I finally ordered it online. it’s definitely a grower, it needed time. finally, today I consider it as the most consistent R.E.M. album since -well, I’d say, since Murmur. every of their albums from 1984 to 1996 had at least one weaker point – this one hasn’t. that being, Up profits of its closeness as an album, but it still has many really, really great songs. Sad Professor, Falls To Climb and Walk Unafraid are definitely top 15 R.E.M. songs for me. their only album that manages to have the same amount of top 15 songs must be AFTP (Drive, Sweetness Follows, Find The River).

    one of my favourites.

  29. milesy Says:

    It’s not that I don’t like Up, it does have some really good moments. But it remains, for me, a fairly mediocre album by REM high standards. The Apologist is a song that epitomises this. It’s not bad.
    Just saying. And I feel kind of guilty for doing so. But it’s not on the same scale as Murmur, sorry…
    But what do I know? A couple of songs notwithstanding, I think ATS is a fantastic album…

  30. profligateprofiterole Says:

    I don’t really think Up can be properly categorized. It’s just so……..different…….If nothihng else , it’s certainly different.Great record for smoking a few squares.Personally, I love it…ATS fantastic except for a few clunkers? That’s bound to launch a few salvos (bsides the ones already flying in the ever fascinating arena of American politics.)

    yeah, Rob, this one and will give you a free credit report if you pay for it

  31. profligateprofiterole Says:

    In some ways I think Accelerate is pretty lame. The thrill wore off pretty quick..(maybe I’m just going through a phase)..Houston is the one song I can’t get tired of, though…

  32. milesy Says:

    Yes, Accelerate. Someone had to say it eventually. I do think there are some good rocking songs there: but it might well be a bit lame, indeed.
    ‘We know what’s going on.’ Is that all we’ve got to say..? Is living well all we can do..?

    Shoot me down, someone, please…

  33. Rob Says:

    I had been wondering if Accelerate would still hold-up, or if I had played it to death. I gave it a rest for a while, then played Man-Sized Wreath loud on my headphones. The bass parts and backing vocals made me want to run around waving my arms like a three year old child on a sugar rush.

  34. profligateprofiterole Says:

    the problem is that every song {IMO} after Accelerate– that would be the last five songs on the record– are not that good..maybe they should have released an ep instead……….probably what’ll happen is that the next time I listen to it after not listening for awhile I’ll be blown away. everything is relative, ain’t nothing absolute

  35. milesy Says:

    I need to stop being negative here. So here’s a big positive for me about Accelerate: the Take-Away Shows versions at I think they’re great, they show what musical sensibilities these guys still have, and one sure indication that a song is good is that it still works when stripped right down. Watching these for the first time was the most excited I’ve been about hearing new REM stuff for a long time.
    (and Bill banging on the steering wheel in living well is just great)

  36. maclure Says:

    The blogotheque stuff is great – the cavern version of SftS was amazing! It also gave me the impression REM were looping back to some of the surreal video locations of their first two albums.

    I, for one, love Accelerate. It’s not perfect, it’s probably a 4/5 album but it’s so much fun. Strangely, I tend to skip Hollow Man and Accelerate only. The rest I listen to on loop. One bugbear I have is about some of the production – esp on Mr.Richards, a great song inside, but somewhat sucked of life by some heavy-handed compression. For the first time in a while on the release of an REM album (thanks to this blog prob) I’ve spent a long time wading through the lyrics and mostly I think they’re excellent. I also think DJ is a wholly appropriate ending to the record and ties together some lyrical themes really nicely – a point I think many people miss when they rubbish that track. I could go on, but I’ll stop there…

  37. Kirsten Says:

    Just to get back on track….
    I was listening to a show from ’99 on the weekend and Michael introduced The Apologist as (not exact quote): “This song was written about a man who has been in therapy and has to apologise to everyone he’d wronged. As the song progresses, we learn that he is an even bigger monster now than he was before.”

  38. Clare Says:

    Going through some old videos the other night, I happened to stumble upon a documentary the guys made whilst recording Up…my God, I don’t even remember having seen it before. I didn’t move or breathe (judging by my pins & needles & hyperventilation at the end of it) for 60 mins.

    It was a fascinating piece of work, not least for the starkness of the band’s utter depression. I have never seen Michael look so consumed by sadness, in his eyes & body language. The guy looked rung out emotionally. Total stark contrast to the docu-stuff around Accelerate. Peter Buck looked like he was a cat’s whisker off packing it all in – it really WAS close. I adore Up, but those of you who don’t should see it perhaps as a means to an end, I think it was Michael’s neccesary therapy at the time.

    Imcidentally on the same tape was a South Bank Show special on the band which I again remembered nothing about….have I lost time?!, wish I could pretened I was on good drugs back then!! What a pleasant evening, beats having to sit through Simon Satan Cowell.

  39. maclure Says:

    While we wait for Mr Perpetua to compose his next masterpiece of analysis, why don’t we bide the time thusly? A few of us talked about how UP is an unsung classic that the music industry could do well to wake up to. What other albums do people have by other groups that should recieve merit but have otherwise been overlooked or unfairly trodden on?

    For me, for starters and in no particular order:
    Gene – Olympian
    Kingmaker – In the best possible taste
    Longpigs – Mobile Home

    and there’s oh so many more…

  40. JimS Says:

    Clearly, I am besotted, but three by Robyn Hitchcock:

    I Often Dream of Trains
    Moss Elixir

    “Raining Twilight Coast” spins as I write….

  41. Rob Says:

    My unsung classic (perhaps not too controversial for an REM fan) would have to be Grant Lee Buffalo’s Mighty Joe Moon. Everyone raves about Fuzzy, but to me this is a far superior album.

  42. Rob Donnelly Says:

    Hey Matt, I’m a huge R.E.M. fan and would like to to do little illustrations for some of the the songs. If you’re up for it, let me know. I’m looking forward to the “Burning Hell” analysis.

  43. Paul Alferink Says:

    Most of the music I like are critical darlings that no one else pays attention to. So whilst Modest Mouse and Sufjan Stevens get fair amount of attention, I still can’t figure out why I never hear either when I turn on the radio. . .

    I guess I heard “Float On” a couple times. . .

  44. Jared W Says:

    Belly’s “King” is one of my favorites of all-time. It was regarded as a failure follow-up to the more critically acclaimed “Star”.

  45. profligateprofiterole Says:

    Bon Jovi was on 60 minutes this past sunday. they showed his classic styled French chateau mansion on the __? River in___? horse country in New Jersey..including some interior shots, was pretty amazing.wanted to “get something classy for he and his wife to grow old in”..well I guess so !! he’s a good guy, does lots of positive stuff wtih his money, very altruistic, very all around good egg. I remember reading somewhere that he tried drugs , or a drug (?), when he was like twelve , had a really bad experience and hasn’t touched anything since. if only we could all be so lucky.

  46. profligateprofiterole Says:

    ……so I’m watching CNN just now and they’re talking about the electon results in Kentucky and Oregon, both states with overwhelming large white majorities; Bill Schneider–that older gentlemen–is giving the results of a phone poll he did with prospective voters in which he reports that 6% of Kentuckyians and 28% of Oregonians have no religion whatsoever, he says , “Yeah, REM had a song called ‘Losing My Religion’, and I guess many Oregon residents took heed.”…(I was really surprised by his reference, )..and he throws it back to the other pundits and Lou Dobbs quips, “I don’t know what I’m more shocked by ,those results, or that Bill Schneider follows REM”, and then flashes that movie star smile of perfect pearly whites, chuckles all around, it was funny…

    in the new Rolling Stone , they’re talking to Mills about touring this summer, “What’s on the REM rider?”–MM: “Fruit, cheese, red wine, and lint-free towels. You can’t go out there with lint in your hair. You’ll look stupid.” “Do you have a favorite story from touring in the Eighties?”– MM: Well, we shared a trailer with Ratt at a festival in Calaveras County in California in ’84.” “Wierd. Did you talk to Ratt?”–MM: “No, but we listened to them get “UP” for the show. That’s all I’m saying…” I’m so sorry.

  47. jim jos Says:

    round and round, what comes around goes around…I’ll tell you why. But they never did say way, did they?

    Got to respectfully disagree with those who do not care much for Accelerate. A month and a half into it, I do not play it as much, but I still think its a great record.

    Sing for the Submarine made me go out and get Blade Runner on DVD. Great movie.

    Speaking of Harrison Ford, anyone going to go see the new Jones movie this weekend?

  48. Paul Alferink Says:

    I am. But I see everything . . .

    When they built the new College Basketball Area in my home town, Ratt was the first band the booked. Followed by Poison. Then Tom Petty. Sad I missed the Tom Petty Show. I think every 7th grader in my town besides me went and saw the Poison show. . .

  49. Tim Says:

    I just realized I have two live versions of The Apologist on my iTunes. One from Scotland and one from Stockholm, Sweden.

    Stipe introduces The Apologist in Scotland as a song about a guy (or maybe a girl) who went through this 12 step program, and he emerged on the other end a much much cleaner person, but a horrible horrible monster, much worse than when he walked into it.

    In Sweden, Stipe introduces The Apologist as the theme song from “The Exorcist”

    Dont know if that sheds any light on the song…or its just Stipe rambling between songs.

    Sounds really really good live though…especially the so sorry, im so sorry, so sorry interplay between Stipe and Mills.

  50. maclure Says:

    Ditto Belly King and Grant Lee Buffalo as mentioned above. Great records. jim jos, you are not respectfully disagreeing with me – I love Accelerate.

  51. profligateprofiterole Says:

    it’s not I don’t like Accelerate , it’s just that the second half is so listless and filler-like after the dynamic onslaught of the first half; if the songs after Accelerate were even half as interesting as the first part of the album , it would be a KILLER rcord

  52. profligateprofiterole Says:

    ever notice the similiarity between the bass coming out of that middle funky piano part of Thunderclap Newman’s ‘Something In The Air’ and that one bass part in Electron Blue ?

    I’m so sorry

  53. Rob Says:

    Re: the second hslf of Accelerate, Mr Richards, Horse To Water and Untill The Day Is Done are amongst my favourites. Hollow Man is the one I tend to skip.

  54. Paul Alferink Says:

    Mr. Richards is one of my favorites on that album.
    I also tend to skip Hollow Man. Pretty generic rocker, really. Head scratcher as a second single.

    “Believe in me, Believe in Nothing?”

    That sounds like a crap High School band lyric. Or, I suppose, a certain T.V. Theme song.

  55. profligateprofiterole Says:

    I agree about Hollow Man , maybe they made it intentionally hollow, maybe they’ll even more clever than we think.

  56. Beethoven Was Deaf Says:

    Hollow Man is garbage, bottom 5 REM easily, the rest quite good (and I love Sing For The Submarine and Mr. Richards from the last part of the album).

    Lost CD gems:

    1. Tim Booth (of James) and Angelo Badalamenti – “Booth & The Bad Angel” — Excellent side project by the lead singer of James (great band) and the the composer for “Twin Peaks” and several other eerie movies. As an added bonus Bernard Butler, Suede’s original guitarist (and a damn good one) plays on about half the tracks. Very good stuff. Also, most of James’ CD’s would fit in here as well, at least in the USA.

    2. Death Cab For Cutie – “Transatlanticism”

    3. Cause & Effect – “Trip”

    4. Mazzy Star – “So Tonight That I Might See”

    5. Mates of State – “Bring It Back”

    6. Suede – “Dog Man Star”

    7. Anything Box – “Peace”, “Worth”, & “Hope” – all 3 are good.

    8. Live – “The Distance To Here” (equal of Throwing Copper)

    9. The Tragically Hip – “Yer Favourites” – This is a 2 disc hits collection, which is kind of cheating, but as much as a love the Tragically Hip, there albums proper are a little scattershot.

    10. Have to agree with several of you as well about “King” by Belly.

    Comments on this list are appreciated.

  57. maclure Says:

    I haven’t heard Live’s The Distance to Here, will have to check it out if it’s the equal to Throwing Copper. I agree with you on Dog Man Star – that is the best Suede album by a long way, imho.

  58. Rob Says:

    I’ve neglected my Mazzy Star cds for a while. Thanks for reminding me of them, Beethoven. Can I add to the list In A Bar, Under The Sea by Deus. Or maybe The Real Ramona by Throwing Muses.

  59. Paul Alferink Says:

    I love that Mates of State Album.

  60. jim jos Says:

    “so tonight that I might see” that is a fine album, haven’t listened to that in a long time. I love her voice.

    I saw James open for Neil Young in the early 90’s. Good band, like a lot of their songs. Not just Laid, but, yeah, I love that one.

    good choices there, but I have never been able to like Death Cab for Cutie, prob my loss.

    I listened to the Pursuit of Happiness yesterday, why they never broke in the United States, I’ll never know (wait, I do), but that song “I’m an Adult Now” good forgotten tune from 1988.

    Anybody remember them? You Tube em.

  61. Mr Cup Says:

    When I first heard that song jimjos, I thought he was singing “I’m on the dole now”.

    Dole means unemployment benefit or welfare. (Pogey?).

  62. Kirsten Says:

    I’ve always loved that song, even though I was only 9 when it came out, so even though I use to sing it, it technically wasn’t true. Probably look stupid now as a 30 year old driving around with it at full blast. (but I do). I don’t know why heavy metal died, it was soo good!

  63. profligateprofiterole Says:

    ….unless you work actually for Dole…Bob , or those cantankerous banana kingpins

    Heavy metal ain’t dead !!!
    It’s not like the records aren’t there to listen to.
    So, there you go, sing a song to Satan
    And practice your spandex cheeseballery.
    And while your at it fly a kite
    Without fear of retribution from the Taliban.

  64. […] sadistic defamation of character. There are a handful of R.E.M. songs sung from the perspective of creepy individuals, but the character in “I Took Your Name” is the only one that is played as […]

  65. ScottMalobisky Says:

    I’m so sorry

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